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Misogyny is hatred towards women, and misandry is the hatred towards men. That is the only difference, they are both tribalistic bullsh**.


Another, more important difference is that one is condemned while the other is praised and encouraged.


I guess anyone can start to resent a group if they have enough bad experience. Problem in the West and lots of other places is, that misandry is mainstream and is expressing itself in the actual laws, government programs, mainstream media propaganda,... I am sure feminist are exalted their truth is the official truth now. But due to their dogma they cannot stop blaming patriarchy for everything. Cause if there is no patriarchy, what is a feminist supposed to blame bad outcomes on?


They'd have to take responsibility for themselves. God forbid that happens, right? They'll never let patriarchy go away because the alternative terrifies them.


It’s just pure gaslighting. They cherrypick the worst possible scenario for women and least worst one for men and compare them like they were apples and bananas. Women do kill and hurt men, not just that but (at least in my country) it’s perfectly acceptable to slap or punch a man and be praised as some girlboss putting a man in his place. Ironically the most “misogyny” I see them complaining about on the internet is when someone made a comment or a joke they didn’t like.


The three Gs of feminism: gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss


There's a PV in there somewhere, you can take a wild guess of what that means


Wow, where do you live? No wonder why some women try to gaslight us because almost all men, they will not punch each other or women


In my country I can claim self defense if I need to defend myself. Nobody here is going to punch me.


Stated it many times before but the claim is crap. If it was just misogyny at the root of all violent crime, not only would there have to be an opposing trend in which women were overwhelmingly the victims of all violent crime (which isn’t the case), but it would also have to fall under the category of a hate crime. Thing is though, hate crimes on the basis of sex accounted for [less than 1%](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/hate-crime-statistics) of all hate crimes, a whole 3.1% less than gender orientation itself. Basically, to put it simply, the claim that misandry and misogyny is not the same is really just dog whistling and an attempt to justify their shitty behaviour on the basis of having experienced shitty behaviour. And THEY know this themselves, it’s why they get combative and deny it exists and/or downplay it whenever they get called out on it.


This is probably the best comment so far. Thanks for the info.


No problem!


Misandry leads to men dying as well. For example, by suicide.


And by war, and as victims of violent crime, and in prison, and on dangerous jobsites...


Inb4 “who set that system up🤪”


Ah yes because no woman has ever aborted, murdered or abused Their son because They hate men. They also totally don't disrespect and mistreat Us with things like that penis seat on public transport, generalizing Us all as sexual predators and saying We're all worse than bears, ignoring and dismissing men's issues and suffering, disrupting meetings for men's rights, cancelling International Men's Day on college campuses, reinforcing the law that made it so men in India can't legally be victims of sexual assault, removing due process for sexual assault allegations on college campuses, invading men's spaces like making the boy scouts include girls and not doing the same with the girl scouts etc. This is what They call avoiding men?


Women on Reddit that state that? That’s says it all. They are terminally online, mentally ill people that are afraid to leave the house. Nothing more -


Valerie Solanas, a radical feminist who wrote about how men are subhuman and should all be killed, shot Andy Warhol in 1968, trying to murder him. After which she shot another man and tried to shoot a third but the gun jammed. So when women hate men, it leads to men dying (or living only due to luck of the first 2 shots missing) Also if you look at [this report](https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/documents/cb/cm2022.pdf) it shows that not only far more children have suffered at the hands of mothers instead of fathers, boys are 52% more likely to die from maltreatment than girls. So when women hate men, it also leads to innocent children dying too.


Don’t forget she was once called a “hero of women’s rights” a few years before that.


Misogyny is hardly a thing. It's something that was made up so that a victim narrative can be pushed in an attempt to get more resources for their group. I don't know any man that hates women. I've seen a few online but I think they are few and far between and I've never seen any violent ones, they all just whine and sulk and go their own way. If a man kills a woman, it's predominately not because misogyny, it's because he hates *that* woman.


>If a man kills a woman, it's predominately not because misogyny, it's because he hates that woman Love and sex makes people crazy af. This is such an important thing. Also, I think misogyny is fear of women, not hate. Since fear is the primary emotion. But if we say men are afraid of women it doesn't work for them so. I've never had any hate for women but I have a healthy amount of fear and tbh I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Fear is pretty fundamental.


But then you shouldn't call it misogyny, because miso (misos = hate) and gyne (woman). It literally means to hate women. If the hatred arises from fear, we should call it gynophobia (I don't know if that's the right word for it, but it sounds right). But in general it's true that very often hate is the result of fear. Just like racism is often a result of xenophobia. And just out of interest, whats a "healthy amount of fear" from Women?


Well no, misogyny is definitely a real thing. Just not what most people think misogyny is. For instance a lot of (caught) serial killer have traumatic experiences from an individual woman (usually mother or romantic figure, and ironically usually very feminist) that causes them to see all women in a very misogynistic way. However that makes up an incredibly small fraction of women’s deaths, so it’s not really the type of behavior to build an entire ethos about fearing. It’s the exact same argument racists make about middle-easterners. A small fraction of them are terrorists so you can’t afford to trust any one of them. Except there are even fewer serial killers compared to all men


That's why I said "hardly a thing". Do dangerous misogynists exist? yes, but they are like 1 in one hundred million or something. Women have a better chance of being hit by lightning than attacked because of misogyny. Now, here's an idea I just had. How many men that were murdered by women are misandrist? Perhaps most woman's fear of misogynists is simple projection?


It’s a hard thing to quantify, it’s not like a woman is going to explicitly say “I killed that man because I hate all men.” And furthermore it’s not like gender-studies researchers are rolling in grant money to study flaws in women. It’s an argument feminists make a lot to say that misogynists are violent but misandrists aren’t. The media and academia love to create stories of how pathological misogynists kill but completely ignore violence from women, so therefore to them and their backwards “evidence based” reality it doesn’t exist. They love operating under the assumption that science has a comprehensive knowledge of everything, and that people who write grants are 100% unbiased and would *never* turn down the chance to explore research that goes against their interests. Step 1: create a completely biased branch of science dedicated to confirming what you think. Investigate every avenue that makes your opponents look violent and irrational. Step 2: under no circumstances give money to people who want to prove you wrong. Step 3: claim that any behavior that hasn’t been published doesn’t exist so it’s impossible to refute anything made by your propagandist research.


Pfffft. Sure, *some* men do kill women, overtly. However, some women do kill men, covertly. A man will straight up shoot or stab a woman who’s wronged him. A woman will use every weapon at her disposal to drag a man who’s wronged her through the coals, through the streets, put him in prison, etc. She prefers a death of a thousand cuts.


And above all that it’s much harder to convict a poor innocent woman


Misandry is same as Misogyny. Misandrist hate men because they associate all men as violent or stupid. Just like the word they are opposite of actual misogynist.


Any woman who hates men should not be allowed to have anything made, controlled, created, invented by men. Such statements are just a copout for those who don't want to be held accountable for their wrong doing.


The idea things like hatred, sexism and racism can only work in one direction is of course nonsense. Hated of men is misandry every bit as much as hated of women is misogyny. Discrimination against men is every bit as sexist as discrimination against women. Feminist efforts to win policies and practices favorable to women require they sell the idea that only women can face discrimination, be disadvantaged, be the subject of hatred, etc. Claiming misandry doesn’t exist or doesn’t do any harm is simply part of the attempt to paint an image that women are oppressed and victimized but men can’t be. Again, this is central to the feminist agenda to advantage women over men.


*”bUt wEN a MAn hAS eMoTioN, dAts dAnGErOuS fOR wOmEN tHO?!?!”*


[Shaye Groves slit 25-year-old Frankie Fitzgerald's throat](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-64597123) [California woman who fatally stabbed boyfriend over 100 times avoids prison](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bryn-spejcher-fatally-stabbed-chad-omelia-over-100-times-avoids-prison-time-ventura-county-caifornia/) [Teen who murdered boyfriend in 100 mph crash had toxic relationship with him](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teen-murdered-boyfriend-100-mph-crash-toxic-relationship-prosecutors-s-rcna100636) I'd say there's plenty of men dying from women's attacks. It just seems to fall out of the news so quickly for some reason.


Yeah, here is a thought. The woman you talked to is a misandrist making excuses for her misandry.


The men of Ukraine are dying from misandry, and the only reason women are avoiding them is because they've fled the country- which the men aren't allowed to do, because of, you guessed it, misandry. The two boys (on average) who die every day from botched genital mutilations are killed by misandry, which allows them to be subjected to procedures that every civilized nation protects girls from- but which no nation, civilized or otherwise, protects boys from. So that statement is backwards: when men hate women, it leads to women feeling uncomfortable; when women (and men) hate men, it leads to men dying.


I have found that the best method of taking down these evil forces is to do nothing at all.. Just sit back and let them rage-quit.. Eventually all those groups will end up having coitus with themselves for an obvious reason. Racism against white people, for an example, is just solved in the courts, causing major damage to the perps.. No reasons to be whining about it on social media. Women hating on men and being vile, while suckling on the teat of the alphabet people has resulted in women losing their "safe-spaces" to men pretending to be women.. and hetero men losing interest in being around them, even firmly rejecting their presence which is leading to them getting aborted by corporations.. Women, especially women, have lost every battle they've attempted by just being women.. Surely it's fun arguing with women and annoying them on social media but to even think that you're ever going to win feeling based psychopathy with logic and reason should make you reevaluate your own mind..


Remind them of how widely lauded the SCUM manifesto was, and how its author was regarded as a “hero of women’s rights” until she tried to kill a man. Anyone can believe anything they want, but if they choose to believe one type of bigotry is more justifiable than another, they’re a bigot.


It’s mysideism. The justification of anything your side says or does that goes against common sense you defend or dismiss as unimportant.


Some women have aborted because it was a boy. Hatred kills on both sides. Also women have killed men before, it has happened. Just because it's less common doesn't matter at all. Just like feminists say about rape "one is too much".


I think what they mean is that women don’t tend to be violent. It’s still stupid but it’s different than systemic power.


Just because women use more indirect means doesn't mean it's less violent


I know


Then I think you meant physically violent


I’m telling what the person who made the statement meant. Like I said in my post, I think it’s a stupid statement to make.




The idea is that women do not have the power or influence to truly harm men, so misandry is different. And women generally don't want to kill men either. It's the other way around. They're making good points but they're coming to the wrong conclusion. It's not that misandry is different it's that women are different. 🙄


This is your gamma bias talking. As for women not having power. It is incredible how much emphasis is given to the well being of women. Partly because feminists are well organized and financed, and women represent an important voting block that is sensitive to their issues. We also see how this power is being used. To oppose gender neutral laws to protect male victims. To oppose funding and establishment of safe houses for male victims of domestic violence. To spread lies that drunk women cannot consent, which was disproved by experts, and at the same time to fail to realize that even if true, it applies to drunken men too. So, misandry is alive and well, and certainly causes immense harm and suffering. I am also perplexed how women in countries where 90% of homocide victims are men, are so very vocal about the need for more to be done to protect women, and implementing special laws to punish killing of a woman harsher. I guess those 90% of male victims had it coming, cause you know, they are men. Such cases of discrimination against men enshrined in laws and government run programs are rife and easy to find. To find similar issues that affect women, you probably need to go to Saudi Arabia or some other such place.


Why get your hands dirty when you can commit violence by proxy?


Why? Are women not just female humans? All humans possess the power and possible thought of killing and harming anyone if they wanted to. Women are no special. In fact this kind of thinking is why my wonderful country is stuck in some god-awful past where they don't even entertain the idea that a woman could do any harm. It's like saying women should be allowed to slap or physically hurt men because women usually don't want to do so and hence once in a while its okay. It never is.


Except women have full power and influence on men which is how they harm men. Your life can be destroyed and you can be put prison by a false accusation from a women. Men dont have homeless shelter or backing from society like women do. Women have less jailtime and seen as victims of all crime before an investigation occurs. Not to mention society mandates men become strong and resourceful to serve women. The misandrist who use the guise of feminism do not have any rational or legit point, its all the projection.


As a woman I literally have the legal power to kill a man’s unborn child if I wish to harm him. 


Along with having a significantly higher chance of winning a custody case then denying him the right to see the child, while also siphoning his pockets through alimony and child support leaving Him struggling financially and heartbroken while lying to the child and saying that He abandoned Them thus turning the child against him. There's also ruining his life with false allegations of abuse and or assault thus turning his friends and family against him, having him removed from his college campus thus wasting any and all hard work He and or his parents put into paying for it, or the scholarship He earned, getting him fired from his job, making it difficult for him to find a job in the future as well, and having him tossed into prison where at best He's got a record now, at worst He could be murdered or actually sexually assaulted himself for a crime He didn't commit and so on. You could also steal his sperm then sue him for child support. There's plenty ways a woman can use the system to ruin a man's life be He innocent or guilty.


Ah yes some of Them just say They should all be castrated or locked up and milked for sperm, or that Men should be reduced to 10% of the population, or They go around saying "Kill all men!" If You truly believe that women don't have the power or influence to hurt a man You're naive. If men generally want to kill women then why is it that 70+% of homicide victims are men? Your comment aged like milk the moment You pressed "Comment" My friend. Women are different... but not any better than men They have flaws too, are capable of influencing the world in both negative and positive ways just as much as men, There are female politicians, women have had the right to vote for 100 years now, and women actually vote slightly more than men. They may not do most of the dirty, dangerous jobs that men do to help keep society running but They still have important jobs such as teaching the next generation, and influencing mental health as most therapists are women. However women are just as vulnerable to succumbing to irrational hatred, bitterness, malice and evil as men. If women didn't have the power or influence to do anything no one would actually be listening to feminists and successfully making changes to the laws or the media we consume both for good and ill. There have been several female leaders of countries, scientists, writers and so forth that have left their mark on the world or even shaped what it is today. If anything believing women to be powerless and unable to do anything good or bad to change the world is sexist, foolish, and a massive discredit to Them.


Women are less efficient at physical violence, that's all. And even that, with so many other tools to compensate from guns, to knives, drugs and law enforcement make it only a sometimes important distinction. Women do have power, just less efficient means of immediate physical violence. As for influence, hell no, the average woman has far more influence than the average man to harm the other. In many places her accusation alone can destroy him. Stop claiming things like “women don't want to kill men” if you aren’t going to take that time to look at the relevant statistics. Women are every bit as physically violent as men, almost exactly equal in fact when it comes to DV. Add in that their primary women is emotional abuse and reputation destruction and they are more violent than men. At least in western society where they are so protected that holding them accountable is extremely difficult. Don't even grant them the “making good points” because they aren't. If they looked at the whole picture, rather than just a select set of curated numbers, it would disprove their claim. For example, they love to tout the “more women are killed by their partner than omen killing men” while ignoring the “more women kill or assault the children they are responsible for” and the action of women doing it is greater, especially if you add in abortion. So who is worse again?