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25 to 40 minutes of Anapanasati (mindfulness) before 730am. 30 minutes of Mettā practice to cultivate compassion at some point of the day. Been consistently practicing these for almost a year now every day.


That is a serious commitment good on you


What significant changes did you notice? This will push me forward. Thanks!


I would also like to know


How to do these


Here is a page you can refer - https://www.healthline.com/health/metta-meditation#bottom-line


You can look for Vipassana meditation by Shri SN Goenka, and Loving Kindness Metta Meditation on YouTube. Let me know if you were able to find, if not I will send some links.


what are the changes you’ve noticed after doing this for a year now?


Longer patience in general. Almost like I have extended the microseconds between thoughts. I had horrible anger issues prior to this practice. Holes in walls and lost relationships. Years I was just mad as hell. That’s more or less gone. I still feel “angry” but nothing manifests from it much. It still does at times don’t get me wrong, but I can stop it from going further to the point that used to cause irreversible damage to my life. Sitting with your thoughts is hard. Maybe the hardest thing one can do is to just sit in stillness and watch how truly empty your consciousness is until it isn’t. And when it isn’t, you have a choice how your mind will follow those thoughts.


Just sitting an breathing. Thoughts come and go. Ideas come and go. In todays world deciding to feel yourself is a win and gives you the opportunity to explore stuff. Just keep sitting.


I think it’s a win if we all talked heart to heart and opened up about our selves and our pros and cons. We would learn about everyone and know who would create a good future with who as in something to help civilization not no romance stuff and who can help whoever u know that needs help. Like putting 7 of the most holy blessed people persons with someone close to suicide and we could brain storm questions and make businesses from the ground up


I like praying and talking to my subconscious. I like going for walks and talking to the universe about everything I am aware of and not having music on. I like making videos and talking about my thoughts. I like jogging and jumping obstacles kinda like free running. I like smoking cigarettes and I like talking to the tv. I can read also. And I like drawing conspiracies and journaling anything from lyrics to poems to questions to scriptures to affirmations to talking with the pen as I think I write


I haven't met you and already like you! A human being not being ashamed of being human. A human being that's not trying to meditate its humanity away.


As long as I’m not focused on drugs or girls or music or my phone or the negative parts of my modern life then I can think of anything as a way to be free from death and breathe the breath of life and being the beginning and end in the afterlife who is (power) who was (glorified) and is to come (second coming/Son of a God/wonderful teacher/karma/kingdom come/king of kings/a God completely/comedy/comic/come homie)


i also haven't met you & feel like i really like you. there r not many human beings like you, pls never change


U must know me, u got that same enthusiasm as I do except I’m schizophrenic and think everyone is inside my head and knows my future and life story. So if u like me it’s cuz you’re my neighbor and u love thyself. If I’m talking to god and his image he created im talking to the word of god. In fact, In the beginning The word was God. And in the beginning God created the heavens and earth. The earth was formless and void and the spirit of god hovered over the face of the deep(or the face of the waters) and something about darkness… So if u like me it means onelove, I got a word tatted and when u read it upside down and downside up, it says onelove both ways. But why is your name what it is? Make me think of propoganda and the Illuminati agenda and controversy sells and conspiracies in the most simple form. Just to be clear, thanks I appreciate it but yeah that’s what I went on thru my head so might as well show you who I am or who I think I am lol


I have started with zen budhism, but now I'm practicing yoga meditation... Its really something that changes life itself. I've found my path in yoga.


What’s that? How do you do it?


I follow a branch of Raja Yoga called Kriya Yoga. There are several sources about it, but I follow Yoganandas teachings, but I have been in contact with several others until decided to follow this one.


Interesting, what do you perceive as the advantages of yoga meditation over the Buddhist meditation you tried? I'm assuming this would fall under [Rāja yoga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C4%81ja_yoga)? I took at a look at raja yoga myself, but it seemed less accessible to me as someone from the West than Buddhism is. There are many resources presenting Buddhism in a way accessible to people in the West, without much cultural baggage, whereas Raja yoga seems closely tied to Indian culture and Hinduism.




I started my meditation journey about five years ago when I was going through a particularly stressful period in my life. At first, I was skeptical about meditation, as I am about everything. I began with simple mindfulness meditation, focusing on my breath for just a few minutes each day. It was challenging at first - my mind would constantly wander. But I stuck with it, gradually increasing the duration of my sessions. As I became more comfortable with mindfulness, I explored other types of meditation. Recently, I've been experimenting with personalized guided meditations. I chat with a website about a specific issue I'm facing, and it generates an audio guided meditation based on the chat. For concrete problems, it works unexpectedly well. For the bigger issues, I'm still working on it. 'Deconstruct' and 'reframe' meditation techniques are game changers for me to see a problem I face from a new perspective, and wire it to a different emotional response. These personalized meditations have been particularly helpful in addressing specific challenges in my life. They allow me to focus on particular issues in a structured way, guiding my thoughts and helping me gain new insights. Overall, meditation has become an essential part of my daily routine. It helps us manage stress, and work on (sometimes resolve) specific issues I face.


Any specific AI you're using for this?


The site I chat with to create personalized guided meditations is [MinwayAI.com](http://MinwayAI.com) Hope it works for you as well as it does for me! :)


would like to know the same thing, what kind of ai is it?


The AI I chat with to create personalized guided meditations is at [MinwayAI.com](http://MinwayAI.com) I started a new medication yesterday with potential side-effects, and first thing I did after taking the medication was talk with MinwayAI about what was on my mind (the potential side-effects and what I can do to hook those sensations to a different emotional response).


that sounds amazing, i saved the post and wil def check it out, thank you so much for the info


Learned zazen (soto style) first I have kind of stayed with the practice every since, it's about 20 years now (good lord buddha...). I play around with other practices as well (guided and so on) but it's mostly just sitting while I just sitt.


Guided, joe dispenza and the gateway, it's unbelievable


I’m skeptical about OBEs but still love Gateway. It’s by far the most effective form of meditation for me.


Where can I find "the gateway"? Sounds interesting.


Go to r/gatewaytapes. Over there rhey have a free download available


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheGatewayExperience using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheGatewayExperience/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My first experience ](/r/gatewaytapes/comments/1azatzc/my_first_experience/) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheGatewayExperience/comments/1azbqek/my_first_experience/) \#2: [Welcome everyone 🧘‍♀️](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheGatewayExperience/comments/10b2any/welcome_everyone/) \#3: [What are your experiences with The Gateway Experience?](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheGatewayExperience/comments/1buwskz/what_are_your_experiences_with_the_gateway/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Ah i guess you can just search here in reddit just type gateway you will find a sub that's filled with all the things you need.


The other one is good for getting the tapes, this sub has more members: r/gatewaytapes


Yeah, I stumbled upon that and found it a lot better! Thanks!


You're right, I actually meant that one. I always confuse the two


Always have a part of you in automatic meditation/playing. Notice it and then disconnect from it.




OBE + astral projection + 'clair' + channelling


Are you good at this? What do you use for it? What music? Maybe youtube guides ?


Vipassana, but sometimes only Anapana, because maybe I don't have enough time to go in a deep concentration level.


The gateway experience Creative codex podcast has some cool ones


TM 💯


Insight meditation. I came upon it accidentally because I live in a town where there is a teacher. Prior to this I practiced Zen meditation. If there were a teacher in town I probably would have gravitated to that person. I tried out meditation and found it to be more holistic. It incorporates a psychological awareness that I feel allows for less spiritual bypassing. I know that term might be unfamiliar. Happy to explain if it is.




Started with different apps and YouTube at 10 minutes a day and have moved up to 20 minutes a day using apps but mostly medito. It's been very nice.


I like guided meditations on YouTube, so I go like “morning meditation” or “sleep meditation” or “anxiety meditation”… then I try different guides until I find my favourites. To sleep or relax I love Yoga Nidra, it’s incredible helpful!


Raja & Kriya yoga ftw




Wow - didn’t know people were still practicing this. I received instruction about 25 years ago. Are there still active teachers?


Wow - didn’t know people were still practicing this. I received instruction about 25 years ago. Are there still active teachers?


I have started it in April this year and been doing it almost every day. It is the best meditation / breathing technique that I had ever experienced


Do you feel like your premonition and incidents of “coincidence” have greatly enhanced?




As a starter Kundalini Yoga is superb and will change your live, I started with the book Celestine Meditation from James Redfield. This guided me several years hand really helps to calm you down. I also recommend using a habit tracker app, which can motivate to introduce a daily habit for yourself. Have fun with your journey!


TIA chi daily. Plus breath work


Japa mostly 🙏🏻 A little bit of tong Len, a little metta, and some mantra And prayer ❤️ big love to all you beautiful souls 🙏🏻 let’s keep practicing while this world go through more and more suffering and uncertainty. May all beings benefit from our practice My heart needed to see all these beautiful practices tonight 🙏🏻❤️


I do 10 minutes of meditation every morning followed by a 30-minute walk in the garden while listening to "Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.


I do bhramari Pranayama because it can help with self harm


Commercial guided meditations usually accompanied by breath work for 10 minutes daily - must’ve been doing it for 3 decades. Nothing mystical. Seems to alleviate my innate anxieties - and hoping it will prevent Alzheimer’s which has plagued all members of previous generations of my family


Some good posture with handy Mudras and reciting 'OMM' inside with out side or sometimes focusing your concentration by visualising feets of Your Favourite God! But if someone s beginner and interested in spiritual meditation then, I ll first giving a lil suggestion to getting proper guidance from a spiritual master. If you are doing and practicing meditation or trying to practice meditation for purpose of wellbeing goodness, then practice by yourself with simple posture and by gazing the beauty of nature, gazing the flowers in garden and gazing the Greenery. Mother nature s great inspiration for calming, healing, and boosting concentration and feeling the inner peace and it will give you thoughts to pondering about the nature too. Some ppl saying, they are really interested to doing meditation but they can't concentrate...and some Ppl saying, they really want it but they don't even getting 10-20 minutes of free time from their busy life! That's disgusting excuses! But if you simple can't excuse and trying to practice meditation..then, do nothing than gazing the beauty of nature and constantly gaze on flowers or plants..that's also kind of meditation and that will help, teach you a lot and inspire you to going with other level of meditation.👍


While I sit down and breathe, I picture something that I like. It could be anything, but I try to maintain a clear and defined picture of it in my mind for as long as I can. Learned it from Henry Sugar by Roald Dahl. Wes Andersen made a wonderful shortfilm adaptation that I strongly recommend


Tm. Twice a day is the prescription and I adhere to it as much as I can. I’d done Zen and mindfulness before. Wanted to try vipassana, but couldn’t make it to a retreat. Tm is working for me.




Non Directive, after practicing TM for a few years. It is deeper and better than any other style I have tried.


There's a famous joke in India among people who meditate that if you try to search for anything related to meditation online, you will immediately find a white person talking about how TM is the deepest style ever. 


Why wouldn't it be? The mantras were found in ancient texts and nothing is new in meditation or this style. There are not many types of meditation that can transcend thought. Very few people in India can meditate anymore or even understand it, so I wouldn't listen to their dumb jokes.


I guess you don't know enough about different types of meditations. On the top of my head I can think of 150+ techniques that transcend thought. ALL meditation techniques are meant to transcend thought, that's like the first purpose of meditation. Very few people in India can meditate anymore? I mean if millions is a small number, sure. It's a funny joke, because ALL meditations are meant to transcend so TM is a meaningless word. 


I didn't start meditating until after I'd been doing psilocybin mushrooms for a few years. A friend suggested I combine the two activities. Long story short, I eventually did, and the experience was so profound that I ended up shedding some three decades of negativity. The experience also showed me how to meditate proper like. A remembrance of something forgotten. So now I do Vipassana/Samatha.


when you meditate now, do you still do shroms or do you just meditate now & if you don't anymore, how would you say the experience is different from when you do? thanks


The mushrooms told me to come back when I'd figured out my shit. I haven't felt the need to return for a while. I've still got a lot to figure out. I was shown the path that's the width of a knife's edge. Correct Focus. So I take that insight into my practice, and am able to sit for as long as my body will allow me. Always returning to the Anchor. The effects of doing it with psilocybin would be akin to strapping yourself to a rocket. Compared to the stairs of meditation. You're going to go high on the rocket, fast, but sooner or later it runs out of fuel, while the stairs remain solid underfoot. I had to take a break moments after I "synched" with proper focus, because the torrent of energy that started flowing into me was so overwhelming.


Walking, bicyling, going to the gym. That's my meditation! That's where I for like an hour just let my mind wander. Think about anything and everything. Just let it flow. Have hard conversations. Find solutions. Let amazing ideas come to me. I can't sit still for 10 minutes. Not my thing. I tried. But I really get in a great flow and mood with exercising solo and let my mind just loose.


I love me a good workout at the gym and then the sauna to follow


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Interesting_Two8823: *I love me a good* *Workout at the gym and then* *The sauna to follow* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




“Surat Shabd” Meditation on the radiant inner Light and Sound coming from the Source Creator. In other words, silently meditating on the Source. 👉🏾🧘🏽‍♂️💕👀


Samadhi - Guided Meditation #1- Breath as the Bridge • Samadhi - Guided Meditation #3 - etc they’re an hour long. Plus breath work


Learned samatha from my dad when I was about 5 or 6. Practiced that on and off very inconsistently (incorporated with raja yoga and some guided stuff) until my early 30s, when I found an internal tantric practice that worked wonders for turning emotions around 180. Became (or rather truly realized) that I had massive massive anxiety and long term depression, then started collecting a bunch of therapeutic techniques and established a solid mental training practice. Then got into vipassana after reading MCTB and Shinzen Young. Then metta when I heard an interview of Sharon Salzburg. Eventually my noting practice started centering around my sense of self which was a level up to my base vipassana. Got into Stoicism, and then incorporated some of their exercises, like gratitude, view from above, and premeditatio malorum. Also attempted more long term experiments in affirmations and reframes and learned some more esoteric methods like the Chöd and koan practice. Then took a course which exposed me (and forced me to practice) to a lot of different techniques and variances - like mantra, anapanasati, Ascension, yantra, headless way, direct inquiry, Lester levenson, just gone, awareness watching awareness, body scanning, more advanced vipassana, group awareness, etc. In the last year I found a set of practices that merge meditation and trauma therapy - a meld of hypnosis, Sufi meditation, Nagarjuna's non dual tetra lemma, IFS, subjunctive interrogative questioning, noting, awareness watching awareness - that's done some miraculous things for me including curing my lifelong depression and anxiety. The current course I'm finishing up is just so outside my wheelhouse I don't know how to really explain it and I'll probably need a lot of time to get a handle on it.


Sound meditation 💜


I have absolutely no idea what I am doing to be completely honest but I am trying. What would you call the type of meditation that’s done through headspace? I’m sure it’s not real or authentic meditation but it’s been helping me.


Does anyone know a good mindfulness meditation app that have good advices? I used atom but I want a better one. Its good and I'll stick with atom till I get a better free app


I like to do mindfulness meditations every morning before I wake up, guided sleep meditations before sleep, and take a break in the middle of the day to do breathwork meditations. Usually my longest and most important meditation is the breathwork one. I often find myself feeling clear headed and filled with ideas after that. I try to do a minimum of 30 mins to an hour for the best results but it’s not always feasible


Deepen presence by lengthening silence between thoughts. Be the witnessing presence in the “Gap”, it feels good. Keep going back to silence. Surrender ceaseless striving. Let go of trying to think.


TM. I’ve been doing TM twice a day for 20 minutes for 50 years. The only other thing that I have done so devotedly is brushing my teeth. TM is natural effortless and effective. It delivers benefit every time you do it. You become an expert after a few days of training and never need additional instruction although advanced instruction is available it is not necessary. Once you start you begin to accrue benefit. PS in an earlier post someone claimed that TM even in India is promoted by white folks. This is completely untrue. TM is actually quite popular and is growing rapidly in India. In January I attended the 10,000 for World Peace course in Hyderabad. There were actually 11,000 attendees from over 100 countries and I would estimate at least 1/3 were from m India. One of the leaders of my group was from Bangladesh and another from Afghanistan. www.tm.org


The Rosary


I practice Primordial Sound Mantra meditation for daily solo practice but use (and offer) Guided Meditation for specific goals. Those are my two.


I listen to ambient music and do meditation for about 30 mins. Started cause I was in a depression stage 4 years ago..it's def better then it was cause of meditation but not where i want it to be :)


Metta for samadhi, about 3 hours every day for the last year and 2 hours a day for 3 years before. Hopefully I'll get into the jhanas someday.


Hi, Since 2016 I've tried several kinds of meditation (breath-following, holding attention on a point on the body, metta, loving-kindness, etc.), have been to Vipassana and Holotropic breathing. Last couple of years, I have begun experimenting with some unusual practices, for example, counting seconds during the hour, looking into my eyes in the mirror without blinking (around 5 minutes), and listening to my heart ( [https://monosnap.com/file/EgmXxjzcpxhpQBzSGFr7WYE18l5zOM](https://monosnap.com/file/EgmXxjzcpxhpQBzSGFr7WYE18l5zOM) ). The last two are the most powerful I've ever tried.


I practice Atma Vichara, or self inquiry. Ask, who am I? Who wants to know? Eventually the "I am" and "who" drop out leaving pure awareness. This practice as prime tenet claims there's no body. Just the body concept. Through negation the body eventually falls away. Negation by noting to oneself, I am not the body. Or, "I am the body" and get rid of that thought. Leaving only space and awareness. Being aware of awareness itself. Become the ultimate observer. Anything observed cannot be the self. You just are. No subject/object. No duality. Unicity and Oneness. I was trained in Vippassana and practiced for 3,4 years. Then I came upon a text of Satsangs held by Indian sage, Nisargatta Maharaj, titled, "I Am That." Also, Ramana Maharshi, same tradition, very famous. I just blasted off with that practice and never looked back. The revelations are very profound. Heightened awareness, emptiness and fullness at once. Glimpses of no self. Bliss consciousness. Super low blood pressure too. All told I have meditated 25,000 hrs so far. I love it!! I know I will never stop until I am finished completely. Karma burnt up, mind disappears completely. To die prior to the death of the body. To be as you are - prior to consciousness


Long ,arduous, painful and slow oh I thought you meant describe my journey. 35 years ago was living in Asram in prep for monastic path obviously didn't go that route, big mistake arrogance thought my capability when in ashram was mine: It wasn't My meditations were being carried by the other 50 meditators. I think things are looking up since going full quantitative with biofeedback Lots of devices out there now or coming soon hopefully eeg , driven VR , especially if muti thousand year proven breathing techniques were available for pacing verbal/ musical tones to take the guesswork out of the equation. Meditation is a learned skill, using technology to learn that skill doesn't take the spirituality out of it.


Vipassana. My sister first went there and suggested me to take the course as well. And like normal teenagers I was like Naaah, this is boring and old people stuff. until next Year ,I hit rock botom. I had never tried anykind of meditation before this,not even Pranayam.


*I am guiding you through a simple mindfulness meditation practice.* * *Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.* * *Close your eyes and focus on your breath.* * *Notice the sensation of each inhale and exhale.* * *When your mind starts to wander, gently bring your focus back to your breath. Try to do this for 10-15 minutes.* *This can help you feel more present and relaxed.*


Surrender. Everytime of the day everyday


Not killing people?!