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Filing false domestic violence charges so to win custody is a huge problem in other jurisdictions. 


Yep divorce has got to the point where you have to have a strategy before you start. If you have children then they are part of that strategy. Having spent time around men who had their ex start divorcing them it's pretty clear by the consistent behavior that it was planned in advance. The work seems to be: - Make sure you earn less than your spouse - Work with groups such as women's shelters to plan your attack. - Get a friendly psychologist on your side - Empty any shared bank accounts - Shock and awe - Accuse them of psychological, economical, emotional, sexual and physical abuse. Accuse them of drinking, swearing, drug taking and aggressive behaviour in front of the children. Claim you are afraid for the children and your protection. Remember you don't need proof for any of this. - Use any weakness that they talked to you about as ammunition. If you've done it properly then you should now have an ex spouse short of cash, isolated and reduced to living on someone's couch. If you can get them to feel so low they see councillors then they can be displayed as 'unbalanced'. Again no proof is required it's just he said she said. Of course not all marriages are like that, but the failure rate is high enough that when you prep for marriage you need to prep for divorce as well. There is nothing like seeing a huge muscular man who has worked hard in a well paying field in tears because they have no access to their kids and have moved back in with their parents to understand how devastating a divorce can be. When you see it once, it's hard but hey maybe one off. See it twice, maybe it's a coincidence. See it three times and more, yeah it's a playbook.


‘when you prep for marriage you need to prep for divorce as well.’ This should be taught in schools


It's something I'd like them to see in school tbh. Watch some examples of family court (not drama, but normal behavior). If they could do some trips to the court and watch a session in action that would also be good. Odds are their parents went through the process and if they get married they will probably go through it too. Essentially just life skills.


Every male teen should be educated on the downfalls and pitfalls of marriage and child support. It should be taught in every high school across the nation.


You have NAILED it Perfectly. I have read literally Tens of thousands of stories just like this over the last 10 year. Exact same scenario and playbook. And you know who supports this strategy, the feminists, lawyers, judges, anti-family court system, legislators and definitely the private collection companies. They all profit off of us and our kids. The entire system is an abomination and goes against the very principals this country was found upon.


You missed this one. Lawyers can and do push women to use such a strategy as well.


Actually, studies show that men are more likely to win custody when domestic abuse has been alleged even in cases when there is substantial evidence. Women are now regularly advised to not bring up abuse when going through divorce. This is to prevent parental alienation.


Actual court cases show something wildly different to these unreported studies:  https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/family-court-judges-to-be-trained-about-the-malicious-use-of-false-accusations/


Again, we men keep being painted as villains there will be quite a few of us more than willing to play the role. People always seem to forget it's far easier to destroy than it is to create.


It becomes way easier to destroy as well when there isn’t incentive not to. There is a reason that the terms, Scorched earth, and Salting the land exist. As well as the saying they were destroyed from within.


Well it's getting to the point where I'm looking into the legality of owning a flame thrower and pricing bags of salt. As for the destruction from within, you mean to tell me that the manipulative lying harpies are only happy when everyone else is just as miserable as they are? I'm shocked, shocked I say🙄


This won't work out in their favour though? Aren't women the primary abusers of children? This is good, or am I missing something?


I don’t think you’re missing anything. In the article the language refers to abusive partner or parent. It doesn’t specify fathers. Only in the anecdotal story the article is based does it refer to the ex husband. I don’t see how this is bad. It’s in the UK and evidently there were no laws that protected children from abusive parents.


That's what I'm reading too. We just need to be reporting abusive women at higher rates than we currently are, hopefully these things will change but part of that change needs to come from men not putting up with it. Balls in our court on this one lads.


The undertext of the article while portraying the issue as gender neutral.. clearly shows the intent of "This is something that happens to women and needs to be stopped"


This is a disgusting misbuse of a single case by the toxic sexists aka feminists.


It is sad. I was abused by both parents both physically and neglect. The local authority insisted on me speaking to my mother. She tried killing me but my Father who didn't was pushed out of the picture. They hate men. At every level of family they are pushed out. Here is a proposal. DO not date abusive men.


I went through a similar ordeal as a child with a father who raped and beat me and a mother who poisoned me for years resulting in cancer at 19, and also beat me. I want to say from another survivor that I am also sorry you went through what you did. how do you know man is going to be abusive before it is too late ?


There are plenty of books, and these days YouTube channels that discuss the dark triads. These resources will teach you how to spot general patterns that are signs for that behavior. The hard part is promoting those resources and bringing awareness to men, when most of the things are openly shit down or shunned. Even harder to look past your own emotions to recognize these behavior patterns, and learn when to cut and run.


This won't work out in their favour though? Aren't women the primary abusers of children? This is good, or am I missing something?


Feminists have been working against fathers for half a century. We know there are abusive fathers but this will so easily be manipulated by mothers to secure power with children. It needs to be evidence based which feminism isn't, it's ideology based.


Yep. https://eagleforum.org/publications/efr/jan19/my-sister-kate.html


I mean this could also be a good thing to clear the child custody bias against men too, who are forced to hand over their child to an abusive ex simply because they’re women. Now will that be applied to both sex is another story


Trying to pass another law to use it as leverage.


There is a very pernicious subtext to this - that being that the parent who should have to “earn” access to their child should be the father. That is the fundamental flaw in all of this; if one parent should not be given presumption of contact, neither should. If there are grounds to restrict access to a child, there are other laws in place to address that, and they should be utilised. Should this pass into law, we’ll simply see another reason to avoid marriage and childbirth spring up, consequences that have doubtlessly gone unconsidered.


Yes this is perceptive. But regardless of how badly thought out it is, it will be a vote winner in today’s climate so MP’s will line up to back it.


Oh, no doubt - and that isn’t fundamentally an issue, so long as any law isn’t written in gendered language and there’s a robust process in place to uphold its terms. That is likely a pipe dream though, sadly.


>Therefore, she supports the recommendations to change the law, in order to protect both women and children. And there we have it folks.. This legislation despite most likely being worded to be gender neutral will clearly be enforced in one direction.. Abusive women will still get the presumption of having unsupervised access to their children... But hey, nothing new as far as double standards are concerned... >As of Friday, the government announced that paedophile rapists will have their rights to contact their own children automatically removed. Once again.. I assume this will only apply to "Male paedphile rapists" and I will be utterly shocked if it is applied to female paedophile rapists..


There's 2 sides to every story. What kind of abuse did she inflict on this father to make him act that way? Men are not abusive by nature. They are turned into abusers by women who abuse them mentally, emotionally, psychologically, financially and physically. Abuse comes in many forms, and I GUARANTEE you this woman was doing something to make this man something he was not. Women fail to realize they are the Abusers who create the abuse and turn men into someone they are not.


Yep this side of the story you will never hear. And if it’s voiced, it’s ridiculed/belittled. When in actual fact the core principle/ foundation of the relationship has often been undermined in some way / shape or form.


Anyone that abusers their child doesn’t need access to children or it at least needs to be supervised. Honestly if you can hurt your own flesh and blood whether that abuse is physical, sexual or mental abuse they may as well just put you to death. A child should be protected not used as a method to take out your aggression.


In no way should abusive parents have unfettered access to children and I think we’ll be hard pressed to find someone that thinks the opposite. The issue is that this type of extreme example will clearly be misused to prevent fathers from seeing their children. This sort’ve thing becomes the go to ammunition in divorce- fathers are at more at risk of being falsely accused of aggression or be victims of exaggerated claims of it. Quoting from the article: “It's a very misogynistic system... that it doesn't matter what the circumstances are - children will always have contact with their fathers. "But it shouldn't be at any cost..."


My brother and his lady got divorced 10 years ago and he got primary custody and she got weekends. I don’t think custody sways in the woman’s favor as much as is stated here. Also her side lied (not about abuse but about her living arrangements and other little white lies that were just ridiculous and things that didn’t even matter) and that was used against her and was not favorable for her at all.


And I know many men who's partner fabricated lies about physical and sexual abuse against them / the children who were awarded default custody.. All with no evidence provided.. So yeah.. It does happen as well. Sounds like your brother got lucky.. Good for him.. but his result is not indicative of how it normally goes.