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These posts are so weird. You’d think they're forcing you to live there lol. 


Lmao instead of jail force them to live there and pay the $900 haha


No nothing weird about this post… this is a friendly reminder that yes indeed these clowns are crazy and NO we will not accept this as normal.


Who’s we? Don’t include me in your moronic generalization. If someone’s willing to live there and pay the rent, then good for both parties.


WE as in normal competent human beings. It seems that you would be ok living in a jail cell for $900/month. Normal people however know this is insanity, a shed… I wonder what a city inspector would say about this “living space”. I’d like to see the permits for this personally. If anyone has the address for this we can check into it with the local building department.




I’m good on that. I’m not on Reddit because I think a politician will see my response. Im not looking to change rent prices I’m just here to say this is ridiculous and that this is not normal 👍🏻


But the market actually has accepted it as normal. Your alternatives are: 1) Be homeless 2) Raise money and build your own shit 3) Move to somewhere that $900/month gets you something you feel you deserve But you've decided to say no to all 3 of those options, and yet expect the universe to still deliver something you want.


preach brethren


Im going to get downvoted to hell but some of you need a reality check. Times change everyone living in or near miami knows how expensive it is. If you're not striving to better yourself financially to afford it, then what are you doing? It's not a right to own property or rent someone's room it's a privilege(is this criminal sure, but it's not changing). The days of working McDonald's to afford rent are long over, and miami prices are not going to get any better. They are infact going to get worse. So instead of the "can't believe this is $900" think "how can I make more money so I don't have to be renting out a tiny room like this". All I hear in this post is, "I'm broke, and I'm not willing to do anything to change my situation." Also, I'd like to note that as a current realtor for miami, I emplore EVERYONE to get their license. You could potentially use your own commission for a down-payment on a house your buying. Then you can see how expensive it is nowadays to own a home and start renting out individual rooms like this fellow right here.


You definitely like the smell of your own farts


Sorry you can't handle the reality of Miami 🤧.


I don't live in Miami. But surely you can see how dystopian it is to rent out a bathroom for a grand a month. Miami has been completely ruined. If you don't speak Spanish then just forget about it lol


Of course, I see it every day, but it's the sad reality you gotta pay to play here.


Dont mind them, this sub is full of tankies that hate immigrants. They are a strange breed of neck beard


Don't live in it then?


your lame, your clearly not free miami this post isn't for you


It's a room and it has a bathroom! OP, ever heard of a boarding house? Having a full bathroom is a luxury comparatively to the one's Ive seen here. Also, in a "free" economy no one has to rent it. It's an offer. People have the right to decide whether they want to pay and stay or say, 'fck that!'.


for $900, that is a good deal. I paid $3,300 a month in San Francisco for many years. Cannot really expect the ritz sub 2k rental. Miami is also one of the hottest real-estate markets. Plenty of people will pay that.


Totally irrelevant comparison. So by your logic a Toyota Corolla is a great deal compared to a ferarri. This is not a “good deal”. What ever you’re smoking buddy keep that shit in San Francisco.


Totally irrelevant comparison. So by your logic a Toyota Corolla is a great deal compared to a ferarri. This is not a “good deal”. What ever you’re smoking buddy keep that shit in San Francisco.


$900 being cheap compared to $3300 isn't a good deal. They're both shitty deals and neither are worth it.


Bitch all you want.. theres a family of 4 dying to move into that. Stop blaming the landlords, blame those willing to put up with it just so they can say they live in La Yuma!


That’s actually pretty good if utilities and wifi included 😂😂


A single room apartment in a less then decent area will cost you $1800 a month ladies and gents. The population growth here is so high that they made efficiencies like this legal. I'm going to assume that there is a small kitchen on the sides we can see. That said, not only do I think this is completely acceptable but we need more of this. Hear me out, let me land... The problem we face in South Florida is that just about every Latin American immigrant that lands here, stays here. The biggest reason anyone of them will tell you is that everyone here speaks Spanish. These people have no desire to assimilate and there is very little to force them to assimilate. Most have family that came before them and are renting a home or apartment and they simply move into their homes, which was the plan all long. I see it all the time in my own neighbor with 3 bedroom townhomes having 4 or 5 adults with children living in a single family home. I say raise the rent. Nothing will motivate these people to assimilate more then forcing them to go North out of South Florida and if possible out of Florida altogether because A) there's no space B) mass transit sucks and traffic makes everyone suicidal and C) they simply can't afford the rent. Is it cruel to say, yes but this is the world we live in. This is the reality of things here in South Florida. There is too much population growth here, its a powder keg that's bursting at the seams and ready to explode.


You get a bed? Wa wa we wa…king of the castle


That shit wouldn’t exist if people didn’t rent it.


Everyone should get fined. Landlord and Renters (knowingly) renting spaces like this. Clearly city infrastructure can't support this.




Ill take it


when this shit collapses or a hurricane finally comes through, remember this shit and offer no empathy or sympathy


I’m pretty sure nobody put a gun to whoever signed a lease to live there. This is the dumbest post. I think I’ve ever read. 🙄🙄🙄


this must be your mom's listing or something


If you know where this is let me know so we can see if this is built to code and built with permits. I’d really hate for someone to spend $900 a month living here only to find out the electrical wasn’t done right or the roof wasn’t properly installed. I just don’t want someone to get hurt. Let me know ASAP I pull permits a lot so we can look into this ASAP!


All you'll do is take away one more unit from someone more broke than you who just needs a place to sleep for a few months.


Someone please advise the landlord he's leaving money on the table. This unit is worth more


Pretty sure this is illegal.


Ese landlord tiene TRENENDA CARA DURA.. Where is the human dignity? But really, what is the point of society if basic needs can't be met at reasonable cost?


this is America, welcome!


Deregulation is fine for a reason


And then have the audacity to say "no smoking"


How is this even legal?






On some cyberpunk shit




Looks like a fking jail cell 🥵


The rooms look like a jail.


For someone who’s just starting out or starting new this place is probably just what they need


Expensive for a bathroom with a bed no way I will take this


All landlords and yes


Rent for what??? Per hour?!


I will take that shit for 500


So Florida is getting like NYC now


That shit to shower to bed commute tho….kinda worth it.


Supply and demand 😂. Guarantee you the post says, live near luxurious Coral Gables


For a travel nurse this would be fine I paid more than that for a room in someone’s house


They arnt the ones who agree to pay for it. Maybe whoever pays should go to jail


Florida tenancy laws are open to pure capitalism. If someone will pay all is good as long as there no illegal or dangerous conditions


Omg where I need something like this , I hate paying 2400$


This has been the norm in Miami for awhile. Someone will rent it. 


*sigh* greedy landlords and desperate times


Exactly if the price is right, that won't stay on the market for long. That bunker is better than an RV parked in someone's backyard or side driveway.


This is the way Miami


Oh fuck these posts make me laugh. Please keep them coming


That's definitely a come up spot! I don't think its suppose to be comfortable.


I mean , you want to live in Miami right ?


Want to live in Miami and don't have enough money to afford something nice, specifically. A whole lot of choosing beggars here.


"Want to live" Some of us were actually born here or lived here when it was a lot more affordable and landlords weren't completely taking advantage of renters.


you know theres people born here right


Oh, did I find a gem in Hialeah I'll post in sec......


I just checked and this is totally out of whack with the market lol, other landlords are renting like actual rooms for that price and a few places are even renting studios and 1 bedrooms. This person is straight up trying to rent out a poorly built bathroom lmao.


You could almost take a piss from your bed


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if one day one of these landlords gets assaulted on principle alone




Not my solution, just a solution I expect many others to believe in.


"Decision" huh? So what about the people that were literally born here or have lived here for many years? Just fuck them I guess?


If they’ve lived here for years they should’ve bought a home sometime along the years. If they’re rented because they couldn’t afford to buy 10 years ago, nor can they afford to buy now. Chances are they’ve been living above their means. Harsh reality but rentals need to be looked as temporary, and or low commitment easy to relocate etc. Rent will always increase.


Found the landlord


Jail? Just don't rent it 😂


As long as dumbasses settle for these ridiculous prices these landlords will continue to get away with this.


I mean, that's looking pretty good if you can't afford anything else and is at risk of being homeless.




Just to give you an idea, I lived in a efficiency back in 2013 in homestead for $500 a month had private entrance, full size refrigerator, sepreate closet, sepreate bathroom with toilet and shower and sink. It had a kitchen counter top with a stove and oven. Loved it, the stuff I'm seeing now is absolute nightmares. American dream is dead. I have accepted it, that way anything positive that may show up in my life will be a plus and very unexpected.


The undocumented special




I remember seeing an app/website in which you can rent a room in an apt or house for about the same price. Given the option id choose this.


Better off living out of my car.


I would call on them so they can fine them because they obviously don’t have permits for this. I live in orlando now & moved out of Miami 7 yrs ago and this 💩is starting to happen here too SMH.


Roll outta bed and hit your head on the toilet ahh the American dream


Argentinians in Miami Beach literally sleep on bunk beds with strangers in the same room I've seen worse


lmao. this is true. they’d rather leave argentina just to sleep on bunk beds just to prove they lived in Miami. Sad


LMAOOOOOO "private shared room $150 weekly"


I know someone (friend of a friend of a friend type of deal) that rents shit out like this. Unfortunately, the demand is there. Lots of people priced out of their once $800/mo apartments. But also, a lot of undocumented migrants.


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They are coming because it is attractive and nobody remembered to close the door.


They are also able to get fake (but working) SS numbers and ID’s


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Last sentence is who is squeezing everyone up market.


Correct unless people stop moving to Miami prices wont drop Maybe if a hurricane came and destroyed the city people probably would stop


I love how you guys keep thinking hurricanes are going to change things. Miami has suffered catastrophic hurricanes several times in the 20th century, and it didn't change much. The city is still growing. It's a high demand city, I don't understand why people don't get that. You really want a bunch of people to die in a hurricane so you can keep your suburbs?


Hurricane Andrew already destroyed Dade County in the 90's didn't stop anyone from coming here. They just rebuilt and more people came.


A devastating hurricane won't help anything. It would create an even larger scarcity of housing and drive prices up more. People won't sell. The wealthy will just go stay at a different house while they're waiting to rebuild. The poor folks will receive no help and will be stuck there with no jobs, living in tents and, if they're lucky, food from charities.


i have a degree in environmental science and i’ve read all the reports on this upcoming hurricane season.. we’re probably going to get at least one catastrophic storm this season, and that’ll send them all packing very quickly.


What reports?


We don’t even need a cat 5 storm just give us a solid 2-3 and that’s good enough lol


Except it will detour and then hit Bahamas and some are below Homestead or some area Above West Palm Beach. Like it tends to happen.


They'll come back next season to their vacation home, out of hurricane season.


unless their insurance drops them (they will) then they’ll try to sell it for 17x market value and some other idiot will buy it up


I self insure.


Either way they won, and a new outsider just joined.


I mean, yea but that fucks over only the poor people more than the wealthy. Plus it fucks over a lot of local businesses that’ll go out of business and replaced by some NY restaurant group and then you’ll have another overpriced eatery made for “influencers.”


Honestly, we need a hurricane that has more of a Tidal wave than much. Let the buildings in the beaches and Intracoastal serve as tidebreakers.


Lots of regular schmegular citizens without family renting these rooms, garages, and anything else they can lay their heads on. Remember a lot of migrants left in fear of being jailed.


i will die a renter before i ever do this to someone




I am a renter and a landlord which is why I treat my tenants the way I would like to be treated.


Prison cell with bed bugs


Miami realtors be like: Cozy studio, steps from your basic needs. Ample breathing space and bed is conveniently located next to your front door for easy access.




Go to jail for what? Providing a small space to live? What a monster.


Lower your rent dawg.


Found the landlord


I mean what are you upset about?


A very private room. Perhaps the most private of all rooms.


I seen one where they had a mini fridge and had the balls to call it "stainless steel appliances " it was the only appliance lmao




I think they meant privy room


The apartment *is* a jail cell


My parents used to rent a 2/1 in 2012 for the price of this crap! Miami is going down hill fast


Looks like mold exposure waiting to happen.


If that was here in key west I’d scoop that up in a heart beat. That’s sad lol


Friend of mine in San Fran Cali had one a little smaller with a shared separate bathroom with 4 nasty roommates. 1000 a month.


Fucking nonsense!


Paying $900 for a prison cell is crazy


LOOKING FOR ROOMATE. What you get: bunk bed living at its finest. Bathroom close by. Must be willing to smell stank every day. $700/mo


civilian jail cell. anyone have a good recipe for toilet wine?


jail is far too kind


Pull yourself up by your boot straps bro.


This is why there needs to be regulations into what they can charge and for the size.


They’re a bunch of dirtbag. The karma is going to swing back their way though.


Greedy thieves is what we have in South Florida


This landlaprd must have been from New York City with that space and that price


Looks like a jack shack


This is a paid prison cell


Spa room for rent 🤣


That is not legally a bedroom.


When I was 17 I got my 1st apartment in New Orleans. It was a 2 bedroom with utilities for 750 a month. I paid for my own cable and internet which brought the total to 975. I was making $1300 every 2 weeks working at the Navy exchange on the WestBank. I was very comfortable and had enough left over to live a fun life. Back then I never thought this would be reality today.


Bed, Bath and Not Much Beyond.


I don’t know why people love to live on top of each other… Broward is better more space/land, less traffic, less ratcheteria, and “ample breathing space”. 🤣


If that. Includes water, electricity and parking with private entrance . That’s a solid choice.


This is diabolical. And they let them get away with it!


You think the illegal immigration problem is bad in MIA, go to CA or NYC, especially Denver and Chicago. Huge glut of unskilled and incredibly cheap labor. It’s causing all sorts of issues across the country. Costs a ton of tax dollars to support illegals, the illegals don’t pay taxes on income and the housing and all insurance costs skyrocket. At least Florida has relatively strong illegal immigrant laws.


That looks like a nice prison cell


I'm going to be honest. I've lived in worse.


Greed in Miami.


I personally believe in the public executions of landlords


Yo prison cells are bigger than that wtf


Hopefully you don't have a blowout on that toilet at 3am.


Miami has 3 Strata of People. #1. Ultra Wealthy #2. Landlords aka property owners. #3. Broke renters That’s it classes #1. And #2. Rarely if ever go to jail. The system society itself is designed by class #1. And #2. So they are treated differently. Also you can be a doctors, or a business owner and by all accounts be “rich” but still belong in the biggest class #3. Because you still work a 9-5 job.


That should be $350 at most a month.


Not everybody can afford a place with an en-suite bathroom, you got lucky!


It’s officially official. They, whoever they are, have successfully turned Miami into NYC of the south. Fucking paradise lost. I’d take the drug wars of the 80s/90s back over this version.


I'd suggest not living in Miami, I live in a 3 bedroom house with a yard for 1k/month


550$. Take it or leave it.


Thought this was the prison subreddit for a second. I was like dam, this shit nice.


It is literally toxic to sleep when you sh*t!! OP, report the code violation to Miami Code Enforcement, please 😷


Doo doo particles splash 8 ft with the lid up. 1.5 ft with the lid down. Doo doo is def getting on that bed, at some point.


Go to jail? Looks like he’s got himself a nice little cell right there already.


Perfect for ex cons looking to assimilate in back into society


Unfortunately, that is indeed $900 🤣. Miami is a rental meme


Might as well go to prison for free at that point.


Seems like a good deal. What’s the location?


Reasonable price compared to other places I’ve checked.


Every landlord just wants for lessees to not only pay for the mortgage on the property, but also their car, cellphone, boat and vacations.


that's a fucking jail cell papá


Go to jail for maximizing what you earn from an asset? For exercising your right to set your price on renting your asset? For putting something on the market at a price someone out there is willing to pay? Remember that the value of something is only determined by the single person willing to pay the most for it. That is ultimately the only dollar amount that matters at the end.


Quite literally shitting where you eat and sleep


Lol don't rent it then.. or get a better job.


Lol what crime would the landlord be charged with? That is a tiny run down room for $900. Obviously overpriced. But, I guarantee you someone will move in and it just may be the only way they are able to live alone. It could be an upgrade from someone's current living situation.


That's not a jail cell already ?


Not too bad. Cheaper than NYC


New Yorkers are used to paying thousands for something like this, and now, not only is the real state similar, but we have also assimilated their rudeness and bitterness.


lol you may have just learned what supply and demand is


They say you're poor if you can touch your bathroom door from sitting on the toilet. Now, if you can reach your sheets from your toilet you're just effecientcy.


You have got to be F’ing kidding me.


I have three kids and a wife and I'll take it


They should definitely go to jail. Those who can’t afford $2500 per month for rent should definitely stay on the streets. Personally, I would probably find a lower cost of living city where you can get a full apartment for this, but some people apparently are adverse to both living on Miami streets, paying $2500 per month for rent, and leaving the city, so there is definitely demand.


It's there if someone wants it for that price.... Otherwise move on.


Ridiculous!! Gotta love Miami!!