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Oh, it’s the weekly bash on Cubans thread.


Bruh for real. So tired of this group being used as a place for transplants to vent.


Transplants? Lol Miami non Cuban locals.


There's no way. locals would not act this brand new lol


Can you give some details? How do we talk to you differently? I'm Cuban and my friends include Cubans and anglos but most are from other countries, like Haiti, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, etc., and I don't think I speak to them differently. Also, if you are from Chicago, there is a possibility you are of Mexican background, and in my many years of interpreting for Mexicans, I have found a fair amount of prejudice against folks from the Caribbean. What I've been told is that we are too informal and expressive, and that a more formal, aloof attitude would be better. Personally, I think you are missing the whole point of Miami, a city where Hispanic (your term) is the status quo and no one looks down on you for being so. I say, enjoy not being a minority. (I'm just tired of Miami and Cuban, Venezuelan, Argentinian, etc., bashing. Why is reddit such a forum for discrimination? In a civilized world if you want to complain about a nationality, a race, an ethnic group, the place to do that, if ever, is in private conversations, not on a public forum.)


Gringos like their minorities to be submissive and have a “service attitude” they can’t handle Cubans because we stand our ground. That explains this sub’s constant bashing of Cubans. Pretty ironic because without us Miami would still be a piece of swamp.


didnt stand your ground in cuba tho






This is the most Cuban thing to say.


I second this. Used to come here to read something interesting now every time I check this group it's Miami bashing and Cuban bashing. Like bruh move tf out of Miami if you hate it


Look around maybe there's some truth to it. Why won't you stop Mexican bashing that just came out of nowhere. I've had many experiences where Cubans just out of nowhere start Mexican bashing. Like their entitled to it. Cubans have this hierarchy of Hispanics where they are at the top right next to people from Spain. And they make you feel it, maybe that is why people want to steer clear from Cubans?


Spain was Cuba's oppressor, right along with the US, so the Cubans who believe as you mention are historically misinformed.


Cubans, misinformed, you say? Really? No waaaaaaasaay.


“(Your team)” what a way to view the world


The word is "teRm," not "team." Many people consider the term Hispanic racist, because not everyone who speaks Spanish or is from Latin America is descended from Spaniards. Personally I prefer to avoid terms like Hispanic or Latino because they are simply ways for the powerful to willfully ignore the individuality of different groups.


so you just assumed they were Mexican? lol talk about hypocrisy


I’ve never been a fan of the no sabo. There’s only 2 in my whole family and we got here in the 60s.


Wth did I just read? What’s a no sabo?


Hispanics all think they’re the shit, I’ve heard the same thing in regard to Mexicans and I bet it’s the same in any part of America where there’s one dominant group of Hispanics


You’ve heard wrong. The majority of Mexicans are nothing compare to how Cubans act. It’s not that Cubans are assholes. They were raised in a communist country. When they get here they have so much freedom and so much free speech, sometimes they take it too far. I’ve lived in many placed but by far Cubans are the most aggressive Hispanics, and racist to their own. If you’re not a white Cuban, you’re an “Indio”


I'll tell you my experience with the slur "indio", being someone who was born and raised in Miami. This is the attitude of most Cubans, even the old school ones that boast about arriving in the ship "Marielita." I'm adding that in because I keep seeing comments saying that it's only the new cubans that are behaving this way. Not true. I'm a light skinned Nicaraguan. Their reaction to me is surreal. They ALWAYS have to say something about it and their mouths have no filter. Stuff like "I even didn't know a white Nicaraguan was possible!" Or "I thought they were all indios." To my face just like that. I have *never* been treated that way by a Venezuelan or Argentinian, other commenters mention them here as "worse." Yes they are arrogant af, but they never say shit like this to anyone. I moved out of Miami years ago (not because of this, honestly just because of traffic), but it is so ironic that my American husband was a manager at a store in Boynton Beach and he spoke to the only Cubans he had seen in the area AND they said something like, let's hook you up with our daughter. He says "I'm married already and she's from Miami like you guys." They asked, but what country, is she hispanic? He says Nicaraguan, and without even seeing a picture of me they said oh no, you got una "india." The term "india" stood out to my husband because it genuinely confused him. Lovely right? ** And FFS (people from other states) before anyone asks me how I know anyone was Cuban. Not only is Miami 90+% hispanic, it is mostly Cuban. You'll also know it when you speak to them because their accent *cannot* be confused with anything else.


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I'm in Midwest and yesterday saw a dirty car where someone had taken their finger to the bumper to write Puta. Sometimes Spanish is easy! p.s. I tended to date and have friends from all over LatAm and the most anti-immigrants Ive met were Salvadorean immigrants--huge trump fans. Aaaaaand fwiw Mexicans were by far the least hypocritical (still had that lighter skin for the win thing, but owned up to it).


Lmao. Dude, when I lived in Miami. I would confuse dalé with Dale…. Spanish is challenging. So many dialects and every country has their own slang.


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When I lived in LA the Mexicans I worked with were really chill and most of them knew English. Cubans just talk about how Cuba is the best even though they left and now they want our government to be as corrupt as theirs. And the greatest irony is how anti immigration they can be. Like, yall know how you guys got here right?


It’s not irony, it’s hypocrisy. Much like the debate between the far right and entitlements. Bet your ass they got SS, and disability, and section 8, and food stamps. But you know they’re case is “different”, they’re “special”. I guarantee you every one of those Cubans place themselves in a category above all other Hispanics because you know Miami wasn’t even on the map till the first Cuban set foot here in the 50s and all.


We can’t generalize entire groups, but it’s funny you mention Mexicans in LA because they have developed a reputation for not liking Salvadorans and Blacks. Every group has shitty people.


Yes, but when you find people who are racist against everyone, I mean EVERYONE you start to wonder what general level of education these people have. Whether it’s white people, black people, indigenous, everyone else in Latin America (to which Cubans refer to as indians). Even their own people lol. Western Cubans call people from the other side of the island “Palestinos” which is a derogatory term; because those people have had to migrate to the west for work, and the “white” Cubans hate them for it. They call them hood-rats, burglars, ghetto, you name it, in addition to discriminating against them


On the raft 3 weeks ago.


Dude has anyone ever sat at a table with a bunch of island Cubans? The subject doesn’t change much or nearly always goes back to one subject: Cuba. It’s like have a conversation with coworkers outside work who never stop talking about work! It’s exhausting.


No Mexican people are generally nice and friendly. Some of the cubans in Miami specifically are very rude, racist, entitled.


You’re shocked that some ethnic groups prefer their own over others? Some Hispanic people are delusional.


I know a place where Cubans can be around their own ethnic group 24/7. Cuba.


What Cuban hurt you? 


Segregating by race hurts the country. That’s why segregation is illegal. Seems like you’re not familiar with America. I suggest reading up about it and telling your bigot grandmother/father to do better and try to assimilate, or go back to Cuba. Pretty simple.


Okay. As if you're getting out of your car to ask every terrible parker if they're Cuban. Right.


Maybe it’s you and not them.


This is the comment I was looking for lol


It's them.




tbh fuck them cubans


Did you ask if they were Cuban or just assumed it? It’s Miami, everyone’s an asshole until they need something from you.


You need to be much more specific. “Cubans in Miami” can mean arrived 5 months ago and living in East Hialeah or arrived 50 years ago and living in South Gables. Each group has their “issues.” Typical left rhetoric oppressed vs oppressors is surgery with a butter knife. Yes there are douche bags & racists out there but to say it’s “Cubans” is lazy.


But there is one thing that is sadly common to most Cubans & is very specifically Cuban - American because you won’t find it much in Cubans living in Spain for example - excessive materialism. Something about leaving a communist country & landing in US makes most Cuban Americans excessively materialistic in their life views. Money & success before eduction. Money & success before ethics. Money & success before even family. It’s American style capitalism on cafecito.


The things that amaze me are their blatant racism and hate for immigrants..."tira flechas"...It's like they are saying, "Ok ...we've got everybody including Abuela and her smelly little dog. Quick, lock the gates." They are the most immigrant hating bunch on immigrants imaginable. In Miami there are 2 classes. Cuban and less than Cuban. I'm a blue eyed old man who moved to Miami from Birmingham (a study in racism of it's own) in 1955. I was buying chicharones in a butcher shop not long ago and the butcher said to me...Where are you from? You don't look like you are from Miami. I told him I was from Bayamon Alabama and I was buying the chicharones for mofongo...an old Alabama favorite.


I was at the beach with my friends and this large Cuban male about 45-50 pulls up and starts trying to ride waves right where we’re swimming. As we’re trying to leave the area, he ran into my arm and started yelling at the top of his long how he wanted to fight me. Coked out and / or roid raging would be an understatement of how obnoxious this asshole was.


Get into a traffic incident with one plaque tu veas the most entitled, ignorant self righteous pieces of shit. How dare you tell them they did anything wrong!


Judging by how you write you’re probably insufferable. Please don’t call yourself Hispanic, it’s an embarrassment to our people. I’ve never had those problems, then again I’m half Cuban Half Puerto Rican and I don’t act like a complete animal.


The more I get notifications from this sub, the less I want to travel to Miami


Yea, we’re full right now


From my experience its usually the new immigrats that are like that. But its not just a cuban thing. Its all hispanic immigrants. As a hispanic, we are the worst. Hispanics hate each other. Idk its like locked in our DNAs. But most of the locals here are fine and nice people. Ofcourse there are the select few that are still dicks. Especially if they came here and got everything handed to them by family eho have been here for generations. I think its mostly a cultural bash and it takes time to get accustomed. Where I live we have new neighbors and I usually say hi to everyone (not trying to make friends but if you stare at me im going to say hi and keep walking) they look at me like I am a alien. Driving has always sucked here but 10 years it wasn't as bad as now because we have so many immigrants flocking in now.


As a Cuban born in Miami a lot of people are just entitled. They think they deserve it all. No, we work for it here. Not bashing just my opinion.


Everybody works for it everywhere. There are no handouts anywhere.


Me: I want to go to El Farito today. Cuban ex: I don't want to go to the beach. I'm on my period. Me: OK. Well, I'm gonna go for a couple hours and I'll be back. I know you're not feeling well, so let me know if you need anything when I'm on my way home. Cuban ex: Have fun listening to those loud-ass South Americans and their shitty music. Me: \*leans in for a quick kiss goodbye\* I knew you weren't on your period, baby.


Did you end up getting some or did you have blue balls for weeks?


Cubans had special treatment when they came to the us, every other immigrant had to spend more money and more resources to get here and be able to be legal, all this while having a smaller community. I might be talking out of my ass but in their minds it’s as if the us government allowed them to be here, while everybody else isn’t part of the chosen group. Also living under a communist government probably fucked with their minds a lot, kinda like they have suffered enough and now it’s time to get theirs. Cuba had a lot of propaganda in the island constantly telling them how great they were. This combined with the fact that they were quickly prospering while other immigrant groups had a much harder time and legal process is what I think happened. A few Cubans acknowledge this, while others really don’t see it Other immigrant groups had a much harder time trying to make it.


HAHA funny. Yes you are talking out of your ass. That is true of today’s new arriving Cubans but it’s also true of all immigrants nowadays. Older Cubans struggled in a way you would understand.


>I might be talking out of my ass but in their minds it’s as if the us government allowed them to be here, while everybody else isn’t part of the chosen group. Many of them believe that the government 'gave' Miami to the Cubans because the government screwed up the Bay of Pigs invasion.


Back in the early 60s when whites were a majority in Miami they were very welcoming of the Cuban immigrant due to the Batista mess. They were under the belief that this would be temporary. Soon the months turned into years and things became messy. The Cubans eventually took over.


Holy shit, really? I learn something everyday. Didn't know that since Cubans feel entitled to Miami because of that screw up.


Yes, the Cuban immigration story could be called a success, because of all those facilitating factors. But they never acknowledge it, because they are incapable to admit that SOCIAL programs helped them get there. So the people that benefitted the most from socialism hate it the most. Doesn't make sense right? Well welcome to Cuban Miami.


It’s a weird thing you see. The Cubans who run Miami were the Cubans that ran pre-castro Cuba. They had the money, education, power, so they got to Miami first and started re-creating the businesses they left behind. When you look at wealthy families like the Fanjuls, Mas Canosas , Leons, etc. most of them were incredibly wealthy before the revolution Yes there is a lot of racism, Cuba was a segregated society, less so than the USAt the time lmao, my dad and his family were early migrants to the U.S. and he grew up in Chicago, when he moved down to Miami the Cubans would make fun of him for his accent (normal midwestern English) when all these people spoke with “Miami accents.” Welcome to Miami, it is literally a third world country with decent highways.


Entitled is the right word and I don't know why. Some feel like the U.S. owes them just for having the fortune to be here instead of Havana. And don't get me started on job opportunities dominated by cubans, because if you are not cuban, you have no shot of getting your foot in the door.


the perfect blend of Latin machismo, shot of SoFlo and topped off with alt right wing white supremacist lite ideology


The Author Teele story, the only black commissioner, also an atty & Repub, says it all. He was doing the same corrupt things the others were doing…but they didn’t like it, so set him up by buying off a trans person to say they were having an affair with the married father. One of the most tragic of corrupt Miami’s history. https://amp.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article1952142.html


I just say fuck everybody. I don’t need you to be nice to me. I’m a big boy just don’t talk shit to me. My roommate talked shit to me the other day. I almost turned it into straight up fist fight. He wasn’t havnt it. Fuck you and fuck your mother too


My fiancée's Cuban cousin is gay and he hates black people. The majority of her extended family is racist. There is no explaining that absolute hypocrisy


I will say that once Cubans move into a city/town, they mess it up. Cutler Bay is now the new Hialeah. Concrete yards, efficiencies, motor homes as efficiencies, have to be loud everywhere they go, etc.


Cubans and specifically Florida cubans have consistently been some of the worst people I’ve met. - sincerely, a cuban that’s tired of them assuming I hate everyone like they do the moment they get me out of earshot of other races


People from Haiti are the worst in my opinion, specially the women's


Look, I been around Cubans for way too long, and let me tell you something, not all Cubans are pieces of shit. Some of them are the most hardworking people I’ve ever met. Some of these douchebags are entitled, rude, loud and most obnoxious people ever. And you Cubans reading this know it’s true, let the downvotes begin. Some of them are outright scamming insurances and committing fraud left and right, to live the luxurious lives, they “know” they deserve. Also, don’t ever let them know you are from Mexico or any other Latin country because in their eyes, you are a fucking “Indio”. If you ask them where they are from, they are never Cubans, they are European from their grandparents side. Even other Cubans don’t like these type of Cubans. Everything I said it’s fact. Whether they like it or not.


**Laughs in Mexican** The Cuban sense of entitlement is very niche to Miami because they’re simply the majority. Take them outside of their Miami comfort zone and they’re nothing but leeching immigrants to the rest of AmeriKKKa.


Wait till you meet some Venezuelans, Colombians and Argentines




ARGENTINIANS--no bigger ass-clowns than those people I worked 10 years at MIA-they win the prize


Rich Brazilians enter the chat.


Yup. I worked at dolphin mall and plenty of tourist shop there. Of course, There are rude, entitled people of all countries but I found the Argentinians to be exceptionally rude.


Worked in Aventura. Argentinians were the biggest POS. They are so disrespectful.


That’s all Latinos. I’m guessing you’ve never been anywhere in Latinoamérica but many in Miami are first gen so they still hold the same attitude as if they were back in their home country. We (Latinos from Latinoamérica) come across as assholes to many Americanized Latinos because they take everything personally.


“they take everything personally” maybe your group of “we latinoamerican latinos” don’t know how to read the room and come across as rude and like you don’t know how to culturally integrate 😭 I’ve never had this issue with latinoamericanos who didn’t have some other glaring personality flaw like accusing others of being too sensitive


We don’t care.


This is like asking all the white people why they are still racist in 2024. They are not. You are just generalizing a whole nationality of people. And then you post that snide remark at the end about parking. It's like saying all asians are bad drivers. Maybe you should address people individually instead of grouping up a bunch of randoms that had different upbringings and hating on them because their parents came from Cuba.


I’ve never had issues with Cubans. Instead I notice other cultures fetishize Cubans. Maybe they have reason to be rude. I don’t know but I think the racism towards your own people is obvious in this post. Cubans in Miami are cool af


Nah man , I’m Mexican from Chicago where we have all races and you can go into any hood and be treated with respect , little Havana was filled with 80% assholes


Cubans are some pretty tribal/racist folk I’ve met. That said they’re getting really pretty nice to me as an older white guy


When I first lived in Miami back in the 90’s I learned about the hierarchy from coworkers. From memory, it was Cuban, South Americans, etc then Dominicans, Puerto Ricans and then Central Americans and THEN Mexicans. I’m fuzzy on the exact order but I remember feeling small as a Mexican descendant. Made me not want to improve my Spanish because they could tell was NOT from Miami. Now I’m old, don’t care what anybody thinks about my Mexican Spanglish accent.


1st generation Cuban American here.. this is the result of generations of Cubans getting free passes and treatment that no other immigrant in the history of this country has ever received. It’s an entitlement that is unique to Miami and the Cuban diaspora. The mentality is “I got mine, go f*** yourself”


“They talked to me differently” 😂😂😂. You sound like an offended snowflake that needs to be touched with silk gloves.


Pussies! I'm sad to see that Miami today is represented by all the people in the sub that act like sensitive pussies. Get the F over it! There isn't a single subgroup of people in Miami that sent either racist or assholes, and we still get by. Every single one of you in here is an asshole too and racist towards somebody. At least when I lived there everybody knew this and there wasn't so much crying about it. If you wanna get through life learn to live through hardship. You wanted a f'ing melting pot of ethnicities and cultures, well that's what you got. The rest of the conflict comes as part of the package. If you don't want to deal with racist assholes then only hang out with your own type while lying to yourselves that you're not also a racist asshole. Otherwise, admit that all of you are racist assholes and just be friends with each other, or enemies, who cares. Learn to grow thicker skin. I'd like to end this a certain way but Reddit would ban me cause...well cause this place was made for over sensitive folks like you all. 20 years ago everybody would read this and nod their heads in agreement. Now I'm expecting a barrage of downvotes from the internet generations. SMH


Being mean depends on the person and has nothing to do with race. I’ve met many asshole Mexicans and Central Americans as well as Cubans.


I’m Cuban by association and take no offense. I think that would have been the case for which ever nationality the majority would be. Yes, Miami could be a tough place to find shiny happy people. I guess the longer one has been dealing with humans in Miami, no more the odds you’re dealing with one that ran out of phucks!


Lmfao the worst thing is the Cubans that think theyre white.


Cubans are literally more racist than white people 😂. They hate anyone even one shade darker.




I see you haven’t met the Asian boomer


Oh that common traits of been Latino, no need to worry, we ALL hate those have Darker Skin


Don’t a fair amount of Cubans identify as white?


Yea. Try referring to white americans as "blancos" in front of a cuban and they will correct you "yo soy blanco tambien". You have to refer to them as americanos o gringos. Less racist/more socially aware cuban americans will say white americans


Latinos in general, are inherently more racist


Makes sense. I’m not racist, but we were colonized by Spaniards. The ones who aren’t Latino but are of color were simply colonized by those of British descent. Same pink toed colonizers, that bred with Africans and indigenous and/or both. Hence Latino. Some of us have more European, or African, or indigenous ancestry than others.


ANNNND they can play that Latino race card when necessary and put it away as well.


Cuba, like a lot of Latin-American countries, is traditionally mega-super-you-can't-properly-imagine-how-racist, and part of that racism is a hierarchy of race that is maintained by constantly being an asshole to everyone perceived as below you. Performative assholery is how you keep lower people beneath you. I saw my grandmother get out of a car and try to fight a cop who pulled my Dad over because he was \*black,\* and to her it was unfathomable that a black cop would have any authority to do such a thing to a lighter-skinned person. My other grandmother publicly talked shit about immigrants despite being one because "immigrant" is just code for "peasant." She was an educated white princess from a fairy tale. They are filthy hordes here to steal our pastelitos.


Geez, sounds like you hate your grandmothers


Sounds like you agree with the grandmas


Nailed it, especially the European lineage


And yet, somehow, there are so many bi-and multi- racial Cubans.


It's never been considered wrong in Latin-American colonialism for European men to have sex with native and Afrian women, just to treat those women with the same respect and rights as European women. Casta is complicated in the sense that there are a lot of gradations in social status based on ancestry and variations between Latin-American countries, but it's simple in the sense that it is a way to make sure everyone knows their place under colonialism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casta?wprov=sfla1




Thank you for providing an opportunity to talk about these important historical issues and how they affect us today. You have done a great service.


Casta also gave rise to blanqueamiento, "improving the race" by people trying "improve the race" and have whiter looking children on purpose to give their children a better social status. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanqueamiento?wprov=sfla1


Yup! Even if there are some biracial/multiracial Cubans , many are not mixed and/or adhere to the white supremacist casta system!


This has been studied. A good read is “Inventing Latinos”


>My other grandmother publicly talked shit about immigrants despite being one because "immigrant" is just code for "peasant." Sounds like a Batista fan.




Not race, but to this day my mom will point at a gay couple holding hands with a giggle and say "Oh my God look at them, holding hands and walking around as if it's normal. Ay no, they wouldn't make it around the block alive back in Cuba. Things have gotten so strange here." Like mercilessly beating the fuck out of someone to death for holding hands ain't the craziest shit in the world. 


She would lose it here then, in Cuba that's already normalized at least in the biggest cities, I've done it, for the record


As someone that is part Cuban I have received comments that I don’t look Cuban from other Cubans that look just like me ( I’m mulata )


Niggas in the comments be like 💁‍♂️


A lot of racists in this thread complaining about racism hmm


As an African/Black American who was born and raised in Miami, I can confirm that Cubans are racist. They make it seem like they run Miami when most of them are literally immigrants. Plus most of them think they can say the n-word because they have a couple of black Hispanic family members


Having been born and raised in Miami-Dade, I can tell you that everyone here uses the n-word. Mostly not in the pejorative sense.


No we don't. Find a better group of friends. It's never a good thing...or even an OK thing. It's trashy.


Settle down.


I use the "Nigga" with my little brother all the time, not in a racist way just cause he loves rap music and dress like a Nigga hahaha we both latino, im brown and I don't care.


Having lived over 30 years in Miami-Dade including going to HS here, no everyone does not, and a lot of people that do use is should definitely *not*.


Anyone disagreeing with you has never overheard a group of high schoolers talking.


yes, many ignorant fucks use the n word.


To say "everyone" is a little broad. I know many Cubans/ other Hispanics (Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, etc.) who use the word as well(to reiterate not in the pejorative sense) AS WELL AS many folks who don't. Otherwise, I do think you make a valid point. It's not wrong to tell your friends you don't like being used around you.


Went to a new barbershop once near Hialeah/Miami Lakes. Only went there once since the guy cutting my hair started casually using the n-word with his co-worker when both of them were decidedly not black. It was the version ending with an a, but still. I grew up here, and I am definitely not cool with it. Not everyone uses it, but the people who *do* use it use it like it’s second nature.


Everyone?! Nah lol only one person I know says the n word and it’s an acquaintance.


As a person, I can tell you that EVERY race has racist people with in them and not all are racist. So, not all Cubans are racist or any other race for that matter. I also never understood why black Americans use such a racist word between each other like it's a good thing. That I am aware of, no other race uses any racist words while casually talking to each other.


Well, that's our black business plus we use it towards each and that doesn't make it racist, it's just our way of communicating. I know not all Cubans are racist but most of them who live in Miami are. At first, it was just older ones but they then passed it to the younger generation too.


Yes, every race has racist people, no one here said otherwise. Here in this thread we are talking about Cubans, of which there are many in Miami, and as seen in this thread, many of whom can exhibit racist tendencies! I don’t think OP was implying that every cuban to walk the earth is racist. Are you trying to degrade the black community by saying no other race uses racist words amongst each other? The N word was and is racist because of the way in which it was used AGAINST black people during the slave trade and post slavery. It’s now used within the black community because it’s been reclaimed and redefined by the community. It is the black community’s word to use. And it’s the black community’s right to do so. And quite frankly, none of your god damn business. Hope that helps! Xoxo PS. there are definitely other races that lovingly call each other derogatory names lol


😂😂😂😂 thanks for the history lesson. And quite frankly, none of your god damn business what I make my business. Hope that helps! XOXO 😘 PS. I don't go around calling my Cuban friends spicks or American friends crackers. 😂


Shhhhh… people don’t want to hear the truth. Pointing fingers is the way to go.


That doesn't make it right!!! It makes them a racist.


The problem is you guys still think people owe you shit because your ancestors were slaves 160 years ago. Nobody owes you anything.


The do run Miami. Have you ever seen a commission meeting?


True. Little Marco keeps getting re-elected solely based on being Cuban. Seriously. Has he ever done ANYTHING other than take special interest money and be Cuban?


Its not just Little Marco. 5th Amendment corporate crook Rick Scott keeps waving the anti socialist flag and little else and the Cubans flock to him. never mind that he's trying to take away their Obamacare and social security.


TBH, Little Marco is the by far least destructive of the Unholy Trinity of Rick Scott, Little Marco, and Ronald DeSantis. I only mentioned him and not the others because the post was about Cubans in Miami. But I totally agree with you… Rick Scott is WAY worse. It’s embarrassing living here when they keep electing this horrible assholes.


true. Fucking political Mafia.


Cuban Mafia*




They are racist towards even other Latin Americans. They basically don't like anyone who's not Cuban, or White American, or White European, lol 


Thats very colonized mind of the racist ones


Tbf they dont love white americans/european either and will judge cubans dating gringos


They’ll even hate you if you’re from the wrong parts of Cuba. Ask a Cuban how they feel about Pinar del rio Cubans.


So true lmao


my mom sees trash on the floor and says that it must’ve been a latin person and that Americans don’t do that. i always have to remind her that Americans do actually do that. Especially in older generations i know a lot of people who are pretty ashamed of being hispanic at all


I’m Cuban, raised all my life in Miami but the sad truth is Miami is a melting pot of racism with divisions. I’ve experienced personal racism by white people in Coconut grove and Jewish people in Miami Beach, hell even racism from other Hispanics/Latin people, and discrimination by blacks in Miami Gardens, god forbid I show up to get some grub at an all black restaurant. Not the right color, not the right service, this is everywhere. All over this city, it sucks and is downplayed but it’s the truth. Yes, I have family members that are very close minded and it’s terrible, maybe in 50 years things will be different but for the moment it’s just not a cohesive when it comes to understanding.


Not liking Cubans because they’re Cuban isn’t racism. Read the posts.


As a cuban ill just say that Miami gets the worst that Cuba has to offer.


Entitled doral Venezuelans are even worse, wait till you meet those


no. nothing beats Cubans Trump lovers.


Venezuelans are trump lovers too lol


Entitled Doral Venezuelan here 😊


Venezuelans are the worst and good luck getting paid by those cheap bastards.


Unlike most commenters here, I wouldn't say it's about race or racism (although that's still there). I'd say it boils down to insecurity that makes people more defensive and hostile towards perceived/imagined threats. Part of that insecurity comes from being an immigrant in a new place. Part of it is very intertwined with resentment of Cubans (and other groups) who immigrated earlier and are comfortable now, all while they stayed behind in poverty, losing time and money. Lastly, some of it comes from deep-seated, almost subconscious, self-loathing. This last one is a product of centuries of colonialism followed by a century of neocolonialism, which over time planted the seed of a deeply internalized inferiority complex vis-a-vis the colonizer/hegemon. Fanon calls this cultural cringe. This can be seen commonly among many white Cubans, some of which present as more Spanish than the Spanish themselves (and likely descend from loyalist families) and others who present as more Ametican than most Americans (despite not knowing much outside of Miami with the exception of visits to Orlando ot a cabin somewhere in the Smoky Mountains). The last one partly explains the lure of right-wing extremist politics and evangelical Christianity as a means of killing the Cuban within. The Cuban national identity, however, because of how deep seated and how strongly defined it is, more often than not results in a psychic internal conflict, whose violence often spills out into the external world and interactions with others as well. As a footnote, much of this applies more to recent arrivals. The historical exilio of the 60s has significant differences with later waves thats a whole different conversation. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


As a Haitian living in Miami, I experience this shit all the time. It's the most racism I've ever experienced from other immigrants .


As a Cuban I have experienced plenty of discrimination from Haitians in Miami. Plenty.


This is hilarious 🤣😭 Get a snickers bro you'll feel better


I don't feel bad about it because it is the nature of groups to discriminate against other groups. Do you think Haitians are immune? I mean, you could be right and I could ignore my own personal experience, but I have a very good friend who is Haitian, and I often hang with him and his family and friends. They mostly speak French with each other, and I've studied French, so I understand more than they think I do. Let me tell you upper middle class Haitians can really look down on Cubans. Or maybe it's just me, that my friend presumes to include me in these activities and treats me as he would anyone else and they feel irritated. If you are Haitian, you will recognize that I am right. But listen, you have the Snickers, I wouldn't want to take it away from you.


Lmfaaooooooooooo this dude is triggered asf😂


You sound way more reactionary


He wrote a bible


>I mean, you could be right and I could ignore my own personal experience This dude pulling a page straight from the book of Hitler


>I don't feel bad about it because it is the nature of groups to discriminate against other groups There it is, the bootlicker type of thinking that keeps us all down in this cesspool of a city. As if this is an inevitable quality that no one has ever surpassed, ignoring that humans overcome that all the damn time. "It's okay that I step on people because they step on me, too. It's what we do to each other, it's cool." Okay, you and your friends keep playing in the mud, then. Don't forget to lick clean the boots of the rich as they walk over you on their way to exploiting your neighbor. I'll be standing ground with your neighbor.


Way to punch down bra.


Glad you're making it clear that you feel Hatians are beneath Cubans


Stop arguing, can't we all admit that they both suck equally?


They are, as per percentage of immigrant population. And unless there's a Haitian Adjustment Act I don't know about, politically as well.




That’s cool that you want to double down that Haitians are lesser citizens. Maybe you should’ve added a caveat *but are still deserving of respect as all human beings are regardless of an adjustment act or not…..but you didn’t.


>That’s cool that you want to double down that Haitians are lesser citizens. That they find it much harder to be equal citizens is the point. Keep punching down, bra, it suits you.


Hes right dont be mad. Haitians have the biggest gangs down here, do the most crimes, most domestic violences cases, most violent crimes. No reason to be pointing fingers but if you wanna rank nationalities, Haitians got a lot to work to do.


The biggest gangsters in this country aren’t the immigrants but you stay distracted while the rich rob you on the daily and you prob have nothing to say about it, nor the awareness.


They are literally eating each other in Haiti. Not sure if you are following up on that. But literally eating each other.


Your cuban is showing.


What are you doing in little Haiti anyways you guys have the whole west side of Miami to cultivate. You ain’t need anything from the Zoe’s


Probably because they're tired of Cubans constantly shitting on them.


I’m sorry to hear about that and it’s sad how seemingly unaware people are to the racism that exists in Miami even though it’s very obvious.


Nobody is unaware if you have been there.


I made a thread about how racist Miami is and basically everyone that commented that lives there said it’s not racist


They obviously lied.






Self loathing unfortunately


As a Cuban myself, I second this. It’s true. There ARE a lot of Cuban assholes unfortunately. Can’t wait to leave Florida!


Haitians feel that way about black americans


Not really.


No they don’t. We’re insular. We have so much other shit to worry about we’re really not that interested. And we absolutely love living in the USA. We would immerse ourselves more if given the opportunity


There’s a saying in Miami and amongst Cubans themselves that says “ adónde hay un cubano lo caga” which basically means wherever Cubans go they fuck it up. And this has been told to me by many of my relative who are Cuban from Cuba.


Which is just strange, considering how amazing Cuba is with literally nothing and a horrible government. People there are resourceful, creative. Also I know many Cubans in the Bay, never met one who wasn’t awesome.


I think Cali Cubans are amazing. Miami ones are…not.