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That actually feels pretty quick for them to have already finished the school scenes. What's the chances of us getting S2 before the years out? Or is that unusual for both seasons to be released in the same year?


That won't happen, he already said it in the comments


Given how long it took for S1 to come out, I highly doubt it. Filming is one thing, post-production is quite another beast. Plus the fact that they finished filming at the castle doesn't mean that they finished all scenes in school as I imagine they could use other locations as MH, no? At any rate, they shot S1 in 3 months. They just completed the first two weeks of shooting S2.


Yes, post production takes sooo long


Someone asked this on his most recent instagram post and he said no it doesn't happen that quickly.


S2 is definitely not taking as long to come out as S1 after they finish filming it, I'm sure Prime will want it to be released by the end of 2025. And S1 took years to come out because Prime changed the distribution strategy. But it's not coming out this year, post-production takes time (and he said it himself in the comments that's not happening). So I'd guess Prime is probably eyeing a late 2025 date.


personally I think the end of 2025 is too much especially if filming ends in August by mid-2025 it's perfect before tsip which will be broadcast in the summer


Bruh end 2025 is too much


Feels like they're racing to get it done so that fans have it as soon as possible.


I have this theory that they started filing as fast as they did because Damian wanted to do a fall semester and they wanted him for filming. On top of clearly wanting to start production as soon as possible, they were also considerate of Damian’s wishes. He mentioned wanting to get more of his internships/rotations done by the end of the year in a previous interview.


The shooting part is the fastest part of the process of making a series. What comes after is what takes time.


That would be incredible!!


It makes sense since they will have more scenes that are not taking place at the school in season two. They still have a lot to film. edit: i guess they will be finished with filming sometime in august and then i hope we will get the second season in may 2025 (but that’s just me speculating hahha)


I believe so


I want more episodes


me too =(


This is so crazy that they really jumped into production this quickly. The pressure if definitely on for season 2 and I hope they take their time to make it as watchable as the first. I can wait is what I’m saying lol.


It‘s still day in Germany and the actor of Cyril posted a story driving to the castle so I think this is the last day but they haven‘t finished yet


Maybe it’s just about the DJ himself, that he is returning Berlin.


Hope they don't rush post-production.


Well, there goes my hope that they would film season 2 & 3 at the same time. They finished at the castle fast!


Ngl, I’m a bit worried with how quickly season 2 filming is moving. I hope it doesn’t mean a dip in quality.


I think writers had scripts ready for some time already.


They will have to film at Cyril’s House, James House, the Bells House, the bakery, the lacrosse field 😂


I wouldn’t think there would’ve been much to be filmed at the castle anyway since they were getting ready to attend college. Idk… maybe most of it is filmed at Cyril’s and at Ruby’s.. based on the books.


In all 3 books, they are still in Maxton Hall and they will go to college only in the end of the book 3


The actor of Cyril just posted a story on IG with “back to work” and you see Marienburg


Yes, today is the last day ( I expressed myself badly xD)