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How?! Lol. I've been wishing for that glitch ever since people first started posting about it.


Me too. No such luck!


Which smartphone are you on? Maybe it has to do with RAM. Or the internet connection or sth


Let me know if you figure anything out. I’ve also been asking these and other questions on a lot of the reset posts and so far haven’t seen any patterns. However, I do think there has to be some trigger (i.e. it’s not completely at random) just based on the frequency of people getting it multiple times. I just did a buncha cleaning to clear up space on my phone. Maybe I shoulda been doing the opposite! 😂


iPhone 13 Pro max! And id say my internet gets pretty spotty at times, usually only ever have 2 bars!


I crash all the time and pray that one of these times I might be able to have this happen. I’m just not very lucky I guess.


It’s happened all times when I’m resetting for those dragon shrine choice eggs if that helps :D


Nope I’ve done that 1000+ times and nothing! Some people are just lucky!


Darn! Well, hope you get it sometime soon!!


Jealoussssssss 😮 you’re so lucky haha!


Just imagine all the star dragons you'll have! Also, share the luck, damn. Lol


Yeah, def loving the star dragons! And I’m trying, I don’t know where my luck came from !


Yeah I've been reset like 5-6 times. I've lost count tbh. It can be annoying when it happens before I can get through everything, but I'm not going to complain because I'm nearly done with the Star dragons. Weird how some people still haven't gotten a reset but some can't NOT get them lol I've never been reset below level 10 though.


Omggg I wish I got a reset😫


Ik everyone else is saying otherwise, but I would hate that because some of the high rank rewards are rlly good and not even that hard rank up to if you play daily or just focus on challenges, but hey, rlly easy free star dragons for you tho!


Yeah, I think I’ve only made it to like 30, so I’m really curious of the higher rewards! But loving these star dragons! Edit: spelling


man im still stuck at 50 guess prob bc my ipad is newer so idk i wish we could somehow pay for it to be restarted or something lol


Man that would be super interesting and probably get them a good bit of money


agree or have a wait time like a month before u can redo them would also be nice or they just need to just make more xD


That would be great! And give us more space while they’re at it!


yeah iv been bubbling alot of eggs bc i try to do 5 merges but alot of the event ones just clutter up bc the egg storage SUCKS


It does suck!! I usually just buckle and merge the three of dragons I’m never gonna get again, then they come next even so it starts over again.


I've been stuck at 50 for like a year *sob*