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When they compare Taylor swift to MJ, I Wanna pull my hair out! Absolutely no comparison


You're not alone!


I see what you did there


Exactly! Like atleast MJ didn't leave moonwalkers in a stadium with no air circulation!!


and he sure as hell didnt leave a fan to die in his concert lol.


People may have fainted but your right, No Deaths!


It can definitely get frustrating because Michael is basically incomparable. I think it’s safe to say that no one will ever do everything that Michael did and reach his status of music and fame.


I’m tired of hearing Chris Brown being the next MJ when he’s not even THAT popular


He is talented but his fans have convinced themselves that doing a couple back flips on stage somehow makes you better than the King of Pop…it’s crazy. Respectfully doesn’t come even close to Michael.


who even is Chris Brown lmao


Even Chris brown said he hates when people do this🤣🤣🤣


Nah... he isn't as eccentric or interesting as MJ imo. Doesn't even have the lore the king himself has. (Or *had 😢😢)


![gif](giphy|f5M1f4ThJm6Z2kFqbf) If the other artist was as good they wouldn’t need to bring up Michael every time ! ! ! ! They don’t compare Michael and James Brown .




If It’s any artist from today , I’d say yes I get defensive a little . But If it’s like pointing out similarities in voices and songs then I don’t argue because it’s not really comparing Michael. The only artists I truly don’t get defensive when comparing them to Michael is Prince , Stevie wonder , Whitney , Usher etc .


I can’t stand it. At all. He’s very clearly one of a kind and his contribution to music goes beyond his songs. Any comparison is just stupid.


I noticed it’s with younger people who say it that didn’t experience the phenomenon when he was at his peak.


I wasn't alive at his peak yet i know he was a BEAST in terms of popularity at the time, good god


Yes, especially Taylor swift. You should at least be able to sing and dance to be mentioned in the same sentence as him.


Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson. No other singer can be compared to these 4 guys in therms of cultural impact.


MJ, prince, elvis, the beatles, Queen aka freddie murcury, black sabbath aka ozzy osborne etc


I dont mind if it's a friendly discussion with artists that are on his level. but if they're comparing him to someone like drake or taylor, ofc


Not really, I respect the hell out of MJ but people claiming someone else is better is subject to their own opinion; guess it does mildly bother me sometimes tho


you're not alone. for some reason i feel offended lol but its mostly like, sort of pity? because someone who says that has not seen ANYTHING regarding michael jackson besides hearing his name and a song or two (because anyone that was alive during his peak knows he could never be reached), so it just leaves me like "damn, i wish that person got to know about him properly".


It used to bother me a lot. Nowdays I just don't care. Caring about it won't change my life for the better. On the contrary, it will only bring more stress. I've learned to choose my battles a little better.


Like drake?




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I unfollowed all of my Michael Jackson Twitter users that I followed to avoid this mess.




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Depends if the statement is reasonable or not, like comparing an artists influence in their genre or their creativity/quality i’m fine with, but when people start unironically trying to say an artist is more famous than MJ I just roll my eyes. One time my friend tried to unironically argue that Eddie Van Halen was more famous than Michael Jackson, and no hate to Eddie he’s a great artist in his own right, but idk what my friend was smoking when he said that 💀


Chris brown even Chris said he don't want to be compared to mj


Michael will forever be in a class all his own. To think that anyone could hold a candle to him is absurd.


Yup 🙃. Nowadays If i see this on social media I just roll my eyes, and ignore it. It's so obvious it's not true. I do correct people at times if they ask if a certain someone could be the next MJ, but if they're serious then that's on them, it's just not true. That's fact.




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