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it's a good step in the right direction but it won't revolutionize shit. you're going to find even more stigma at pharmacies and the bill doesn't make it so you will have take homes immediately. you will still have to go to a pharmacy and dose until you "earn" your take homes. the entire system is a joke and needs to be dismantled. nothing will truly change until full legalization of drugs happens.


I look at other rich, developed, modern nations and the way they handle such things and it really puts into perspective how shitty the U.S. is in *so many* ways. We’ve got too many conservatives around the country who’ve been fed anti-drug propaganda and to judge addicts for us to achieve that level of progress and liberalization you see in other countries regarding such things.


Bupe never worked for me. I tried switching to it because of the inconvenience of going to the clinic once a week. Trying to switch over was the worst 2 weeks of my life. I felt like I was in a constant state of withdrawal no matter how much I took. It was hell. It never got better, only worse.


I’ve been at my clinic 11 years and my only compliant is we don’t have a parking lot. I have monthly take homes, I see my counselor once every 2-4 months, maybe 5 UAs a year, and the Dr once a year for my annual physical. We only see the bad about clinics on this subreddit who’s gonna make a post about loving one’s clinic? And I went through hell every month trying to fill my suboxone script. I couldn’t even imagine the living hell trying to get methadone from a pharmacy.


“Sorry your prior authorization hasn’t gone through yet, give it 48 hours.” “Your dose is 120 but we only have 110 in stock. We can’t give out partial doses. Try back tomorrow.”


We ran out sorry You can have a dose for today than come back for your take homes tomorrow. Sorry. Fuck you. Sorry. I can already see it now. I too was on subs and yeah it’s hell. You think clinics are bad ??? Pharmacists think opiate addicts are the fucking devil bc we put there jobs at risk 9 times out of ten.


I think it needs to be an option because so many people are too far from a clinic. It’s just an option I hope I never need to use.


yea... there is a surprising amount of naivity surrounding the MOTAA bill. do people not think private practice doctors or pharmacies are financially motivated? do people think a doctor in a private practice with absolutely no liability shield like clinic doctors have are just gonna start popping off free scripts? whos paying for private practice time? what pharmacies are reliably filling scripts? the law may be a huge boon, but there are so many questions we simply dont have answers to. what people should really be excited about are the 42cfr changes being implemented in a few weeks.


What are the 42cfr changes?


two biggest things are removing counseling requirements entirely and reintroducing covid era take home rules. but also allowing new clients to start at 50, removing face to face admissions requirements and a bunch of other precedural stuff. HOWEVER, states dont have to adopt it, so it wont be universal... but it should move things foward. many states basically just operate based on federal minimums.


Gotcha thanks I can’t see too many states dropping counseling unless they can’t keep counselors on staff due to the turnover rate. But they def need to adopt 50mgs with the way the opiate game is now. Things were way different when I started 11 years ago. It was way more individualized. For example I was started at 55mgs. But I also had proof of every script I filled from the pharmacy over the last 7 years. My addiction goes back to the pain mill days.


Oh the classic prior auth phone tag game. “We already sent it pharmacy well we don’t have it. we just resent it pharmacy we still aren’t seeing it” Yeah these people who think this would be a good thing have no idea the hell that awaits. The only people that this should be an option for are people in the country or elderly handicapped people.


It’s people who can’t comply with the rules of the clinic. They just want the methadone. That I understand. But still the pharmacy is gonna be worse. No drug tests but they are dealing with ten times more people and really truly don’t like addicts. So if something does come up your shit outta luck. Plus if u think ur judged now lol just wait. Not you but the theoretical “you” as a whole to whomever reads this.


Exactly I can’t tell you how many people over the years would ask me how long it took me to get take homes. I say such n such “what I’ve been here …..” Than you ask em well do you pass all your drug test, see your counselor when you’re supposed too etc… And than they list off 20 excuses and as politely as I can I say well that why you don’t have take homes. If you’re still fucking around using all kinds of shit how are you magically gonna go about handling a whole months worth of methadone at once! But when you take all in a week the clinic is the bad guy for allowing you to suffer and go cold turkey. That’s the one thing I hated about myself as an addict I had no accountability no matter what I fucked up it was always someone else’s fault.


My clinic is pretty damn great, and I really never realized it until seeing various posts/comments on this sub about the BS others are forced to go through just to get their medicine.


I agree


Yeah I drove almost 350 miles RT to the closest clinic, through the Rockies.


I support the bill and have contacted my Louisiana delegation and am friends with my representative, we went to high school together and I talked to her in depth about it and the clinic and she understands our plight. She was able to tell me that BHG is the powerhouse for opposition (surprise surprise) and they are pouring hundreds of thousands into lobbyists under the table as well as millions legally. I attend a BHG clinic in Louisiana and they actually have treated me very well for the most part but their company is just shit. It seems they are run by very liberal douchebags who know nothing about addiction which is no surprise. I have had more counselors than I can shake a stick at and most of them don’t know anything about addiction, they’re just another coon in the corn. Man I can tell ya what it would be an absolute God sent miracle if we as MAT subscribers could be looked at across the board as individuals with good hearts and intentions who are trying to do better in life. People talk about being looked down on for being fat or a minority or different kind of thinker and I am over thinking to myself, we damn near need a category of our own as heroes at the clinic because the stigma across the board is outrageous. You tell anybody be it a job, friend, person on the street, another Doctor you take methadone and you would think you are killing babies and elderly folks. That needs to end. It would help so much if the medical community would actually have our back and support us as in expanding availability of methadone. It is medicine just like anything else and it would be nothing but s good thing if we could just get it from a pharmacy and be through with it. I get seeing a Dr. or counselor occasionally but that every other time you go in the clinic the counselor wanting to ask questions or make small talk is just not necessary for a seasoned good patient. I understand new pups need some extra help and counseling when they are starting out but for those of us who are established patients and know the system and cause no problem, just give us the damn meds. All kinds if people go to my clinic. Rich folks, poor folks, blacks, whites, thugs and lowlifes and people with two or three jobs. We all know each pretty much and we talk across the board and I can honestly say everyone agrees with me on it. Clinic Owners want to keep that money bottom line. You get ij their way, you are going to pay.


I go to a Bhg too. We have a different director every few months. Yesterday we had 1 nurse in the back bc a bunch walked off the job. They get pissed when I call them the dope man. I always tell them gotta pay the dope man and landlord before anything else. Just a legal drug dealer allowed to rob us.


You are exactly right. I say the same thing. I pick up in Mondays, my best friend rides with me because he and I quit the streets years ago and started the clinic but we have always said folks get so mad at El Chapo and Mayo and the Cartel-damn news says the Sinaloa cartel is most dangerous cartel in the world and is responsible for the worlds drugs yadda yadda yadda but look. The pharmaceutical industry is the most dangerous. The difference between Chapo/Mayo and the President of Purdue/Pfizer? A piece of paper he bought from the government and paying them off constantly. There is no difference and people are flat dumb if they think a clinic is here to help. They are here to get money. You hit the nail on the head.


I see you, Pinnacle Treatment Centers. Nearly every provider you have signed that shitty letter opposing it and cited irrelevant evidence to support their claims. I know you guys lurk this sub, and I just want you to know I hope your lives are as miserable as you’ve made other folks’ lives.


Yep. The clinic cartel has held all the cards for too damn long


I don’t trust pharmacies tbh. I ran into enough problems finding one to fill my suboxone. Maybe they stopped giving pharmacists the power to literally deny filling your script just bc they don’t like it. And if I didn’t have to take any doses at the pharmacy/in public.


That law already passed.it starts April 2nd


youre referring to an update to 42cfr, not the MOTA bill. though i think people will be pleased with the changes.