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I saw the trailer a few times somewhere and it was screaming dramione so I had to check it out. I expected it’s gonna be cringy as this type of shows usually is, but I was hooked immediately and very pleasantly surprised how good it is. 🙂


For me, I had just given birth, so I was on bedrest for a few weeks. I had just binged the first part of Bridgerton and didn’t know what to watch next. I came across a TikTok of a girl saying “I’ve watched Bridgerton and Maxton Hall and now don’t know what to do with my life.” Since she put both those shows in the same category, I figured I might give MH a try since I was looking for something anyways. So I truly went into it blind (didn’t even realize it was German dubbed in English at first, until Ruby’s scene with Sutton came on lool) I am so happy I went into it having not heard about it at all and having zero expectations - made it all the better! Love this show and the soundtrack ❤️


Congratulations on your baby 🌸


Thank you so much 🥰


Congratulations on your baby 💖 And yes, the soundtrack is so good, I cannot stop listening to it!


Thank you, appreciate it! ☺️ same, the soundtrack is on repeat for me always


I watched a random edit on YT with the stair scene when I was searching baked potato recipes???? Yes. Thanks algorithm 😂❤️


That's hilarious hahahaha. Good job algorithm


I saw the promos on Amazon prime and even though I am an older adult over 50 by the way, I decided to give it a shot. The chemistry between the two leads is amazing and it actually is a really good show.


I'm not surprised it's hooking older audiences - I'm over 40, so I put myself into that category too. When I first finished watching it, I thought 'this is how first love felt like'.


I’m 51 and I love it too!!


I was fed some reels on Instagram of scenes between Ruby and James. Their fiery chemistry just in quick clips, then reading about the pride & prejudice parallels… I watched ep1 and was hooked.


Love the P&P parallels. That hand grab, I gasped.


I know right. Honestly slow burn is where it’s attttt. I know so many other comments and threads in this sub have hit on this but this is the attraction of MH, it’s not just raw/geaphic sexuality in your face it’s subtle and emotional and holds our attention for that reason!


It is emotional and sensual but in a very fem gaze way: the focus on the eyes and the hands is upped from their very first seen when Ruby pushed the money against James' chest and he covered her hand with his to stop her from leaving, hello!!


I have to be honest and admit it was the photo of the two of them laying on the pillows for the promo pics.


Fair! And you know what I love, these are actual moments from the show.


I saw a bunch of edits on Instagram and I noticed Damian. I was like “Isn’t that guy played in How to sell drugs online?” Then I gave Maxton Hall a try and now I’m obsessed.


I love HTSDOF! I think S4 is in production, cannot wait! And Damian of course is brilliant in it.


An Instagram reel of the two




I read the books when they got published, loved the other series (Again...) from the author, and was interested in how they would adapt it, since I didn't really like the books.


Oh that's interesting. I did wonder if I would have liked the books if not for the show tbh. Also Same Me is probably the weakest of the trilogy so my reading experience was definitely improved by having watched the show.


I saw the trailer on YouTube and decided to watch it without knowing much about it just because I liked how the trailer looked.


Solid reason!


I saw it on prime then watched the trailer and went to start watching the entire thing but saw it wasn’t out yet so I cried 😭 then came back and watched it when it came out in one sitting hehe


Oh no the disappointment of it not being out yet hahaha


lol it was the pool scene for me too. I'd never heard of it before but I saw a TikTok of the pool scene.


That pool scene drew loads of people in I think 😅🤣


I saw it on Deuxmoi and placed it on my backburner because I had been burned by the many cheesy teenyboppers that have let me down before, but I saw the first episode one day because I had nothing to watch during dinner and that moment she slapped his chest with his money and his hand covered hers and the way the framing of that scene emphasized their height difference - I was sold


These two really were out there hand holding the first time they met, ugh! The camera also lingers on their hands on his chest for a beat or two. Ugh, I love them 😩


Why was it on Deuxmoi if I may ask? Don’t they only do blinds?


I was mopey about the fact that there wouldn’t be any new episodes/seasons of The Summer I Turned Pretty this year, and wanted something new to watch. I follow several TSITP accounts on Instagram, & about a week after Maxton Hall came out, I saw some meme that one of the TSITP accounts posted, of James staring at Ruby on the field and her flipping him off (when she apologized in ep 2). I thought, what show is THIS? And he looked so hot (hotter than Conrad but also quite similar?!) so that’s why I started watching 😂😍. I loved it so much I tried not to binge watch too fast, but finished the 6 episodes that weekend. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh yeah, it took me two days instead of one to finish it because I started it quite late one evening and I had work the next day! Kept thinking about those two all day, lol.


someone had shared on IG the field scene where ruby’s giving him the finger and his hair is all floppy (🥵), his eyes look so glossy while staring at her and the caption “the moment he realized”. Basically, his eyes 🤩the same way other famous people have been delulu enough to take out insurance policies on certain body parts, he should do it for his eyes. 🤪


Hahahahaha, his eyes are crazy, man and the way his entire face transforms when he looks at Ruby. Wow wow wow.


I saw one reel with the pool scene and I was sold. It was the second time I let one reel control my life 🤣 the first time it was a scene from Love 101


As one does 🤣


i watched it because i read the books in 2018 and as soon as i heard that they will make a series of it i was scared and excited at the same and i am so happy that they did such a fantastic job with casting,producing and screenwriting😊


They really did!


Edits on insta. Haha




A few scenes popped up in my instagram, and I didn’t really think anything of it at the time. Then it popped up as a show to watch on my prime video, so I decided to give it a shot. I went in totally blind and was hooked from jump.


Yep, I think they did a great job with that first sequence, using Damian as bait lol and then introducing his friends (I love the pool fight!) and the drama that jumps starts the show with Lydia. They definitely made the right choice in giving us that first and then showing us what had happened.


I read the books in 2019 or so and when I found out they were gonna be adapted I counted the days until release I was so hyped


I can imagine that! I'm so glad they did the TV adaptation, I would have never crossed paths with Ruby and James otherwise!


Someone made a comparison edit with “The Summer I Turned Pretty,” (I think it was James and Conrad looking at Ruby and Belly in their fancy dresses) and got intrigued but was finishing binging something else. Then I couldn’t stop seeing tweets about it and had it just check it out ASAP lol.


Hahahah, yeah, a lot of moots were talking about how good this show was so it definitely was on my radar!


I saw the series on Prime, the chemistry of the characters from the series image made me watch the first episode, and really liked the rest.


Yeah, I feel like Harriet and James do such a great job the chemistry jumps off the screen even from a picture.


I’ve been following Damian for a while and I knew he was going to be in it so I started watching it for him and I was immediately hooked because it was even better than I expected after watching the trailer!


Oh, what do you recommend of his? I loved How to sell drugs online fast, but not watched anything else.


Yesterday we were still children. Available for streaming on Zdf media thek


I have seen like two episodes of that on national TV in my country and I was really impressed by the young actor who at the time I didn't know it was Damian! Will have to check out the rest now


A tiktok video showed two attractive leads that seemed to have chemistry. Then some comment described it as enemies to lovers story, so I thought I'd check it out.


Same thing happened to me, kept seeing fanedits from the show, got me interested, but it wasn’t until I went to go watch “The Idea of You” on Prime and then seeing the show right next to the “suggested list” and decided to spend my afternoon watching that instead. Hooked from then on. Best decision I made, it was surprisingly better than I thought it would be.


Funny, I put off watching The idea of You because of Maxton Hall too! I watched it eventually but there's just no competition for me!


Insta video of the pub scene where his eyes soften on seeing her 


Omg that scene! His eyes, her face, the music 😭


I live in a big city in Germany (cologne) and there were advertisements all over the city here! I'm talking posters, digital ads, everything, so it was kinda on my radar already and when I saw a friend of mine started watching I thought I'd give it a try as well and here we are a couple of weeks and 4 rewatches later 🫣


Hahahha, fantastic! I think I remember pictures with Damian's mom posing with some of Damian's MH posters in Germany. Couldn't find any posts though, so might have imagined it, lol.


I saw a single tik tok of someone talking about the dancing scene at the party and I was sold lol


Not gonna lie, I think the dancing scene is one of my favourite of the show, if not my favourite. Seeing them having fun together in such a goofy way and then that charged slow dance, just hits all the right spots for some reason.


I know the pool scene and the subsequent car scene are peoples’ favourite scenes usually, but the dancing is my favourite too! So well done and gives me all the feels 🥰


Yeah, and in my head there is an alternative universe in which Ciryl was not a 'totaler Idiot' as Alistair so nicely puts it and Ruby and James left the party with no incident to go to his house 😏


Someone on Insta posted the scene of James jumping into the pool to save her. That was something that peaked my interest.


Can we talk about the jump? Wow, so smooth.


A tweet talking about how good it was.




I watched season 1 of TSITP and it popped up as a recommendation from Prime. I watched it with no expectations and ended binging on a weeknight.


Ha, it is rather addictive!


I’m learning German and figured this would be a good way to get some listening practice in lmao. Ended up loving it


Ooooh very good! Would love to learn German properly, I've only used Duolingo ages ago and it's exciting when I understand random words, lol.


I wanted to watch it from the very first ad I saw for it. I could just tell it was probably going to be my type of show, and I was so right, lol.


Love when that happens!


Honestly I saw so many tiktok edits of it and it seemed right up my alley (I’m an enemies to lover wh0re)


You and me both!


I saw a reddit post raving about it and decided to watch while I waited for Bridgerton


I watched it in between the two parts of Bridgerton too, but I have to say, MH totally owns me and this season of Bridgerton didn't, though I did enjoy it a lot.


My friend suggested it for me- since than i started to read the books and now i read almost 23 romane books in over a month 🤣 ( i work but don’t have any work rn so i am reading the books in the office 🤣)


I had watched Prime's "The Idea of You", & had started getting a bunch of clips & edits for that in my YouTube feed post-watch, but then, clips & edits of this "Maxton Hall" show started showing up in my feed. So I watched a couple of them ... then a couple more ... & down the rabbit hole I fell. Now I'm in this navy & magenta-themed tea party with all of you. ETA: The cinematography, the writing/plotlines & flow, the phenomenal acting, the soundtrack, the sound editing... all pulled me in. Just excellent quality work by all involved. It's truly refreshing & inspiring! I'm WAY too old for YA content 🤣, yet here I am because it was THAT well-done.


I was scrolling through YouTube then came across a youtube short which involved that Lacrosse scene ( where James has heart eyes ) I see it , I like it . I wanna see some more .


My aunt wanted to binge watch it with me. I don't think romance genre is bad or cringe, it's just not my type since I'm more of a gore fan. I basically just watched it because she wanted to. But holy shit when I did , best decision i made this year. The plot was predictable but acting and chemistry was top notch


I stumbled on the first episode on You tube. I had thought it was going to be a summary.


Very smart move from Amazon I have to say!


I saw a part of staircase scene and added this show to a watchlist. Then more and more edits on tiktok popped up, I was kinda frustrated with third season of Bridgerton aaaand that’s how I got here)


The first episode was free on YouTube. Enjoyed it enough to binge watch the rest.


I saw it everywhere on Tumblr. Then of course I had to watch.


reels of damian and harriet (and their explosive off-screen chemistry)! started E1 four different times and gave up each time because i hated how overly dramatic it was and how james was a complete and utter ass to ruby. i despised him. i don't know what came over me but i decided to give it another shot recently and it's like MH became a completely different show after the first two episodes? i finished it all in one sitting and loved it so much!! i ADORE james and ruby and maxton hall has become one of my favourite guilty pleasures! been watching the pool/car scene on repeat, I can't get enough.


I saw on Netflix on the number 1 watch list


Prime Video, right?