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This Election is Doomed. SHIT vs SHIT... You get SHIT


More like there's a pile of shit in the middle of the living room and one guy promises to drop trou and add some fresh shit to the pile and the other guy proposes that we shovel some, but not all, of it into a bag and take it outside but is willing to compromise and just sprinkle some baking soda on top of the pile, spray some air freshener, and light some scented candles to try and cover up the smell.


More like the guy who wants to shovel the shit proposes shoveling all of it, but there are other people who filibuster him shoveling all the shit and tell him it's against the rules; so then he compromises with shoveling some and using air fresheners on the rest. People on the left who rage at Biden "not doing enough" must have never taken a fucking civics class, because they don't understand that the filibuster is a thing and POTUS can't do anything about it.


I may not fully agree with your assessment of Biden's willingness to dig all the way down, but we're both on the side of objective reality, unlike the fucking loons who seriously believe Trump is being pERsEcUtEd. Never mind that the DOJ is currently going after at least two Democratic members of Congress and Hunter Biden. Apparently that's fake news.


Love what I started here... lmao


Vote for one guy, you get 4 years of political bullshit. Vote for the other guys, you get an oligarchy of rich people dismantling democracy piecemeal. They already did a test run in case you need convincing.


Politicians are not in control of anything, they are puppets to the elites who want to remain in power and control everything, the top 0.1% is in controlled. If Biden is in the White House is because they want him to be there, if they are trying to convict Trump is because they want it that way.




Can't disagree. However, let's hope they're the benevolent kind (the elite)


If Trump doesn't win in November, things could get really scary. People keep dismissing this possibility, but I'm telling you. 45 has already planted the seeds of no longer trusting the elections. Already his cronies are hedging by saying they'll wait and see rather than accept the election outcome. Seriously. Things could get really spooky very quickly later this year


Oh yeah, the reality is that people are 100% going to die. Absolutely nuts.


They're going to die by the hand of the "pro-life" people.


2020 was only the beginning, he claimed fraud before the elections even happened, because he knew he'd lose.


It was a very tight election, I don't think he knew he would lose.


Then why pre-emptively claim fraud before elections even happened? If he didn't think he would be losing, he would not have to worry about such claims...


Im not sure I buy it. Shit will go down but all of these people are tough behind keyboards and cameras but these are the same people who are bothered by having to walk down the street to go to a store. Its just the few nuts that will go off. Keep voting and hopefully with the older generations dying out this group will shrink.


Why scary? We have a justice system in place for all  the crybabies. Orange tried to overturn the election and failed miserably because he couldn’t prove any of the bs he was spewing. I’m happy to watch him lose again and go back to being a d-list celeb. 




Hopefully the respective authorities take the necessary precautions to ensure things like J6 do not happen again, before, during and after the elections. Carlos Giménez may lack the necessary ideas and strategies to earn voter support thus linking himself to the orange faced man-baby for self promotion.


There's no chance Trump goes away, regardless of what happens in November. If he wins, he's already promised to go after his enemies. If he loses, he'll refuse again to accept the results, leading to potential violence. This is a very tricky situation. I don't think Biden is up for the challenge of handling this crisis 


>***I’m happy to watch him lose again and go back to being a d-list celeb.*** Nah, he’s too infamous now to ever be D-list again. He’s graduated to “loathed historical figure” who will likely live out his remaining days alone under house arrest for the multiple felony convictions he’s going to be tagged with.


I keep telling everyone that, but they claim the right is all talk


Trump winning the presidency would be a far more troubling scenario. His 2025 plan, along with his statements about prosecuting political rivals, reveals his intent to dismantle the independent justice system and reshape it to serve his own interests, enabling him to act without regard for the law.


I agree. Trump winning has a lot of disturbing possibilities for the future of America 


It's the game plan of every dictator he admires.




Im more afraid what happens if he wins tbh


Things will be scarier if he wins.


I would much rather take a scary scenario where Trump doesn’t win than a doomsday scenario where this lunatic wins and implodes what is left of our democracy.


Same. Voting is crucial this year.


So let me get this straight, Biden is the answer, the senile guy printing money and leaving us with the bill of the buzz saw running through the populations of the Middle East and Eastern Europe? Got it.


These are people who are terrified by almost everything: beautiful cities like Chicago and SF? Que miedo! Gays? So scary! Walking? Why am I being forced to suffer!?! Where the real danger comes in and Trump has already spoken up about this is that if elected he is going to try to use violence and paramilitaries to silence his


> If Trump doesn't win in November, things could get really scary. They'll be far scarier if he does win. I'll take my chances with him losing and going to prison. A lot of those gravy seal keyboard warriors aren't going to have shit to say when Biden's back in office. They're not going to give up their lives and lose their families over Donald fucking Trump.


The only reason Cities were burning down during his administration were because of left funded groups under the guise of fighting police brutality. Strange how Police brutality hasn't stopped but the Antifa/BLM riots Faded away when Biden got elected.


No cities burned down though. That's the type of gross exaggeration you hear on Fox News. 


Really? No buildings were looted, ransacked or set on fire? Cool, Go tell that to the small business owners it happened to. It would of probably happened here too if MPD didn't show antifa this wasn't the place to go burning cars.


You believe cities were burned and looted because you swallow everything the GOP tells you. I bet you’re still waiting for those “migrant caravans” to arrive and steal all your stuff too. Notice how those disappeared after the election too? Oh wait, no they just kept saying they arrived and were ABOUT TO CROSS into the U.S. and rape your women and steal your children. It’s about to happen again! Lookout! The foreigners are hiding in the dark and waiting for Biden’s re-election so they can jump out and rob you blind!


You've moved the goalposts. You said _cities_, not a building here and there.  You're a MAGA/Fox News nut guzzler. 


Buy more guns if you’re scared. That’s the plan right? Shoot your way out of any problems?


MAGA's words and actions - led by this clown (45) - are straight out of the fascism playbook. Dismantle public education. Undermine and discredit established institutions like the media, universities, the science community, etc. Instill fear and keep people agitated. Trust nothing, they're all out to get you. Upend the justice system. And coupled with the Christian Nationalist movement, which is specifically designed to benefit white Christian men, and them only (and no, white-skinned Hispanics don't count), and to keep everyone else in subjugation, forget it. All this worsened twice over. People want to be in denial about the genuine threat to democracy that the GOP/MAGA pose, but it's foolish to do so. These people are yelling out exactly who they are, so people still going about saying, "oh, but they wouldn't go *that* far" are delusional. These people want power at all costs. This all has been in march since Reagan (a fucking piece of shit if there ever was one), and with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, they see their ultimate goals within reach. That Project 2025 lays it all out, and I for one take their word for it.


Of course. Heads, I win. Tails, you lose. Trump was posting yesterday about "vote by any means possible – mail, absentee, early, etc." The exact means he attacked 4 years ago as fraud.


He already sank the boat on mail in voting. As recently as 4 months ago he was still at rallies calling it a scam and saying immigrants were voting illegally. His base is as likely to vote by mail as they are to vote for Biden.


You know what his followers are going to do? Not shit. They were going to storm the Miami courthouse, too. 10 people showed up. Jan. 6 let them know Trump's dog whistles don't mean shit and nobody is getting a free pass. They thought they were immune because their king was going to protect them. Nope. All in jail. They're all talk. They ain't doing shit.


They’ll bang pots loudly at every Valls family owned restaurant, yelling about “socialismo” and the “demoratas”then they’ll get bored and go home, with their tails between their legs, like they always do.


I agree, but what’s the alternative? Let Trump win and he’ll bring fairness and stability? Highly doubt it.


Hill and crew have already denied elections before that...it's nothing new


The faster we can get past Trump the faster we get back to normal. Anything that doesn’t fit his narrative is fake news, deep state, or any of his other buzz words. He is the reason a large portion of the country doesn’t believe doctors, scientists, military experts, teachers, etc.  He loves the poorly educated and is trying to make sure most of the country stays that way. If he wins we will go through this for another 8 years. 


This guy voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 too




sOcIaLiSmO!!!!! lol


Trump falsified business records to hide how campaign funds were used, that’s a crime. If you like keeping criminals free just say so


"everyone knows it" is tRump's favorite go-to word, you clearly eat all of his BS, not "everyone" thinks like you...


Their favorite blanket statement to gloss over the complete lack of substance, insight, or facts


"mAnY pEoPle are SaYinG"


Lmfaooo Yes or no, did Trump falsify business records ? Yes or no


Trump 24


Little construction boss’s son who thinks he’s pulled himself up by his bootstraps… what a fucking clown you are.




Trump 34


Oh man.... Imagine flying Trump 34 flags... Ultimate troll


He’s actually older than that. He’s an old guy like Biden


O this is going to upset a lot of conservative folks who can’t think for themselves


It’s you who can’t see that this is obviously true that can’t think for yourself. No president, despite many reasons to prosecute them, has ever been charged with a felony. The first is charged over an accounting classification… you know similar to what Hillary was fined $100k for not disclosing her contributions to the Steele dossier… Let me guess you didn’t even know basic facts such as this… Immigrants from communist and socialist countries are the ones he see this exactly for what it is… because this is what happens in their countries. Privileged native born Americans are often too ignorant to understand how good it is here and why we haven’t done something like this before to any president.


No other presidents committed a felony that any prosecutor thought a jury of their peers would convict them for. Crazy noone is arguing that trump didnt commit the crime, just that he should be let off the hook. The same trump who campaigned on lock her up when it came to Hillary clinton


Right that’s the opinion part. The prosecutor ran on “getting trump”, previously didn’t want to take up this case and then did. Found the most anti trump judge and it was held in the most anti trump district (6% trump support). They could have convicted him of anything. The best they could do is a misdemeanor charge they turned into a felony through novel means. It’s embarrassing for our country.


But critically they did convict him. Are you arguing that the jury was biased or that he didnt commit the crime? Because those are very different and one is way more serious.


Neither. I’m arguing that it was a petty prosecution for political reasons and the judge selection and design of the trial was very unusual and biased against trump. The jury was basically set up to convict, the judge made it as easy as possible for them to get “unanimous” consent by combining consent from different charges… they upgraded a misdemeanor to a felony… and on and on and on


If you haven't already, you should really look into becoming a flat earther, moon landing denier, ghost hunter, paranormal investigator, and/or Scientologist. You would fit right in.


Damn that was super smart of you to say. You should spew your nonsense on Reddit more.


So you dont think its a problem that a presidential candidate illegally falsified business records (<- the crime) (the character issue -->) in order cover up paying hush money to cover up an affair as part of his campaign to become president and hide the fact from voters? Those seem like major character flaws no? You only have a problem with the people holding him accountable for it? Thats like all ok despite the fact said candidate advocated "Lock her up" for their political rivals?


Hillary actually deleted 33000 government emails illegally. She also paid a foreign spy to make a mostly false dossier on the president of the United States and hid jt as a legal expense. Obama killed a us citizen with a drone…


> and it was held in the most anti trump district (6% trump support). You guys really need to drop this. The jury was approved by Trump's lawyers. Several identified as conservative. One even said they got their news from Truth Social. They still found Trump guilty on all counts.


This is what happens in a cult, they can’t handle the cognitive dissonance so they just make up facts to make themselves feel better.


I hate to break it to you, but the criminal case against him for election interference is a thing too, and it’s just been pushed back till after the election most likely. Also, the case against him for hoarding classified documents. The writing is on the wall and Trump knows his only way out is to get re-elected and pardon himself. That should scare you more than an actual court trial. That right there is some scary ass third-world shit.


All that shit is a bunch of nonsense. It’s only because it’s trump that anyone even buys it. None of these cases are strong and all will either fail or be appealed. It’s obvious to everyone but those with TDS. Trump raised $400M this week alone from people who know this is just corruption going after trump for anything they can


There goes that TDS word again, Tremendous Dick Syndrome, right? Also $400 Million, what a fucking joke. Especially since it’s all going to pay his legal fees LMAO.


Narrator: it is nowhere close to $400M. Eric claimed $50M, which is also probably a lie.


¿Viste? Living up to the stereotype, asere. Keep embarassing yourself, >***All that shit is a bunch of nonsense.*** Cooooope. Sorry, it’s all very true. And those cases are much worse. Considering you and your Cult’s unhinged response to one guilty verdict, it benefits Biden to have these postponed, because now the focus is 100% on Trump and his babbling stupidity - and we all know how well he does when he has nothing to deflect with. 🤣🤣 >***It’s only because it’s trump that anyone even buys it.*** Pobrecito. Trump, the world’s biggest victim. Aren’t you payasos the party of personal responsibility? Law and Order? Uhh…maybe don’t be stupid enough to get caught breaking the law. Trump did this to himself. 🤣🤣🤫 >***None of these cases are strong and all will either fail or be appealed.*** Lol. Cope harder. He’s lost every case, will get convicted in the remaining cases and his appeals will go nowhere. >***It’s obvious to everyone but those with TDS.*** The only people with Trump Derangement Syndrome are those in his Cult, who give this incompetent clown his (fading) power. Trump, to those not in his Cult, is more like a pathetic, fucked up, sick joke. >***Trump raised $400M this week alone from people who know this is just corruption going after trump for anything they can*** False. He claims to have raised $50 million from the idiots in his Cult (probably a lie), and it will all go to pay the $500 million in legal judgments attached to him. The exact number will be confirmed when the quarterly campaign finance reports come out. Despite that fundraising bump, Biden still has 3x the war chest Trump has, and this campaign hasn’t even really started yet for Biden. That Trump is basically even with Biden in June is a very bad sign for Trump. Biden will only get stronger as time goes on, that whole incumbent advantage starts to kick in, you know? (Oh yeah, you don’t). Cope harder, cupcake.


It’s just wild the lies these folks will peddle and how quick they deflect The dude doesn’t know any specifics of the case at all but he’s so sure of the propaganda he peddles I bet he won’t address anything I said about the case either , just more whataboutism


> No president, despite many reasons to prosecute them, has ever been charged with a felony. The first is charged over an accounting classification… So you're saying the president is above the law? If you're president you shouldn't be prosecuted? >Immigrants from communist and socialist countries are the ones he see this exactly for what it is… because this is what happens in their countries.' Please don't speak for all of us. >Privileged native born Americans are often too ignorant to understand how good it is here and why we haven’t done something like this before to any president. Corruption is so bad in other countries, we should ignore it here! 🤦‍♂️


Lmfao , thanks for giving me an example of the conservatives I was talking about. How many other presidents before they were president falsified business records ??? It’s not an accounting classification, thanks again for proving me right. Yall just repeat lies and deflect . So weak, just admit you want another Batista in America , people would respect you more instead of these ridiculous easily proven lies you’re peddling and deflectionsz That’s not even what Trump defense in court was arguing , they argued that the payouts to Cohen were for legal expenses and not to pay him back for paying Stormy Daniels. That’s why David Pecker testimony was so damning about the catch and kill they set up and how he refused to pay Stormy the same way they did others , and he testified that he suggested that Cohen pay her off , and that Trump was aware of this scheme. That’s why the defense witness of Costello was so bad when he testified Trump had back channels of communication to these people and wouldn’t communicate directly at times. He could not explain either of these and just focused on attacking Cohen credibility but the case was not based on Cohens words , it was supporting evidence to the 34 different documents they showed to the jury with his signature , confirmed by other Trump employees he signed them, testified by David Pecker that Trump knew about the scheme and congratulated him for his work at inauguration 😂 Trump had literally no evidence it was for legal expenses and refused to take the stand himself


I just gave you an example of one form Hillary…


Hillary Clinton wasn’t president…


So you admit it only matters for political reasons?


Do you admit that Trump broke the law?


Oh boy lmfaoooo


The misplaced arrogance underlying this dude’s response merits a roasting….so let’s do this. >***It’s you who can’t see that this is obviously true that can’t think for yourself.*** No, dude, its June 2024, and you’re on Reddit defending rapist, convicted felon, pathological liar Trump. You’re pretty much outing yourself as a slack-jawed ignoramus rube utterly devoid of critical thinking skills. Let’s see if you live up to the stereotype. >***No president, despite many reasons to prosecute them, has ever been charged with a felony.*** Because, outside of Nixon, who was pardoned by Ford after he resigned, no POTUS other than Trump has ever been credibly accused, much less convicted of a felony. >***The first is charged over an accounting classification…*** Damn, why weren’t you on Trump’s legal team? It was falsification of business records to cover up illegal use of campaign funds. >***you know similar to what Hillary was fined $100k for not disclosing her contributions to the Steele dossier…*** No, counselor, it is not the same thing. If it were, pretty sure a Republican ghoul would have put her in jail already. >***Let me guess you didn’t even know basic facts such as this…*** Uhh, clearly you don’t either. In fact, you know much less than us. >***Immigrants from communist and socialist countries are the ones he see this exactly for what it is…*** Which is? Leaders being held accountable for public corruption isn’t usually a thing in authoritarian regimes. Weird, then, that a refugee from an authoritarian regime is defending a wannabe authoritarian in his new country. Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time? Seems like it didn’t take, huh? >***because this is what happens in their countries.*** What happens? The rule of law? I thought you left because there was no law! But now you follow the guy who wants to undo *our* laws. Please explain your curious logic to us, counselor. >***Privileged native born Americans are often too ignorant to understand how good it is here*** Lol. And you know this how? By your comments here, it’s pretty obvious you have a below elementary level understanding of the history and political culture of your new country. And because you’re a clueless, reactionnary ignoramus, your PTSD addled solution is to turn our country into a dictatorship, because at the end of the day it’s all you really know - which explains why you are apparently so blind to it as it is happening in your new country. >***and why we haven’t done something like this before to any president.*** Because we’ve never had a lying, sociopathic, treasonous scumbag like Trump in the White House. If you ever bothered to study the history of my country, you would realize this. Stop embarassing yourself. Talk less, read more.


Username checks out


What’s up with Cubans or Latin Americans from “communist and socialist countries” thinking they know it all? I’m from a middle eastern country and you don’t see me thinking I know it all, even though so many countries there are ruled by FAR RIGHT religious zealots kinda like the Republicans in the US 🤔


What do they have on Carlitos. Cause trump is like mafia.


Probably aiding in laundering drug money, a good ol’ Miami politician story


What was the lie?


USA isn’t Cuba, papo. Ponte las pilas.


Yep. They’re also comparing it to 9/11 & Pearl Harbor. Like everything else they do, Trump is sending out mass emails telling them what ridiculous things to say each day & how to say it; he’s trying to make a performance out of his conviction. It’s almost breathtaking to see American politicians sending out press releases loaded with Trump’s exact propaganda, word for word. I don’t know how anyone can sleep at night knowing this lunatic might be the president again in 5 months.


Cuban politicians are a Joke. and a plop twist most of them never lived in cuba,


And the ones that did sucked Fidel and Raul’s knob in Cuba, just as hard as they fellate Trump’s in the US.


I think Worst


No wonder Castro took over


Is this in regards to the convicted felon, civilly liable rapist, & failed former president Donald Trump?


*ahem*, that's "convicted felon, civilly liable rapist, & *twice-impeached* failed former president".  


“twice impeached, lost once”


You forgot insurrectionist traitor, undermining the electoral system that has been in place for 247 years


Oh right.




You have no understanding of anything you're talking about. My advice to you is to start thinking for yourself as you're currently only a bot of your spoon fed propaganda.


Fuck this POS




Ask Trump, he was in power and clamed she would be in prison, guess what? 2020 came and all he did was pardon war criminals and divide the nation. While he continues to gaslight people like you into fighting his losing battles. See, most of us are for justice, no matter who, so if there is evidence for both Hilary and Joe, they can share a prison cell with Trump.


It’s called campaign financing laws, genius


> How did that dirty slut classify the money she EXTORTED on her taxes? out of curiosity, is trump a dirty little slut too? > And why isn't she being prosecuted for BOTH of those crimes? because nobody gives a shit about a porn star's taxes lmfao. but misappropriating funds for a campaign is a bit bigger of a crime. > And while we're at it...Why isn't joe biden in prison? for what? you know... just curious.


awesome response LOL




Regardless of how you feel about Donald Trump's conviction by a Jury in New York, it is a blatant lie that this is a weaponization of our justice system by the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration had nothing to do with this. Zero. The federal Justice Department has nothing to do with State prosecutions. And this is a case that was started when Trump was still president. And even in the other pending federal cases, an independent special council was appointed specifically to remove those cases from the influence of the Justice Department. And Biden (unlike his predecessor) has done nothing to try to influence what the Justice Department does as evident by the trial of his son that is taking place right now.


Also, Menendez and Cuellar in all manner of trouble for corruption, and nobody is quashing those investigations and charges. Only one side actually cares about maintaining a legal system beyond civil courts.


its actually so sad how many people think Biden is somehow in control of the courts... like if people just read actual real books or had any semblance of critical thinking they can see what BS it is.




Presidents have historically kept a distance from DoJ to ensure people do not think that the Justus department is politicized. Biden gave a pretty great quote on that yesterday in regards to Hunter’s trial.


The DOJ is independent from the executive branch. Just say you don’t know anything




And the DOJ acts independently. You’re making it seem like the president tells the DOJ exactly what to pursue lmao




At this point I don’t even blame the politicians. The things you hear people say and write on socials is quite telling of how people actually eat this stuff up. 


The propaganda is working its way very well through the populace.


It’s actually the politicians that are spewing lies, so yes it’s their fault


Politicians are just taking advantage of an uninformed electorate. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Checks and balances are an unknown thing to most Americans. People were worried about Bernie becoming president like his Universal Healthcare woulda even made it through congress smh


He needs trump/Maga votes if he wants to survive here in Florida


Didn’t Trump say if he becomes president, he was going to go after his opponents?


He did and he proved to everyone the President doesn't have the power he claims Biden has...


It’s easy to say something is fake and provide no evidence. Carlos will surely back this up with facts. Just wait. /s Felonious Trump should have hired him as a lawyer since he has it all figured out.


“Direct attack on President Trump’s character” It’s impossible to talk about him without at least indirectly attacking his character. His character is just that fucking bad.


Can't attack a target that ain't there.


Like every MAGA republican (since those are the only ones Trump allows to survive politically anymore), this comepinga has fallen in line with the same tired rhetoric in order to keep his job. Please tell me about this "weaponized" justice system that has the President's own SON on trial this week for a gun charge (while the pro-2A people sit silent). Tell me more about how Biden is centrally puppeteering DAs, attorneys general, judges (many of whom are Trump appointees), grand juries and anonymous juries of regular citizens. I'm sure if we listen long enough you'll start to talk about the Rothschilds controlling the world's banks and how Fauci single-handedly started COVID so he could secretly profit from a vaccine. Smooth-brain fools and their conspiratorial stupidity would be hella entertaining if it didn't have real-world consequences.


I guess after all their sacrifices some learned nothing. They’re happy to have another dictatorship like Batista’s.


They *want* a dictatorship. 'Cept communism is bad... But fascism good!


Daddy issues. They don't know what to do with freedom. Give them democracy and the first thing they do is look for a strong man. Same thing that happened in Russia. When you've spent your life with a boot on your throat, you miss it when it's gone.




Defending Trump isn't going to help him against Levine Cava. Some Cubans may love Trump, but Miami-Dade still largely votes Democrat.




And Cava is (surprisingly?) popular even with Hispanics here. All the MAGA relatives/relatives of friends I know like her and are voting for her. It's the fact that she has a lot of visibility and comes off as a very nice, personable grandmother.


I've been hearing this rumor for a year, and I believed it at first, but now he's out of time. The qualifying period is about to end. I've heard nothing about soft polls from his camp testing this idea out. So perhaps it was a thought that never panned out. His wife loves all the DC elite shit, and he does what she wants.


GOP labels Biden as a senile old man that is confused and can’t lead. But they also call him an evil genius that controls the justice system and local courts. The hypocrisy and lies are beyond belief.


“Kamala’s the one running the show actually” - people that want a felon as president😂😂


people like this never really hated Castro they just hated he didn't give them power


Dude left Cuba when he was six. His memory of Cuba / Castro must be very little


but his family's isn't he's been indoctrinated since little i've graced elbows with people like him my whole life




Oh Carlitos, you should know better. In Cuba, corrupt politicians evade justice and are above the law. Which is what this fool wants for Trump. Cubans love themselves a good Dictator so I’m not surprised.


This is the kind of propaganda they use to brainwash the Hispanics in Miami. This is what they them on loop 24/7 across all T.V., Cable and Radio.


The GOP fascist gusanos have zero shame and will protect a convicted felon, sexual predator and fraudster


there’s a special place in hell for all Miami public officials invoking a migrant’s trauma for political clout and influence, it’s so gross. i don’t know what’s more sad, politicians alluding to a collective traumatic experience in someone’s homeland or constituents eating it up because of the fear they feel when someone brings up that experience..


Im offended that a fellow Cuban-American insults the integrity of the jury and our justice system. Trump had a fair trial and lost. Just like he lost the election. Please stop kissing the ring of a dictator wannabe before this becomes just like the mess we have in Cuba.


Miami politicians and gold medal mental gymnastics to make a bad Cuba analogy, name a more iconic duo.




Hey if it's that or the Genocide Party I'll gladly side with the Felons




Miamians should be more upset that your politicians are spending time kissing the ring of Trump instead of tackling real issues the city faces. 1. Affordability 2. Healthcare 3. Housing 4. Home insurance (which will take only 1 bad hurricane to topple completely) 5. Property taxes Etc.


Every Republican in Florida is kissing Trump's ass.


How disgusting of a man in his position to use such comparison and have the uniformed believe every word he projects.. he should be ashamed of himself and his low and dirty tactics


"innocent political rivals" The dude literally committed multiple crimes and was caught for it....how is he innocent?


Yea sure “sleepy” Joe Biden who is far too incompetent to run the executive office, but just the right amount of competent to lead a vast deep state conspiracy against Trump even though his own justice department decided ultimately not to persecute Donald Trump, yet they are persecuting Hunter Biden.


Perhaps Brandon is an empty suit and there are some brains orchestrating the madness.


Republicans have never done shit for the Cubans in Miami anyway. All they do is use them like puppets.


Sure they have. They've handed the Cubans Miami and allowed them to operate with a significant degree of autonomy.  They've also stifled any change in relations with Cuba which benefits the white Cuban diaspora in Miami


This is the truth. They have been doing this since Regan and it’s been working.


"Innocent until proven guilty!!" Guilty on all counts. "The system is rigged!!" The hypocrisy of the GOP knows no bounds.


What a stupid ass. “En Cuba,” the guy in front of you is judge, prosecutor, and policeman. You have absolutely no rights. Trump had all the lawyers money could buy, no respect for the judge, and threatened the judge’s family. Try that “en Cuba” and see what happens. He was convicted by a jury of his peers where only ONE of them had to disagree with the verdict. Carlos is a fucking disgrace.


Only thugs and crooks support thugs and crooks. Carlos just needs some grills, a gold chain and a Mac-10 to complete the outfit.


Gimenez is just as dick less as Rubio, so this doesn't surprise me. That's the only thing they have to stand on, convince the Cuban community that what they are doing to Trump is exactly what happened to their families in Cuban and that we are heading down that same path...which we are not. But these Conservative Politicians would never lie about something like that...


There is no leadership in the Republican Party. There is only simping for a fraud. Giménez knows Trump is a buffoon. He knows everything he wrote is bullshit. He has made the choice to simp, instead of taking the lead.


You know how much public money this guy funneled to his kids and family when he was mayor? He needs fraud to be legal. It's the only reason he's in the game.




Almost every one in Trump’s orbit is a convicted felon. Dime con quien andas, y te digo quien eres.


"BUT...BUT...SoCiAliSm!!!" It's getting real old and Hialeah is such a hotbed for it.


Ignorance lets propaganda sweep without critical thinking, it's the sad reality of pushing the narrative that science is a lie.




Something something law and order something something tough on crime something something lock her up


The OG conservative Cubans were cool with Bautista. He was just as inhumane as Castro, but he kept an aristocracy. They are cool with strong men and near feudalism under extreme right wing governments, just as long as they are in the inner circle. They have no concern for the rule of law, only rewarding themselves and punishing others while treating life as a zero-sum game - just like the wealthy of any culture or nation at any point in time. The truth is, all the rich people are scared about what would happen to them if you dig deep enough into their own dealings. That's why rich democrats/some democrat governors are still saying that Trump should be pardoned for "stability" or "to win in November". We are Miamians. We know what's up with political corruption.


I'm glad you said it because this is never talked about enough. The Cuban narrative here in America is largely bs.  They're not at all interested in freedom in Cuba. They're interested in a return to what Cuba was under their guy, which was largely a plantation society that benefited a small amount of very wealthy white Cuban families. 




Cubans hate socialism and what Cuba has become and love Trump but don’t speak a lick of English


Okay don't vote for Carlos, got it🤘🏼


Slimy fckn rat


Says the guy who's son was part of the FIU bridge that collapse contract. Hes also best friends with Joe Carollo so that says a lot about this man. 


Lol, people are still statists?


What ever happened to common sense?


LMFAO our LOCAL elected officials aren't afraid to weaponize anything. Cough cough Code Enforcement.


I hate that this has become the Cuban American legacy. We use our traumatic history for petty political insults. Nothing has been learned from Castroism. We gotta do better.


What a dipshit. Peak Miami Cuban politician.