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There are no more normal girls in the USA.


Maybe if all your content comes from Fresh and Fit.


move to Kendall lmfao


Move to the suburbs to meet more down to earth women. Brickell isnt a real place.


You won’t.


Lmao get out of your head and walk around. There’s everything for everybody here. If you’re talking about finding a “simple” person, a metropolitan city is the last place you should be looking for. Nebraska maybe?


i need to walk more jaja ive walked from brickell to coconut grove, little havana, south miami beach, wynwood area, and key biscayne. i need to explore a little more and see if i can get lucky and fish some more. ill put my tinder in nebraska and check it out,thanks!


Broward 😂 joking. Kendall is great


Kendall is the absolute pit of Miami trash culture. All of the bad, none of the good.


Crazy high crime rate in Kendall too


i told my doorman that i heard broward is hood and sucks. specifically the ppl from there told me its grimey and he got offended i said that. i told him im only repeating what locals told me and he got even angrier lol is broward good or bad? kentall potential option since i hear about it alot,ill probably bike to it tommorow from brickell and see whats up


Broward is wayyy more chill than Miami not to mention there is a lot less traffic


You can try Broward but don't get your hopes up too much




Speak spanish ANd you Will get more Girls in miami, eso fue lo que yo hice papi


im mexican and guatemalan lol unfortunately the native latinas ive met are escorts :(


Definitely not in Miami. It took 6 years for my fiance (whom I met in Miami) to become “normal” and grow out of her previous dating phase if you catch my drift... You’re better off finding some gringa in a town further up north.


Church, synagogue. Get in with your organized religion. If you’re a good guy and go in with a genuine heart it’ll 100% work


tl;dr Put yourself in the environment to meet the people you want to meet. There is someone out there for everyone, don't put yourself in the mindset that every person is whatever Miami is.... I don't understand what this means when this comes up, not just here but anytime people say " (fill in the city) girls/guys are (fill in the other blank)" The people that are saying this are pulling from a tiny sample. Id say if your into a simple or nerdy girl/guy, go where they congregate. Go to a comic book store, join some clubs, or maybe even take a class at MDC and put yourself in an environment where your going to meet people. Check out Tates Comics in Broward. Great stuff there. They have a game room right next door for board and card games. Maybe I'm wrong with that, but Its where I see that...but sometimes people don't dress like the label suggests they should... To be fair, I have been out of the dating scene and I met my SO at work, so I might not know anything.... I am a 42 year old, Puerto Rican, distinguished male. I am a total geek. I love to read, love heavy metal, non-religious, love comedy and podcasts, gardening, and the outdoors (walks, riding bike, trails). I also am divorced and have two kids, so you'd think the odds are stacked against me. I am a military vet, and have been at my great paying job for almost 20 years (stability), love spending time with my kids (not a dead beat) and have my own property (stability again). Because I stay up on current events in the news (not so much pop or tiktok stuff), read a variety of subjects (mainly science, non-fiction, true crime). I am with a beautiful Haitian woman with children of her own, she is religious and vegan. I've gone to church with her on occasions, and we frequent vegan establishments, to include markets. I'm spending time with her, and her family and were together, that's all that matters. I've been co the opera, symphony, artsy stuff, and she's been to heavy metal concerts and comedy shows with me. Were together, we treat each other good, and we can literally spend all day driving nowhere and talking Good luck in your search.


See, that's where you messed up, son. You can't go to no Brickell to find a woman. You gotta go to a nice place, a quiet place, like a library, there's good women there. Church, there's good girls. Or this place, where I'm going tonight. The Black Awareness Really. There's gonna be some fine women there. Good, good, clean girls.


Import one


Loooooool good luck you wont find shit in this piece of shit state, nothing worth it or a loyal or quality candidate atleast. If you do find one, dont get attached, just have fun , use protection and be ready to be deceived at any minute, by the time that happens atleast you prepared and you banged her once or twice already so you win, move on and find another and repeat until you find the one thats different(you wont) Worked for me Also do NOT marry, never ever ever


im slowly realizing that qq one girl i was talking to recently that i had sex with told me she couldnt be with me too much since her bf was waiting at home. i cut it off super fast when she said that, its wild someone is willing to fuck someone then sleep with another man an hour later




Watch the Fresh And Fit podcast


The fact that you’re posting something like this tells me no “normal” woman wants to date you. This is weird


it could be,i have dark humor and im a nerd. i think my humor and being super blunt is a blessing and a curse. im not the most perfect dude and had some girls want to date me but they were escorts and i try to avoid that but there are definitely woman that did not find me attractive and i accept that


Alarm bells went off reading this. Suggesting women are basically just shallow gold diggers with daddy issues- are you hearing yourself? Maybe reset your youtube algorithm, go to therapy, and do a profile review in r/hinge or r/bumble (or here - now I’m hella curious).


Out of state


Out of country lol




The target girls low key are getting their checks clapped by sugar daddies. Don’t ask me how I know


Your the sugar daddy aren't you


not if we literally work at target lol


Working class ladies ftw


And I’m trying to find good guys to date in brickell. Dating apps are garbage and people in person seem awkward. Join social groups, go to events. I’ve met some very cool and interesting people through Brickell Singles


well maybe its a match lolll as long as you dont mind dark humored nerds. ill try brickell singles too,thank you for intel!


@romansworld you 2 are a match.


Yep it’s here on Reddit for him.


Hey i have an idea…


Definitely need to leave Brickell


miami beach looks fun tbh im always biking and see "simpler" people but idk. ppl tell me to avoid living there but i like flamingo park area


“Show them opportunities”?! Like how to show their a** on OF?! Gross and shame on you.


if they wife material that is not an option. i do manage a couple girls on the side and they make like on average 30k a month and picked them up from working on the streets. stuff id show them now is helping me with my current job with actuary and irs auditing. id hook them up with a admin job with me and get them paid at least 40 an hour if they listen to me and actually want to learn how i work


Big No to Miami Beach


Move to North/central Florida. Preferably close to a prestigious college town. Miami is for LGBTs and ppl that like to sleep around with no condom.


Miami Beach ain’t the answer.




why is that? or what is wrong with miami beach? idk much about it outside of the bike paths. never really had the chance to sit down and talk to ppl


Tired ass Miami Beach slander. As a south beach local, I keep saying it’s miamis best kept secret. People are cool, normal, the vibe of flamingo park, if you like it, then you’ll like the area. That’s the vibe, save for the 2-3 streets near the beach where all the noise is — but noise is fun every now and again, and you’d have that steps away when you’re up for it. In terms of women, there’s no place on the planet with some centralized concentration of what one may deem “normal” in a woman. I’m not sure how you even meaningfully define that. Good girls go to bars and clubs too. One piece of advice there though is to join activities and hobbies with other people in your age bracket. Chances are the others there are also looking for friendship and human connection. So, kickball leagues, salsa classes, the assortment of fitness classes, bicycling or jogging groups, water sports groups, the list goes on and on. That’s a great way to just meet more people and possibly stumble upon your flavor of “normal.” This “issue” is not exclusive to Miami, despite what this reddit group may have you believe. You’ll find the same grumblings in every other city too, save NYC which is uniquely a mass group of young expats who are all more or less in the same situation and life phase. Miami Beach is an awesome place to be. Locals are cool, and you’ll always see new faces thanks to the world visiting every weekend. Hope this helps.


Exactly this! South Beach is awesome.


Miami Beach is F*ing awful. Don’t listen to his person. They are either not a true born and raised local or haven’t spent time in other parts of Miami.


Please feel free to recommend the better places to live and why to OP…


Everyone is going to say I’m crazy and that’s fine. I jetted down to homestead. Live in a huge house with pool and 20 foot tiki hut. Gated community for the same cost as my townhouse in South Miami/ Coral Gables. People here are so nice and I head to the keys whenever I want and I’m there in 10 minutes. Best food, best people, best views, and if you like boats and fishing it’s heaven. I should have moved 10 years ago. Bring on the hate I’m ready for it. I hear it from all my ride or die miami friends.


And I met my wife at Flannigans not a joke. To answer OP’s question.


thatll probably be next area i move to tbh i spend more time in miami beach than brickell. the only thing ill miss is my building but atmosphere seems more alive in SB. thanks for comment~


Brickle is what I like to call “fake walkable” … seems to get kinda sketchy at night in certain parts and most things shut down pretty early, and there really isn’t much to see and do day to day… compared to SB where you really could walk the whole island and barely feel it because there’s so much happening (at any hour safely), so much to see, so much vibrancy and life around you. I highly recommend it. Depending on your budget, there are buildings with amenities and such that can be found. I’m in one with 2 pools, gym, parking garage, cafes, restaurant, convenience store, dog parks (all on site) etc., $2700/month — which comparable to pricing I saw in Brickle buildings. And from what I hear, rents are going down across the whole area. Good luck man!


This guy is lying to you (and possibly himself). The issue is Miami. While he’s right about joining organizations and groups and getting involved with people in your age bracket, his giant oversight is those people are still your average Miami citizen. And the average Miami citizen is not a high quality person. I grew up here and left when I was 25, and lived in Denver 10 years. Was only intending to stay two for a business agreement. I stayed 8 more because the quality of people (and women) are MUCH better than here. You meet way more genuine and kind people. When the average person where you live is kind and genuine and down to earth, it’s simply a better place to live. The average person in Miami… well, you’ve lived here. You know. Only reason I’m back is because I value family above all. Even sometimes my happiness. It’s what’s important to you. It’s your life. Yes the women are better looking here than most other places. But what’s a good plate with nothing on it. Most of the good looking single women I come across here are not good people.


I second that. As soon as I read the issue not being Miami I looked at the replies lol. Make a trip to any other major city in the country and you will not be disappointed. I’m really not attracted to most women down here. Lack of substance and authenticity. I’m not attracted to a BBL or half naked women on some random man’s rented boat doing stupid shit. It’s not even just the women. It’s the people. Out of state, the Miami people have been the biggest scumbags in any social circle I’ve been a part of. Race, education level, income, doesn’t matter. It’s the Miami way Chico.


This answer right here. The decent Miami girls are already taken up by the decent Miami guys.


Bro called South Beach “Miami’s best kept secret” lol


I've met amazing amazing amazing people @ SOBE. I will allow no SB slander


He's a local 😒 (probably a transplant that's been here 3 years)


I’m genuinely curious by this reaction and sentiment. Help me understand, I say that truthfully and with no ill intent. What difference does it make when I got here if I can attest to enjoying a great lifestyle in an area OP is inquiring about? Is that not allowed because I didn’t grow up in other parts of Miami? Do you love where you live? If so, why not recommend it to OP with reasons why? It’s this mystifyingly negative reputation with no one who actually lives here that keeps this area so chill is why I called a “best kept secret.” Everyone assumes it sucks, and I guess that’s kept things around here pretty chill. Keeps out the people who just assume the whole city is awful and south beach must naturally be the worst part of it. I enjoy where I live, I guess that’s a sacrilegious position to have here?


They’re typical Miami jerks who get off mocking other people and trying to sound important. They’re the reason so many women are single here. Who wants to date/marry that?! Also, lack of intelligence and maturity.


His favorite lowkey sports team the Miami Heat. Not many people have heard of them.


His favorite restaurant is a little known mom and pop place called flannigans


Very under the radar. Only locals know about it.




Hi I’m 30 and just moved to Miami Beach from Atlanta and don’t really know anyone here. Would be happy to go out for coffee or something sometime!


I'm actually planning to move from Atlanta to Miami. How's the rent? And compared to Gwinnett?


You’re better off where you’re already at. Trust me.


Honestly, after reading this thread, I’m inclined to agree


Girl, don’t get taken. You don’t know if anything this person is saying is real or true. Something might be off about them as to why they’re having issues meeting women, or even posting about it here in the first place.


I believe in my personal experience to meet someone in a house setting like friend's birthday party. Try socializing with people that you don't normally hang out with, keep a low profile and please don't take your hopeful GF material to your house at first. Date take her out explore give yourself some chance to actually know each other. It worked for me hopefully works for you too. The best of lucks my guy.


Can you elaborate on what you mean a simple woman is?


Well someone that prefers dates like walking around,talking,walking dogs, going to parks, trying new places and exploring. So far it's woman that want top of the line food, luxury experiences, and to them a simple date night is going to komodo. Like I prefer something low key and simple. For me trying a new cuban place or finding a new park or even walking dogs is amazing date night. Sometimes just chilling in balcony and ppl staring is ideal too


34m been here ten years it’s getting worse. The rich ones want rich guys the poor ones want rich guys there is no normal left in this place. Gtfo if you want a decent woman!


yeaaa there was one girl i was seeing who said she only dates guys that make 10k a month and she assumed i was rich lol im well off but not that well off. when i told her most guys dont make that and im not part of that bracket she turned other way and walked away. another girl stopped talking to me when she found out i dont have a car and use a bike. i order groceries and everything so i dont need a car. i just bike everywhere since the weather is amazing, same thing when i lived in chicago and nyc


I was dating a woman who let it slip that she only dates guys who make 6 figures and said something along the lines of telling me I just made the cut. Made me feel really awkward and I bailed. She actually did really well for herself too. Owned her own home and business. Don’t care. I felt off with that comment.


i get it but i think being realistic with money is a thing like dating rich guys comes with rich problems. its the same as dating reallly hot girls,that comes with hot girls problems so you gotta choose a balance. ill date a 5 that is nice and sweet compared to the 9 that acts like a bitch


I hear that. It just came off wrong. It sounded more about vanity than it did about financial stability. But I agree with you.


We are already taken lol


Meet them as mutual friends


if i had any lollll its hard to meet the nerdy group here


Just stay away from the dolts in this thread giving you the red pill nonsense. Work on yourself to be happy on the inside and you'll attract just who you want.


Move to another state.


Siri and Alexa seem ready and willing... although both of them talk to no end.


Haha. Funny.


It is the neighborhood. Brickell is about as bad as it gets, these days. It's filled with very little but women who already have rich boyfriends/husbands, Onlyfans "creators," and influencers. If you are going to stay in S FL, I'd recommend Broward County. More normal/mid, nerdy and alternative women.


North of broward


You don’t want the real truth


The thing is the simple , nerdy woman are quiet and don’t put themselves out there. They are out there but you gotta find them lol


Do some volunteer activities there’s lots on that side of town, maybe ull meet ur simple lady that way 🙂


Try volunteering. Or other environments selfish materialistic people would see no value in.


I started a social club for singles in Miami! You should come to an event, there are LOTS of normal single girls here looking for decent guys lol @miamisinglesclub on IG and Eventbrite!


IM COMIN! this seems like a fun option,all i want is someone to spend time with that loves affection and nerdy dudes lol thanks for this,this helps alot


Clubs, as in hobbies. Avoid the touristy spots and expensive places.


It’s me. I’m a normal woman. Hello


In the same boat, I think the Gables/Grove area is nice too. I thought about moving there from Downtown but some of the new apartments cost more than downtown. Let me know if you figure out a way and find someone, maybe she has a "normal" friend lol


Get out of Miami bro. Go to a bookstore or maybe a place you like to get stuff for your hobbies.


Agree on the shady stuff, such a major turnoff Like, why can’t you be normal? *screams*


At the tittie bar




Keep your head high and do you my friend. I never found love or meaningful relationships when I was looking for them. Quite the contrary I met the love of my life when I was actively avoiding any sort of meaningful relationship. That was a result of some relationships with "Miami" women. My partner is not from Miami which is tell tale. As a local born, raised, educated, escaped, and came back for family (No I\[m not Latin). I feel you brother, all you can do is put yourself out there and know what you're getting into. My best warning/trigger was their girlfriends, pay close attention the the company they keep. Peer Pressure is still a thing.


Check the history of this sub, there was an Italian girl a while back complaining about the same thing and she's in your age range


From personal experience I found it easier to talk to and set up dates with guys living further north. When I was living in downtown Miami it felt like the odds were just worse. It’s more transient and most of the people I knew had either moved here as a couple or weren’t interested in anything long-term because for them Miami was just a pit stop before moving somewhere else in 2-5 years. Among my friends and coworkers also living around downtown/brickell/wynwood who met and started seriously dating someone down here, a couple of them were dating people further south (like Cutler Bay Area) or were also dating people more in the North Miami, Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale areas.


I’m nerdy and simple :)




I've met and had good conversations with girls on hinge if youre going to try a dating app Try meeting girls in the wild though The gym maybe?


Move to Orlando if you want normal 😂😂😂


Fort Lauderdale maybe?


Don't need alot of money but it helps. All you really need is high self esteem and go to the gym. If you aren't rich then at least get a nice gym body going. If I were you I would start going to the gym and meet girls there. And don't be too hard on yourself, alot of the women you want aren't worth keeping. Focus on the ones that want you and not the ones that you want. Hope this helps.




Do you agree or disagree with the statement: "you are who you deserve"? Or a similar iteration "you should be the kind of person that the kind of person you want would want to be with." ? 🤔 idk much but anecdotally, it's worked for me. But required alot of legwork on myself first. "If You build it, and they will come."


Try 1994


Delray is your answer


Depends on how you define "good normal girl."


Buddy just go on Hinge and be completely honest when entering your info. There are great tutorials on Reddit but it’s critical you don’t just swipe right because of looks. Best of luck and congrats


i was honest and got banned from hinge lol i put something like i just want a woman that knows how ot make a sandwich and is super nice. they dont take well to sarcasm jaja i spent money on it too and within 20 mins i was banned


Lol yep that joke sailed long ago. Can’t expect to meet a serious woman with bullshit like that


Stay away from high end gyms… some girls spend all their money to go there try to catch a guy with $$$. Do you have a hobby you can become more engaged with? I met a lot of normal people (not all hot women though) in volunteering orgs, dragon boating, lego clubs, language exchange meetups, art history courses etc.


There are normal girls everywhere you just need to have standards and when someone shows a sign of not meeting a standard (not arbitrary ones) you leave them simple as that If a girl seems materialistic and vein then don’t waste ur time on her


I avoid the dating scene altogether. every relationship I ever have is thanks to the universe putting the person there at the right time. I've found that actively looking for someone to date is harder than letting them come to you at the right time. but that's just me, anyway.


Outside miami


salsa and bachata dancing.


Another state 😅


Have a peek in the library or local bookstore.


You can go to walk to a beach where you can fing young aduts people, or the age range you want. Also join as a volunteer in a non-profit organization could be a good idea!


People are getting so many stimulous of all kinds through social media, so they don´t usually pay attention to you. It´s a lot of visual information going on. It´s better to make personal contact.




I was going to say don’t go to Brickell lmao… I don’t even live in Miami and I’ve heard plenty about it.


Not in Miami lol


Not here


Not over here lmao maybe a little bit more north lol




Go out to a local restaurant sit at the bar by yourself make innocent chit chat small talk with bartender /chef / other folks at the bar area and PUT AWAY THE PHONE. Go during the week not weekend and during trivia nights or karaoke. This is very hard at first but I did this when I first moved to NYC by myself and my husband and I were long distance for 2 years. I made SO many friends doing this and got hit on very easily (obvi didn’t want to pursue) but I couldn’t believe how many cool people I met putting myself out there without the crutch of a phone or book or other wall up


You have a weird account tbh and you're looking for a "normal" girl now. How to find a girlfriend in Guatemala? Checking in Venezuela for a girl to take you on doing OF? So many submissions over dating. Idk man, something tells me you need to work on yourself first.


My recommendation is just be open about women and explore older, younger and same age as you regardless or where you meet them . Be honest to those you talk to and let them know you are not in for x-y-z but rather a-b-c. All you need to do to find a good or bad woman is a being a gentleman, be confident and let them express themselves and 100% of the time be yourself and I guarantee you that the right one will come. BE OPEN and you will thank me later.


You aren’t going to find down to earth ones in brickell. I live out in the suburbs (westchester) and most of the normal dorky chicks are out here. Most of my friends are normal dorky educated chicks with careers and are dying to find a guy. One of my friends raved about some guy that took her to yardhouse on a date. The problem is most of my friends work really hard to help support themselves and their family and just don’t have time to go on dating apps. Most of their coworkers are either married or old so they just don’t have opportunities to meet people.


I WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM AND SHOW THEM HOW TO MAKE $$$ IF YOU CAN SHOW ME THESE DORKY EDUCATED CHICKS LOL i always say i can give fish or show them how to catch fish and i dont mind having them work with me so they are well off and can support their family at the same time


If you date a Lambo or a Ferrari, it comes with the maintenance.


Brickell is gold digger central




You're in the wrong city brother


Also 30 .. apps are terrible..  Maybe we can take you out of Brickell. 


The grocery store


Why would you look to Brickell for “normal girls to date?!” Seriously, you can tell complete lack of melanin instantly on here 🤣


You won’t find it in Brickell my friend. But normal girls are still out there, don’t give up 😌


You speak spanish? Learn and try out of Brickell.


Move to coconut grove. Much better crowd


Go to Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico


Join an improv group @ the laugh factory. It’s a great way to challenge yourself intellectually and you’ll meet people.


PST. Go check out community events


I live near the river! It’s simple you gotta move!! lol been here my whole life finally moving up north some near David! Much different crowd


I was pretty similar to your situation, bars/clubs/nightlife we're not the answer. Met the love of my life playing volleyball and the more I think about it there's some really cool people who play volleyball and just, in general, enjoy the outdoors.


Brickell ain’t where you find them buddy


“Normal” in Miami ? Those are unicorns. Some kind of volunteer situation, charity organization/activity. This place WAS normal till the ‘80’s Cocaine Cowboy days , since then it’s all about the money, boat, $100k cars & constant 5 star vacations.


Simple is too negative. Modest is better. Down-to-earth/well-adjusted is best.


There’s local nerd groups you can join. But finding an activity you can frequently do will be the best bet for meeting like minded friends and potential partners. Met tons of great friends from joining roller derby which led me to finding more nerd friends from the discord they were in.


We are what we eat, what we listen to, what we watch, who we hangout with. If every single woman you meet is a gold digger/escort/cheater/psycho is because that is the people you attract.


I totally get you!


I’m a firm believer that you get what you put out. If you want wholesome, you will need to exude that energy to attract the same. Orrrrrr, move far away from the onlyfans/sugardaddy capital of the world. Definitely not going to find many options in brickell. Keep in mind that anywhere that a 1br apartment costs $4k will not have the girls you’re describing/looking for.


1. Don't get dating advice from Reddit 2. Look at number 1


Honestly, the best thing to do is find good people and get set up


Regular girls? I think you're not the average guy, which is why you're having trouble getting into a relationship.


Unless you’re independently wealthy, find a new city.


Just roam the FIU Campus.


Go to Church




Find a rich man easier...


Omg this is a pimp post


Smells like human trafficking for me …


Don’t lead with “doing very well for myself” if you don’t want to attract women who are after your money. As a normal, low key, non-traumatized woman from the Midwest, that line would tell me that you’re not my type. It’s absolutely great that you’re doing well for yourself, but it’s a big turnoff to announce that. Well, a turnoff of for the type you seem to be looking for, but not a turnoff for the Brickell type I’m sure. And it can be announced in more ways than just words. Dressing flashy and spending a lot of money on early dates screams the same thing and it’s honestly kind of a red flag for me.


op sounds like a psycho.


Try joining a book club or taking an improv comedy class


Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Buffalo


Leave Miami lol