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None of his indictments are "official acts" of the POTUS. A president does need this protection within the bounds defined by "official acts". Stealing an election is not an official act. Inciting an insurrection in not an official act. Voiding legal votes of Georgians is not an official act. Shit talking your rape victim is not a official act. Stealing classified docs is not an official act.


fingers crossed he can't skate out of the docs case since that happened out of office, but of course Cannon has already made sure that one won't see a trial... i just feel sick today. not defeated, but ill nonetheless.


Same here. I don't scare easy, and I am terrified for us.




yeah about that Trump: IT WAS AN OFFICIAL ACT FOR ME TO TAKE THESE DOCUMENTS Roberts: I agree. were fucked


You are right of course, but expect an endless line of appeals about what constitutes "official acts". These court cases are going to last forever, Trump will die from natural causes before any of this is resolved.


At least he'll die.


Thank you for that glimmer of positivity.


The US democracy will die first I fear


I fear you are correct. Peoples blindness to the evilness that lies within Donald Trump is the most shocking thing I have ever lived.


Same here, and I've been around for some time.


Yeah, but the prosecutors have to prove that they aren't official acts. And they can't use official acts as part of the pattern showing motive. Unless the prosecutors can prove, without the shadow of a doubt, that they aren't official acts, they are covered by the immunity.


He bought time. That's the playbook. It's the only playbook he knows. It was going to take this path one way or another. At the end of the day the citizens of the US need to vote so prosecutors have the time to make the case.


Yep. His goal is probably to die of natural causes, rich and comfortable, before consequences catch up to him. He'll probably succeed.


Yea but all those things became official acts when SCOTUS made this decision. The justice system that this moron claims has been weaponized against him actually keeps handing him get out of jail free cards or better yet don’t even go to jail for your crimes cards. Democrats have failed to do anything to hold him accountable and refuse to play at the same level as their conservatives colleagues. I guess sleep well knowing we didn’t sink to their level when they take over the country and start executing anyone they like and claims it’s an official action. Gonna be a lot of people wishing they would have acted before things got bad but it’ll be too late at that point. We’re fucked….


The Supremely Corrupt Justices are paving the way for Project 2025, created by the Heritage Foundation. They are a total Fascist organization hiding behind Christianity. In truth they're total hypocrites. Google Project 2025. It will shock you.


The Supremely Corrupt Justices are paving the way for Project 2025, created by the Heritage Foundation. They are a total Fascist organization hiding behind Christianity. In truth they're total hypocrites. Google Project 2025. It will shock you.


Securing the election process is in fact an official act of the president. Especially when it’s done through a legal process as Trump did. Securing legal documents is 100% in the scope of the presidency. Wow you’re the least intelligent little communist I’ve ran into..


Wow, you're the most indoctrinated least likely to be informed little cultist I've seen on here. Rest assured you wouldn't want to run into me. Nothing (as reported or indicted) would suggest any of the above were done as "official acts". If that is true why the need for the Hatch Act? Or are you suggesting it doesn't apply to the POTUS? Have a Good day comrade!


You clearly don’t understand law at all.. And I’m definitely not a cultist. I just love my country and I believe in our republic and democratic procedures. Running into you would not scare me the least bit. I doubt you’ve ever served or seen any combat outside of a scuffle in your local gay bar.. But nice try bud.. I’m sure you’re dwelling in your moms as we speak.. So likely I’ll never run into you.. But if I do, I’ll school you on the law and politics son.


People, if you decide to fight back, we can be triumphant. Vote 🔵. Beat Trump and his corrupt court.


for every election from national to dog catcher!




Time to rally the young. There are more of them than any generation. God, I feel we are down the path of pre-Nazi Germany where complacency will lead to death.


The 6 Justices need to be Impeached and dethroned for going against the Constitution!




Trump doesn’t yet realize that Biden could really fuck him up by imprisoning him for treason!


Now they can proceed to Convict Citizen Trump and will face jail time and he can appeal while behind bars.


i hope we're in your timeline!


I know the line between presidential act and citizen criminality is a little blurry but we can take the time to figure it out and hope Trump will be held accountable.


Right. Make him appeal. Will take time. Rush to sentencing.


Good. By Trump 's rules, Biden can now order Seal Team Six to shoot Trump down in the street. I would much rather have him grabbed and locked up in GITMO as a political prisoner. Anyone in Congress who disagrees should go with him.


And he *still* doesn’t get it !


Judge Merchan needs to put him in jail immediately at sentencing.   It won't stick of course, but make him see the inside of bars anyway. 


President Biden can now instantly imprison donald trump for espionage and being a traitor. SCOTUS just gave him the power. The evidence is on Biden's side. Unlike donald, who we now have mountains of evidence and his own admissions about. Thank you, SCOTUS, for ending the threat of donald trump to the world. Incoming arrests??????? SCOTUS just said ok explicitly. Stay Shiny


not without a trial, we still have due process...even tho SCOTUS has him believing he doesn't


He's awaiting trial. Nothing says President Biden can't imprison him until those trials in the interests of public safety already. Now, he has explicit permission to do so. Dems don't need to be destructive about anything like maga is. Simple powers to take precautions for public safety without interference by SCOTUS are now explicitly given to president Biden to use in the publics interests. I didn't say anything about extra judicial punishment. After all, tens of thousands of criminals who have done less had to sit in prison while awaiting court as they committed much less severe, not to mention fewer crimes than donald trump because they were threats. There is full legal precedent.


considering SCOTUS effectively removed the separation of powers this week...maybe??






Pro-democracy politicians and citizens now need to use all of their options to fight against anti democracy politicians and the people that support the end of democracy. We have to be the people that save us. The land of the free and home of the brave… we have to be brave enough to save our democracy!


Has the dumb fuck figured it out yet that Biden can road test these new found freedoms for American presidents?


JFC... what a dark, DARK day in America. God help us and vote blue!


Time to withdraw money from anyone who supports this bullshit. Put pressure on the idiots who would put Trump in power. Start lists of companies that contributed to Trump campaign and boycott, boycott, boycott. Today, I want to start a self sustainable commune and take my money out of the system. Bye-bye Hobby Lobby, Chick-fil-A, and all the other Republican based businesses.


Win the House, win the Senate, win the Oval. Then actually affect the change you want IN the Constitution... Vote for the change you want. Take these feelings you have, muster people to vote, inform your friends and family, make change happen otherwise it's about as effective as thoughts and prayers.


And if you don't think it's important, keep in mind that the next POTUS will likely pick 2 (if not 3) of the next SCOTUS. These picks will set up the court for a generation.


Stop pretending any of this matters. The election, the Constitution, Democracy. The Supreme Court keeps showing us over and over again that they intend to put Trump in the Whitehouse. They would have not made these decisions over the last week, let alone the last year. They have enough Maga Cult members to back up any decision they declare with violence and civil disobedience. The Mullahs on the Supreme court are smart and they have 100’s of very smart people coordinating all of this… and smart people wouldn’t do all of these things that would turn voters against them if they intended to actually follow through with a fair election. Smart people don’t put things like this to chance. We are to the point now where only republicans can save this country. If a large number do not resign from the house and Senate, this ship has sailed. America and the Constitution will die one year short of its 250 birthday.


What’s left of his amazing businesses, he is a landlord and had to open his own clubs because the trumps were always blackballed from prestigious clubs.


Can Joe call in Seal Team Six.


i mean, it's legal now... but he won't do that, and I'd feel differently about him if he was someone who would, ngl


Sad day America When a cancer like the buddy of dictators gets to the presidency and has the support he does with the track record he has its almost uncomprehensible. The complicit legitimize all the bad deeds, bad behavior, the bullying, the lies and the selfishness is near impossible to overcome. Tired of hearing and seeing his name. The demographic is and will change and I call that A new day will dawn.