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So I am working on eventually creating a proper wood stand for my ergodox, but being in a studio apartment and no woodshop, it might be awhile. For now, meet my amazon box stand. It's versatile! It's cheap! It's fully adjustable. And only two of those things are lies!




hmm... Eventually just secure each of them at 90 degrees? A vertical stand... You cannot really save more space than that!


[Like this?](http://safetype.com/modules//homeslider/images/47086e1099ce1ccae4cb4b904a4aaee1.jpg) Edit: Those mirrors make me laugh so much.


Holy shit. That is awesome. The ultimate "What is wrong with your keyboard" keyboard. I love it. I was just thinking doing a upside-down T design. Maybe made in a way that I can tilt it forward and backward depending on hand position. I may just have to get more cardboard to create a mockup. :)


That's some extreme tilting right there.


I love me some tilt! But in all seriousness, it is super comfortable. Also, Forces touch typing, since now you not only have to look down but *lean* to be able to see the keys.... that is too much work.




Thank you! Simple one from amazon, and my first fountain pen. So very comfortable to write with, but I do find that if I don't write with it consistently, the ink can dry and it is a huge hassle to clean that up. As long as I write at least a couple times a month, It is amazing.




That's the Ergodox EZ. It comes preassembled with an injection molded case.


That is the Ergodox EZ, which comes that way from the factory! And it was my first Mech... I guess I jumped into the deep end with layouts. Great company, I bought this one used on mechmarket. Worth Every penny. Has Gat Greens in it.


Don't they have tent legs thingies?


They do, and for most people, those are fine. I find two issues with them: - 1, they connect to the side of the case, meaning that there is a minimum distance you have to keep them apart. - 2, They do not tilt enough for me! They do a max of about 15 deg, which I consider the bare minimum. Much more comfortable if it is 45+ deg. This is about 60 deg, which is fine. I am just not done experimenting yet. As mentioned in my other comment, I just picked up some material to try and create a vertical stand. Who knows? It may be wonderful. It may not be. But I will never know if I don't try it.


Are these CST trackballs worth it? I keep wanting to try one but can't pull the trigger on a full priced one.


YES.* *Well, with conditions. There is no better actual track ball if you like finger style. However, the scroll wheel is in a difficult place unless you have large hands. My hands are almost 9 inches from palm to tip of middle finger, so it works for me. I love it. Had a Kensington Expert at first, and returned it within 3 days; I just new it would not work for me. I did not like the buttons, the ball was scratchy, and the scroll wheel felt... just bad. The CST the Trackball has some weight, so it glides smoothly, especially with the updated rollers. The Scroll wheel is awesome; It is the best I have had on any mouse, bar none. Bad for gaming though.


[Someone else had the same idea](https://redd.it/6a953d).


That one is So fancy! It can withstand pressure and even water... I need to really upgrade my game. Structural Steel?


Update: Based on the response here, I went to Home depot and opened the wallet to make a proper VERTICAL stand this weekend. I will upload images when I am done.


Can you give me a link of the product? I can't find any stand for split keyboard so I started making one like you...


There is no real product. You will need a coping saw, and some screws.it also helps if you have a countersink for some screw holes. But I paused working on that stand! Some other things came up. Maybe I will get back to it in a couple weeks ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh ok... Thanks!


Did you ever finish the newer version? If so I'd love to see a photo, I'm looking to make one myself.


Sadly, No. My M0110 came, and that was end game for me - My Ergodox is sadly waiting me to replace a Gat Green switch which failed. I have fallen out of the hobby and down the homelab rabbithole - It is terrible and all consuming.


It ain't stupid if it works