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Did she really scream “IM SO COOKED!” ?


I think so






lol she said it like the lemon guy from adventure time


i didn't understand anything


The dude makes videos trolling people on omegle ect. She called him the N word and freaked out because now she is going to be on his tiktok saying racist stuff.


No need to freak out. Most people dont care right now. In 3 days nobody will remember or care that some random girl said a naughty word online.


I remember reading an article about a guy saving a video clip of their school classmate using a slur and then using the recording years later to get them rejected from a college offer. I can see why some people are concerned


I mean it just take the right day for that vid to go viral and now she’s known and the girl that freaked out bc she got caught being racist


Everywhere they know me as the n….. guy




really ?? a kid saying a bad word should later prevent them from gaining an education ???


Yup, no place in this world for racist bigots anymore


when you are a child you often day dumb shit that does not represent your character


One's words and actions do speak to their character. But we can improve our character over time and learn from our mistakes. Of course, a laughing teenager acting up for company is not the same as a serious, intimidating adult.


I know this might be hard for you to understand, but sometimes people say things simply for shock value. Saying a word doesn't automatically turn you into a racist, or anything for that matter. It's not okay to say the n word, but it's not the end of the world.


Nope, she fucked around now she’ll find out Wanna be dumb you’d better be tough, days of casual bigotry are over. Get used to it lmao


Dude most people her age are dumb and say dumb shit that they don't mean. Even if they meant it, maybe they've grown and learned from their mistake and aren't racist anymore. Does that person STILL deserve to not get the education that they otherwise deserve?


Pretty much.




Do you only speak in knee jerk reactions or something?


The nword is just a bad word, but life she called you a cunt i can understand that being forgiven why is the nword just a bad word to you?


What is it to you? Its just a word


I'm not a believer in a child's life being ruined when they have a chance to learn from their mistake. As long as people like you think it's just a word then it shows children aren't learning from their mistakes and you prove why the reaction is warranted


The fact that a white kid growing up learns that they cant say a word that black kids use at the daily basis sets them up to see differences where there arent any. I think either nobody or everybody should be allowed to say it. Its just weird to me that a word can mean 2 different things depending on the color of someone.


Yes, kids don’t get a pass because she said that so quickly like it wasn’t her first time? Just because it’s a random encounter doesn’t excuse her being a cunt.


It’s more like hey look this person is shitty, like the Israeli people on camera celebrating killing kids. It’s not illegal but it’s gross. She knows what she’s doing is wrong. Why are you people so hell bent on apologizing for shitty behavior like this?


no this is nothing like celebrating killing a child. not the same thing at all. it’s a very popular word used in the most popular forms of media and every day speech.


So you are just disgusting.. Got it. Just because you say it all the time doesn’t mean everyone else wants to see or hear you normalize it. If it’s so popular and normal why don’t you say it right now? Exactly.


i’ll do whatever the fuck i want actually


>Israeli people on camera celebrating killing kids. This isn't the same, that's like comparing the Palestinians parachuting into and killing hundreds of innocent people in their homes then celebrating it. Saying something racist when you're a kid years ago is far cry from the same.


The point of the extreme analogy was that gross behavior is gross behavior. You don’t think the IDF videos are gross because you think it’s ok. Racists think saying the N word is fine. Everyone else thinks it’s gross. It’s the same because it’s gross. That’s why disgusting behavior leads to people losing their jobs. Just because you don’t think it’s bad doesn’t make it ok.




Yeah but her freak out is pure gold tho


Eurgh.. I literally can't wait to be blinded by the flash from the Tsar after watching this. Even the radiation sickness would be a welcome distraction.


Randoms will not someone who hates her can easily use this against her.


“Nobody” besides all of her classmates and people within her community. I’m a teacher and the amount of times we have to put kids on special passing periods because they’ve been threatened over shit they said on TikTok is absurd. It doesn’t even have to be recent, people can pull stuff up from years ago and the kid will still receive the social consequences.


Yeah but if that was a he, there would be no safety for him anymore. Random sjws would physically attack him.


Yeah, men just have it so bad in today's society. Cant even be racist and feel safe anymore smh. /s


If that’s the thing you understood from the whole ordeal here, you can kindly fuck off.


oh look at this random clip of a woman getting scared bcuz social repurcussions for the nword, let me make this about men, self victimizing bs, this is why no one takes us seriously


If you think shutting the fuck up about everything minor and trying to talk when something major happens, yeah that won’t ever work. You need to talk about this everywhere so much so that it spreads.


Then uh, maybe phrase it differently, or make it in response to a different question so it doesn’t come off so creepy and incelly. You make me not want to support men’s rights, because it means I’ll be associated with ppl like you


I don’t see the wrong in my phrasing but feel free to offer a correction, and I mean it, I will actually re-evaluate my phrasing if you do so. But with that logic at the end, you should absolutely not support women’s rights because there are MUCH more disgusting people there (do you need examples or are you aware of this fact already?), otherwise you just found an excuse for hypocrisy.


You literally said if that was a guy in this situation he would be attacked and the situation is about using a racial slur.


The situation is that a woman can do whatever she wants without facing consequences which is a thing of gynocentric societies.


Others will forget....she will not.


This absolutely can be used to bite her in the ass in the future.


You mean in 3 days the story will turn into: A naughty girl said a random word online.


Yeah, *you and I* wont care, but at her school, she'll be known as the n word girl until she graduates.


What a stupid fucking take.


Idk it depends where she lives. I grew up in DC, which has a thriving and very large black community. One white girl at my school decided to call someone the N word over text, and over the next two weeks, she got her ass beat at least 3 times. There was a video online of here getting swung around by her ponytail. Be smart. Don't use racial slurs.


Now to have the other girl backstab her and send this to everyone at her school


His content any good? Got link?


Hyphonix on YouTube/TikTok. Yeah he's entertaining.


It's pretty good but gets repetitive after a bit.


First time


"That's that one guy from TikTok! He's that one-- no! He's, he's livestreaming this! Oh my God! No! Noooo! No no no no no no no! I know you, I'm so cooked! Oh my God! NOOOOOOO!"


Thank you




This is the exact moment, she new, she fucked up.




![gif](giphy|1yMfsRiblWJifHQ8Zq) RUH ROH RAGGY >!Rehehehe!<


Like zoinks Scoob I think she has an extra chromosome!


Tutorial on how to ruin your own career


Americans trying not destroy someone's life because he said a single word as a child challenge.




Yeah it’s much better to be enlightened Eurotrash throwing bananas at black footballers.


*someone being racist* "Guys its just a word!"


There are commenters here saying this 💀 what happened to shunning racists for racism???


Conservatives took off their masks after they got Trump elected


We can still tell, bro.


No you can’t lol. Keep crying lmao.


Keep telling yourself that dude. Your entire reality relies on the kindness of others.


>someone being racist >"Guys its just a word!" It is just a word and im not gonna pretend it's not nobody should have their future ruined for speaking especially young people who are borderline children


SHOULD a young person have their future ruined for speaking? No, probably not, but I'm also not going to pretend it isn't REALLY fucking funny when it does happen.


Is it a joke? 14 y o kid can ruin her carrier in the us by saying a word on tiktok? It must be an exaggeration


Its not. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8HQjhzgODZ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://nypost.com/2020/12/29/white-teen-kicked-out-of-college-after-n-word-video-resurfaces/ Found 2 from 5 minutes of googling. These arent the only ones I found.


US is delusional


Stop saying racist words.  Wouldn’t have to worry about it 


>Stop saying racist words.  Id rather countries be smart enough not to ruin the future of children over words ...


I'd rather countries be smart enough to teach inclusive behaviors rather than diminish them as "words" when it's obviously a larger systemic issue that is rooted in racism.


As much as I want to agree, these people brought it upon themselves by not thinking before they spoke. You can't really blame a company or college for wanting to disassociate with someone who could potentially alienate more than 15% of their potential applicants/customers, especially if theres a candidate with the same or better credentials that doesnt have a viral video of them using a word that was commonly used to dehumanize and decribe human beings as property.


It's always bewildering to see someone call someone who isn't even black the hard R, like what is that even supposed to mean to them?


Its kids saying the naughty word they know they shouldn’t. Simple as that.


Nah there's definitely places where the hate runs so deep that they unironically think it makes sense to apply it to anyone they think is inferior or whatever. I've encountered a few dudes from Texas, specifically, that were like that. I guess it's kinda like the way people used to throw homophonic slurs around until pretty recently, whether or not the target was actually gay didn't matter, it was just about debasement by association.


While you're not wrong, the other guy isn't wrong either. Both of these are true statements. :)


Same thing it means to Black pple… nothing. Plus non Black pple can be n words too, to say otherwise is racist and cringe


The duality of thinking you’re cool for saying the nword and then having a full on meltdown when you’re exposed. Jfc


Caught in 144p


Why don't these girls ever use a diffuser.






Instant karma




“Children”➡️dude that’s not even a child, clearly a Teenager… & even if she Was a Child- Children need to understand that there are consequences to their actions fundamentally, whether Racism Or Not…


she realised that she is the chosen one 💀


Damn looks like some one learned about the consequences of their own actions lmao


Two white girls I have seen using the N word on Tiktok via reddit, I guess times are a changing


Him asking her if she has bronchitis still trumps everything else


I'm so happy for her ☺️


All the “kids shouldn’t have to suffer for the rest of their lives for saying stupid kid things” don’t seem to grasp the idea that choices have consequences, regardless of age. It would never even cross my kids’ mind to say that word so why some seem to think it’s okay “because they’re young” is baffling to me.


Actions have consequences. Fuck around and find out.




Tell me you hate black people without telling me you hate black people


I remember some kids panicing when I was in high school cause they were calling each other that slur and I happened to be walking past them in the hallway so I thought they said it towards me. I said "excuse me?" and they all panicked cause I guess they weren't expecting a black person to attend the public school of a major city with them. They didn't find it as funny once they realised I thought they were actually insulting me, they all just went quiet and walked away with their heads down. They never made eye contact with me whenever we saw each other by chance, lmao. Tbh, I've had multiple people try to say those slurs around me or other black students (or other slurs around other minorities) to get a reaction in middle and high school so a lot of us just never responded. It's exhausting being around edgy "it's just a word" logic of a fucking preteen and teenager, a lot of them tried to sit next to or instigate people just for a reaction or attention and were either socially isolated or would immediately get their shit rocked. So honestly seeing shit like this will never not be funny to me.


That little nod like "yup you're done" got me laughing


Dickhead move to post this. Come on they're just children


i’m so cooked


For every crime, sooner or later the punishment will come


Yeah, on TV. In real life, crimes and grievances are often rewarded.






isn't omegle dead ?


Funny how things on the internet can outlive the life of a website


i'm not surprised since there's a lot of crazy clips from it but i'm a little surprised new ones are popping up now


Not everything gains traction right away, that's my guess why


https://preview.redd.it/uvey1rdicl7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e486010b782619f826856d0e0fd398a042d0c71 The dude is ultra-based.