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The HIStory tour was literally the most intensive tour he did, All perfomances had extensive dancing and he went all out with the choreographys, Michael suffered from multiple health issues and i dont blame him for lip synching during his mid 30's/40's, Simply put Mike knew that dancing and singing at an aceptable level was not going to be possible so he opted for lip synching and TBH I didn't mind it at all, you have literally 2 tours where he sang live so having his last tour be completely composed of great choreographies and lip synching ain't a bad thing. What you guys don't see is that the guy was already at his limit with the health issues and the mountain of psychological issues so him opting to cut short on some aspects of his perfomance should not have been problem especially when the tour was flawless in every other way. How many artists in the past and present gave us 30 years of live singing and choreographies with a flawless consistency? None whatsoever so him choosing to lip synching during his later years is all fine by me.


https://youtu.be/USuxyErXqAY?si=aiQhHGJPLfIASfps Here are some completely live vocals from the tour. They were actually really good. Also impressive he’s singing them in the original key


His voice was totally damaged and overused by HIStory. Remember, he started singing well before the age of puberty, (5 years old), which is NOT recommended, as you should wait for your vocal cords to fully develop before taxing them that much, since it’s still just a muscle. Michael hit very high notes as a child and into early adolescence as well, which didn’t help his case. By the time he started going through puberty, he had already been singing for more than a decade, which good singers normally only get 15-20 years of quality vocals before their cords start to wear a bit. By the time thriller was out, Michael was in his early 20’s and vocal damage was present, which caused that raspy noise that we all became familiar with later on. However, it wasn’t until the mid to late 90’s that Michael’s excessive singing and vigorous dance routines along with it, caused the most damage. He developed horrible laryngitis that never really went away. Michael himself did actually want to sing during most of HIStory, but was heavily encouraged not to by his doctor and so it was basically last second that they decided to just have Michael lip sync over the original album-released versions of his hit songs. This means, Michael didn’t have any time to re-record any of those songs and at least lip sync that, especially since his voice was already damaged. However, Michael did do this for the 2001 concerts that he performed in for the Jackson 5 30th anniversary. If you watch them, he actually sang them live, but they during the broadcasted version; they played a re-recorded track over his original vocals.


I think the issue with a lot of signers is that they end up recording their songs in such an insanely high key and difficult vocals that make it almost impossible to translate to a live setting. I’m not even just talking about Michael but other singers as well seem to do this same thing.


MJ did it especially though. Obviously I can't prove anything as I wasm't there, but I'm pretty sure he always tried to maintain a singing voice that was as high as possible, really pushing his limits. His high, soft speaking voice was a part of that training, to keep his vocal chords in a high-pitch position. It makes sense for him: he got famous with a pre-pubescent voice, so the audience fell in love with his high pitch. At the same time, high vocals are strongly preferred in pop music anyway. Audiences love high notes. Lower male voices are considered "muddy", they sound less good to audiences with untrained ears that think higher = better. All this when there were pointers (can't call it conclusive "evidence" but y'know) that grown-up Michael was actually a baritone - when most male pop singers are tenors. I personally think this sounds pretty real... So. He stretched his vocal chords to the upper limits of their natural range, while dancing and jumping on a stage in whatever weather from a very early age. At the same time he was immuno-compromised due to Lupus. The body can't keep up with that, no wonder he had to lip-sync eventually.


Yes, this is very much true. Although I don't think that's a flaw. I like to hear album vocals that are amazing and interesting instead of run of the mill. Album recordings are what most people mostly listen to.


I don’t know how accurate it is but there are clips where Michael was full out singing during the history tour.. only his mic was muted. Nonetheless he sounded absolutely terrible. I say that to say, if he was truly protecting his voice, why would he full out sing with the mic muted? I’d rather he preserve his voice.


Yeah, because his mic still picked up on audio. Michael always sang, even if he lip sunk. This is, because in his early years of lip syncing, his stage manager at the time thought it didn’t look realistic when he just mouthed the words, so he told Michael to sing as much as he could. The audio you’re hearing in those clips of Munich remastered, you’re not meant to hear. He also does not sound good, because neither the crowd or himself could hear him sing. Only the sound guys backstage could. It’s actually very sad that they even allowed that audio to get out, because Michael would have hated us to hear something like that.


https://youtu.be/USuxyErXqAY?si=aiQhHGJPLfIASfps Here are some live vocals from the tour they are actually really good. He’s singing songs in the original key which is actually impressive considering how high they were


If he sounded bad its probably because he couldn't hear himself over the track and music Every noticed deaf people often sound odd when they talk? You kinda need to hear yourself to be able to sing in key.


It kind of bothered me that he’d damage his voice for vocals that the audience wouldn’t even hear. If you’re gonna lip sync then just do that no point in singing still and blowing out your voice anyway


https://youtu.be/DoHLAT6xj4E?si=ELpP9ouUTyk67RKD This was the last time he sang rock with you live. I really loved the vocals


I feel like you got that off of of a YouTube video that has been disproving several times


What do you mean by that?


[https://youtu.be/idU7hm5r1OA?si=8KMm9KplPnG_J0-T](https://youtu.be/idU7hm5r1OA?si=8KMm9KplPnG_J0-T) This video has been but this video has been disproven several times that I’ve seen. I mean feel free to tell me what you know, 🤷🏾‍♂️


What do you mean by “disproven”? What happened with his voice is a fact. I am not making any of that up.


Look unless you show me that says otherwise I’m gonna have to disagree with you dude


You have literally no basis to your claim, you’re the one with the burden of proof, since I’ve already proved my point. Where is your reasoning with that?


No, like I’m asking like more links I want to read more


Okay? Here’s a good article I found: https://www.mjhideout.com/forum/threads/interesting-video-on-mjs-voice-progression-lets-discuss-it.135437/ Also, another thing I didn't mention is the multiple rhinoplasties definitely would've impacted his voice as well.


You’re not gonna believe me when I tell you this, link is almost play-by-play of that video and the links are private now because the creator When the creators started receiving backlash for it They took down the videos, and disproven but would get disproven But they would republish the video every few months this time it’s been out for four months




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Well Said!!!


You forgot to add: "and I base this on absolutely nothing"


I base it on science and the human body. We’ve studied it long enough to know when you should or shouldn’t put strain on your vocals, especially for an extended period of time. It’s just common knowledge to never sing in excess prior to puberty, you will damage your voice.


Unless you were his doctor I take it with a large pinch of salt. Explain his perfect vocals during This Is It rehearsals if you believe in what you're saying


Simply put, his vocals were not perfect in 2009. Also, a lot of what you heard during the “This is it” movie, were heavily edited. Not to mention you didn’t see him finish a single song in the same outfit, which implies he did separate parts on different days or that they used the better vocals from different days. I am not saying Michael’s voice was bad, but holy shit to say it wasn’t damaged is just stupid. Use your brain and do your own research, it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist. Michael’s voice was incredible and extremely unique, (arguably more so with his raspiness), but he could not hit the same notes over the years without severely straining from the damage he caused to his voice. Do you also not believe he got laryngitis in 96?? What do you think primarily caused that? Also, what is wrong with you?


I don't doubt that a lifetime of singing will have serious effects but your reasonng and breakdown is through a narrow tunnel-vision it seems. Consider natural changes that comes with aging too, also temporary issues happen that get caught on camera like everything he ever did was. If he burped once, I bet you there'd be theories by someone that he had gastro issues his whole life. To stay on subject: the choice of lipsyncing -if not due to health reasons- can also be because fuck it he had nothing to prove at that point and no matter how incredible stamina one has, nobody's the same by their 40s and he was laser-focused on performance instead since he already did the heavy-lifting for the singing part in the studio.


Yes, he was getting older, but do you know how much this man suffered? I’m not going to argue any longer, all I’ll say is he suffered several autoimmune disorders, including lupus. He had several rhinoplasty’s, damaged cords from singing at an early age, lack of sleep, opioid abuse, (massive dehydration also plays a role), and he was pushing 40 by HIStory. Not to mention just the sheer amount of strain in general from previous tours belting high notes for hours at a time. All of that combined will cause the issues he suffered with. It’s miraculous his voice lasted as long as it did, tbh. It goes to show how a strong spirit really plays a role in how your life plays out.


Being 40 or not. You can still build and keep stamina at that age. I don’t think Michael was working out regularly to keep up his Vo2 max. When you’re young, vo2 is not an issue.


I won't debate this with you any more either, pointless.


Great, thanks for conceding. If you’re going to take all of what I just said and dismiss it, then it doesn’t matter what I show you, you wouldn’t believe it.




Michael sang half of the songs in HWT halfly live as well like the most popular example where after the BJ moonwalk, MJ starts singing live adlibs clearly heard, most performances still has him singing decently despite the laryngitis but some, like both Munich concerts feature Michael with admittedly horrible, terrible vocals that makes it clear he's got severe vocal issues.


Michael sustained permanent vocal damage from live singing during the Bad Tour, and was told to take it easy. He also was prone to developing laryngitis, which he had very badly during the HIStory tour. His health issues overall contributed to his lip syncing. Lupus can mess with your lungs/breathing too, and I'm sure that made it difficult to perform live. That and 30-40 years of serious wear and tear on the vocal chords. We need to remember just how long MJ was singing once he was in the HIStory era. Most artists that age (mid-30s) have not be performing as long as he was at that time in his life. Michael had incredible range and he used it all his life since he was 5. That will cause significant strain and damage.  I don't think he preferred it, but I think he had good reasons for doing it (health, vocal chord damage, trying to preserve his vocals, etc).




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Not annoyed, but disappointed. I think the amount of lip-syncing in the HIStory concerts was too much. Made worse by the use of the album vocals. Lip-syncing for pieces that don't have any choreography is unacceptable in my view. I think Dangerous tour was a fair compromise between live and lip-synced vocals.


Agree with this. This is a large part of why Bad tour and Victory tour are my favorites to watch. He sang live and his energy was so insane. It’s always incredible hearing his live vocals, especially because he would play around with how he sang things/ his delivery. The history tour by comparison with the lip sync and hyper choreographed performances doesn’t feel as raw and exciting in comparison. Editing to say I still love watching history tour and i understand he has reasons for relying on playback. Only have love for MJ but the lip syncing is why I prefer the earlier tours.


I also noticed the exact same thing is happening with Mariah Carey. She literally lip syncing 98 percent of every concert now.


Mariah lost her vocals more than 20 yrs ago. I don't know how her fans insists she can still sing. After that Butterfly album and her mental breakdown she went downhill vocally and it was already not sounding too good. The whisper singing in that album is meant to hide the damage. It doesn't help that she drinks a lot and (at least used to love) parties hard. At the time there was a LOT of live records of her singing very, very, very badly, I don't know if they are still available. She did some vocal training to regain some of her voice again but unless it's in studio with lots of editing and mixing, she doesn't sound too good for too long singing live. Also isn't she like 50 already? After abusing her vocals with extremely high pitched singing, drinking, partying and not taking care of it for an entire lifetime it's no wonder she needs playback.


It bothered me, but I completely understand why he did it that way. He was sick and the show had to go on. Thinking about all the responsibilities he had to his crew and the fans. I’m just glad he put on an amazing show regardless. It takes away a little but MJ had already proved himself time and time again.


The problem for me is why raise Beat It’s pitch to the original just to lip sync and blow out your vocals even more? 😭I would’ve just kept it at the pitch it was during Dangerous and sing it. And using it for songs that weren’t even vocally taxing was also annoying.


It’s just seems silly to randomly raise the keys even though in previous tours like Bad and Dangerous he had lowered them quite a bit.


He didn’t sing one song from History completely live, not even once (actually there’s a they don’t care about us performance with live vocals iirc).


I love Michael but he practically just put his CD in and pushed play for the whole history tour💀💀💀😭


Lmaooo pretty much.


There is also a performance of Scream live in Brunei 1996. Wanna Be Starting Something, J5 Medley, and some Billie Jean Adlibs were always live but that's about it. It was basically putting the CD's in lmaoo.


the J5 medley is live.


I meant like, the actual History album.


gotcha, he also didnt sing any dangerous album songs live either during dangerous tour.


Yeah that’s true, unless you count those live portions of Heal the World and Will You Be There. And I guess there are those few times where he performed Black or White live.


You jump around for 2 hours a night and see how your singing is afterwards.


I’m definitely against lipsyncing but I understand that it would certainly be straining and exhausting to do that much choreography and deliver good live vocals. I think with MJ being a perfectionist, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to give his best vocal performance while doing as much dancing as he was so it’s a bit more excusable here


Especially because he was already almost 30 years in the business before this. He was touring as a kid and used to sing loud as hell too so its inevitable that this was gonna happen.


He was singing anyway based on the recent leaks but it was a calculated decision: his perfectionism and the focus on the visual aspects and dancing. He has mentioned in interviews that people were more interested in him dancing his complex routines than singing live.


Not annoyed but clearly Michael knew that fans wanted to hear the old stuff despite not having the vocal ability to perform it live. Honestly Michael is so captivating and talented that you were goons be entertained with his dance moves anyway.


No, I could care less if someone sings live. I pay for a show and Michael always put on a show


Honestly I agree I would still go anyway even he lipped the whole show. But I just would rather hear his live voice.


100% agree! He was probably tired in that point in his career tbh. He’s so iconic he could get away with it lol


I think as i didn’t pay to go or pay to watch I can’t complain. But I wish Michael would’ve done unplugged before his death or something like tiny desk. All vocals no dancing…just to show what he could still do.


He was gonna do it in 1995 for an HBO special but unfortunately collapsed. What a shame what a shame. Would've loved to hear an unplugged concert.


Was One Night Only planned to be unplugged, though? I thought it was meant to be a more intimate concert in a smaller venue than usual, they were even preparing new choreography and wanted to showcase songs that had never appeared in a live show - but nothing sort of unplugged.


It started off small but got bigger in scope and presentation. He started to revert to what he knew worked and the new stuff was getting tossed in favor of the old stuff. I think the biggest missed opportunity was that childhood performance with Marcel Marceau miming while he sang.


His vocal chords were shot from belting on them every single day since he was five or six. Give the man a break. He is not a performing monkey.


Gosh, leave the poor guy alone. Keep in mind that he was literally exhausted. Mentally and physically.


This isn’t meant to be a hate post. I’m actually a HUGE fan of Michael I would still see his concert even if he lip synced. All I’m saying is that I liked his singing voice and just wished we could hear it more after the dangerous tour


its just the way you worded the post saying you were "frustrated" when mj was trying his best and he is still human.


I understand what you're saying. I watch history tour concerts because I enjoy the production and because they are the most available online, but if the Bad Tour or Victory Tour had more sources, I would watch them a lot more. The Billie Jean performances are also my favorite from this tour, which is why I watch them a lot due to the live adlibs at the end. The only gripe I have for the lip-synching is whenever it's too obvious, like with Rock With You, Thriller, The Way You Make Me Feel, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough, Beat It, etc. When you hear them, you already know his voice doesn't sound like that anymore because they were recorded so long ago. That's also why he always sang Wanna Be Starting Something and J5 medley live because it would be the whole show and probably because the J5 medley is personal for him. I am okay with it for history album songs, even though I wish You Are Not Alone was live. That note at the end would kick his ass, though, so I guess that's why he said no. I think he did the best with what he had, though. He was still giving great shows and energy after performing for almost 30 years straight, so he's a boss for that. The important thing to note, though, is that as the dangerous tour went on, he struggled to sing, live, and dance well, and he started to get more vocal damage. He was literally taking out more and more songs in the 93 setlist. So, it's inevitable that he was going to have to lip-sync for most of the history tour. The 88 Wembley concert already gets hate so I could imagine how much tired and worn out he would've sounded in 96 haha.




You have to understand his various health issues, among other constrains.


Yes. Love MJ, but watching him perform live is painfull to me. His dancing is amazing but that obvious lip sync is terrible. At least he should have (imo): - recorded singing during rehearsals and playing that audio during the concert. He used the track form the album and it is too obvious that it was fake because of that. - if there is a lot of dancing as with smooth criminal, just ditch the mic. Focus on dancing and constantly moving the mic on your head looks weird if you are not even singing. - on more sensitive songs dance less and sing live, like with man in the mirror, earth song, she is out of my life etc. I watch his live performances for the dancing. The balance was good at the Bad tour, after that too much lip sync.


Btw he always did 2 things completly live: - wanne be startin somthing - jackson 5 medley


Dude he was tired...he probably didnt even wanna do the tour and only did it for his fans


lip synced or not michael jackson still puts on an amazing show.


I agree honestly.


These were so obviously lip synced so it was a little weird but I’m ok with it, he was enjoying himself and entertaining the crowd


Chronic drug use and chronic stress coupled with a gruelling tour schedule, along with the surgical alteration of his nose which affected the resonance of his voice, definitely had a big effect on his voice. I don't like the lip syncing either (I went to one of his HIStory concerts in 1996 and definitely noticed the lip syncing), but I also can see how he would have had no way else around it, especially given his high energy shows and how vocally demanding his songs are.


Chronic drug use? And what drugs were he taking that interfered with his singing?


I love MJ, but the HIStory Tour is an indefensible pile of garbage and he should never have performed it. His dancing was still excellent (even though it paled in comparison to his earlier tours, but that is to be expected with age), but the fact that the entire show minus two or three songs was mimed is embarrassing. It’s heartbreaking that his live singing damaged his voice, but he shouldn’t have gone out there in that condition and half-assed it. Also, the claims of him suffering from laryngitis throughout the tour simply cannot be true. I’ve never once found a credible source to back it up. Plus, he’s postponed/canceled tour dates in the past due to laryngitis, as singing or speaking with it is heavily advised against via doctors. I don’t believe he would muscle through a full tour with it.


This is why I don’t bother with the history tour… the majority of it was lip synced… he had decent choreography but this tour isn’t touching Dangerous and damn sure isn’t even seeing BAD.


Bro he did not lip synced this he is singing under the playback, a whole back the vocals of history tour leaked and he was singing while having a throat infection. look it up


I already seen that history tour mic feed. He definitely sang under the track. But I think it’s kinda stupid because why blow out your voice for vocals that people wouldn’t even hear??? Also there’s no way to know for sure if he did it on other performances as well


He sang it to make it look realistic but considering he had that throat infection he still tried. There must be a reason for his lip sync ofc.


I agree somewhat, but to me Michael's shows were more about the dancing and other cool spectacles than the live music. I do wish he had recorded a great "live" vocal of each song to use rather than just the album takes though.


Tomatoe Tomatoe


I am ok with playbacks as Michael had laryngitis on the tour. Wanna have a live vocals? Check Michael Jackson’s Bad Tour.


I love the HIStory tour. It was very unique and probably would have been rivalled only by This Is It, had he been around to finish that. About the lip-syncing: personally, I wish he sang every song he ever did fully live, but I can understand why he chose not to do that. At the same time, I wish he had recorded newer vocal tracks for him to lip-sync to. It’s a bit jarring to hear Michael in his mid-30s lip-sync to his 20-something-yo self’s voice.


Hey I agree, while I often am like "why did he lip sync this ?" Especially on one-off performances like MTV or the Superbowl, I forget that he had used his voice for incredibly long, and also, after the BWT, his doctor advised not to sing too much. If he was able to give such bombastic vocals for Each Song, it's probably thanks to him saving his voice. Check out Whitney Houston, she used her voice so much she "lost" it later on... Also he danced so much, I tried to do one of his routine and I was already quite tired, now in the HWT he wasn't in the best health so that's why he lip synced even "easy" songs because he was probably out of breath. I'm still impressed by his vocals in 2001 MSG and 2009 rehearsals, they're still amazing, which is probably thanks to his lip syncing TL;DR : I agree, but I understand why he did that, thanks to the lip sync he was able to save his voice for the album


no i dont understand. Michael wasn't "constantly lip syncing", he was actually singing in most of his perfomances, and when he didn't, it was because they were intense or he wasn't mentally/physically well (in this case, the History tour). This post just recks unsympathetic to me.


I understand it, my main gripe is when he cuts the lip sync and sings live and it’s REALLY obvious as it takes you out of the experience. There’s some songs that he nails like man in the mirror were you can’t really tell that there’s a switch between playback and live but others like beat it or Billie Jean it makes the song worse and I reckon he should’ve stuck to doing just one or the other if it’s obvious and if choosing playback just adding some addlibs. Also my guy stop covering the mic and do some mic work to make it look real lmao. That and I think he should’ve just been more strategic with his song choice, not doing you are not alone with the studio recording because I feel like that’s his fakest sounding performance to the point I cringe and not doing the very old songs were you can tell it’s not his voice anymore, that and cutting out certain spoken parts were you can tell it’s not his real voice but the song like in Come together/DS it would’ve seemed so much more authentic if they’d just cut out those sections so it’s only the singing and instruments (that or I’d actually advocate for the mic turning on in those moments whereas I usually don’t think that works as I’ve said with beat it etc.)


Very much but I pretty much only watch History Tour when I wanna see him dance anyway. Plenty of singing in all the other tours


I think him using the studio version from the 1970s & the originals that we all know is a bit much so i get what you’re saying. Michael was most likely having issues breathing due to his nose situation & live performances were becoming more & more grueling as he put his focus on dancing over live singing. His younger days he use to do both but older Mike had more nose surgeries, more health issues, more wear on his body, etc. He wasn’t how he use to be. I def wish he’d have recorded the songs again before the tour to lip-synch.


Yeah, using Rock with you with a very young voice is hella embarrassing, I'd say.


Thaaaaank you. It annoyed me too. The way he would often cover his mouth made it obvious. I think that he should've backing tracks if him singing it live instead of playing the actual song as the backing track


Guys did the band have iems by this point? And if so did they have them for Bad?


Yeah, but I have to remind myself that MJ's pleurisy and lupus played a bit part in his decision to lip sync. That said, I wish the technology today was available when MJ was around. It's almost undetectable and is why so many artists get away with it \*coughtaylorcough\*




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Oop. I love Michael but have to agree. Oh well no one is perfect :)


I wish he had never done the HIStory tour, but I'm not going to lump him in with the lipsync complaints purely because he sung live while doing choreo for years. I'm choosing to give him a break on that one because there were other factors at play here. People absolutely do way to much considering this man had been singing live since childhood. Y'all need to stop.


I believe for part of the HIStory tour (I’m not sure when) he was sick and his throat was impacted by it.


I don’t give a fuck about lip syncing. Especially not if you perform like him, Janet, Britney, Beyoncé etc. When you dance throughout your entire show like your life depends on it you don’t have to sing a single note live for me. And if they do sing live and sound shaky and out of breath they also get hate so…


https://youtu.be/E_duKCvoKRc?si=_eGDA6w10AXDwHXQ Here’s bad tour he did the entire show live. And his vocals were just incredible. It’s crazy how he was able to dance AND sing for the whole concert


Maybe they short changed him. All I know is, he was incredible when singing live. My no.1 vocalist by far. Then Freddie/Mariah/ Axl Rose. But MJ had his soul on everything in a way iykyk. God rest the 👑 of music and inspiration for humanity.




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Nah. He been hitting impossible high notes since he was a kid while dancing rigorously and it had to put a strain on him later in his career, along with various health issues. Imo his dancing and overall showmanship made up for it though. I do appreciate that he always did the J5 medley live though.


In an ideal world Michael would have never toured after Bad, which fucked up his vocal cords so much. That was his original plan anyway


Like others have said, he was having health issues during the HIStory tour such as his Lupus flare ups which was also affecting his larynx aka the voice box. However, he sang completely live during the BAD, Victory, and Triumph tour.


I could careless if he lip-synched or not. Was it annoying? Sure. But y’all give that man grace. He’s been singing at the age of 5, and at this point he wasn’t at his beat physically. Stress got to him. Even if he killed it with his dancing, he was tired and overworked. But he still did all of the shows and gave the best performances he can do for his fans. Y’all keep saying he’s human and post shit like this.


Would it be nice if he sang live, yeah, but you have to understand that Michael has been singing since he was a small child so he couldn't keep constantly, especially while dancing. There's also the fact that when he was experiencing laryngitis during the HIStory Tour so that definitely played a role, not to mention he had Lupus which was known to cause some lung issues.


I believe his vocal chords were damaged by HIstory. Remember he'd been singing since he was 5, he did all of the BAD tour live, most of Dangerous, and HIStory had lots of extensive and intense dancing, and by HIStory he was suffering from a plethora of health issues.


Well we already know he could sing and did it better than most since he was a child. He must have a had a good reason for lip synching.




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I had the opportunity to see him live during the History Tour… it was a dream come true, but the lip sync ruined most of that night for me… I will remember that night like one of my best moment of my life ever, but could had been much better.


No. He could shoot me in the foot and I'd be happy


No it would be too much to sing every show live !


Man try to emulate the dancing in one of his concerts IT'S EXHAUSTING like athlete level exhausting. You wouldn't be able to speak coherently let alone sing with grace. Kobe Bryant said he thought he knew what hard work was until he met Michael KOBE BRYANT


I never said it was easy




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Why would I be annoyed that someone who literally spent their entire life from the age of 5 singing live in intense performances was a little worn out as he reached middle age? The man deserved to take it easy and lipsing some






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Me all the way me, I’m sorry but there was sometimes MJ really shouldn’t have lip synced like during the Motown 25 show or man in the mirror on the bad tour or especially what I really wish he sung at is at the 1995 MTV awards he should’ve sung that whole time. His health did deteriorate so I understand most of the time but there was sometimes like for his shorter 15 minute performances that he 100% should’ve sung live.




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Yes. The Super Bowl halftime performance especially bugs me.


No because he can sing and we all know it


No. Who cares? He was singing for so long by that point.


In another note - just curious about this: do we know if the 'This is it' tour would have featured a lot of live singing again? The rehearsals seemed live most of the times if I remember correctly, but not sure if that meant something for the actual tour.


He wanted it to be completely live. Doesn't mean it would've actually happened but that was his goal


Considering his physical state my bet is that it would've been mostly lip-synced. The songs lip-synced in the HIStory tour would've remained lip-sync and I guess songs he always sang live like WBSS or Human Nature, etc would still be live.


1 Question—Can YOU Do Better?


All these people saying his voice was damaged and all kinds of excuses. It was a stupid decision and he absolutely abused this cheap trick. He didn't even bothered to rerecord "live" tracks. It is not justifiable by any means. If you're gonna lip sync at the very least give your paying fans a different vocal recording to enjoy at a live event.


Agree, fans that get so incredibly defensive anytime someone dare criticise something MJ did give us all MJ fans a bad reputation. In a more serious discussion how can anyone take us seriously if we look like blind followers who will excuse anything?




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Idk why do a tour then? He lip synced the entire tour