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I'm so sorry this happened to you, how are you doing OP? I hope you can recover soon 💗 🫂


Thanks a lot, I’m doing okay. Recovering from a surgery I had on Tuesday to remove some suspected metastases to the lungs, should hopefully be getting discharged tomorrow


I hope you can recover soon from your intervention. I'm so sorry you're going through this ordeal and I hope you can heal soon 🫂


Thank you!


You're welcome, take care 💗🫂


How does someone get cancer of the ankle?


Terrible luck lol


Sarcoma [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5467685/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5467685/)


Wow, the infiltration into the bone is clear. Was the external growth and swelling of the bone noticeable to yourself? It must have been painful and adapting to your new life will have its challenges; I hope you’re doing well and wish you all the best. At least there’s peace of mind and no uncertainty around the necessity of the amputation, as you say! 😘


I was experiencing pain around the summer of 2023, and didn’t get it checked out until October. Around late October-early November I definitely noticed some swelling, and even redness, and the pain got worse every month. After the first round of chemo, though, it went away completely