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Why do people on this sub complain about traffic so much?


Why do people on this sub complain ~~about traffic~~ so much?


Bro, I feel you, this sub sucks, let's start a new one. Dade locals only. Give us the chisme, make it funny, teach us something new or stfu fr


/r/dadecounty exista but it’s dead


I wonder if we can take it over 🤔 I'm gonna see


Lmk I can help.


Ok thanks! :)


I got the sub, let's get everyone over there and leave these YT transplants in brickell talking by themselves lol


Do you want to help moderate?


I’m down.


Yesss thank you! Invite sent. Let's build it up and keep the crazies out 🤜🤛


Let me guess your one of the ones that hop on the road and drive like they don’t know where they’re going.




Because traffic here truly is fucking awful


That’s how it is everywhere


I was just in Miami for the first time for a week last month and I don't think I've ever seen worse driving Like OP says, it's people going 15 under in the middle lane while two other people going 40 over pass you and the idiot in front of you on either side There is no rhyme or reason for anything anyone does and everyone is in a huge hurry except for the people clogging the left two lanes apparently trying to get everyone killed I was skeptical before I came but the drivers lived down to the hype, unfortunately


It really isn’t. I travel a lot and nowhere is it as bad as here and CA. Even when I go to my home in Paris, traffic isn’t the best there BUT people aren’t fucking around with the constant breaking etc


I lived throughout LA for 5 years and traveled a lot for work from SLO down to San Diego. Driving in Southern California 10x better than driving in Miami.


No. No it's not. Traffic in NYC and Boston and Philly or even Atlanta are all substantially different compared to Miami traffic and our quality of the average driver. Miami is amazingly incompetent, self entitled, aggressive or complacent when it comes to drivers.


The OP is not complaining about traffic, as they stated, there is no traffic at the time they’re driving. They are complaining about the drivers, which is 100% valid. You can be driving at any time of the day and the drivers act like idiots in Miami.


Live in Miami…it comes with the territory


It doesn’t bother me honestly. Get used to it so you’re not pissed off all day


I mean I've lived here since I was 10. I know it sucks. But it just seems to progressively get worse. My tolerance is getting lower with age and I hate that I get that way


More Latins, esp illegals= worse road conditions. It’s why things only ever get worse here. Go somewhere the drivers are primarily American born and revel in the glory.




Germany also has public transit so driving is truly optional. People here already drive without papers , license and insurance. If you made it more strict you would just have more people driving illegally. Can’t really compare USA , especially Miami to more civilized places.




Would not agree… have you ever been to NH??? They quite suck in driving up there 👆


They drive fast and the traffic is closer together in the northeast, but people are more attentive and they’re honking because you’re not following the rules. The drivers there are more rude, but they don’t suck at driving.


You ever driven in South America? NH has nothing on that chaotic pandemonium.


I have .. São Paulo, Mexico City, Lima as well as Santo Domingo.. all chaotic, but somehow shit works within that chaos .. now NH as well as Miami idiot drivers as OP points out .. slow drivers in the fast lane, constant use of brakes…


Come to Atlanta and you will see quickly how wrong your statement is.


Because you're on your phone while driving


They’re from undeveloped third world countries with the worst drivers on the planet. Latin America has been known as the worst places to drive anywhere on earth and we let them all in and handed them keys. Ego, too. The machismo effect is glaring when in traffic. All these people who come from nothing insist on being FIRST.




No India takes the cake there. My wife is from Guatemala and they don’t observe stop signs, however even she was too scared to drive in India.


- Written while swerving erratically from lane to lane for no apparent reason. Multiple dents in car.




People who grew up without playing outside lack proprioception . They lack awareness of their surroundings and don’t take full responsibility for their safety. They probably imagine they will just respawn if they crash.


i agree. there is a huge amount of the population here that has no spacial awareness. this is best demonstrated in any supermarket or walmart/target. while driving, they dont account for other people on the road trying to reach their destination in a timely manner, so they just daydream and drive or screw around on social media.


This has to be the reason for tailgating becoming the norm. I swear people back in the day didn’t do that shit as much as they do now.


Lol 😂they like to walk behind people too, love unnecessary standing/waiting , they also love being shoulder to sholder with mfs . THEY DRIVE THE SAME WAY THEY WALK Who else would switch to the left lane , just to match the speed of the car that was in front of them when they were in the right lane 🔙 they enjoy the feeling of being “physically “ side by side with other ppl CONSTANTLY 😭


🥱 🥱


- Sent from iphone while driving


I ain’t in a rush. Go around 😇


I can't you're in the left lane forming a wall with the right lane




My own personal theory (Miami Native and well traveled). Miami is a hub of tourists, transplants, passer byes from many different countries - especially Latin American/Caribbean countries. Bringing that driving culture and experience with them to Miami. The roads, laws, signs, etiquette standards, etc can be quite different from what most are used to. Starting to realize trying to go into detail will go down as a rant so just think of it this way. Miami is the SHIT Buffet of drivers from all around the world, and everyone is skipping the line. As I write this some jerk just honked at me .1 seconds after the light turned green! \*jk


That is a sound theory. Unfortunately lol


Also adding on to this! We don’t have reliable public transportation like other melting pots such as NY. So it just adds more fuel to the fire :/


I just moved here from up north and I’m so scared!!! No one uses turn signals at all!!! Good thing I keep my distance while driving or I would’ve rear ended this guy 😕


What we do down here is we turn the signal on as we merge. This is because, for the most part, if you do put your signal on, the person on the other lane will prevent you from merging into their lane


Most don't. It's a shock when they do. You have to be on the defense while driving.


Once you do enough driving out here you can tell most of the time when someone is going to change lanes with no turn signal. The most obvious tells from my experience is driving near the line or if someone is going fast and they’re pulling up to a slower car 9/10 times they will quickly change lanes. You have to do the thinking for the people on the road. It’s the only way to stay safe. Pay attention to the cars around you (even if they’re two lanes away), keep your distance and take a glance at you rear view mirror at least 3 times every minute. Edit. I don’t want to sound too dramatic but what I also do is to make sure that all the cars stopped for their stop sign or red light. Even if the light is green I will look both ways to make sure everyone actually stopped.


Most People here are from other countries with no knowledge of driving (or insurance) and a total disdain for actually thinking about others and whether or not they are hindering them Welcome to Miami


Lol pay attention to the ppl doing that, they walk the same way they drive


They are air heads


Lmfaoo I never thought of that


Im not even joking Ive been studying that shit for 3yrs in miami. The same ppl that have a hard time choosing which path to walk on a sidewalk , are they same ones that have trouble choosing the path to drive on. They suck at matching “the flow” in GENERAL…. Now who is “they” you gotta figure it out on your own 😂😂😂😂 ps its not any islanders 🌴


I've thought about that lol. Like when I'm shopping for groceries with my shopping cart. Sometimes I think "I wonder if you drive your car as bad as you walk with your cart."


Oh fuck me this is my biggest pet peeve. Why are you walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk and mad at me for being on the proper side. This ain't Japan! Do you drive on this side? So why you walking over here you dumb fuck! Talk about what really grinds my gears....


Lmfao some get this person a lab coat!!


Because the driving test is easy to pass and getting a license doesn't cost much. Many countries around the world require you to actually attend a driving school and pay hundreds of dollars to get your driver's license.


Sounds classist.


The fees they charge might be classist but there's no doubt in my mind that Miami drivers drive like shit cause the skill requirement is low and the police don't enforce traffic laws.




You can absolutely tell when you're getting close to Miami when drivers get progressively worse. My husband has NEVER had an accident until we moved here. He was a truck driver. Some guy backed up into his car when leaving a parallel spot parking (he just parked behind the guy). Clearly the guy wasn't paying attention that someone was parked behind him. A month later, a woman backed up into his car at a red light! Smh. I was in a bad accident myself years ago. Rear ended while stopped on an exit ramp. Dude that hit my car was trying to blame me and another driver.


No . South miami is worse


You guys literally cant read traffic signs


They can't and they don't. Stop, No turn on red, Yield, Merge. The list goes on...


Yeah driving in Miami is different. You need to be fully expecting people to do some silly shit and have a way to react. Get yourself a camera


My experience is once you pass the giant guitar it’s every man for themselves


Below the speed limit, breaking for no reason, in the left lane..... Yeah, this makes me want to pull my har out.


Was driving down the i75 yesterday. Literally out in the middle of nowhere. Wide open roads. Somehow some idiots manage to create a 3 car wreck. Like how do you manage to wreck your car on a wide open stretch of road that is completely straight for miles?


I almost got side swiped by a lady this morning on my way to work. She's either not aware of her surroundings or has the asian family guy mentality. I had to merge from the left lane and she decided she wanted to switch lanes at the same time not knowing or caring that my lane was going to end


I feel you… I found 80% of the time is people eating shit on their phones, 15% is just reckless driving, and 5% is grandma on the wheel… My advice? Always be prepared for everyone to do something stupid and think how you would react if that happened. Also, keep your distance from cars and don’t fight traffic, be polite instead…


Let me break it down for you: The majority of people in Miami learned to drive in places where the roads are chaos and rules barely exist. Then they bring these shit skills and habits here. Rinse, repeat.




I would blame everything on the phone, literally every time something happens to me, I peak at their window and they are glued to their phone...


I can agree with that.


In my experience all slow drivers are texting and driving


You can’t be stuck in traffic if you are the traffic.


I decided to accept way less $ to not have to drive to work. It is excruciating.


Damn that's hard






Bc we are driving mostly to BS jobs of nothingness to pay for a car to get us to the job of nothingness. We need more car free and car light streets, more remote work spaces in our communities and much better transit. This govt is taking us in cycles of nothingness.


Massive city no major mass transit 🤓


Another driving post.


That's why i moved 🤣


Get rid of the cell phone


Inconsiderate people don’t consider others when driving.


It’s the phones… people drive on the highways here on their phones. I’ve literally seen people in the express lane doing 70 mph with everyone swerving around them and they’re blissfully unaware at all the possible accidents that could cause. :/


I wonder if there was a study on this, would genz be worse or better at driving? In my experience, a lot of younger people tend to be scared of driving, add to that a phone and 🤷🏻


It’s not even gen z only though, it’s everyone. The older they are the shittier the multi tasking when driving.


I remember seeing a post on here where someone said they saw a driver barely staying in his lane and apparently it was a person reading a NEWSPAPER


OP you're not wrong. All weekend it seems like people are being extra complacent, slow and incompetent. Last three days while driving to and from work, I got stuck behind some jackass doing 15-20mph on a 40. I'm not exaggerating. Wtf is going on? Some of them were swerving in and out of traffic lanes.


Oh for sure. And then I feel like I'm the asshole when I pass them and speed up. I just want to get to my destination at a normal pace. Ain't nobody got time for that


It's taking everything within me to not aggressively accelerate passed them. But sometimes man, fuck it, get out of my way, I'm trying to get to work.




I am. I live in West Kendall


Everyone else is on their phone either reading IG or FaceTiming their friends or WhatsApp video call to Columbia.


Society as a whole would benefit greatly if everyone drove less.


Because half the son of a bitches are from New York cannot drive


I remember taking an Uber on a trip to NY and remember thinking I'd never want to drive there. It's a different kind of chaos


Orlando is the same.


Real talk? It's the viejos joy riding with nowhere to go, just out and about. Not to mention all the Uber drivers mindlessly following GPS directions, people generally distracted by their phones, construction, street closures, etc. Here's the thing though: it's a feature, not a bug.


It’s not like this in Chicago or DC


Sometimes I'm behind a car on my bike and feel the same way. I can't tell you how many times I've passed a car because the driver was going too slowly or just stopped for no reason. They drive like they're the only ones around, and the other comments that were made about how these same people walk/shop is spot on.


If you can’t beat em, join em!


It pisses me off so bad! And I’m going from North to downtown Miami every day smh! Worse drivers ever! Can’t wait to find a job more north. I find that ppl in Broward drive way less ridiculous 😭


Everyone’s on their phones, and everyone here only cares about themselves. There is no consideration for anyone because there is no *profit* either financial or social, from being considerate. People lack manners and take out their frustrations with this increasingly expensive and aggressive place behind the wheel.


It could be worse because of high school graduations happening this week


Bud, after living in multiple states, I promise you Miamians drive better than most of the country 🙃 except Texas maybe!


1) pause. 2) because the city has old infrastructure they can't change because of overdevelopment 3) because half the city learned to drive in another country 4) people are entitled and expect you adapt to their shit driving 5) because most people opt not to have insurance 6) because the lights and traffic algorithms suck 7) too much road construction/potholes


Someone backed up into my car in an empty parking lot , that's Miami


Driving everywhere is like this. People just come to Miami and are convinced by media or something that it's different here. Cars were a mistake, that's really all there is to it.


Cars and phones