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This is my Barbenheimer


Barbenheimer if each movie lasted 100 hours


People said that recently released Granblue game would be overshadowed by Persona 3 Reload and Yakuza whatever the new one is called, and that didn't end up happening.


True, but all of those games had much more hype and marketing for them. Although Granblue isnt as big in the west as japan, smt v is not going blow for blow with elden ring in a million years


tbh, people who would buy smt v vengeance will buy it anyway, just maybe a bit later. Those two games are pretty damn different, smt fills in specific niche


They're more similar than you might think. Sure, there's differences, but they're both difficult games (relative to their peers) that rely on the atmosphere more than direct storytelling. SMT and FromSoft games are fairly similar, and I know a ton of people that are huge fans of both.


Yeah, i get that the audiences intersect, and its no surprise with how massive Elden Ring playerbase is. I'm just saying the gameplay genre and experience you get from playing is pretty different (while fromsoft games requires more muscle memory and learning the moveset, smt almost completely revolves around making the right team and build), and by getting one of them you can't exactly scratch that itch the way the other one does


I actually disagree. The feeling of isolation that being alone in a big, unfriendly world like mainline SMT and FromSoft games is a giant overlap that not a lot of other games do.


Why does it need to go blow for blow, no one’s expecting it to, look at horizon that game made the dumb mistake of releasing next to majorly anticipated open world games twice with botw and elden ring and the sells were still fine. This ain’t a completion as long as enough sales are made to where atlus sees a profit and will keep making more smt games then there’s nothing to worry and doom post over


Did you really say horizon was fine to try to say smt vv will be fine? Lol horizon is horizon. First game sold 24 million units alone. Horizon and smt aren’t even in the same league


That’s clearly not what the guy said. I can dumb it down a bit. The people that are interested in smt v are gonna buy the game anyway even if they choose Elden ring over smt v doesn’t mean that they’re never gonna buy smt v because of Elden ring. That’s what happened with horizon a lot of people obviously chose Elden ring over horizon but horizon still got bought by people who were interested in it if not day 1 then later down the road. lol I got blocked for teaching him reading comprehension 🤣


I’ll dumb it down even more since you don’t get it. People are interested in games. They have media coverage and more media coverage is good because companies want advertising because it gets them more exposure and more people interested in the game. When your game is launching on the same day as a big title that’s taking all the attention it will hamper sales. You know atlus wants more sales right? Every company wants more sales. Yea the few people that will buy it doesn’t account for loss of sales from people that would have been interested in the title. And again horizon was a first party Sony title it had a lot more marketing and hype then smt will ever have. You have a small title like smt vv vs a dlc


People said both botw and Elden ring would kill its sales but both times horizon sold well for its genre even with targeting the same audience. Never said smt v was as big as horizon, im saying a games sales wont be killed just because another game is releasing on the same day or close, smt for its targeted audience is still going to sell fine even with Elden ring a completely diffrent and more popular game/series is releasing on the same day


People say overshadowing to mean that they took over all media attention and are more present in gamers mind. This will def hamper sales


People aren’t saying overshadow tho they’re literally saying “kill” “murder sales” as in “when this game drops next to no one’s gonna buy it and it’s going to flop” As long as this game that’s apart of a niche series sells well enough to show atlus that there’s a market for it and give us more smt games then what’s the problem? Vanilla smt v only being on 1 console having frame rate and visual issues still sold well and well enough for a definitive edition, the games gonna be fine


It doesn't have to


Do those game share audience? Said this, SMT VV is definitely safe with its niche of turn based jrpg gamers


Mainline SMT is even more niche and Elden Ring blasted off in popularity all year long


People said the same thing about smt v when the gta collection released yet smt v got mega attention (granted the gta collection was a mess as launch but still) plenty of diffrent audiences and just because someone’s buying the elden ring dlc doesnt mean they wont buy smt vv i know im getting both




while i agree, this ER is a dlc tho. not a full game


$40 DLC though 👀. so it’s probably pretty chunky


And it's FromSoft so I'm confident it will be quality


Then you've never played a Fromsoft DLC. They're either really good, or dogshit terrible.


What Fromsoft DLC was terrible? They've all been pretty solid


Dark Souls 2's first DLC was pretty mid, and Darks Souls 3's first DLC was bad, and the 2nd one was okay. Dark Souls 2 2nd and final DLC were great. I also thought Bloodbourns DLC was also pretty alright, 100% overrated, base game was way better. Dark Souls 1's DLC was cut content that was suppose to be in the base game, and it shows, but at least has good bosses.


Wow that's a major difference of opinion. For the vast majority of players the DLC is great. Alot of people even say the DLC is better than the base game in all of these instances. I especially hear that in regards to DS2. Not complaining, that's just something I've not heard before.


I beat the final boss of the hunters DLC and thought there was more, I was extremely disappointed, meanwhile most of the people I've seen take hours of him, so maybe they got more of an accomplished feeling, who knows. I still admit Bloodborne has a lot of high moments, so I think the base game as an overall was pretty damn good. I see the base game as a 9.5/10 and the DLC like a 7.5-low 8. On the other hand I thought Dark Souls 2's 2 and 3rd DLC's to be huge improvements over the base game, minus a few gimmicks in the third DLC, I thought the final bosses did a great job ending the games. DS3's first DLC is one of the lowest rated souls content most users in general from who I've talked with dislike it, It's a step down from the base game's quality.


You just sound like a contrarian.


oooo its 40 moneys, damn lool.


As opposed to SMT V Revengeance which is totally a full game and not DLC.


A lot of people haven't played SMT V because they don't own a switch, so for them it is a full game and not just a DLC.


This backward logic is what let atlus scam us


Don't buy it then? I can understand not buying if you've already played the original and own a switch but my point is there's a large audience of people who've never gotten the chance to play smt v so it's a new game to them with new content as well. It's better than them just porting the base game to new platforms.


I'm playing the original and own a Switch. And I'll be there to buy this. Mostly because the whole "vote with my dollars" means we'll get more SMT content. However, so glad I'm a teacher which means I know what I'm doing this summer.


No they are 100% right. It may be true that alot of people may not have played the original, but re-releasing a game is still re-releasing a game. "Just don't buy it" is not a valid response because it doesn't address the criticism, it just means you didn't buy it. And yes, Atlus 100% does scam us lol They scammed us with the OG SMTV. Day 1 DLC is always a scam. Those demon quests, and Demifiend stuff should have been in the base game. So it makes sense to be annoyed with the this stuff.


Crying for freebies. Imagine paying for content, what a novel ideal.


Imagine bragging about paying extra for the salt on your chips


So what do I do if I already got SMTV and I want to play the new content? Do you see where your logic fail Why not make this edition a dlc for the previous versions and include the much needed ports to other consoles? That way you don't actively screw all of your dedicated fans


All I can say to you is, what did you expect lol? Atlus have been doing this with pretty much all their games for decades, if it bothers you that much you should hold off buying Atlus games at release and wait for the updated versions to come out. It gets boring to have the same regurgitated debate whenever a new Atlus rerelease gets announced, if you don't like it don't buy it but I have feeling the majority people who complain about these rereleases still buy them day one.


The least you can do is not argue in favor of such awful practitces by saying crap like "oh but if you never played pokemon red before its totally legitimate to buy it for 70$ because its a whole new game for you!"


You mean what they did with BDSP?


Honestly pokemon is a very good example to what happen to franchises when you don't tell the developers "enough is enough"


These kind of people are weird. Imagine defending the person that scammed you. Like, they don't get anything out of it. They just get scammed again lol Like, it would take less energy to just let people criticize the business and leave it there. But people decide to defend it for some reason. Bizarre.


The irony of this post where for less time and energy you could have moved on and not responded. Pot calling the kettle here.


If you don’t like the practice then don’t buy into it simple as that, you can’t go around bashing on others for what they want to spend their money on, vote with your own wallet, and let others do what they want


I don't go around basbing people, and I don't care about what the other person spend his own money. Literally the comment is about the "its a new game if you didn't buy the previous one" which makes absolute 0 sense and let atlus literally scam us


Either buy the new edition or don’t that’s what you do, you hate what they’re doing then don’t buy it maybe if you and enough people don’t buy it they’ll see people don’t support it. Me on the other hand I’m gonna enjoy tf out of the new edition


I will probably do too :)


im gonna wait for it to go 50% off in a sale and pretend its a dlc lmao


Why are you on a Reddit group if you think the devs are scammers? Their last “scams” of reload, royal, and golden have all been amazing. Stop calling them scams because you are a cheap ass or poor.


Because they do make some of the best RPGs out there But you comment is honestly funny. You sound just like a pokemon fan when someone say something bad about gamefreak


But Pokémon games have been absolutely awful for the past decade though. Game Freak deserves all of the criticism they get.


So if they make the best RPGs who cares? $140 for 160 hours of entertainment is fine by my in regards to SMTVV. If it beats $1/hr playtime I have 0 complaints


Good for you. I also don't regret buying smt v And yet, its good and required to point out where the developers are being awful for their dedicated fanbase


Why is it awful? The dlc being included is $40.50 and you can treat the new story as $30 and the QoL improvements as free. I would much rather get these remasters versions and pay again rather than be stuck with base versions that never get the facelift or get locked to a single console. So long as Sega pumps out 9/10 rpgs at the current rate of 4 this year I will pay them because I see that as a better place to put my money than other companies like Ubisoft.


Everything you've wrote points to you not understanding that the OG is released when it's released because they have a deadline that the devs can't do much about. The second version is what the devs would have added if they had more time allocated by their superiors for the original.


How is reload a scam? How is golden a scam when that was a vita port with added content? Royal was fucked since it came out on the ps4 alongside the regular edition then it released on the ps5 with no upgrade path And you should call out bad business practices when possible it’s not about being cheap or poor it’s about standing up for your rights as a consumer. But you’d rather bend over and defend anti consumer practices


It isn’t, nor was royal, nor was golden…that was the point. You missed it, just like you missed the subtext. As a consumer I can spend my money how I want and when enough people do that for 30+ years through the same cycle we know it’s coming and have built that into our decision. If it’s your first Atlus game, congrats on not researching, if it’s not your first you know what you signed up for. It’s no anti consumer. You are saying their extra work should be worth 0 and I am saying I will pay them the value of a game when they made an 80 hour experience that’s new. Even if there was an upgrade path, I would say it should be full price as they released a new full price game. Stop being cheap.


I’m disagreeing with you grouping reload and golden with what they did with Royal. I even added the fact that the golden version was made for the ps vita port of the game. And mentioned how Royal was a scam because it came out on the same console not the same as any other game besides nocturne. People keep on saying this is common for Atlus when it’s really not. This was normalized with Royal. The other games were either enchanced ports to other systems or just loaded remasters. And it’s not my first game. Smt v isn’t comparable to the original versions of other games. They all felt complete I can play Devil survivor and have a complete game. And yea you can do whatever you want with your money. You’re in the same boat as the people that normalized nickel and diming consumers. Like you are literally what’s wrong with gaming This isn’t about being cheap this is about what smt v was at release and the fact that they took peoples money with an unfinished game and now are selling the actual game for $60


They didnt say they should get 0 dollars for their work, your just lying. Stop lying.


Then what’s the scam? Atlus is charging $70 for their work. Whether or not you agree with that valuation doesn’t cause it to become a scam.


Like this is so anti consumer and the fact that you equate this with being cheap just shows how you are either really immature kid or just some adult that can’t see how this is bad behavior for the consumers a


well, it was a switch exclusive, so it is a full gane for literally any other platform ha


Full game at full price that many of us have already played half of.


What if I told you both of these would continue to be on sale after their launch day?


I hear what you’re saying loud and clear… …but what if I told you that hardcore capitalists didn’t understand or care for the art of games, and the things they think are important don’t account for the real world


Oh no a completely unrelated game's dlc comes out on the same day, whatever will we do? Idgaf about some other game lol I just want this one


Yeah I literally could not care less about Elden Ring. I’m getting SMT V. Been waiting since release for a port


I think its less about having to choose personally, and more about it having to compete for spotlight on the mainstream stage. It will do fine because SMT has a dedicated audience, but it sucks that it's gonna be so easily overshadowed for everyone else.


Ah I see that you're a person of culture as well👍👍👍


A person of shelter Both look sick af


It sucks to be a fan of both bruh :(


As a fan of both as well I’m ecstatic lol


Which one will you play first?


Elden Ring for sure. The initial hours of discovery when no one knows what the fuck is going on is amazing


Persona 3 yourself fromsoft tourist


Take that stick out of your ass


go outside nerd


Oh fuck off. I love the Megaten games, but I've already played 5. Elden Ring dlc is all new content for a game I also love.


Adding onto my point you don't actually like fromsoft games


What point? At what point did you falsely claim I don't like FromSoft games?


You don't


Wtf are you even talking about. Are you high? Lol


Nah, not with the typemoon avi dawg 💀


Hmmm tough call. Might go with Elden Ring first since it’s brand new content? I put a good chunk of hours into SMT 5 when it came out. Also not sure if I want to get Vengeance on PS5 instead for the performance boost.


Why does it suck? Get both lol


The problem is that not everyone has a 100$ lying around , a lot of people are probably gonna pick either one or the other , and while SMT V is popular in Japan, it isn't going blow for blow with Elden ring in a million year , which is why im worried about its sales


I'll just be getting one on release and one later on down the line, probably on sale. Haven't decided which yet. Atleast I know there's nothing coming out within the next year to mess with that plan. For now lol


People have bigger problems if they can't save $100 in 4 months


Thats most people tho ? Most people ( especially young adults ) don't really have 100$ saved up and those who do have it , usually like to keep saving it for emergencies


Again, then they have bigger problems and should focus on them instead of videogames lol. $100 is not a lot of money


Lmao , what " big problems " that's literally normal ??? How much do you think the average 15-25 year old makes for them to have that much in savings especially after after rent/food/transpirtation/gas/bills/wifi for adults, Also spending SOME of your money on video games and other forms of entertainment is a good thing , like what do you expect people to go home then stare at the ceiling till they fall asleep ? Its just that Elden Ring is a far more popular video game and I feel like people would be way more comfortable with spending 40$ and then maybe consider buying SMT at a much later date when it goes on sale than buying both games on launch for 100$ . Which is why I said that this will hurt SMT Vs' potential launch sales


If you give me the money then i'll get both


Brother if you can't gather the money for both in 4 months, idk what to tell you


Sure, i'll stop eating and paying rent




Bro stop being ignorant


Don't worry it's not nearly going to be as good as strange journey


They aren’t competing. They are different audiences. Personally I’m more likely to get Elden ring because I’m not a supporter of the Pokémon Emerald release strategy. I think it milks fans worse than spin-offs. At least spin offs are transparent and don’t invalidate the original. I may get it when it goes on sale in 6-12 months.


This isnt the pokemon emerald strategy tho. Its the SMT4 Apocalypse strategy, except you can select near the start that youd like to just play SMT4 with extra demons if you want. They are saying that this is a completely different path through the game. Not just the same path+ like with P5R


wtf? Have you actually played apocalypse? That’s a full blown sequel. This isn’t like that at all They literally said most major changes in the new route would happen during the middle of the campaign. It’s closer to Royal then it will ever be to apocalypse


>thats a full blown sequel Aside from the chronological order of events not being sequential, what they described might as well be the same thing. They said that you will be able to choose early weather to play SMT5 or SMTV and that the SMTV route will be different with new characters, cutscenes, bosses, and routing. If it turns out to be more of a Royal situation, then fine. SMT5 was great. But thats not how i understand the marketing currently.


Then reading comprehension might be something you need to work on then. They said the majority of changes will be mid campaign. You are still following the same protag and now a new girl. That’s just like redux that’s just like Royal that’s closer to Devil survivor overclocked and is not at all what apocalypse is.


This is the Maniax Edition, so its closer to how they added the Labyrinth of Amala, Fiends, and Dante/Raidou to Nocturne for the international PS2 release. The original Japanese release of Nocturne didn't have any of that and was more like SMTV content wise.


Yea it’s so obvious idk why people are trying to convince themselves it’s something more then what it is


Yeah, I don't get where some people are comparing it to 4A. This is TDE, plain and simple.


I’m convinced that the majority of people saying that have never played a megaten besides smt v and don’t know what they are talking about just regurgitating whatever they saw online without knowing anything


They said most changes are from mid game onwards. But we see significant story changes as early as the 2nd area. And we know theres a a whole new area and dungeon. Its a new campaign whereas Royal/Redux just tack extra content onto the existing campaign. Id say its like neither Maniax or Apocalypse and people need to stop making the comparison.


It’s literally Royal/redux if it follows the same story and diverges at middle to end.


Royal does not diverge until after the original ending. Redux doesnt diverge until after the final boss. They both have some additions that impact the whole game, but most the changes are end game changes. The story being completelt different, different enough that they offer it as 2 separate routes, shows that its different to Royal/Redux. The story seems to completely diverge instead of just having some minor additions


This is literally being made by the Maniax team.


A studio division at atlus being called maniax means nothing, thats just the name of the team that works on SMT 👍👍👍


Lead dev is known for having worked on the Maniax edition of Nocturne.


Guess he can only ever make maniax versions of games then? Not like he also worked on Etrian odyssey for years is it? What a stupid argument knstead of looking at the actual content on offer here


4A is a full sequel. The trailer showed a lot of new stuff, but also a lot of old stuff. It LOOKS like it’s a Golden/FES/Royal situation. If I know there is an emerald coming out in a year or two, I’d rather save my money and skip ruby/saphire.


Pirating is always the morally correct option.


This shit is definitely getting Denuvo so good luck with that.


switch emulation goes brrrrrrr


Denuvo has been cracked before and it will be cracked again lol Though SMT might not be popular enough for crackers to even care


Only one person can still crack Denuvo and they’re AWOL. Also they hate JRPGs.


Yea that's why I say it might not be popular enough.


Recent history would say it isn’t. The Nocturne Remaster still hasn’t been cracked. Switch emulation is your only route but idk how stable that is compared to a dedicated PC version. Also popularity doesn’t matter much when the most popular Atlus game still hasn’t been cracked either.


Yeah pirating is morally correct, especially when you want more SMT games being made. 🙄


Maybe you werent around back when P3FES released for $29.99 Watch, Atlus is going to sell vengeance for $70. They aren't your friends, they are ripping you off.


Since I dont really care nor play any souls game so yea, my choice will always gonna be SMT VV any day👍👍👍


Some people have a very homogenized look at video games. So to them, anything that's popular is played by everyone.


For real, this whole idea that the sales will even be impacted is irritating tbh lol. SMTVV will still be capable of selling well at the same time as Elden Ring.


For me, I see the release date as a bad thing because SMT is gonna be overshadowed by Elden Ring DLC for the mainstream market. So any new sales it may have been able to grab will likely be gone because of elden ring. The dedicated audience will be there day 1, it's just a shame so many new potential players will be distracted by elden ring.


I mean, only if the new players played Elden Ring and enjoyed it enough to spend $40 on a DLC.


It was a big game. People are gonna get the dlc.


The US date is 6/21 *"got a job for you 621"*


Let's be honest while I imagine there is a not insignificant overlap between SMT and Souls fans this game will not be hurt in sales because the die hard Souls audience wasn't going to be buying this anyway. A more casual audience that fell in love with Elden Ring also probably aren't looking at SMT. While my hype for Shadow of the Erdtree is pretty big I am a bit more excited for Vengeance. I know Shadow of the Erdtree will be good and I know I will love it, but I also want to enjoy another but more leisurely playthrough of the base game with a new character first. My current character is a high level and I recall going into the Ashes of Ariendel DLC with my NG+5 character in Dark Souls 3 and it was not a great experience. SMT V: Vengeance may be the SMT V I ended up wishing we got. I am planning on devouring this game on the Steam Deck.


Time to be a patient gamer I guess. Lol. I'll definitely get SMTV:V though.


I mean it's fine. Elden Ring DLC comes out on 21st of June. SMT5 comes out on 6th of 21st month. We have about 15 months to play through it.


The comments are missing the point, yeah SMT fans will get Vengeance and Elden ring DLC release won’t change that. But this does affect ( new players, curious players, got nothing to do this month players ) a LOT … not to mention the media coverage will be drowned in Elden ring talk for months. So it will be even less likely for new players to even notice this .. I really hope they release it a month earlier. Give it some time in the spotlight.


Yeah a bunch of people keep replying stuff like : "well that can't be true because I'M buying SMT V day one " , and like , dude you're a member of the megateb subreddit no shit you were always getting SMT V , im referring to the general populace who are either curious or bored and down to play anything that comes out that month


I choose SMT over elden ring any day


Same and I loved elden ring.


Most overrated souls game next to DS2, imo


DS2 is the most hated in the series, how is it overrated?


You are actually brain dead


You add nothing to the conversation


If you think dark souls 2 is good you should play a good from soft game like armoured core


I love AC


DS2 is the best game and everyone hates it you just made shit up


You mean most overrated next to Sekiro?


I see you're a person of culture as well👍👍👍


Yea. I hope modern megaten is dog shit as well. This DLC looks mid as hell


yeah it looks mid, but its not a dlc, vengeance its actually being sold as a new game, so even if you own the base game you still need to pay $60 more, making it even more mid :') thats because the true DLC that is elden rings is $20 cheaper, packs at least the same duration as smt v worth of new content and you also dont need to buy the game again!


Ooof yeah. I’ll probably end up picking up both eventually, but Elden Ring definitely is getting bought on Release date. Gonna wait for reviews to come in for SMTVV since I already played Vanilla


I don’t think it’s going to matter. SMT/Persona have been selling really well in recent years and the Eldin Ring dlc is, well, dlc. I am sure the ER dlc is going to be expansive but I doubt it’s going to be as long as a full game (I don’t know much about it though). Basically, the popularity of the Megaten franchise has been on the rise so I am not worried at all.


The popularity of persona has been on the rise yes.


Why are you getting downvoting for saying this? You're literally agreeing with the commentor


Not as bad as Entoria the Last Song being same day. That game is a soulslike launching the same day as a huge expansion for the KING of souls/soulslike game


Indont know why everyone is making such a big deal about this. The impact on SMT VV's sales will be minimal, theyre completely different games appealing to different audiences. I wouldnt be interested in Elden Ring one bit but Im getting Vengeance day one. Fans making a big deal out of nothing os probably going to make it a bigger deal.


I don't know if I'm suffering or thriving, but I know I'm definitely getting both. The hard thing is going to be deciding what to play first.....


Sucks for vengeance cause it sounds like it addresses a lot of the problems that kinda ruined 5 for me.


The furtive SMT, so easily forgotten


For me personally, the only way I wouldn’t be buying Vengeance day one is if Shadow of the Erdtree came out on the same day. And here we are


Identical post is on FP already like?


It's two different genres anyway.


I'll get V later tho https://preview.redd.it/8ocirdcae5kc1.jpeg?width=1484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e7f726f70f748f18d36623ab6a1b8d4d69414ae


Dw I'll spoil it for you once it releases :3




Definitely copping both. Never finished v on switch. But its obviously gonna take a back seat to the elden dlc.


I didn’t care for Elden Ring so I know my pick. Funny that Fromsoft gave up on trolling the Horizon devs this time just to go for Atlus instead


I see that you're a person of culture as well👍👍👍


Fuck it I’m going on vaycay that next week so I’ll have time to play both. Winning!!!


I’m so happy for SMT V cuz I planned to get it soon but still didn’t


Coping that they'll pull a Larian and release it a couple weeks earlier


Granblue Fantasy : Relink was in a chokehold release date between Persona 3 Reload & Yakuza : Infinite Wealth, yet it managed to break 1M in 10 days and having a higher steam concurrent users number than both game's combined. People whom are fans of SMT and are excited for Vengeance will be there to support it, as well as Elden Ring fans as well.


I never finished Elden Ring.


I personally don’t play souls likes. So 1000% day 1 cop got SMT VV (hoes mad edition)


Different audiences. It will be fine.


I doubt there’s much overlap.


People said the same thing about LAD 8 and P3 Reload yet both broke sales records for their respective series.


How is this a comparable scenario though ? Neither P3 nor LAD8 is a massive leviathan that will swallow all media/Social media conversations for months ..


I don't think From Software and Atlus fans are anywhere close to a perfect circle


SMT and Elden ring "Fans" Trying to argue over some release dates Me with creamapi and who happens to own elden ring too while also being able to buy smt VV


Do people not realize how different of a playerbase these two games have? People said this about the like 7 games coming out at the start of 2024 and all of them did fine, literally 2 turn-based JRPGs from the same publisher sold 1 million 1 week after the other lol.


In all honesty, being associated with ER could work to it's benefit. The fact that that people already know and love SMT will likely give it even more of a boost in sales. It'd be really unfortunate if this were a game people were dreading the existance of or just hoping to see fail like Suicide Squad or something, but as far as I'm aware I haven't seen that. Most people seem positive towards this re-release and Atlus faithful will no doubt be double dipping into it, even if they felt lukewarm with it's initial release. I think it'll be fine.


Damn, my birthday is LIT this year


They're completely different experiences, I don't think this will really affect either of them. If they dropped VV alongside like, P3R or Infinate Wealth (or another massive JRPG) **then** I'd say they're harming VV's chances.


I'm not an elden ring player, but even if I was, I would never pay $40 for a DLC


I’m not seeing much overlap between the two. Like their not even similar and I’d imagine the communities are pretty separate from one another




How is V rushed or unfinished? And vanilla v actually sold really well, it sold so well and got enough people interested and loving it to show atlus there was still a market for smt enough for us to get a definitive version


OP is talking out of his ass and trying to start some shit between Elden ring and smt that ain’t there


Why does it need to go toe to toe with Elden ring it’s 2 completely diffrent games with diffrent audineces In what world is base smt v rushed or unfinished? Vanilla v is also the best selling game in the series and it being on a restricted hardware speaks volumes for the quality of smt v. You clearly don’t know what tf you’re talking about


“Rushed Unfinished games like v” Tf you mean rushed unfinished game v is a complete game just because it’s getting an enhanced definitive edition doesn’t mean the base game was unfinished. By that logic any game that gets a definitive/enhanced edition is “unfinished”


Not too long after my birthday, too. I'm so hyped for both. Gonna be a busy day for sure