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You may notice more and more gamers are turning against multiplayer games due to toxicity every year. Yea they’re still mega huge but there’s been more ppl turning against it.


Not just that, but also the micro-transactions .


some single player games have micro transactions now too lol


Yeah, some. But it’s super common and prominent in fps games particularly. Most my single player games just jump into the infinite dlc releases which can be similarly irritating


its not even always the toxicity. take Ark for example you can play it with friends on a private server all peace and fun. but then your friends also have a family live so you can only find once meaby twice a week more then 2 hours together to play. but that's not enough to make any serious progress. the reason why single player is also almost impossible in those games.


True micro transactions are a cancer


Rocket League has taken a few years off of my life due to stress, I prefer Skyrim, no man's sky and medieval dynasty


NMS earlier today I ran through a derelict freighter on the expedition and another player cleared a room from the other end. We didn't realize another player was in there until we were shooting at each other. Both of us stopped a second, waved, left through opposite doors lol. I love that game, though I'm tied to a particular save from 8 years ago where I was able to duplicate the photon cannon on my starting ship and it blasts a solid stream of never-ending carnage without overheating along with 4b units lmao


That's hilarious You ran into someone else on the freighter! Also I can't imagine having a double photon cannon! Sweeet


But what if you play as the wife?


Well now we know misogyny isn’t one of the toxicity factors turning OP off of online multiplayer games.


I was just thinking that. Also, a lot of girls play Overwatch, so maybe it was to much for him if a girl took gold or whatever. Solider 76 is men's work!


And hawk tuah on that thing?




In oxbow you could plus you can have daughters




Because you can lol




Because you secretly really want to




Because if you don’t I’ll invade your kingdom and then it will be multiplayer lol




I didn't even realize you could play with random people. I don't want some obnoxious 18-year-old edge lord ruining my game! Id only ever play a game like this with friends. Too bad I don't have any friends who want to play games like this, but that's another story :p


I'm with you. I play Dead By Daylight. I saw an article about calm, peaceful base builder games and MD caught my attention. I just don't have the energy in my life right now for multiplayer toxicity. I haven't started playing Medieval Dynasty yet but hit me up and we can play peacefully together, or not, it's okay. I'm afraid of joining another multiplayer game.


Yep, that's about as toxic as it gets. Ran away from DBD a long time ago, as fast as I could.




I just got it and realized there is no multiplayer on Xbox. Sorry man.


Wait. I just heard multiplayer is coming literally tomorrow on console.


Be hype


Your account is painfully toxic man. Maybe there's a reason people in multiplayer games are not so nice to you lol...


Yeah, he's awful lol. Mysoginistic moronic trolling all over the place complaining about toxic people, he's one of them!


I know it has its haters but the fallout76 mechanic of not taking damage unless you engage in any pvp makes for peaceful gaming with zero teabags. I'm sure it's a system in more than just that game but i'm unaware of any.


Player toxicity is why I don't play multiplayer games any more. Even in games where the aim is PvE (like MInecraft, Conan Exiles or Ark Survival Evolved), they're trying to get you killed, you're getting verbally abused by literal strangers, run over by their mounts, left to keep respawning with no gear so you have NO chance to survive properly. It seems now People join these games to not play together, but to tear other people down. Spend all your time in games like Conan or Ark base building just to log on ten hours later to find it's raided and all your mounts murdered by strangers, everything you had stolen. Or you join a server where there is literally NOWHERE to build a base to even get a safe start because the big players have deliberately done crap like put random pillars on a foundation over every patch of buildable land to "claim" it so you have no where to put a base and you're left out in the middle of nowhere to keep being murdered, respawn, murdered, respawn. Gaming should be enjoyable, not stressful and depressing. I did play on private servers for a time but the friends moved on to other games. I haven't even dared try the Medieval co-op tbh because I just don't need the stress. I just want a peaceful PvE experience where I'm not having to look over my shoulder every two mins and can just enjoy building, creating and peace lol.


Griefers I don’t play ark with ppl and I agree it takes forever to get anywhere. I do enjoy NMS. I usually just do solo lobbies on those kinda games


As a person currently addicted to Conan exiles, I play single player mode. Never even tried online, no thanks. I get enough “people” 8 hrs a day at work lol. It kind of ruins the decompression part of gaming for me. I am looking forward to single player oxbow on console though.


Checkout hobo tough life, settle in for a nice relaxing evening of drunkenly chainsmoking in your favorite Adidas track suit while scrounging enough food and supplies to stay fed and near a burning trash barrel. Rdr2 level storytelling


Does anyone know if it is confirmed for Xbox tomorrow? As in Xbox won't hold back the update for a week to verify like they seem to do with any 3rd party game lately?


If you get bored with MD, I can really recommend Kingdom come deliverance. Sometimes I just sit in the tavern, play a little dice game, collect plants , make potions with great detail or I just observe the baker as he makes bread. And if you had enough of the peaceful things the story is AWESOME. :)


If you have a Hobbiton fantasy, keep your eyes open for "Tales of the Shire", an upcoming game. Look it up ;)


Also, Father Gabriels Chapel?


Good plan, when you get tired of medieval dynasty here in a few years try no man's sky


Have you tried rocking and stoning?


Thank you for MD!! I’d never heard of it but looks really good. Watching a video on it now. Have you checked out Valheim? It’s on gamepass. Me and a buddy are almost finished and MD looks like the next game on the list


![gif](giphy|Qkcc1tV1IlfwMraRf4|downsized) How I feel playing this game.


Theres good Multiplayer games too that don't frustrate as much as others so don't throw the Gun into the Field just yet. But your choice is splendid as well.


Isn't the update meant to be out by now? 




Not on xbox yet




Hopefully it's live by then!




Can do mate


If you’re getting mad at the game, maybe it’s a you thing and not the game? I used to absolutely sperg out playing dota 2, I did this with literally any game I was immediately “good” because clearly the game is just made poorly or the other person is cheap or whatever lame excuse I’d make as to why I’m losing rather than considering I’m just bad at the game and should probably git gud Then I played Elden ring, oh boy did that game change me, I went from raging to absolutely locking in, realizing that every loss is actually a gain as I learned and improved dramatically the more calm and focused I became. This game single handedly improved my abilities in every game by making me realize that I was actually toxic af and playing games entirely wrong


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