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If you replaced everywhere that it says degrees with feet or meters and remove the everywhere it says angular, would this make more sense to you?


If anything I’m more confused


I asked because whether it's angular velocity or regular velocity (or angular acceleration or regular acceleration), the principals are the same and maybe thinking about this as basic kinematics would help. ​ Velocity is change in displacement / change in time. Acceleration is change in velocity / change in time. ​ You have columns for displacement (given), time (given), velocity (calculated from the other columns), acceleration (calculated from the other columns), change in displacement (calculated from the change in rows), change in time (calculated from the change in rows), and change in velocity (calculated by the change in rows).


go talk to your professor


Have you used the kinematics equations?


I think the units tell the story for you pretty well. Column 4 is just the change in angle divided by the change in time, then each column calculates the change of the previous column. This is exactly how I do derivatives/integrals in excel and is the most useful math of going from position to velocity to acceleration as they are the derivative steps of each other with respect to time.


Angular Velocity ω = change in angle/change in time( Δθ/Δt). Angular Accel α= change in Angular velocity/change in time (Δω/Δt). Same as linear motion equations