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That's a big bollock man


I’m no doctor, but I’m guessing that’s the cancer


Other one is also just as big. Haha


Good for you brother


That's nuts.




That nuts*


that nut*


One ball. Volume of two!


LOL nevermind!


It’s just a little cup


Let the man have this one.


Do you miss your ball


You know what, yeah sometimes. Because of this theres only just one hanging there, i feel like it gets lonely sometimes yaknow?


I had a friend (bro) who had one removed to cancer as well, the surgical team gave him a synthetic one to keep the balance and help with the mental stress of dealing with losing one. Dunno man, maybe ask if you feel you would be better with two.


My wife’s cousin - testicular cancer > one ball removed > opted for a silicone ‘Neuticle’ > does not recommend. - he says it does not freely slip within the sack as naturally, so he always feels it getting in the way.


Why waste time say lot word when > - ‘’ / ?


Caveman speech no need symbol




He should have gone with the silicone with Bluetooth so you can adjust its rigidity.


They have ones filled with saline now, so not as solid as the neuticle. OP might look into the saline implant.


Do you ever get a phantom itch on your missing ball


Phantoms in the Brain - V.S. Ramachandran says that it is a possibility and it would not be fun to deal with.


Does it hang in the middle now?


Slightly to the side. I just have a wrinkly ass sack on the other lol


Did they offer to remove the flap of sack? Or is it a sack of flap?


Mud flap


Tried to find this picture earlier but couldnt find it. This is what it looks like normally. Couldnt even recreate it cause its winter so everything has like shrunken up due to the cold. Hopefully the link works. https://imgur.com/gallery/TKpvzGB


Turns out imgur doesnt like it. Hope this works https://ibb.co/zxDgfR6


That worked. But the first attempt was “404”’d & followed by a pic of a fridge door overflowing with eggs. Somewhat appropriate.


These are the important questions.


Does it feel weird? Like can you tell one is missing?


I'm not OP but also had a ball taken (orchidectomy) and I don't miss it at all. Everything works as it did, I even had a kid after chemotherapy. It gives you more room and you honestly don't notice it missing. Plus the missing one tried to kill me which is just rude.


same situation as for my then 19 yr old cousin.. he's in his 50s now and never had any issues.


About to have this surgery on Monday! Uni baller gang


Good luck my dude!


Thanks homie!


Good riddance & all the best to single ball!! All the single balls say “whoop”!!


I hope everything goes well and you may recover soon. Best wishes 🫂


Thanks man


You're welcome, I hope everything went well and that you're on your way to recover 🫂💗


Did you have intrusive thoughts about cooking it?


If I remember correctly, I was given a choice to take some of it home, but after it was throughly dissected etc. if it was any other body part I probably would have, like how that guy made feet tacos. But since it was my ball I just didn't want it. I wouldn't know what to do with it honestly haha.


In some countries, it’s a delicacy! (Thank you for tour answer!)


Also, eating cancer is kinda sketchy. Might be fine, but I wouldn't trust it.


Have you heard of American chickens?


Can you explain further? I'm interested in the subject, and either my search terms are bad, or it's enshittification striking me again.


I think it's just a joke that the way we commercially raise chickens now probably leads to tons of cancer that is at best cut out.


It wasn’t the best or most accurate of jokes but after learning about green muscle disease this week, it was the first thing I thought of. Sorry yall.


I had never heard of green muscle disease.. absolutely wild google ride.


Yea but those are chicken cancer cells. Our immune systems can spot something like that from a mile away. Eating your own human cancer cells sounds a lot scarier.


I never thought about this, but what would happen if you ate a cancerous ball? Would it just be digested by stomach acid or would there be any risk to consuming your own cancer cells?


That user name, though…


At first I read it as tastethecooch. Sometimes a second look clears things up.


You could freak people out and ask if they want to see your testicle and they will be thinking you’re about to drop your pants


Didn't want to taste the crunch?




I’d probably get it preserved in a jar and keep it on the shelf above my desk lmao


How old are you?


24. Was 20 when i had cancer.


Christ that's young! Did you get a prosthetic put in?


Testicular cancer is super common in testicle-havers under the age of 35. That’s why it’s important to know how to perform a self-exam to help identify abnormalities early on. Many doctors actually recommend enlisting/educating your sexual partner(s) in the process because they may be better at finding abnormalities. The same applies for self-exams to check for breast cancer.


Interesting, thank you for teaching me. I had a distant relative die at 21 from breast cancer, very very sad.


Nope. No prosthetic.


I too am curious about what type of cancer it was


If I remember correctly it was a mixed germ cell tumour.


Really need a banana for scale.


Uh, sigh. So this is my current ball. Its probably a little smaller due to the fact it doesnt have a growth on it. But its like a third of a banana and the egg is medium sized. So its like a very large egg i guess? Lol https://imgur.com/gallery/YFbz7Gp


Omg! I thought your testicle was a red potato!


the death grip on the ball made me laugh out loud, great size comparison tho


There's no image in that link. It's missing, just like your..... Nah! I couldn't do it, it's just too cruel...


Oh really? Dang. Yeah I looked into it and I have to download the stupid app. Ill fix it. Its nothing really just my ball, an egg and a banana. Edit: fixed it. I hope?


The ball on you to post this here.


Angry upvote


If you had waited a bit more you could have been Randy from South Park and used it as a writing desk or space hooper.


Would've been a much easier and fun way to traverse, I agree.


Are you less brave now, or do you still have the balls to do things?


That's pretty big. You probably lean to one side now I'm guessing


That's roughly the size of each of my balls. I have what's called a hydrocel. It's a rather common condition in older males. It's benign and is just fluid that builds up in the sac surrounding the testicle. I could go have them 'drained' but the condition would eventually come back. They are a set of truck nuts let me tell you and I usually end up sitting on them if I'm not careful. Kudos to OP for getting his removed. I used to know a gentleman who had one removed for the same malady. We jokingly called him Uno. He was cool with our poking fun.


How was it found? Did you ask if you could keep it (like in a jar... not in a cup)? How did they find it? Did you get a prosthetic? Does the prosthetic have bluetooth? I have more questions if you answer these.


Was spanking the monkey and just happened to feel an unusual lump. They took it away to dissect it, I got offered the chance to have it after awhile, but who wants a chopped up ball in a jar? Wouldn't want a reminder as to how they massacred my boy. How did they find it? They felt around, also got an ultrasound test. That was an interesting experience. Nope. I only got one offered after it and I didn't feel the need for one. Maybe I should get one, I feel like I would be the coolest dude around blasting music with my bluetooth ball. Imagine the possibilities.


If it has Bluetooth I would want it to vibrate, too.


Is it a seminoma? T1?


I’m sorry, but the combination of that image and your username is painting a terrible mental picture


Yeah I get it. Just to let you know, it was in fact not crunchy. 2/10 probably wouldn't bite it again.


Tbh, it looks pretty okay for a cancer ball?


Yeah mine was a teratoma and apparently looked knarly as fuck




Is one enaugh to fully function?


Sadly no, well it was. But I also had something done called RPLND because of this, which removed the lymph nodes the peepee needs to function well. I have had Retrograde ejaculation ever since my RPLND which was the end of 2020. In terms of testosterone and such it seems to work well.


So I hope it's all the joy no juice? Until you pee later of course.




I was conceived after my dad accidentally shot one of his balls off.


It's bloody huge


Sorry all I could think of is that South Park episode where Randy gets cancer to get a pot card. Daym that’s massive though. Glad you are doing better! Cancer sucks.


Mein Teil vibes 👀


The Rodeo Song by Garry Lee and Showdown [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evvzr5mE108](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evvzr5mE108) "Well, here comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand He's a one-ball man, and he's off to the rodeo"


He dropped the ball


How are you doing now? Was the surgery enough to eradicate your cancer? I'm so sorry this happened to you 🫂💗


Yes. Im coming up 4 years free of it in a couple of months. Doing well for the most part.


Had one of my boys removed last year for the same reason. 1 ball-bandits unite!




"A good time?? Yeah, i had a ball!" (I'll show myself out.. )


Did you smack it like a bag of mulch at a farmer’s market?


Somehow your username is what makes this worse




Did you have to go through chemo at all or that was the fix?


Yes, had to do around 8 weeks of Chemo, then had to have a lymph node removal surgery. (RPLND)


Glad you’re doing better! Tell the other lil fella to hang in there 🫡


how did you come to know you had CA on/in your testicle?


Basically one day I was fondling the old jewels and on one side it felt weird, almost like a ridge or a scab feeling which I thought was odd, next doctors appointment I brang it up and he said it was most likely Varicose veins, very little chance it was anything else but he tested for it anyway. Good thing he did.


Did you have any pain or anything else before you noticing it felt different? Or was that the only symptom you had?


I had some abdominal pain, which could or couldn't be related. I think it was as It had started to spread there which is why I had to go through chemo, but other than that it was just the weird bump, not painful or swollen on the ball itself.


Are you still able to have children?


Not through normal means. Due to my cancer I had something done called RPLND surgery. Which basically makes me unable to shoot loads, Nothing comes out of it. I however did have some of my sperm frozen before my surgery! But it was a tiny amount. They pretty much put me in a bathroom and gave me a cup and the wifi password. Was not comfortable in the slightest, they even made me come back the next day, which was worse cause after an hour I slowly walked back out and gave them back the cup empty! I just couldn't get anything to come out. 😭 So the only way I'm probably able to have children is that one method where they suck sperm straight from the source.


Thats a shame, but they've been using the system to extract directly for 20 yrs now, it would be worth the short term pain it involves if it led to a child you wanted. We faced male factor infertility when we tried to get pregnant, my partners epilepsy medication reduces sperm count. It can also affect testosterone level too but not sure that was an issue when we were trying, low normal i think. I helped my partner with samples every time, except on the crucial day because i was having the eggs removed. It was his fourth go by then and they have good rooms with plenty of porn available here in Sweden. No problem, but still freaked me out when they said they think they will have enough sperm for the us. All our eggs fertilized too, when typical about 80% so he felt pretty proud! lol I think there are methods with retrograde ejaculation too, but would need to read up again. Our daughter arrived after out first IVF/ISCI cycle, even with us both over 36 at the time. So long as they still being produced who cares how they get them to the egg!! One did it the traditional way 2 yrs later, so we have 2 daughters 20 months apart. Never say never, just a few could sneak their way through prior to ejaculation, so still remember to use birth control. Best of luck with that side of your life once you reach that point! Its liveable for sure, and pretty common. Stay well!


How does your sack feel now it's half full?


Haha, definitely was weird getting used to it. I don't really think about it now. But one side is all wrinkly. Honestly the first thing i did after the surgery was take a picture pulling the wrinkly side down so i could send to my friends. 💀


That's just one?!!! Holy shit


They probably had to biopsy it still to determine they type of cancer to determine the treatment.


Did you notice anything odd as early signs, even if only in hindsight? Was it getting irritated easily, or swelling? Or did it go straight into growing larger without really feeling different apart from that?


Nothing too odd, thinking about it, there were some early signs but they weren't really located down there. More like abdominal issues, and that's because it had started to spread there. The ball side of things were fine, apart from the odd lump thing starting to form.. it didn't ache or anything.


Did you go through chemotherapy with BEP? Or just orchioectomy? I’m a chemo nurse and BEP is one of my favorite regimens to administer cause I get to spend a lot of time with the patient. I’m on of the few male nurses and the patients are like awesome a dude to talk to.


Yep! Did BEP. Did around 2 or 3 cycles. The oncology apartment I went to had a few guys working in it, not many. But all the nurses there were nice. In your experience what sort of things do people complain about the most while on BEP? Honestly for me It was the amount of times I had to get up and pee, and how all the smells started smelling different. Was awful.


Nause and vomiting so bad that the saline flush made people puke. The peeing is a good thing. The P stands for platinum. We give you cisplatin which absolutely will fry your kidneys so we give you a ton of fluids with it you keep them filtering and you peeing your brains out. No pee and we got problems 🤣


Did the surgery hurt? How was your recovery?


The surgery for this was relatively straight forward or so I heard. They just cut a little slit in the upper right and kinda just dragged it out by the cord. Kinda like going fishing in a way. The recovery was different. Very awkward, I ended up getting a huge hematoma that was around the size of a tennis ball. It was very heavy and sensitive, which made doing lots of things difficult as it swung round lots. I can't remember how long exactly but it took a awhile to get re-absorbed into my body.


Ouch! That must have been hard to walk with. I’m glad you’re doing better!


That’s nuts


Do your loads stay the same?


Don't have loads anymore. I have what is known as Retrograde ejaculation. So instead of stuff coming out, it goes into your bladder.


Just read quickly, they can treat Retrograde ejaculation with fairly basic medications too, a few different types, but mostly done for infertility obviously. It works for men both with medical reasons like diabetes and for those with post surgical reasons too, post testicular cancer surgery and even prostate gland removal surgery. Got to love modern medicine! They can remove sperm from the bladder too, isolate and clean it and use it for artificial insemination. A huge simpler step that full on IVF.. Just involves timing a simple procedure for the woman when she is close to ovulation. So i maintain my wishing you luck with it in the future, reassuring to know this isn't going to mean no children if you want them. Its hard when you are denied something you want so much.. and one day your cancer won't have necessarily meant the total end to fertility. Stay healthy and happy!


Jesus bro you’re a trooper!


One guy, 🧑‍💼 one ball, 🎱 and one cup 🥃


That’s nuts.


Now throw it over west Germany, you dirty bugger


Do you still have it


Do you walk funny now


Where is the cancer on it?


I wanna pop it


Hey Doc, one of my testicles is getting bigger than the other two, should I be worried?


I had a small lump on my left nut and they cut it off. Turned out it was not cancer. Oh well. I honestly don't notice the difference. I still blast big loads. Everything feels the same.


I had a vasectomy back in April and the very same day I experienced what I can only assume is remotely similar to menstrual cramps, I cannot imagine the pain of having testicular cancer, man. But thank heavens you got that removed


Some dickhole doctors have the balls to say that it is not painful.


I had a vasectomy and the only pain I had was the anesthetic shot to the ball sack. Afterwards, the doctor told me and my wife to have sex as often as we could to flush any sperm out. I used that to my advantage.


I was talking about a mass in the testicles.


Oh. I misunderstood. Yes, a big testicle mass would be painful, I would imagine


I had one urologist handing me percocet and while another told me "it shouldnt hurt." It does. Especially when laying or sitting it just feels like it is constantly being squished which as you know is not to good of a sensation.


I was told the removal is just like yours except I wake up minus a ball. Nice and painfree procedure.


u/ICantArgueWithStupid if you wanted to know what it looked like 😂


YESS THANK YOU. I mean I could have done without seeing that. Which why are you here?


That is in fact a big ball


Do you think that Lance Armstrong was a fraud in the testicular cancer sense?


Are you a fan of John "One Nut" Kruk, the former Philadelphia Phillies baseball player?


its a nonad now :( but damn, was it ever staged? id assume it was only stage 1, but its just a single post so yeah


That's nuts


That takes balls...




I’m sorry. I hope you are doing better.


Is your risk of testicular torsion higher or lower? On one hand, having another ball to wrap around sounds like a risk, but on the other hand, you have a single ball with way more space to twist around.


Not at all, it couldn't move in to the other side, even in torsion it only twists within its own sack. My nephew was premature so had hydroceles that needed repair when he was 3. They attack the base of the testicle to the bottom of the inside of the sack to prevent further torsion. Little reminder all guys need to know, twisting of testicle is a full on medical emergency when surgery is required. Always contact Dr if you have unexplained acute pain or colour change, even just being different to the other. ER will always take you in immediately, they never want kids of men to lose one of their testes. I worked on a children's ward as RN, most of the boys arrived directly from the operating room inside of from ER and then to surgery. If they had a operate room ready its immediate surgery... and rightfully so. Don't ever feel too shy, and teach your son's to always tell someone asap. Worst scenario would be removal, always sad when a delay occured because a 14 /15 yr old too shy to tell mum or dad. I have daughters, but they know for future boyfriends!


Yea I went to the ER once for a bruise on my scrotum because it wasn’t getting better. I told the ultrasound lady I felt bad for going to the ER for something like this. But she told me I actually made the right decision and you should go to the ER for any sort of scrotum injuries. They were busy but took me in immediately as you said. I didn’t have testicle torsion or any infections or anything but you never know. If something isn’t right down there go to the ER.


Im happy the cancer is gone 🤍


You should attach a string to it and make when of those ball in a cup games...you know...where you have to catch the ball? In the cup? Yeah...you know.


Randy! Your ball!


Alright. Who cast testicular cancer on this guy?


Do you feel the phantom limb thing with it? Does it make you feel imbalanced when walking?? Is the other one weighing that area down and make them tilted?


You must be one nutty guy!


How are you now? Hopefully in full remission?


Sorry for late response. Work n such. Yeah coming on 3 years


Aside from the cancer, that’s a very nice ball! I hope they were able to get it all before it could spread and that you’re cancer free today!


Oh. My. God.


Guys a massive AC/DC fan


My husband had two types of cancer in one ball about a year ago and also had that one removed. Never needed chemo or anything but has about a 20% chance of the bad cancer coming back. One was a bad cancer and grew double the size in 3 weeks. It was roughly 4-6 weeks from the pain starting to getting it removed because that’s how fast it was growing. Luckily didn’t even have time to Spread though


Is there a difference to jizzing with just one ball, I'd imagine it would be less efficient in some way.


If you read up, some answers explain it more, but due to another surgery that relates to this, I have Retrograde ejaculation. Pretty much no liquid comes from my penis anymore.


Another answer though, before i had that surgery and had one ball avaliable, I believe I saw no decrease in jizzing lol


Lost both of mine to cancer in 2014, no more pain,


Can you have children still?


So... no kids?


Glad to read you're doing well. Sending continuous healing energy. To the others you're sent them, too.


Rip to the fallen nut 🫡


I don’t mean to be weird but I am so curious as to how the sack looks now. Obviously don’t share it but just crazy that I have never seen a sack with ONE giant nut in it.


I just don’t understand why Americans call it balls, it’s oval shaped, why don’t you guys call it eggs instead? It’s much more accurate. (I’m Brazilian and here we call it eggs)


We also call them nuts. That makes more sense depending on the nuts. There is also "las bolas" which I think is Mexican Spanish, so not just a thing from the USA.




i see, but i think they call it huevos (eggs) too


Yeah, they use both. Huevos might be more common but balls are not unheard of in Latin America.