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James standing up to his father. James meeting Ruby's family. Maybe a scene of James live-drawing Ruby. Ruby telling James the whole reason she wants to go to Oxford and sharing her preocupations about wanting to give back to her family, especially her father.


I LOVE the idea of a live drawing scene or scenes.


NO RUBY/JAMES-RELATED LOVE TRIANGLE!!! More Alistair/James interactions... & maybe a couple Alistair/Ruby interactions James meeting Ruby's family James rejecting Elaine directly (like actually telling her to her face) - in front of Ruby woukd be a plus James and Ruby on a date (or two)


I will like to see your 3rd statement happen. Yes would be amazing!!


I would love to see more on Ruby and Lydia’s friendship develop. Spoiler alert…In book 2 their friendship grew and that was beautiful to see. . 2. More of James groveling to Ruby big time! 3. NO LOVE TRIANGLES PLEASE. There was none in the book and honestly that storyline is so played out. 4. James and Ruby on a few dates and spending time together. And those intent staring into each other’s eyes and insane chemistry they have. 5. James meeting Ruby’s family and spending time with them. 6. And yes definitely more of the beautiful music and soundtrack!


I’m dying for the moment where James has to face Angus und is totally handsome out of respect for Angus. And Angus being the “bad cop” on the first day. And the Jenga game after the dinner ❤️❤️❤️ Showing James who loving and caring a family should be.


Ruby and Lydia's friendship


I do not want the Wren/Ruby backstory, but I suspect that will be excluded since it wasn’t even hinted at in S1. Not even sure I want >!the Ember/Wren pairing. Granted, without the Ruby backstory, I might be able to get behind Ember/Wren.!<


I don’t want that at all. I don’t care about Wren and Ember is great as an independent character who likes to flirt and might date around.


-Ruby comforting James -maybe Ruby at the funeral but like in the back but James sees her? -they should go on a real date - James groveling God I hope they don’t do an exact translation of book2 I hate triangles




You know they've already been setting it up though right, implying that it might be that Oxford guy but who knows?


Ohh yes, I absolutely want to see Ruby comforting James the way she does in the books. Also agreed on the groveling. I like that the author made that comment on the promo-pic. Leads me to believe he will be working overtime to >!win her back.!< Adding to that 2nd one, we need >!an epic make-up scene.!<


hopefully the screen writers and directors are looking at the reddits 😂


i hate hate hate love triangles omg


Yeah, do not want! There’s none in the book, at least not a true one, and I sincerely hope they don’t add any in the show.


Would like to see the briefest of glimpses of James getting therapy (but recognize that probably won't happen)...and for the next season to be a little less predictable. Would NOT like to see (maybe a potential spoiler here): James cheating on Ruby.


I need the scene where Lydia yells at James because he had fucked up his relationship with Ruby. And all he hear is rage against the Machine via his headphones and sees Lydia’s mouth speaking/yelling at him.


I have the impression that they are going to change that scene , James will decide on his own to want to get Ruby back without Lydia's instance and that will show us how well James has changed and he is now fighting for what he wants


Totally agree. That part is what I'm not keen on in the books, James doesn't need anyone to convince him to get Ruby back. The James we know on the show would do this solely on his own accord.


Yes the James we know from the series don’t need any help. >!But our hearts and Rubys heart will be shattered into 1000 pieces at the beginning. 😭😭😭😭 Ruby will ignore James totally and he thinks that he has zero chance to get her ever back.!<


The Ruby and Lydia friendship to start blossoming. This was so beautiful to read in the books. The music. More amazingly appropriate and beautiful music for the soundtrack and the scoring.


I'm so scared for the love triangle part since a new actress joined s2 to film in the school apart from the girl who organizes the funeral of James' mother Lydia and Ophelia their aunt there is no other new character in the book 2 so her role remains unknown for the moment but if it is for a love triangle with James the serie will be like the other boring series ya and will lose her charm


oh no 😭 elaine is already enough


I'm actually fond of Elaine, she has her own family problems to deal with and is a fairly harmless/ineffectual villain 😅




That hasn't stopped other shows from adding one lol. I'm begging them not to!


if they do that the serie will lose her charm and what made her better than the other shows but the new actress who joined the cast makes me doubt I hope that she will just join the committee even if I don't see the point of doing that


Nah, I don't think it's that. They already have Elaine & after what happens with the >!kiss!< it would make absolutely no sense for James to then be involved with another girl.. certainly not if he wants Ruby back. So I'm not worried about that, I just can't see it happening at all.


I don't want a love triangle per se, but I do want to see more jealous James. 😌


Jealous James is really a treat! I enjoyed his lashing out to Jude. Curiously enough he's not afraid of whathisname- the boy who has a crush on Ruby, maybe because he doesn't feel threatened by him? Even his reactions to seeing Ruby and Alistair's interactions during the lacrosse game was fun. But yes, i have had enough love triangles between teenagers since i saw TSIT16, so please for everyone's sake, no love triangles.


No love triangle No Lydia/Graham thingy but we will have to Yes (more) kiss/love scenes between Ruby & James Yes Ruby & James opening more to each other, talking about life


I would love to see Lydia's charcter growing more.She has been shown a smart lady and I would like to see her taking over the Beaufort buisness ahead.But I don't want Lydia to have Mr.sutton as her love interest.I think she deserves more.I don't see them as a perfect match.Plus I think Mr.Sutton looks old for Lydia.Yes she is pregnant with his baby which will be interesting to watch what happens next but still...please no Mr.Sutton.


Will Sutton just disappear, please? And yes, I think it would be so great for Lydia to take over the business.


I was thinking they can change story like Sutton disappears when he comes to know about Lydia's pregnancy because he is scared of her father or maybe something else. It can also happen that her father do something to him.And after that will Lydia have her child or not.Then someone new can come in the story helping Lydia in the hard time. Well, anything can happen, I was just thinking how Lydia and Sutton can get separated yk 😄


Be a little bit patient and have some trust in Mr Sutton. 😂 #germanwhoisluckyenoughtoreadthebooks 😅🙈


Mr.Sutton is a good man but I think not that good enough for Lydia.Still...you are experienced so I will be patient.Let's see if Mr.sutton brings his A game in the next season 😂


Anyone know if the soundtrack is on iTunes?? Ty.


It's on Spotify


Taylor Swift music… some of the edits with her songs suits this show so much