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Wow.. counting my blessings right now since we still have power. That was a wild storm.


Same, although some areas of North Portage haven't been really lucky


Between the Tornado and the thunderstorms last week it's been brutal. 


The storm last week helped me learn that the tornado damage on my roof was much worse than I thought. What a nightmare lol


Of course the power goes out at my home, and not at work. It never goes out at work


And even if it did go out at my work- we have generators up the ass 😭 we cannot escape we cannot get out


We do too. The only time I've seen the plant shut down early was because the generators were struck by lightning. This happened twice. Somebody upstairs is looking out for me.


Next time, try this. When you're out by the backup generator, go "EEEK! Spiders there!! Thor help!" /s


Power companies restore power first to hospitals and emergency services, then governmental buildings, then businesses, then residential buildings and homes. So yeah, work will almost always have power..


Don't forget water, gas, and sewer. More generally they work from the highest density outages to the lowest. Connecting one wire to restore power to 25,000 is a lot better than connecting a wire to restore for 3.


Funny thing one time I went to work the power was out (it was a food store) instead of stocking they had me cleaning and hand me a vacuum I ask how am I supposed to use it. My manager looked at me like I was an idiot till I point out the vacuum needs power. The look of realizing was the funniest work day of my life.


Just tried to commute to work. They had the freeway shut down. Tried to take a side road but all 8 of them I went down had a fully downed tree preventing passage. Lots of roads with one lane locked up because of a tree. Lots of power lights out. It's a real mess out there on the back roads right now.


Where you at? Storms are rolling through right now where I am.


My commute was from Muskegon to Ludington area on the western side. Taken off the freeway about 15 miles into that commute. Not sure if it's open now, that was 4 hours ago at this point.


Jesus I hope you just went home.


I did. Posted this from home with a cup of warm tea.


Just went thru the area. It seems they opened 31 back up around 930. I spent 2 hrs stuck in Traffic doing the same as you going down Side road after side road only to find them all blocked and ultimately rerouted back to 31 after it opened.


Those area were first hit by this morning storm when it was becoming bad? Before the storm spread out thin across Michigan and eventually into Indiana and Ohio


Meanwhile, I'm sitting over here in St. Clair County just getting a bit of light rain. I hope all your power is restored quickly.


I'm just north of you in Sanilac, in the Sandusky/Forester area and we got shmacked a little earlier, lights did blink. Thank God I have Thumb Electric or I'd of been out for the full day. Knock on wood but haven't lost power here the 5 years I've been in this house. Winds picking up now though. Better go draw some water.


We got crushed in Muskegon. I never saw any high wind advisories either. Looks like Consumers is up to 150k now


weird. I didn't get any official severe weather warning on my phone like sometimes happens, but the michigan storm chasers page was providing regular updates on the severe weather warnings


I was camping in Rothbury and got absolutely wrecked 😫 I knew it was supposed to rain but didn’t know it was supposed to be so severe!


Oh shit I forgot about electric forest. I hope everyone is doing ok!


Luckily most of the attendees left yesterday, everyone remaining was staff and volunteers! But definitely a hell of a weekend with the rain!


It is always super hot and often intense storms. My son went to the first 2 or 3 back around 2007 or so. Looks fun though


My husband was coming home from work this morning on Grand Haven Rd. He saw a tree fall on the road ahead of him. A minute later and it would have hit him.


It was an odd storm to have zero coverage..I woke up at 4am to get my day started and it was constant lightning till 6:15am in the Ludington/Pentwater area. No power issues. But I heard that folks around the Whitehall area and south were beat up pretty good.


Reporting from twin lake area, correct 🫡 we still don't have power or water, past midnight going into Friday now.


Dude! Thats terrible! I hope all gets restored for you and you can recover for this mess. How much cold food have you lost?


Thankfully not too much, it's just me and my fiance and we didn't have a ton in the fridge. What we wanted to save we just stuck in the freezer with some ice packs, which we are barely opening to try and keep cold. Our steaks are nearly thawed out for grilling this weekend at least 😂 Going on 72+ hours now, hopefully by today.


My family had a lot of power outages in the mid 90’s and it was funny how as soon as we bought a generator for the house, the power company cleaned up the lines and rerouted things to the point we stopped having any power issues. We were thankful to have the generator if needed but it might get used 1 times a year for a few hours lol


It came through NW Detroit. Not much rain but wind and thunder. Looks like it lost a bit of strength.


Not too bad here in Ann Arbor, either. And yeah, I think by the time it got here it had spread out and slowed down.


Just west in lenawee county and it wasn't too bad but I got some pretty cool pics! https://imgur.com/gallery/EGWvF4B


Woah, that's awesome. Wish I'd seen it!


It has been a crazy season with regard to the amount of rainfall. And it's not even July yet.


Yeah, absolutely wild. I've got some plants in my garden that are expecting dry-ish soil and they're not doing very well because it's just been constantly wet, save for maybe one week earlier this month.


Had a few minutes of hail in Ypsi. Pebble-sized. But yeah comparatively not too bad out this way


Crossing the state is no guarantee of lightening. Plenty of damage in Muskegon. Nothing in the middle. Plenty from Prescott to Oscoda.


Grand haven here. It was a fun one to wake up in the middle of the night to, but our power came back at 8am


Happy Cake Day. Have a Pronto Pup for me 😋


Powers out for me in battle creek


I hear Ogemaw county is leading right now. My mom lives up there. I’m in bay city and ours is just fine, also anyone have news on the tornado that came near skidway? I’m an amateur storm chaser and going to school for meteorology but due to my work I couldnt get up there.


Yeah I’m up basically between Tawas and West Branch in north Arenac and we got hit hard, the storm was way worse than the one with the Tornado warning earlier, I’m within a a couple of miles of where it was supposed to be there was pretty minimal damage, so if it did touch down it was likely an EF0.


OK, right but where are the outages? Its raining very hard right now in Grand Blanc where I am, but I still have power.


Mostly Muskegon down to GR/Kzoo area.


KZoo has been getting fucked all summer


Tell us about it, poor Celery can't catch a break from tree damage


The ugly purple spots on the weather map have all been sliding by us to the south so far. Hopefully that continues 🤞


Grand Rapids got fuuucked lol


Yea I am sitting here waiting for the TV to turn off


The one rare time that we have power after a storm


I was on the freeway headed to Flint when the storm wall blinded us. couldn't see the lanes and must of us cut speed in half. of course, the usual giant 3 ton f-350 with a lift kit driver still trying to go 90 in the left lane prolly caused accidents somewhere along the line


I'd be curious how many customers lost power in other states.


Id wager much, much less. The power infrastructure in this state is criminal.


The lake intensifies the storm so probably not as many.


At least 26,000 in the Green Bay area in Wisconsin. I woke up and checked the radar around 4am and it was gnarly in Wisconsin, and got much stronger over the lake. 


Yeah, probably close to ~80-90K across all of WI based on the outage maps I'm seeing.


I've been assisting the Consumers storm restoration crews today. Things have been hectic. Please bear with us if your power isn't back yet. By comparison, this was a rather large storm.


North central VB County. It rained. It thundered. That is all. But, for a change, we got some \*much needed\* rain.


Please everyone be safe, as a former Michigander with parents still there I have been concerned about this. I live in MN now and the flooding is insane, we have a damn that is about 40 minutes from me that failed so its no joke. I was working in Warren around 2014 or whatever when that massive flood came through and it was a nightmare trying to get anywhere. What we are seeing is exponential to that so I am unsure of how the metro Detroit infrastructure will hold up


My potted hydrangeas appreciated the rain, that is for sure.


At least there was actually a storm this time. Seems like half the time it’s a beautiful sunny day and DTE just shits the bed for a couple days


North Muskegon here. Closing in on 6pm and still without power 👍


Down by Lansing over here I’m fine, I sleep through the storm


My internet dropped for about 10 minutes, our lights flashed off and on but no power loss. Usually, we lose power in these storms.


Mines out 💪 yay me! Glad my fridge is mostly empty. Now I’m shopping like I live in Germany. I can’t be tossing full fridges of food out. Two food purges already. I can’t afford it.


St Clair County got hit pretty good


Ours went out for a few hours, it was still better than last week when it doesn't down for almost 20 hours


Not one flicker here. Neener neener.


im genuinely shocked my neighborhood made it through unscathed, that storm was insane.


It’s was close to 150,000 that were out of power when we lost it at 6:30 this morning. But it’s came back on. We were lucky to head to our in-laws house and complete work from there. Boss was totally understanding.


Mixes will with the ad from DTE_ENERGY right here on Reddit... And the rate rises from both them and Consumers... And their insane profit margins. Fuck 'em all.


I missed all the action, slept right through it!




One thing I have learned since living in Michigan since 2007. The power goes out if a bird farts on the power lines.


In Michigan, DTE is regulated by the Michigan Public Service Commission whose members are appointed directly by the governor. Whitmer has taken more money from DTE than any other politician. 


What's your point? These power outages are in Consumers territory.


Is Consumers regulated by the same group? I believe we have Consumers for gas and DTE for electric at the house we're moving to.


I would guess vice versa in this area


Yes Consumers and DTE are both regulated by MPSC for both electric and gas business.


Michigan has more power outages per capita than any other state in the US. In her five years as governor, all she has done about it is take money from DTE.


Ok again, what is your point relative to the current discussion? As the above person pointed out, the current outages are nearly all in Consumers Energy service area, a very quick Google search confirms this. If you want to talk about the larger failings of the Michigan infrastructure due to corruption by all means do so, but all you're doing right now is making up political arguments where there are none.


Please explain what you mean by “take money from them”


I've read all of their responses and it basically reads as. 1) Michigan regulates energy utilities 2) ... 3) Governor profits!! It also reads as though GoldenDisk just learned of the MPSC's existence, lol


I’m so tired of idiots….


Are you implying the governor wants outages for her constituents? That doesn’t seem like a strategy to get re-elected. Get outta here. Just say what you want to say. Don’t try to be coy.


Instead of working to fixing the problem in her five years as governor, she has chosen to take money from them and ignore it.


Well, at least she apparently isn't running around at 2:30 am shooting at hookers.


People on Reddit get so angry when you express that you want a democrat to do their job 


I agree, the government should be able to force corporations to act for the good of the people.


I know you are trying to be cute, but Whitmer is currently charged with the regulation of this company. And instead of doing so, she is taking their money. 


Absolutely, she probably took money from Meijer too right? She should be able to set prices on food so everyone can afford groceries!


DTE is a regulated monopoly and it is her job, by law, to regulate them.  But she has a (D) next to her name, so it’s fine if she decides to take money from them instead of doing her job. 


Yes I agree. Whitmer should be able to directly set prices and wages and direct operations in businesses that operate in Michigan. Thank you for your insight.


Because I'm sure the GOP in the house and senate were willing to work with her on that the first 3 years.


Good. Fuck DTE


Finally got my internet and power back🙏 lots of trees down and fire in my area tho