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what is it even?


Dance performance by a Chinese cult that hates communism.


*Chinese cult that hates communism because they stopped them from staging a mass suicide, also incredibly racist


And publishers of probably the worst Rag of a newspaper still left. Epoch Times should come with a warning label .


Didn’t that guy just get busted for a big fraud / money laundering scheme?


Yep, their CFO


He’s perfect candidate to be an American politician with those titles


That is crazy I didn’t know that Shen Yun published Epoch Times. The name always rang a little sketch to me and when I would see the billboard I always thought to myself I’ll look at it later today just to see what’s up but I always forget


the funniest thing is all over LA there are billboards advertising epoch times, "#1 trusted news source" with a picture of the most untrustworthy looking random guy.


And sexist and homophobic. It’s funded by far right conservatives In America.


They also hate race mixing so idk why you didn’t start off with that


Right wing cult.


Omg. I did watch the show but did not know about this.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong They also run some weird right wing newspapers in the Us.


Dear god


Were they good? I mean were they talented and was the show good?


It's also pricey


I went with my mom. Not a bad production but nothing impressive. The show itself is not bad.


Answer: I've seen Shen Yun a few times and I think it's pretty good. The culture and values it presents are very traditional, and the artistic and technical levels are quite high. Seeing so many people here say Shen Yun isn't good, I wonder how many of them have actually seen it? Of course, I understand that for young people who like Hip-Hop or K-Pop, Shen Yun might not be their type. For those who believe in communism or like the Communist Party, it might be hard to accept some of Shen Yun's programs. But I happen to like traditional culture and don't like communism, so my feelings about Shen Yun are completely different. The slogan "China before communism" is often mistaken for being political, but to me, it's a very neutral cultural definition. If you know a bit about Chinese history, you'd know that in 1949, the Communist Party took power in China, and from the 1950s to the 1970s, the Party suppressed all religions, destroyed almost all traditional culture, and forcibly promoted atheism and communist ideology. So, after the Communist Party took control of China, there was a break in traditional Chinese culture. From the perspective of traditional Chinese culture, "China before communism" is an accurate time division. Of course, there are one or two programs in Shen Yun that reveal the persecution of Falun Gong beliefs by the Communist Party. I think Shen Yun is just stating its stance. Since Shen Yun's goal is to revive traditional culture, they naturally disagree with the Party's ideological control. Including some content that exposes social issues is a common practice in artistic performances. Shen Yun has a stance, and I think that's normal. Having a stance comes from having thoughts. You could say that almost all major artistic performances have thoughts and stances, expressing some of their ideas through their programs — this is the nature of art, so I don't see anything wrong with Shen Yun in this regard. As for Shen Yun's Falun Gong background, I think there are many artistic groups with religious backgrounds in free societies, and many artistic performances express theism. I don't understand why this has become a focal point of discussion. Regarding whether Falun Gong is a cult, this is a claim made by the Communist regime. The Communist Party promotes atheism and communist ideology. If a belief is labeled as a cult by the Communist Party, it means that it doesn't conform to atheism or communist ideology. From this perspective, Catholicism or Christianity would be the same. Of course, it's undeniable that Shen Yun is a subject of debate. Those who like it really like it, and those who don't really don't. On one hand, this shows the diversity of people's preferences; on the other hand, I think Shen Yun is indeed worth seeing for yourself. You can understand why a performance becomes a subject of debate and come to your own conclusions. This is also one of the reasons why I went to see Shen Yun. After watching it, I found that it’s indeed worth seeing for yourself. You'll have your own conclusions and get more reference information about the larger context and related history and culture. u/PetitWaso


Omg... TIL. I saw them often on Spadina Ave in Toronto and thought nothing of them.


Epoch Times. Garbage paper.


Weird how you dont include how the CCP has jailed and violated the human rights of Falun Gong members


I mean two things can be true at the same time. It is true that members of this group consider their leader as a demi God and spend an enormous amount of money promoting hate speech. It is also true that they face religious persecution in China.


Boo hoo China lacks the freedom to join insane cults. Religious persecution lol


Do I really have to expand on their violation of Buddhist members as well? Those Uyghers are also nutty too eh?? You're absolutely disgusting...


I'm impressed. A Reddit comment that is respectful, makes an intelligent point, and is following the dialogue of this post. Fair point


CCP = bad,, Falun gong = bad what else you want


Falun Gong = Bad for being a sub-culture belief system CCP = Bad for violating millions of peoples human rights in over 60 years Imagine being so simple-minded that you equate a sub-culture belief to a political group that has killed millions. Some days I wish I could think as simple as you


Not relevant and I don’t care.


A full-on MAGA organization. If you are MAGA, yay, that would be good for you. If you are not, like me, then you would be scratching your head as to why a Chinese organization is MAGA How could that come about? I mean, they experienced authoritarianism and a fascist state; you would think they would be able to recognize a dictator wannabe since they lived under the thumb of one, but no, for them, “Trump hates China; therefore Trump is my hero, and I love him.” That would be like the students currently protesting the government of Netanyahu being in love with Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei since he also hates Israel.


I mean I'm not MAGA and I got a 3rd response.... The 3rd response is "I don't care what MAGA does???" And I dont assume that alot of people think so simple that "I hate X, Y hates X so I love Y" lmao what fallacious thinking


How could you not know? The show sends some pretty unmistakable messages


DON'T say/write that word out loud. It's the devil itself. Be aware and warned. > Hahahaha


Overly long youtube ad


CIA funding goes BRRRRRR


This is a photo I took today of a bulletin put up by the organization that runs shen yun, this is all you need to know lol https://preview.redd.it/d1l4wql0lv4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03612f2c8227104f17eace9c09603ee0a9f1facc


What do you mean?, those look like completely trustworthy medical treatments!!!! /s


Gonna ask my doctor about prescribing that "gradually freeze people" treatment


"Bilateral femoral necrosis" with that lady's face right next to it is analog horror material


Answer: Shen Yun is a performance that showcases traditional Chinese culture through the medium of classical Chinese dance. It aims to revive China's 5,000-year-old traditional culture through artistic expression. Shen Yun's slogan is "China Before Communism," reflecting its mission to revive traditional culture. In its performances, Shen Yun presents ancient Chinese myths, history, and moral values through dance, music, and storytelling. "China Before Communism" serves as a cultural demarcation point because after the Communist Party established its rule in China, it systematically eradicated traditional Chinese culture and enforced atheism and communist ideology. Therefore, Shen Yun's slogan accurately represents its focus on traditional culture. Some people believe that Shen Yun's shows have political overtones, especially its criticism of the Communist Party. However, the core of Shen Yun remains the artistic presentation of traditional culture. If you are interested in traditional Chinese culture, Shen Yun is a performance worth seeing. Of course, if you lean towards communism or favor the Communist Party, you might find Shen Yun's stance difficult to accept. Overall, Shen Yun is a high-quality artistic performance aimed at reviving and showcasing traditional Chinese culture while also revealing the impact of communism on this culture. You can watch it yourself and then form your own conclusions. u/gingerbreadhombre


I went there to see traditional Chinese dancing, not knowing anything about them. I did get dancing, along with an opera condemning evolution and a play about a woman who got her organs harvested in prison because she read Shen Yun’s book. Overall an interesting experience, though I definitely wouldn’t go again.


We couldn't care less.


Im always capable of caring less


Nos vale verga


Una hectárea de verga


ve ese campo donde cosecho mis vergas y aprecia que esta seco


Best and most precise answer.


And in addition to that, it’s expensive AF


Have never meet a person that go to watch it.


It's a money laundering scheme


I have some acquaintances who have gone to see the show. They liked it but wouldn't go again, it's expensive.


Their followers get in for free, which is why it’s listed as sold out about of the time, and they jack up the prices for non followers


Oh, I see now. I was clueless about the cult related stuff.


Like how much did they paid?


I don´t remember clearly but it was over $ 3, 000 pesos (almost 200 dollars) per person.


Exactly! No one does!


Less annoying than the giant billboard written in English announcing some shitty ass milk in Condesa


El bro se desperto y decidio hablar basado.


🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ Amen


I love the tagging over the billboards that say “En México hablamos español!” Fuck ya


No lo sé, bro, por lo menos la leche no nos quiere reclutar a un culto.






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I’ll take the leche over the horrible communist propaganda that is this mierda.


Dmas, estos idiotas están de tu lado. Ellos son anticomunistas


That’s right they’re a cult that communism found to be even worse than them. Either way, they are composed of some bad hombres. Tenga buen día!


No los fundan los comunistas, los fundan la CIA. Por algo es "China antes del comunismo". No es propaganda comunista si está en contra del comunismo.




I went to see it once years ago, beautiful but overpriced, then I learned it’s for a sec, so never again.


Same. My mum wanted to go so I took her for Mother’s Day and yeah it was not bad. Would I go again? Prob not.


Nobody cares


international money laundering My 2 cents


Flooded with fake reviews online. It's been in and around London (I come from r/all hi) for a number of years. Everyone I know who has gone to watch it (including myself) has felt conned. It is utterly underwhelming and average but it's advertised as some next level choreography that must be seen to be believed.


They probably think "Amelican people (As the continent) easy to impless, anything will do the tlick" - Is a joke, please people take it as such. I always had that feeling




As a country having real problems, a theatre show is the last of them


That I'm sick of seeing their ads on YouTube.


Never been, tickets stupidly expensive - $200 usd each or more.


Yeah fuck that shit


WHAT?! Who buys this?!


People pay more for concerts, but someone as casual as me is not going to spend that just for two hour entertainment. I rather use that money for a plane ticket somewhere, lmao.


Bunch of wackos, they have their posters all over the place in Vancouver, Canada. Basically a cult that is arch-enemies with another weird insane cult, the Chinese communist party.


They are a brainwashed sect that deny science and believe in all sorts of BS, something close to scientology, even the Chinese government kicked them out for being too crazy, something similar to what the English did to the Pilgrims that went to America, lol.


Many of us know about them and what they got going on, most of us don’t care or take them seriously. But of course, as always, there will be clueless people enticed to it, which means their propaganda is working.


El espectáculo al que van las tías panistas y sienten que vieron algo extraordinario y confirman que todo era precioso antes del comunismo.




I don't think people realize it's some anticommunist propaganda run by a cult, frankly I don't think I heard of anyone going there or even mentioning it.


They can fuck right off with their excessive/aggressive ad campaigns, im never watching this crappola


It is also all over youtube ads.


Quiero usar este post para agradecer a San uBlock Origin por los favores recibidos


The most annoying part . Ads like +5 min . Really ?? Thanks it is over !!


Soft propaganda for the delusional cultists who run a bunch of right wing newspapers and promote anti-communist propaganda because the Chinese gov didn't let them be racist homophobes who do self harm to "prove their worth" to their weird god on earth


Not many people know that it’s funded by a cult. The people who have seen the show loved it and say it’s beautiful but that’s because they don’t know it’s part of a cult.


What cult?


Falun Gong


Each effing year they come back and each year there are warnings all over the internet to avoid yourself the cringe and don’t go see them. They won’t give up easily I have to give that to them


It’s a stupid cult. 


Oh wow it’s in Mexico now!? You see it all over the states, especially working in the asian enclaves


They've been coming for years!


Idk I was just tired of seeing their publicity a year ago, it was everywhere


The harassment of their staff in shopping malls trying to get you to go… it has to stop


I AM FUCKING TIRED OF THEIR FUCKING ADDS IN YT! (chrome store is blocked) They go with the “China before communism” adds at least twice per video when they’re in town, AND THEY EVEN USE SPANISH GUYS FOR THOSE FUCKING ADDS!!


Culto racista de chinos que odian el comunismo que realmente a nadie le importa excepto a Alex Lora


Regular people out in the streets don’t know nothing about this shit (seriously, Mexico has its own bigger problems, here nobody cares and not everybody can pay their fucktard spectacle) but some others who read news and stay well informed, already know this is some shithead cult which sadly arrived here. They even started inspiring some memes once we found their true origin. We all started getting since some time ago, constantly, YouTube ads of their shows and this is why maybe people know them, although they don’t know their name and who tf they are.


It was good! I went last month and the costume designs were really awe inspiring. The effects of the screen combined with the action pieces were interesting and fun to watch. The only weird thing was the opera singer and what the lyrics said but sure.


The lyrics: YVAN EHT NIOJ


Dumb propaganda


Chinese propaganda.


Yes, but surprisingly, it's anti Chinese government propaganda, and not the good kind. It's owned by a Chinese cult leader that was censored by the Chinese government and thinks of himself as a deity. The show has non-subtle propaganda messages throughout.


Manda más información, ¿cómo se llama ese chino deleznable?


Li Hongzhi y su secta se llama Falun Gong


😂 Los falun gong no son una secta, ya nada más falta que digan que los monjes tibetanos son secta. Estás repitiendo propaganda del partido comunista 👏


Son un culto busca bien


That's insane! Didn't know that.


I just know it has ties with an anti-communist cult that is banned from China


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Dunno, never seen the show 🤷🏽


I feel like I’m in the witness protection program and the mob found me but I’m originally a Queens boy so yeah


I went to see it in 2011. I paid $100 dollars for a seat. It was meh, I didn't care for it or pay too much attention to it. People dancing, performing, jumping, etc.


Cirque du Soleil is still better?


I have heard Cirque du Soleil is indeed better. I personally have not experienced it.


Uuuuufff you should! 10/10 experience! You can even find some seats cheaper than $100


Loved cirque de soleil. Saw then in Vegas 10 years ago.


They are a money making enterprise very good at making money


I went to see it a few years ago. I wanted to leave after 20 minutes. Overpriced and boring.




Es h time I see the ads I think: "that must be very expensive"


Ya deberían quitar esa publicidad. Fue hace un mes.


Is that the chinese show people were complaining about too much publicity, like, a year ago?


No one cares hahaha no one minds it


The adds on YouTube are hilarious, didn't know they hated the communist.


An expensive show that most people can’t even pay for. In others words, absolutely irrelevant.


Excuse for dancing spies to travel the world and get up to mischief. Whatever.


Its the first time I know this exist. But Im not interested, even if someone invited me I would not go.




Many know that it is a cult


It was all over LA a while ago. Never understood what it was. Is it like a circus?!?


Dancing, singing propaganda, denouncing science, fascism, racism, the usual cult show. Colorful silk!


Went once, just out of spite because the Chinese goverment had a problem with it. It was okay but it's pretty crazy that they are a cult disguised as an entertainment, wouldn't go again but was interesting.


Shen Yun isn’t exclusive to NYC. They travel all over north America. Every place I’ve lived as an adult has had these shows, even though I live in a very small area now.


Religious trash


As far as I'm concerned, no one cares, but we're all well aware of what they really are.


lol. i have this inside joke with myself to take note every time i see it. i chuckled when i saw it in cdmx last month. i live in central europe. it’s everywhere!!


It’s a cult, it’s all over our city as well. Once a year I stop and look at the poster at least once and debate if I want to go


Im in NY and you mean to tell me this whole time this crap a cult show??? An overpriced mediocre (overpriced and mediocre, typical narcissistic crap) ass cult show??? Man I knew they wasn’t crap.


We don't really think about the sect that runs it.


I watched it. Pure garbage


It’s a massive money laundering scheme.


Por que responden en inglés? Están en México que hablen en español …. Además habían dicho que eso era un encubre de trata de blancas no?


I think the tickets are expensive for a common person here in Mexico


What do people in CDMX think of this shit? We don't even know what that shit is in the first place... And probably we don't care either.


Funny, you ask what people in CDMX think of it, I am in Toronto Canada and it seems to be advertised everywhere for months prior to the "event"? if that is what you call the annual take over.


I thought it was like a performance or something


Honestly, as a Mexican, most people think that it’s just an exotic performance from somewhere on the other side of the globe.


It’s suuuuuper expensive 😰 it costs a lot for most of people in Mexico. I myself wouldn’t pay that outrageous amount of money for some crappy show


Honestly, it is not that bad, about 2 years ago, that shit was insufferable. The ads were on YouTube, TV, every truck and ad space in the city, not to mention that some famous people "recommended" the show (it look fake af but the money was good I guess)... it kinda sucks that the show is still going, but at least the advertisement is not that invasive anymore.


We know it’s a cult


México is full of shitty US oriented shows now.


This is Chinese tho


No se si se pueda traducir, soy de cdmx y no se que sea eso de Shei Yun o lo que sea jaja


Pensé que solo estaba aquí en Canadá y México. No sabía que había en NY también 🤯


one of the worst shows i've ever seen... foolishly saw this in Seattle, victim of the marketing haha


i like the dancing but their performance tells you to hate the chinese government. i think its too expensive overall


cual chun kun


ITS CALLED in Mexico "COCOWASH"=brainwash


It looks attractive and Chinese but it smells and sells in american capitalism so it's a not from me


It's fundraising for a far right-wing, pretty much fascist cult. Yeah, they hate Communism, but they also hate freedom and everyone not in their cult, period.


I mean. We love cults, Keith Raniere’s Nxivm had its most profitable office in Mexico City 😬🙄


Not sure why you would be surprised. The world does not revolve just around NYC, it’s bigger than that.


for fool people who likes Chinese culture and have no clue that they are shit. I’m Chinese and My wife is a Mexican she said she was almost bring her mom to see this and because it’s too expensive the tickets she didn’t. And I explained here it’s a cult and this probably is how it’s making money she understand,says never mind glad she didn’t do it. Man I guess they just don’t have enough believers to donate money anymore that’s how it needs to sell expensive tickets.


The memes have made it funny to look at


I just think it’s funny that most of the comments are the opinion of people that aren’t in Mexico City, lol


What you just said. It’s shit


I was going to watch it, but thankfully I was curious about the slogan. Being forbidden in China and so. Then I came across the true story behind the show and was shocked by the madness of the cult that's promoting this.


Es una secta!




We saw them like a show of typical show of chines dance, but other things are behind


Me vale madre


Mexicans aren’t as fickle and fragile as Americans. It’s only a Chinese event that comes every year with most of publicity. If it’s a cult or massive suicides or anything we don’t care. It’s just dancing Chinese.


We're not as obsessed with it as y'all. Those posters have been in Mexico City for years now.


Are you a CCP bot or just another Taiwan hater?


Funny Chiggas dancing a doing chigga things.


They took over bayarea... like crz adds.. constant Honestly, ngl, lmao impressed






ive known someone who went to it once, twirly skirts, not that impressive he says. met some glassy eyed crazed follower that tried to sell me tickets. hard pass.


These fuckers are probably spies, they allegedly “hate” communism but I believe it is only a facade


Actually cool people dont give a fuck.


Yeah every radio station are announcing that the poster’s are in every street with graffiti but in every street


F*cking tired of their adds


Bro we don’t care. We’re not as brainwashed as you guys. It’s just another show or another ad on tv