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To be fair if the "yeah duh" was slightly rude. After that was a cycle of reciprocal minor escalations. As is common on the internet. Sorry dude the way I see it you made your own bed. If you're rude to people you don't get to play the victim when they're rude back. We are better than this, we need to act like it.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of how feminists usually attack men just for commenting in a female dominated space but I actually 'Jackass' was restrained for using the "Yeah duh". I'd have told you to 'fuck off'. I'm all for us pointing out when women attack men just for existing but I'm not resorting to their tactics of setting guys up to look bad. Just go make a polite and respectful post on 'twoX' and you'll get women abusing you for no reason. Just don't do the universally recognised 'your a moron' phrase.


I didn’t intend for it to sound condescending. That ‘duh’ is just how I talk.


Hey man not trying to be combative or anything but you might want to work on that. How you come across it's very important. If you come across as rude even if you don't mean to well to be honest no one really cares if you mean to or not. Something to consider man.


>Went to r/Feminism What did you expect would happen? 💀


For a second he trusted reddit's feminists, rookie mistake there bud


You misspelled misandrist.


… That’s fair…


i wonder why women in the west pretty much forgot about women in the middle east


Arab women are happy being… women. So it doesn’t fit their boss bitch harlotry narrative.


I don't believe that. Many an Arab woman I've met that came to the US has broken down in front of me because of how they're treated. They have Stockholm syndrome or something and don't realize how bad it is until they're free. That being said, most of them don't agree with the radical majority and typically remain moderately conservative by US standards.


I don’t mean all do. Experience varies based on country, family and upbringing. An Arab woman in Egypt, Lebanon or Morocco would have a different experience than Pakistan, Iran or Saudi Arabia.


Feminists should be furious about Islam and its attempts to rule the world. Instead they focus on hating white western men. Oh well, this will catch up with them.


How will it catch up with them?


Looking at people like these makes me feel too many dumbasses are enjoying rights that they are unworthy of.


The art of shooting yourself in the foot


Talking to feminists is useless and I wouldn’t honestly give a damn about women being oppressed over there or over here.


Yeah duh.


Well duh, you asked about it on the Internet.


"profesionals" lol the average person on any sub is not a professional. They have some amateur knowledge on the topic, and sometimes you meet someone qualified, but most of the it's just some random people.


First time?(the meme)


That's a shithole sub for obvious reasons. But you were being an asshole and your question was bad. You could have mentioned the details about what you're looking for in your OP and how you didnt have much luck finding it like you did in your last comment. Anyone who posts a question like you did with super short details I assume is an entitled asshole. Why should they go to the trouble to find a link to something they may have seen when you can't even write a paragraph in the OP. In case you were trying to bait them into banning for an innocent question: don't be an asshole. Assholes get banned in many subs. Be polite so the only reason they banned you is obvious.


I didn’t mean to sound condescending, that’s just how I talk. I wasn’t trying to bait them into banning me or anything, I was legitimately just asking a question.


You should speak differently. Speak with dignity and respect while giving people the benefit of doubt, assuming until rigorously proven otherwise that they are being genuine. You'll get a lot of things you want that way.


Thats just REDDIT for you too... The amount of downvotes i've gotten for simply stating a FACT that glass lickers find 'offensive' is just insane.


What fact might that be? I like triggering glass lickers with facts.


Oh where to start... Telling people who hate 'big trucks' that people buy them as an all-in-one solution for carrying family and the occasional couch, lawn mower, wood / drywall, mulch, etc without having to buy, pay insurance, and store 2-3 different vehicles... That people who shoot up buildings are crazy no matter if they left or right leaning, that Apple products in modern day suck, they're years behind everyone else, and purpously make their stuff difficult / impossible to fix in order to sell more products, that political correctness is stupid, that gun free zone signs do nothing for criminals, that I don't like Glock pistols and I got a lemon from them.... Basically anything. There are so many 'sensitive' redditors


Oh lol None of those seem like particularly hot takes to me. Is reddit really full of entitled princes and princesses that get offended over those opinions? Or is just like a few crazies?


The projection is clear from them onto lwma, the idea that lwma is a hostile sub is ridiculous.