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he will be more than 3-D guy even i think he wont be 3pt specialist, but can play with ball on the floor. kinda like PJ mold than Doe his stop drive in the paint is his bread n butter in his college tapes. so many fouls drawn


His pump fakes send so many guys flying, if he gets better at the mid range that easy 10 ppg


You can tell his confidence has grown tremendously since the beginning of the year. I think he’s def improved skill wise but to me what he didn’t have coming in was confidence it looks like he’s got it now. Can’t wait to see how his game develops.


This 100%. He not only looked confident, but looked like he was having fun. Love Omax.


I hope he trains with DJJ. Flight 55 really uses both his reads of the opponent’s offense and his athleticism to smother a player.


I hope we keep DJJ


It’s going to be hard because we can only offer the tax-payer MLE or something like that.


Even in Summer League I was really impressed by him. He looks like he can move well with the ball and create his own shot, and his defense looks insane. The upside on him is ridiculous. I hope he trains with Kyrie over the summer.


my favorite omax skill are his stop pump fakes under the basket. Those fakes would be so useful with his size once he's rotation ready.


He's trained under Dwight Powell, you gotta expect superb pump fake game


Except nobody bites on Powell 😂


Shot looks a lot better already, but he still looks very "jittery" on defense. I hope his traditional athleticism turns into functional athleticism. That will be the key to him becoming a true SF.


Dunno what his development cycle needs to be from here, but I’m looking forward to teams getting thrown into Super Omax PJail soon. Edit: a word


Good and Bad plays from the game for OMax: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Evt8LS7tbU&ab\_channel=SlamJamZone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Evt8LS7tbU&ab_channel=SlamJamZone)


Didnt know Will was his other middle name lol


he has very high potential. he has a solid handle, his 3 appears to be more fluid and appears to be consistent (g league and last few games). he has an elbow mid range and attacks the rim with relentless energy. if he reaches his full potential he can be an all star, his most likely landing spot in terms of realized potential is an og type of guy. an elite 3 and D.


Its really nice to see him play well considering how bad he looked at the start of the season when he could not dribble the ball at all. He will be 22 in a couple of months so Im not sure about his upside, but he seems like a player who can become a 4th option. I like that he showed some bag today. What I like the most is his pumpfaking. If he is able to make open 3 pointers next season he might be getting minutes. I hope he can blossom into a starter.


Herb jones just turned 25 and only had his breakout season this year..


What are you talking about? He was 6th in ROY and there was some really great players before him on that list. That guy has always been solid, but his numbers has been the same more or less the whole time. Also, just because someone old becomes good is no good indication that Prosper will do the same. Lets be honest, there are more players like Prosper who never made it than did.


I feel like he has already gotten a lot more polished offensively. I seriously think he can be a rotation player next season but that’s just me


Next year we’ll be able to run a defensive lineup including Dante, PJ, OMax, and Gafford/Lively. That’s a bunch of disciplined condors with high motors.


Why do you want him to take Maxis mins?


Because I think Maxi is almost done as a productive NBA player and we need a long-term replacement.


I just hope people will have grounded expectations for him based on a realistic timeline for a developing prospect but unfortunately this is Reddit. People are going to get upset if he goes 0-for in a meaningless win next season


i feel like realistically it’s gonna be very hard to keep DJJ. having OMax makes me breathe easy for next season, even if might take some adjusting for him still.


I think he’s shown a ton of growth. He’ll be more than a 3 and D guy. I’m big believer in having a complete offseason. Usually guys show what they are in the second season. Tons of upside!


Take Maxi's minutes? How about take THJ's minutes? Maxi is great in spot minutes, you casuals are so frustrating.


“Casuals?” I’ve been watching the mavs religiously since the 90’s, asshole. The reason I said Maxi instead of THJ, because I hope THJ is off the team entirely. Fuck you, dickhead.


Even if THJ is off the team someone has to take his minutes…….


….okay?? You do know they play different positions, right? I want someone else to play THJ’s minutes. Preferably, you know, another guard since will need one with THJ gone. Maybe it’s Hardy, or maybe it’s someone who’s not on the team yet. Maxi = 3 and D big man. I’m hoping Omax can fill that role.


So a lineup of; Kyrie, Luka, PJ, Omax and Lively is not something you’re interested in?


Someone is angry


Brilliant observation.


YESSSSS , We’ve got our own Herbert Jones. No more posts of us trading 5 first rounds and young players for Herbert.