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The current US Supreme Court is a disgrace to the institution. History books, if they’re still allowed, will decry their injustice and pure, unadulterated corruption. May our children forgive us for allowing such a panel of clowns to take charge of our highest court.


I hope Dr Jill reminds Joe that he is also now immune for Official Acts. Official Acts like saving American Democracy from the cristo fascist takeover spearheaded by The Felon formerly known as pres. ASAP!


So Seal Team 6 is OK?


It sounds like Biden can order a drone stike on Trump as a traitorous threat to the country as an official act?


Or the Supremes themselves for undermining the legal system. The possibilities are limitless. 😁


I'm not against this idea


Neither am I!!!


He can and he should. The truth is Biden doesn’t have to kill him, he can send him to Guantanamo as a terrorist, which he is.


Citizen Trump is done.


The appeals merry go round is guaranteed to last beyond Trump’s lifespan


This just in, there’s no such thing as an unofficial act


Thank you brothers and team, keeping them honest or at least shining a light on. Stay Shiny


Presidents answer to the people, not a single prosecutor and a corrupt judge. That’s why so many individuals get immunity, including judges, congressman, senators. Imagine a system where a single prosecutor and a single judge get to decide the outcome of the entire countries leader ship. But y’all are so butt hurt over Donald Trump. You can’t see the sensibility. He will be president again, and he will answer to the people as he should. Now we all know, Biden can’t think for himself, and the countries being ran by other forces. Now, if those forces want to do some more crazy things than they’ve already done, they will answer to the people. Outside of the law itself we live under a social contract. You don’t go after your political opponents, but if you do, we’re gonna come after you. That’s the social contract and that contract has been broken already. You left he seem to forget half the country stands against you. Not only half the country but 80% of the landmass you all reside in the cities. Rural folks are getting sick of it.