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"classical music is heavy metal before electricity" is one of the most braindead takes I've ever heard


There's nothing less classical than a sequence of power chords lmao


"Misirlou is black metal without distortion"


There's actually only one song that's ever been written in all of history. Different people just play it louder or quieter.


Imo this one makes a lot more sense. Both surf rock and black metal are song based genres that are mostly built around tremolo picked minor scale riffs


it’s lowkey true but the joke has been done to death


\*Some\* metal, resembles \*some\* classical music, just like there's \*some\* metal that resembles almost every other genre. I think making it a general statement is just wrong, but it in some situations it is quite fitting.


Yes but that's because *some* metal guitarists actively try to emulate the style of *some* classical composers (especially Bach). That doesn't make the entirety of classical music (a tradition that spans centuries and genres) somehow metal


Completely agree.


Fucking legit, there are patterns like the pedal note but this shit ain't close to classical


That actually makes sense


I've seen that sentiment shared before and I guess I simply don't get it. I've never found anybody with any real knowledge of classical music composition, and an articulable understanding of what "heavy metal" is, who could then explain what it means. It always ends up being a YouTube video of some guy playing a cherry picked piano piece on an electric guitar. That's it. Well, lots of music lends itself to that sort of reimagining. I've seen Disney's Bambi reimagined as a kind of metal album, basically transcribing all the sound effects into music. Very cool, but it doesn't mean the music and sound effects of Bambi are any kind of simplified metal.


As a fan of both classical and metal (and I’ve played in metal bands and orchestras), I’ll give you my two cents as someone who does think classical music and metal share a lot of parallels. I think there are two factors at play here: 1) some metal music is directly influenced by classical (like shredding guitar solos for example), but more importantly: 2) in the simplest possible way, classical music was one of the few truly heavy forms of music before metal, and by heavy I mean loud with a massive frequency range, that wall of sound, that sheer bombastic magnitude is what I love about both classical and metal. Think Carmina Burana, Ride of the Valkyries, Mozart’s Reqiuem, the Planets, and in a similar vein modern “classical” music from film scores.


Walk by Pantera got some of the stupidest lyrics ever.




Art thy utterances directed unto me, rapscallion?






Walk on home boy. White power. Seig heil... Fuck, I think Phil might be a racist.




Lyrics have always been Pantera's weak link, a constant across all nine of their albums. The musicianship made the band. Cemetery Gates has pretty good lyrics, and that's about all that comes to mind. "I fucked your girlfriend last night. While you snored and drooled, I fucked your love. She called me daddy, and I called her baby when I smacked her ass. I called her sugar when I ate her alive till daylight, and I slept with her all over me. From forehead to rib cage I dripped her ass." Lyricism 100


Pretty popular opinion on here


Walk on home, boy


A lesson learned in life 🎶


No way, punk.


You mean **WOK**




I just hate the riff, its so basic and boring. Mouth for war is on the same album, why is walk their biggest song again?!


First of all, How dare you!


At least Pantera was the same shit both on and off the stage: trailer park meatheads picking fights and doing dumb shit when they were fucked up.


Gurgling vocals and blast beats are nice when used sparingly in a song. When it's just the entire song it's really boring.


Ridiculous take


Unique take. Here's my genuine unpopular countertake. As a general rule, I despise clean vocals in metal. Its why I can't get into Opeth or certain thrash bands. If I wanted to listen to clean vocals, I'd listen to Mac DeMarco, TVGirl, or Men I Trust, not fucking metal. Its like someone turned up the intensity knob for everything else, and then forgot to for the vocals. Unless they are unique somehow, I just turn it off. I feel clean vocals take the focus away from the instruments and put it onto the voice as the vehicle to carry the primary melodic weight. I feel metal is supposed to be an instrument focused genre and clean vocals shift it towards a voice instead. Edit: spelling


I wholeheartedly disagree, but that is a very well written point on why you don't like it so you get my upvote. I hope metal with clean vocals never graces your ears ever again


Haha thanks. I hope you continue to enjoy your clean vocals!


The worst is when the song starts so heavy you make "the face" and they let out this 20 second long demon scream and it's followed by a voice that sounds like it belongs in an early 2000s emo band


Metalcore is real metal and people should be able to listen to it without being called posers, elitists should learn how subgenres work.


sorry you're getting all this ridiculous hate dude stay safe :)


Thank you man! Appreciate the hell outta that :)


I feel like a lot of people just dismiss subgenres they don't like as "not real Metal".


If were talking metalcore a la Converge, Botch, Dillinger, Coalesce etc. then I’d argue it’s marginally closer to hardcore than to metal, but I’d agree it’s fucking dope. If we’re talking 2000s metalcore like Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Unearth et al, then yeah it’s probably closer to metal and most of it rips. If we’re talking the modern-day usage of “metalcore” to mean hyper compressed guitars, simplified Meshuggah rip-off riffs and Linkin Park vocals… then yeah it’s metal, of a sort, but man… there are like 3 good bands doing that style, tops, and I’m tired of them.


My hot take is that I don't care about people's definition of metal. I could start a discussion on Eminem here and nobody would care but as soon as I mention ghost people go crazy. "IT's nOt MeTaL" yeah so what? Neither is rush


A decent portion of metalcore is actually pretty cool and interesting music but a lot of it seems to lend itself more to hardcore than metal 


I have to ask, what is the best metalcore album?


Personally, I think one of the biggest and most influential metalcore albums is End of the Heartache by Killswitch Engage. It came out just as it was starting to get big and introduced a lot of people from my generation to heavier stuff.


Best is probably Calculating Infinity by Dillinger. Endseekers (Oh Sleeper), Until Your Heart Stops (Cave In), and Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest by Zao are also insanely good.


Personally, I think it's The Seventh Sun by Bury Tomorrow. Hbu?


I’ve never listened to metalcore so idk that’s why I’m asking you. Thanks!


Of course! Lmk if you like it ;)


Hey that was pretty good! :3


Awesome! Favorite song(s) off of it? (My top two are Boltcutter and Heretic)


The carcass king was my favorite. Boltcutter is also pretty good


Yeahhh The Carcass King is awesome!! I so wanna do a cover of Boltcutter with the band I'm starting :) Another great metalcore album is There Is a Hell by Bring Me The Horizon, but it's a lot more raw than TSS and there's basically no clean vocals. If you're into that you might like it, if not then the rest of Bury Tomorrow's stuff is also awesome


It also reminds me of slipknot a bit, which takes me back to last summer when all I would blast was Nu Metal


Bro outside of my wife and suffocation, as I lay dying is my dearest.


A wife guy liking AILD is ironic




It’s got metal in the sound but all the good bands are more closely related to the hardcore scene


Nah, actual metalcore is hardcore. That's why it rules.


im not a big metalcore fan but i dont view fans of it any less also count your blessings is one of my all time favorite albums and its rare to see others who like it


Slayer’s songs are nowhere near as dynamic as Metallica’s or Megadeth’s and those guys can’t play lead guitar for shit. Some fucking great riffs though. Those guys are the Yngwie Malmsteen of thrash. Really good at a very specific thing and cool to listen to for about 20 minutes before everything starts to sound the same.


Reign in Blood is 28:55 so you’re out by almost nine minutes.


Best thing I ever saw was a Yngwie instructional vhs (yes I'm old) and he cannot play his own songs slow. He kept fucking up the 'instructional' part of the video and then just blasting through the song.


Slayers recordings to me always sound like Tom was yelling at the microphone from across the room. I don’t know if that’s just me or if it’s an actual thing, but his vocals always seem strangely separated from the music whenever I listen.


My hot take would be metal heads don’t support their local scene enough. A lot of young talent isn’t being heard or gave up because people don’t go see local bands anymore. Everyone has to start somewhere. Most of the time the shows are $5 or free. Yet many just don’t show up. Support your local scene! You never know what you’ll hear, and to the musicians on stage, it’s their heart and soul (for the most part-you’ll weed out the dipshits real quick). And if you’re in the rock/metal scene as a musician, support your fellow bands. We all would see one another at the practice space. Don’t suck my dick at the rehearsal space about how good we are and then not but a ticket-especially when I was supporting you and doing so with my dollar. THAT is the lamest shit to me. Just one dickhead’s opinion.


This isn't even a hot take, just straight truth. No crucifixion needed.


My town puts on a yearly one day festival called “[town name] Rockfest”. It’s definitely too poser and not trve enough for some people, and I know exactly what those people mean, but at least it’s something! I go every year even though last year and this year there’s ONE band I want to see. It’s a tiny festival with mostly tiny bands and they need all the support they can get to keep going!


This is the way.


Session musician here. I think the metal community is too non-specific with too many sub genres that when you go to a show there’s too many people there with drastically different tastes and attitudes. If you go to an industrial metal show, everyone has similar clothes and everyone dances and seems to be on the same page. It’s night and day difference even though it’s a metal-adjacent genre. It’s specific enough to not have too many outliers showing up where metal seems to attract all types and they’re extended friends, which makes for people only staying for the band they came to see and skedaddle.


Totally agree. I went to a small show in Sacramento before the pandemic and saw the local band, Saltwound, open. They’ve now gotten big enough for nationwide tours with other, bigger bands. I’m so proud to say I know the guitarist and they’re some of the coolest and kindest people.


Slayer is boring. I am obviously 100% aware of how influential they are and how much they changed metal forever and I respect that, but everything they did well has been improved and expanded upon so much at this point that there's just nothing very impressive or engaging about their music when you put context and legacy aside. I wouldn't sit down and listen to any Slayer album that isn't *South Of Heaven* when I could listen to Kreator, Sepultura, Bolt Thrower, Vader, Deicide, All Out War, Merauder or Arkangel do the same thing but better.


Slayer is the equivalent of the guy who peaked in highschool.


Lo-fucking-l, so true. Kerry King could literally be my dipshit cousin who is exactly that guy. I like them, but the best members drum for other bands or have unfortunately passed away.


Basically yeah.


Al Bundy reliving his HS football days


Once upon a time some posers posed so hard, focusing so much on their image, street cred and bullshit scene brownie points, that they created Black Metal.


I love this comment. (Black Metal is one of my favorite genres)


I heard someone say they don’t like black metal among metal genres because they want to hear instruments being played and identifiable vocals. Lol


Is it posing if you’re a group of brits trying to scare people as an inside joke


Hardest fuccing comment


I'm tired of people seeing Slipknot as "intro level shit", that shit is fucking heavy, regardless of how accessible it is


It's generally recommended because you don't have to know the lyrics to understand them, and they're just a really good band. They're still definitely heavy, elitists just shit on anything with remotely clean vocals.


Not sure about that last part. Most "elitists" praise the old school traditional heavy metal (such as NWOBHM) which employs clean vocals almost exclusively. Unless you're talking about an extreme metal-only kind of elitist, of which I haven't really seen any.


I think Slipknots heaviness *generally* tapered off around Vol 3. Sure they got a handful of heavy numbers per album since then, but nothing compared to Iowa and Self Titled. But yes, I agree 100%. While some of their riffage is quite simple (exception being AHIG) they’re quite heavy IMO


Definitely heaviest nu metal


Iowa is not entry level🤘🏻


Hardcore moshing is cringe af


Oh yeah, the metal community would really crucify you for that opinion 🙄


Metal sucks


Good blog back in the day yeah


Slam is a really good genre


Judas Priest's Turbo album is a back to back banger.


Hard agree!


Got it on vinyl when it came out. Loved it! Still do 🤘


St. Anger isn’t that bad.


There are good riffs and elements in there. I’ve heard live performances of some of those songs (like Dirty Window) when they’ve edited them a bit, added some quasi-solos, and turned on Lars’ snare. In that context some of it is pretty okay. But the finished album itself? No. When I want to listen to something like that I can just give my nephews some pots and pans to play with.


Man, I am sorry about that TBI you must have 😙


If you make the Snare sound like a snare and not a fucking bell, it’s decent, but it’s far from Metallica’s best.


Transilvanian Hunger’s production is *too* shitty


Godamn I agree, the first two in the unholy trinity are much better


I agree with this. I love the albums that came before and after, but Transilvanian Hunger just sounds awful to me. Always has. Blaze in the Northern Sky and Panzerfaust have much better sounding recordings. I feel the same way with Burzum. Filosofem just sounds like shit to me, while the first three albums all had good sounding productions that were still raw. Most black metal fans praise both of these albums though, usually because of the ultra low-fi recordings they have.


I mean, I love the Unholy Trinity as much as the next metalhead, but you're right.


Gatekeeping *creates* posers in the same way making something a crime creates criminals.


Both are chronically online


Megadeth is the best thrash has to offer due to consistency, musicianship, and lyricism.


I could have loved Megadeth had the vocals not been what they are. If you added Tom Angelripper vocals over Megadeth riffs, I would be all for them, but as it is, I just get bored, feel nothing when listening to them, while I get some chills listening to Sodom blast their more extreme thrash with Tom's raspy shriek


King Diamond’s vocals ruin any possible appeal Mercyful Fate might have. I always hear them cited as an influence for a lot of the bands/musicians I enjoy, so periodically I’ll give them a spin just to try and get it, but the vocals turn me off every single time.


I think he is an incredible vocalist... but anyone who does not like him is more right than wrong.


King Diamonds vocals are the best thing about mercyful fatw


Limp Bizkit is fun and I enjoy them


I like Creed.


We can pack this thread up on this comment, not gonna lie


St. Anger wasn’t *the worst album ever made*


Not even the worst metallica album at this point.


No, that’s Lulu


Most of our opinions are stupid


Stop rating how good a song or band is based on how far they stray from the mainstream. You are not cooler or better than anybody else for listening to music not everyone likes. So don’t look down on people for it


Ghost is metal even if their music isn't heavy.


In the same way as Blue Öyster Cult.


LGBT+ people and autistics are more metal than guys who would get mad at this comment




That's true. Going against the grain and following your own conviction has always been an important part of the metal "ideology".


Are y’all sitting? Plain death metal isn’t interesting and it never was. Early Death is an exception, but even they got even better when they got more technical and proggy. Techdeath, prog-death and melodeath are all great to fine, everything else does nothing for me.


Maybe its not „interesting“, but it doesnt have to be, bc its still good


Tech death is my 5th most favourite genre, so I'd agree, however you should add symphonic death - Fleshgod Apocalypse, Septicflesh and MaYaN create interesting death metal Also, Crypta absolutely slaps for regular death metal and have some really interesting solos and vocal variety


Pantera is overrated garbage.


I agree. They suck


I'm not blown away by Rivers of Nihil


Tbh the newer stuff isn‘t that good, but monarchy is a fucking great album


Devin Townsend is goofy as fuck


Yeah but like that’s the fun part


Cannibal corpse is boring and all their songs sound the same.


Knocked loose can't be good because of the vocals


Every time I hear them, I just picture the clip of SpongeBob that someone made a while back.


Man I’m the same way. My coworker loves them and puts them on occasionally. I like the music but then that fuckin voice Just not gonna happen for me I don’t think


Two takes regarding vocals: 1. Vocals are 99% of what decides if I’ll like a metal band (any subgenre) or not. Shitty vocals can ruin the best instrumentals, but the instrumentals would have to be really mediocre to ruin good vocals. 2. People who dismiss harsh vocals because “I can’t understand what they’re saying” need to remind themselves that people listen to genres like opera and/or artists that sing in languages they don’t speak themselves and still manage to enjoy it. Try harder. Also, unrelated take: black metal is absolute toss and only worthwhile if it’s incorporated into other differing genres.


Damn your second point got me because I often say that about harsh vocals but almost exclusively listen to operatic vocals and/or foreign songs lol


Why do I feel like this entire post is trying to mask a lame attempt to promote a black metal band no one has ever heard of. Been around 15 years and released 2 albums. Jari, is that you? And comparing Windir to Dissection? Why was that even necessary? That probably isn't a hot take that would get me crucified. I'll still take a listen on the off chance it's good. But I highly doubt I'll think they are as good as Shade Empire or other bands that came out of nowhere.


Burzum is shit.


Most American metal bands that came into popularity in the late 90s/early 2000s (examples being Deftones, Slipknot, Coal Chamber) are absolute ass


Nu metal is a good genre and doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Not only did it get a lot of people into metal, it was diverse and fun to listen to.


King Diamond sucks. Stopped a party dead silent with that opinion. 😂


I’d rather listen to suicidal than any of the big 4


A lot of death metal sounds the exact same. Blast beats, chugs, and gurgling vocals.


Burning all those old wooden churches down was an asshole move. I actually visited the first one that got burnt down. They rebuilt it down to the last wooden peg and the whole community came out to support them, regardless of their feelings about Jebus.


regarding your comment about Anthems - have you listened to Obtained Enslavement’s Witchcraft?


Clean vocals are always better than harsh, you can sing something aggressively without making your vocals unintelligible.


But it wouldnt work for some subgenres


Metallica's best song is on Load.


👀 because I might see the vision


oh which song?


The Outlaw Torn


Metalcore bands that open for death/thrash bands are doing themselves more harm than good


Peace Sells underwhelms me. Killing is my Business, So far so Good, Rust, and Countdown completely clear it. Individual tracks like Wake Up Dead and the title track are classics, but I honestly find most of the album to be meh 🤷 And before you ask, yes, I am scheduling my taste transplant in the near future.


Some songs by falling in reverse aren’t that bad actually. * Winces in anticipation of getting rocks thrown *


Periphery has the most obnoxious vocalist on the planet, and has the most toxic fan base out there


Periphery fans are somehow in every comment section on this app but be fr they're harmless... Y'all need to get into the swifties, barbs, or like any kpop group ever to see what a *real* toxic fanbase looks like


He chose to be obnoxious, but the ending vocals in reptile are so fucking good. Wish they had more of this.


Everyone gets upvotes because someone feels it necessary to downvote hot takes on a post about hot takes. Get a life buddy. Anyways here’s mine: Ghost isn’t a metal band and I’ll die on that hill.


Not a hot take


I don’t really understand the metal community’s hate for this band beyond maybe the fact that they completely lifted the imagery from King Diamond. I’m not a Ghost fan, so I have no dog in the fight as it were. Just an observation.


I don’t hate Ghost at all, in fact I’m a big fan. I just don’t think they’re metal.


my hot take is that noone has heard of any of those bands and even less care about them


I think all of Ghost’s main albums are fantastic and St. Anger is better than Metallica’s latest release, but I think that last one might be a common opinion


I really dislike Metallica.


Welcome to the club


Pantera sucks


I don’t like Nirvana at all.


AIC will forever be better than Nirvana. Layne was the songbird of our generation, a combination of fergie and jesus. And Jerry was a very proficient guitarist and complimented layne’s vocals with his own beautifully. More talent in his pinky finger than Dave Grohl and most other grunge bands altogether. Krist is a nobody. (Not going to shit on kurt like that though). It is amazing to me that Nirvana gets so much more attention than AIC. Nirvana was one of the most overrated bands of the 90s along with Rage and RHCP IMO. All three helped open the door for rap to gain popularity over rock/metal (as well as playing a role in nu metal’s origins) 🤢 AIC had a far better contribution to metal and heavy music than those jokers.


I mean in a metal sub they actually get super overshadowed by Soundgarden and Alicen in Chains who are a lot more 'metal'.


Alicen in Chains is wild


Korn is unlistenable.


They are on Spotify if you're having trouble listening!


is it too korny for you?


Infest the rats nest by king gizzard and the lizard wizard is a better thrash album than most dedicated metal bands could ever hope to produce.


I like this album a lot (and PetroDragonic was okay) but damn that’s harsh. Take my vote


I'm not a very hateful person so this may not be much of a "hot take" but: Steel Panther and Manowar both suck big fuckin' elephant fuckin' dicks. Ya got that?


I really love Death metal but i think Asphyx are a little bit overrated.


Primus Sucks


Amon Amarth is techno


My hottest take? Probably that all the "kvlt" second wave of black metal is LAAAAAAME as shiiiiiit. I have a handful of cherry picked black metal from that scene. But it's overall fucking butt ass genre on its own. So often I say to myself, "Shut up Burzum" 😂 I cannot take those dudes serious. Especially the ones that wear corpse paint.


No shade to Karl Willets (forever the real Bolt Thrower frontman) but their album without him happens to be their best


Electric Wizard is shit.


Do you like doom? What turns you off from them?


Dave Grohl is better when he's either drumming OR Singing. But not both at the same time.


I mean every body is better when they’re focusing on one thing at a time. I give credit to him for being able to do both you don’t see many people doing that anymore and it takes a crazy amount of practice and dedication for that, he still does a good job and you’re not wrong but I mean like this is kinda obvious


no crucifixion here, you've given me something else to check out lol cheers!


1. If someone gets me started on slipknot, it’ll never end. I’m tired of them, I’m tired of Corey Taylor, I’m tired of the constant member changes, and they’d probably be the same without Clown & Tortilla Man. 2. I know they literally invented metal, and I have huge respect for that, but I don’t like Black Sabbath. I just don’t. 3. “Core” types of metal shouldn’t be different sub-genres. It should just be one sub-genre of noise, since that’s all it is 4. DREAM THEATER *NEEDS* TO DO SOMETHING WITH JAMES THAT IS *NOT* HAVING HIM AS THEIR LEAD SINGER 5. I know they’re far from metal, but I don’t think that The Cure will be releasing another studio album


Is album is pretty good, Radiant Terror has some pretty good riffs all throughout the album. They’re nice and catchy too


As someone who primarely listens to Death Metal, I gotta say: Sleep Token is actually quite nice.


ITP was Chuck’s finest hour in terms of riffing and songwriting. It represents the absolute peak point where the old school vibe was still there, but the prog elements started blending more so than on Human, but before the full blown chaos that is TSoP. Overactive Imagination is arguably the best Death opener and Chuck solo ever. So many underrated tracks; In Human Form, title track, Mentally Blind, etc. Album gets overlooked because of production, and Symbolic gets all the glory because of its perfect production. Every track on symbolic is the same exact arrangement. Every. Song. I don’t care how majestic the riffs sound when it’s literally riff by numbers. Death is my favorite band for context.


Load has some of Metallica's best songs.


Deicide is the Nickelback of death metal


Kreator is the best thrash band. They were faster, nastier and had better riffs than the big 4 back in the day and they stayed consistent and have a far better catalogue.


Satanism for the sake of your musical interests is kinda dumb. Lookin at you black and death. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really give a fuck what religion you are or aren’t, but it’s SO silly the amount of imagery and edginess that comes out of the “satanism metal” scene and alot of times comes off feeling forced or injected into something that didn’t necessarily need it. EDIT: And another point, I continuously hear if you’re Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc etc then you don’t belong in metal. Let me make one thing clear, YOU ALL belong to metal and YOU ALL are welcome within the community even if some do happen to disagree.


Metallica’s first four albums are mid to kinda good range. Revolutionary for their time but listening now I’m bored pretty often. Maybe cuz I’m a prog drummer and Lars drum arrangements are pretty boring


Modern deathcore is much more enjoyable than old deathcore


Experimentation is good. Explore the grounds no one else has gone. Just because the result isn't good doesn't mean the entire foray was not worth it.


Hey I decided to check out Sorathian Dawn and it's sick as fuck Thanks for the req