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He’ll probably get some Hardy like minutes next year. Maybe more if we can offload THJ.


I think his position and size means he may get more backup wing moments than backup guard. Which is good, means Kidd might inject him into a Luka or Kyrie lineup for certain regular season games, instead of a garbage time Hardy lineup.


Problem is he’ll still be behind: Exum, green, DJJ and likely THJ for wing minutes.


Green, Exum, and arguably THJ are guards.


They are all wings, who occasionally act as a ball handler. The only fully time ball handlers are Luka and Kyrie. We typically play 2 ball handlers, two wings, and a big. Prosper certainly isn’t going to bring the ball up much, and he’s not a big. So he will be in the rotation with the wings. Guard or forward really doesn’t matter much.


Guard does not automatically mean ball handler I’d say they all 3 toe the line of guard and wing.


Exum and THJ are straight up guards and Green plays forward but he’s undersized in it. If Prosper gets better he’d be a way better option in forward roles thanks to his size, length and athleticism.


We dont know what will happen with djj, if he plays amazing in the playoffs another team might throw money at him


THJ and Green are getting traded


Think THJ for sure.


If hardy doesn’t go bananas this upcoming summer league… it’s time to move on.


It’s already time if he has any value in a trade.


He just doesn't have the seperation abillity, which was why he dropped so much during the draft. He is a good shooter, but he can't create ANY easy shots for himself, everything he takes is hard unless it's a wide open 3 created by someone else. When he tries to create, it's always a heavily contested shot or a tough finish at the rim. He can't create for others either, not a winning formula.


So O-Max > Hardy this point in their careers? And to think we trusted Hardy to develop into a reliable backup guard


Hard to do that when all he gets is 3 minutes every 3 games. He was on a run until Kidd decided to give all his minutes to THJ. Next season move Exum at SF and give Hardy the backcourt minutes. Move THJ and Green for a starting SF since we wont be able to re-sign DJJ. Hardy PG/SG Exum SF/PG OMax SF/PF Kleber PF/C Lively C


He’s gonna get backup wing minutes which i love bc it means less 3/4 guard lineups from kidd


Tim is getting traded, he has to. Expiring salary and good size for matching. Praying for the Bogdanovic swap with the Hawks. Hoping the hawks owner is being penny pincher again and ofloads long term salary.


I don’t have my PHD in NBA contracts but is it at all possible to trade Tim for a trade exception and use that money to resign DJJ?


We are like 38 million over the cap, Tim is making roughly 18 million next year. It may unlock the full MLE, but I don't think DJJ is worth that. Nor do I think it would be smart. Because you have to give up assets to get rid of Tim's salary. Just like the Kings did for us to take Holmes, got us 24th pick (OMax). We are asset strapped, so can't waste anything. Moreover Tim is likely the only decent matching salary we have right now that may be attractive to teams, because he is expiring. For us to upgrade, we need Tim's contract.


I could very much see him getting 15 mins next season


I think he starts the season outside the rotation still. Our biggest difficulty will be trying to keep DJJ, but outside of that we have to clear the logjam at the 3. In my mind, this would be packaging Tim and Maxi and see if we can get another big wing. I know there’s a segment of fans who want Josh and Jaden gone, and that’s possible but I just don’t see us trading two guards for a wing. Considering the players, we would be looking for an overpaid asset, and I can’t help but think Jerami Grant would be the likely target. We don’t have the assets for Bridges. All that to say, in order for OMax to take time in the wing rotation, you need to get rid of some guards. Tim is the obvious solution which allows you time to assess JG and Jaden before the trade deadline. You can also toss a few of the minutes Tim plays at the 3 (and the 4 in some of the small ball lineups) to OMax. I think they can find him 8 to 10 mins a night. But that would still be outside the rotation.


DJJ has been a big part of our success on defense. No one is safe with him on there with either lively or gafford. You can get blocked at any time


DJJ will be gone unless he takes one hell of a discount. With the way he is playing, he’s definitely getting a MLE deal (and it is quite time for him to get his bag. He played well on Miami and really well on Chicago, had to ball out here as well to get recognition). If we take him away, the minutes are easily there. THJ and Exum are only played at the 3 due to our running obsession with 3 guards rotations (Exum a little less, he is more often the first guard off the bench). Realistically, we have Green and Lawson for the spot, the logjam is at the guard spot, with THJ and Hardy being somewhat redundant. We will need a defensive guard after Exum leaves, but Green should take that spot (I always thought his ideal role is as a SG). I think Lawson is underrated, but he is not fighting for rotation minutes. If we can re-sign DJJ somehow, this calculation changes, but other than that, OMax will very likely spell Green with double digit minutes per game right out of the gate. Nico is desperate to trade THJ, so he could be gone as early as draft night.


I don't think DJJ will get a full MLE. Even with his shotprofile here, he's only a 34 3P% shooter on low volume. Other teams are going to be wary to sign him to a MLE deal, considering Luka is the best shot creator for others in the entire league and only the Mavs have Luka. It's like the Larry Bird quote about not signing any of Lebron's teammates, because they perform that way because of Lebron. DJJ isn't getting this many easy shots (especially from 3) anywhere else. I think tax-MLE will be doable. Unless a team with actual cap space has to fill it and they give it to him to have matchable salary for trades.


Agreed. DJJ has proven he is a rotation player on a good team but I think it’s pretty clear Dallas is his best spot and the rest of the league likely agrees.


Not sure when nephews will understand that Powell and Maxi are gonna retire as Mavs:)


*45.5% 3pt over last 4 games He shot over 40% 3pt in the g league as well. He's on route to being the perfect 3 and d wing we've been needing


Thanks for the correction




And he looks a lot bigger than what I remembered him. He looked like a big man out there.


6'8, 230lbs. Same size as Aaron Gordon, but way more mobile and a bigger wingspan. He's going to be a beast and we got him for free


> but way more mobile and a bigger wingspan He's not more mobile than Aaron Gordon. Omax problem is his lateral movement and footwork, he is always tap dancing and a step to late. It's one of the reasons why his stock numbers are so uncharacteristically low given his profile. It was like that in college as well. Defensive footwork and lateral movement will be the reason whether Omax makes is as a real rotation player or not.


He doesn’t get steals or blocks because his defense is forcing tough shots and misses rather than gambling for highlight plays. Has nothing to do with foot speed or movement.


Not really, historically nearly all wings drafted in the NBA that went on to become great defenders had good to great stock numbers in college. O-Max stock numbers were an outlier in college, given his size, length, athleticism and effort on defense he should have gotten way more. On defense he is constantly tap dancing and always step to late when rotating to help weak side. His athleticism hasn't transled into functional athleticism. This is not new information, before the draft scout and talent evaluators said he looks like he is skating on ice and it's very obvious when you look at his feet on defense. Moreover, I remember a Mavs beatwriter writing a article before the draft looking into his defensive potential and his low stock numbers were an outlier (in the wrong way). He has all the tools, but it hasn't translated yet. I hope it will eventually. The shooting improvement in the G-League has been particually promising, even if his defense doesn't become what we want, it's fine as long he is a okay defender with good shooting. Eitherway worth the pick, 6'8 guys (looks huge on the court) with a 7'1 wingspan who has raw athleticism (vertical and speed) who hustles on defense don't grow on trees. Didn't cost us anything anyways aside from accepting salary.


I firmly believe he’ll be in the rotation next year. Guys like him don’t grow on trees. Long 3&D wings are super valuable. Hope he continues to work over the summer on his shot especially corner 3


If he can play D he should be playing instead of THJ without doubt


He is next years DLive. Mark my words.


He could sneak into the starting lineup by allstar break


Pending injuries from going 110% this playoffs we might even see him! I think the depth we now have sees us through.


>Rotation guy next year? Depends if the Mavs can retain DJJ and also upgrade at starting SF. If both those things happen OMax will have limited mins and given time to develop slowly. If not, OMax gonna have to step up big time and fast.


I prefer him to be in the forward spot (SF/PF) rather than in the guard spot. If DJJ price himself out of the Mavs' range this offseason, OMax might be a good insurance policy. Depth chart next year (if DJJ re-signs): PF: PJ/Maxi/Omax/Morris SF: DJJ/PJ/Omax


He is insurance for next year if DJJ leaves


6th star behind Luka, Kai, Lively, Gafford and PJail


It’s gonna take him a long time to earn regular minutes. He still has no idea where he needs to be on the court. Gets lost on defense all the time, and isn’t consistent with the rotations. Jaden is a lot further along than Omax is.


Why won't he be getting minutes in this year's PO, if he's in better form than Hardy, THJ, Green...?


He really outshined thj, and I’m sad to say hardy too. I hope he develops and stays with us.