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I would suggest normal, the game can be frustrating enough as it is without added difficulty especially if you go for the true ending. I think it’s a great game so whatever’s as little in the way as possible to enjoy it.


Nocturne’s hard mode is not reasonable for a first playthrough imo.


I did my first playthrough on hard and it was one of the hardest games I've ever played. Don't do it unless you're willing to die to random encounter rng a hundred times over. I had fun though :D


I suggest normal. The games you mentioned don't prepare you for nocturne hard mode at all.


I played nocturne once and on normal. I gotta say it's devastatingly punishing of you don't know everything about the game. So I'd suggest a normal run. In comparison to SMT V there aren't too many differences in normal and hard but one difference is extreme as you receive 2x the damage on hard which is crazy!


P2 probably unprepared you for Nocturne on any difficulty. Play on normal. The only warm up for Nocturne hard is Nocturne normal.


Nocturne's hard mode is hard for bullshit reasons. As someone who started with hard, don't do this to yourself it is not an enjoyable first experience


It doesn't matter what smt games you've played before, nocturne hard mode should only be done if you've played nocturne before imo.


You have enough experience. It may test your patience as the random encounters and puzzles really got to me towards the end


Yeah, I did hard mode for my first playthrough and it wasn't an ideal experience in my opinion. It wasn't even the combat that I found punishing. It was more so lack of resources to do anything. I had I felt like the money was so tight I couldn't purchase many small things let alone resummoning demons to fuse really powerful ones. It let up eventually but the first third of the game was tedious enough I nearly restarted on normal


Nocturne is a real typical SMT experience as it just randomly instakills you sometimes xD I only say riding demon, Mudo lol


Nocturne's hard mode is way harder than SMTV's or any Persona's. It'd be like if those games had a very hard or maddening mode. Nocturne is mean lmao


Dude, I did that, I like that I can brag about it but it was the worst mistake I ever made and committed to, not worth it, it could make your experience not enjoyable at all, the glory is not worth it, maybe as a second playthrough challenge it’s fine, but not when you go 100% blind into it, it kinda ruins the experience.


I spent an hour fighting a tutorial demon because it kept critting me or I kept missing. The rest of nocturne hard mode could be the best gaming experience of all time and I still wouldn't recommend it.