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You will stall it, but don't sweat it, I've been driving 15 years and I still stall sometimes


This can’t be overstated enough. Been driving a manual almost 30 years. Stalling happens, you just get more comfortable with it. Not very often after the first few drives but it will happen.


Congratulations! I am raising a large, frosty glass of choccy milk in your honour.


Odds are you'll stall on the way home. Just laugh at yourself and keep rolling.


My first miata I owned after 2 weeks of learning. Give yourself grace. You're going to burn the clutch lol. Just find a nice flat spot and work on finding the sweet spot with the clutch.


Just give it a little more gas than you think and feather the clutch out slower than you think you should. Practice in an empty parking lot if you can. Mimi welcomes you to the fold!


While I agree that getting a new car can be exciting (going to look at an NB in 8 hours myself), don't forget to do your due diligence for wear and rust. There used to be a guide on miata.net, and especially for your first manual you should really run through it. The market for NB isn't as bad as NA, there is always another car. https://web.archive.org/web/20221211082808/https://www.miata.net/garage/Checking%20Out%20a%20Used%20Miata%20-%20Update%202018.pdf


Good luck have fun. Congrats on taking the dive into a manual car.


I bought my first manual the same way! My advice is: bring a hat and sunglasses, and pick the route with the fewest uphill stops!


Look up how to drive it first, it is pretty easy and you can practice just sitting on the couch. Letting the clutch out slowly to get it going is going to be easiest on it, then add gas.


man. that poor car. this is why i only buy new lmao