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It is illegal to tie an alligator to a fire hydrant in Detroit


Screws me up every time I'm walking my alligator and need to go into a store.


Isn't this America!?


Not sure anymore tbh


Literally the reason I chose against moving to Detroit.


They said “worst law” not law that makes sense and saves thousands of lives every year


I just wanna know the story behind this.


Detroit is alligator free, and we intend to keep it that way! (But it would solve the stray dog population)


There’s a person with a large alligator in Milford. Occasionally he gets free. However I would bet he doesn’t need home security.


He moved up to a reptile park in frankenmuth after his big escape back in 2019. But we did have Kensington close their beaches last month because one was seen in the lake. Someone must’ve let one go this spring.


Fried chicken and buttered noodles? He should be fed really well there.


My buddy’s dad raised alligators, there wasn’t many laws against pet alligators so he just started doing random shit. He’s been arrested for alligator related crimes many times since the early 2000’s. Friend hasn’t spoken much of him lately so im not too sure where he is or what he’s up to. Would be interesting if any of these laws relate to him directly.


Alligator persecution!


Isn't it any animal, but people just say alligator to be funny because it's technically true?


It’s any animal, according to [this](https://www.straightdope.com/21343891/are-those-weird-laws-you-hear-about-for-real) link. I also grabbed the relevant part: “ (a) isn’t a state law – it’s evidently a local ordinance, applicable only in one city; and (b) doesn’t say anything at all about alligators. What it says is “No person shall in any manner obstruct the use of any fire hydrant in the city or have, place or allow to be placed any material or thing in front thereof or connect or tie thereto any object, animal or thing.” So the ordinance does prohibit tying alligators to fire hydrants. It also prohibits tying lions, tigers, bears, or for that matter dogs to fire hydrants, and far from being absurd makes a world of sense: if you don’t want anyone obstructing fire hydrants, make it clear that they shouldn’t be used as hitching posts. Lots of so-called weird laws are like this: entirely reasonable when looked at in full or in context, but capable of being narrowly framed in some specific way that makes them seem silly.”


Dear god! It’s worse than we thought…


Well my weekend is now hosed.


What? Why?


This is a de facto Florida Man ban and I support it.


I was just going to say this! Lmao!!


I thought this was the land of the free


no alcohol sales before noon on Sunday without a special retailer's license. don't get in the way of my hair of the dog


on the way to church is when we most need the liquor store.


Sacramental Mad Dog in a sack?


pint of fireball in a hollowed out bible


Better just to not go to churches given their track record of creating sinners.


yeah i quit the church game. right around november of 2016 if you can believe such a thing.


I don’t think that’s a thing anymore. I think it’s 7am now like the other days


It's noon where I live


I just looked and you’re correct about the permit. I guess most of the places around me must have them


It's super cheap. It would be impossible not to recoup the investment


Or don't know they need them lol


I'm sure they do know. I was underage (not drinking just making a point) when this was announced and everybody around was terribly excited. 


It could be worse. Kentucky is no liquor AT ALL on Sunday.


Used to be like that in MI. And no alcohol on Christmas, holidays. Stupid rule. Don't know if they were statewide or just local, but if just local, they were in my county.


I made a post about this, and people here started roasting me. They called me a raging alcoholic lol. Now you all agree... Suck my balls, all of you


Is that still West side? Grew up around GR. No alcohol on Sundays in both Kent and Ottawa counties if I remember right.


Testing tomorrow


I don’t think this is everywhere, but maybe I’m wrong


It’s not everywhere. Usually its a county / city decision


It depends on if the place of sale has the correct licenses. Just looked it up


Worked at the restaurant in Lansing airport. We were not allowed to serve alcohol before 7am but that was across all days of the week, including Sundays. Last I checked there was no way for us to get a permit to sell before that time, 7am was Michigan law


You okay bud?


it was a joke


I believe you. But just in case, feel free to DM me if you want to chat. Life before death, radiant.


RIP Teft , Moash has his end coming.


Adultery is a felony in a state with no fault divorce.


I've heard from lawyers that although it's not criminally prosecuted, the law can help pull more alimony in certain cases.


Last I saw, Republicans were ready to go after no fault divorce nationally. Not even joking.


It’s idiotic because with the modern day and age it’s never been easier to catch people cheating. You can’t go back to the 1950s when everyone used a landline and didn’t have 24-7 location services, snap maps, cell phone records, etc.


I read about that too. I decided years ago that I was one and done and have been divorced for ages. I'm never getting married again, but this might make some people change their mind, and it will cause problems, for sure.


Given how popular abortion rights are even in deep red states, I REALLY don't see that flying. Even if SCOTUS were to overturn a ruling, you'd see damn near every state pass laws protecting it. So much of the population has been divorced, even most conservatives.


I wasn’t saying that it would be popular, or smart, just that they have had conversations about limiting divorce.


Don't see that flying? Really? All you have to do is vote in a bunch of republicans and take away our rights they will--as they have been doing--and it will come to the blue states, too, if we don't vote blue. The majority of the people might be for health care for women, but our red states know that its pretty darn easy to control the laws--thus the horror of laws that are being passed throughout the states in this country, even though the majority of the people don't support those laws.


Along with their other stupid bills that make absolutely no sense other than to control women. And our SCOTUS is stepping up in their "how can we make the US totally owned by the corporations?" game--including the Chevron rules. It is disgusting and disheartening.


Necrophilia wasnt illegal until June of 2024. We had a guy that was the crossing guard who was busted having sex with corpses.


Hate it when I’m trying to cross the road and the crossing guard is fucking a corpse instead of directing traffic


Caution flag. Proceed with care


You’re joking right?? So like… a couple days ago.


No, it's true. After a spefic incident on 2022, a guy ran an elderly lady taking a walk off the road, put her in the back of his truck, took her to the woods miles away, and assaulted her. The whole interrogation is on YouTube. They briefly said he got murder and abuse of a corpse but because the lack of law... He didn't get charged otherwise. I immediately googled if it was illegal here and found that a lawmaker was pushing the bill along because of this specific case. Insane.


I mean, a lot of laws are written because someone did a fucked up thing and people didn’t like that they did it.


In all the years Michigan has been making laws, this can't be the only time this has happened. You'd think the first time they'd be like "Ope... No, ya... We gotta make this illegal along with faces and butts" 🤭


The new necrophilia law is due to a kid from my hometown that murdered and then raped a woman.


Law should have been named after him, not her.


weird take ngl


Not necessarily the laws, but the judges and DA’s in this state are constantly in fucking scandals. Even the public defenders are insane. They do not give a shit, if you end up in court you 100% need a private attorney, they will take you over the coals and extort every penny they can. It’s fucking disgusting. The police in this state are no better, just constant scandals, abuse of power, and they all cover for each other.


Welcome to every single state in the US.


Blasphemy is still a misdemeanor in this state.


That’s blasphemy! /s


How blasphemous!


It’s one of those laws that are on the books but never enforced


There are tons that aren't "legal" but it isn't worh the time or energy to officially take them off the books


Ah, but it IS worth the time and trouble to take them off our books, otherwise we end up with horrors like the 1864 Abortion Ban in Arizona. What a bunch of terror, all used to control women!


Reasonable point for a lot of them


Yeah, kinda the point of the original post


God dammit


JFC--WHY!? My agnostic self really resents that gd crap.


I’m pretty sure it’s still illegal here to get your haircut as a wife without your husbands consent. That may have been changed but the last time I read about it, it was still active!


I bet if they tried to enforce that it would cause problems.


I want to see them get my hubby’s consent when I go to the salon! …because he’s been dead for 17 years now. (Don’t worry, he would find this absolutely hysterical.)


Was coming here for this one and yes it's still around lol


I've tried to find that law for years and couldn't find it anywhere. Everything I've found is that law is a myth. What's worse is that if a woman owns a house before she's married, and wants to sell it after she's married, she has to have her husband sign off on it as well. This is not the same for the husband.


Sodomy is illegal 😩 750.158 Crime against nature or sodomy; penalty. Sec. 158. Any person who shall commit the abominable and detestable crime against nature either with mankind or with any animal shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than 15 years, or if such person was at the time of the said offense a sexually delinquent person, may be punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for an indeterminate term, the minimum of which shall be 1 day and the maximum of which shall be life. Buttsex is roped in with animal sex. Lame.


Oral too.




The title in the corner makes it worse


My dog humps my leg, implying consent.


I’m completely fine with leaving the animal abuse part as a felony.


Sodomy laws were made against the gays, innit? Or were they out there rounding up straight folk enjoying anal?




I believe Lawrence vs Texas invalidated that law though. And I'm petty sure only Clarence Thomas is radical enough to overturn it


Companies can still test for THC even tho it’s a medicinally and recreationally legal…


A quick out for HR approving workers comp for on sight injury. THC in your system from a joint a week ago on personal time, clearly you were high at work and we can fire you.


I just got a job in February and they tested for the hard stuff but not weed


Federally illegal


They don't enforce it here so it's pointless


My company does.


It's a dumb law


I know. My allergies came back since I quit a while back. I miss peanut butter and almonds.


Companies who fulfill federal contracts have to


Stoner is not a protected class (yet).


We have/ had a ban on banning plastic bags.




It’s illegal for me to live with my boyfriend, even at age 41.


This is a thing? Like anywhere in Michigan you have to legally be married to someone to be able to live with them? Well guess I know lots of rebels then lol.


Uh oh, my girlfriend and I own a house together, we're both on the paperwork


My apologies it was repealed a year ago otherwise it was illegal [https://michiganadvance.com/2023/07/13/its-not-illegal-to-live-together-as-an-unmarried-couple-anymore-in-michigan/](https://michiganadvance.com/2023/07/13/its-not-illegal-to-live-together-as-an-unmarried-couple-anymore-in-michigan/)


Well, that's a relief


Why would it be illegal?


It’s the law No Cohab.


Not arguing with you about the law but I have a have a question. I believe Michigan recognizes common law marriages as couples who have cohabitated for 10 years or more, is that correct?


[no Cohab](https://www.newsweek.com/michigan-republicans-fight-lifting-ban-unmarried-couples-living-together-1795650)


The gotcha crimes. Every law enforcement officer has the ability to tell if your car is registered and insured. Dnr keeps a record of when you got your licenses. Unless it’s a tag why do I need it on me?


Well, sometimes people borrow cars


What bearing does that have on what information the cop already has. Do you really keep your car registration on your person and not in the vehicle? I know some people try and only keep a digital insurance card but even that isn’t something you should have to prove.




Don’t eat cheese before noon


Is that real?


No, its from BASEketball 😂


lol ok. I was gonna say…😂


A penny saved is a penny earned


Municipal income taxes. Percent of tiny incomes paid in the cities with the worst municipal services. Where does the money go? Whose retirement am I paying for in this city with no public schools and no library?


The constitutional ban on same sex marriage from 2004 (or around that timeframe)


No fault state


The only reason I'm still alive and can walk at all? Is that I was injured under no-fault insurance before they changed the law in order to benefit insurance companies - not us.


$330/month for two cars. Was paying more than that...


Legal fireworks at home. This time of year is a nightmare!


Every dog owner dreads this time of year


Convincing my dog to go poop at 11pm when it’s Verdun outside 👎👎👎


lol my husband and I say Fallujah


It'd be fine if the restrictions were actually followed, but the reality of the situation is this is impossible to regulate and the only real options are free-for-all or total ban. There is no realistic middle ground. If you put date restrictions on it, people won't follow it, and police won't enforce it. The only recourse anyone has is to complain and report, which pits neighbor against neighbor. That's pretty much the situation for the past 12 years. The only way to curtail it is to remove the convenient options to purchase them. If you have to drive 2 hours to buy them at the state line, a lot fewer people would. Sure, some would still fire them off, as they did before, but those who do would stick out more and would go to large fields or you know, not residential neighborhoods in the middle of a city.


It's very difficult to even know which neighbor is doing it.


Legalization of commercial fireworks for consumers.


I'm listening to them right now


Yeah, my neighbors almost set my house on fire last year. Nothing I couldn't do about it. Fucking bullshit.


We have neighbors like that. I soak my roof and yard with a hose every evening the week of the 4th. They get drunk af, don't stay in their own yard or pick up the scraps after. We're honestly lucky we didn't end up with our house burning to the ground our first year living here. Our roof had dozens of spent fireworks on it when we got up the next morning. Now at least I know they're trashy. So yeah, it's not a perfect solution but a wet roof and yard is less likely to catch fire.


If anything you should make sure your gutters and flat areas are clear of dry leaves and such, that's more likely to catch fire from spent fireworks. Asphalt shingles are fire resistant up to a certain point because of house fires, they can handle a firework shell on the roof shingle.


A house about across the street and about 5 houses down from me caught fire because of fireworks. Setting them off without proper safety in a city/populated area is such a dickhead move and it happens way too often here.


Totally agree. Thankfully our development put a ban on them. First fine $500. The only thing I like the HOA for.


I'm pretty sure even if your HOA bans them, they still can be used on the minimum legally allowed days since local ordinances cannot supercede the state law


We don’t own, so thankfully it’s enforceable in our complex. Last year some idiot almost set 4 homes on fire. They were evicted.


Trying to ban them was the mistake


They were banned for decades, and there was hardly ever any issues at all with people setting them off illegally, so that’s not really an accurate statement at all. 




Currently you can use someone's LGBTQ+ status as a defense for murdering them (e.g. if they flirted with you and it made you feel the sads). That's about to change, but it's pretty fucked up.


The fact that non-carbonated beverages aren’t included in the bottle/can return deposit program. Makes no fucking sense.


Not just that, but some carbonated beverages, like hard cider, come in the exact same type of bottle that beer does, but those bottles can't be returned for deposit. I think there have been some reps or senators who have tried to change it.


Term limits sound good but are not the best way to foster good governance


Lame ducks do the most damage.


P.A. 198 which aims to bring tech companies here to Michigan. Most of--if not all tech operations will be consuming massive natural water resources. There is a possibility that property tax and rent rates will hike as those companies receive abatements on taxes which could be taxes = 0. Also, they'll draw similar diaspora of tech people probably similar in magnitudes to West Coast density.


Qualified immunity for cops.


Absolute worst!


Spitting on the sidewalk is illegal, and so is swearing in public. Not that I want to walk in spit gobs, so...


The age of consent is still 16 but the age of majority is 18. That means as a parent, creepy ppl can pick up your kids from school against your will and you still have to support them.


For me, it's our hand gun registration law. All my long guns don't have to be registered with the local pd / sheriff, which includes my AR15. However my .22 sig does. While I am an advocate for gun reform and safe storage laws, as being a legal gun owner I can't imagine just leaving a gun out laying around. I do take issue that it's not beyond the reach of local DA's or Shariff's to subpoena MI dispensaries and cross check who has recently purchased vs. their registered firearm database. While I can't find any case that this has happened it is a cracked open window for some nefarious persona to persue legal action against a citizen. Oddly now with Chevron being overturned I wonder if that even matters, the ATF and DEA are both regulatory bodies which have now been neutered. Can I now snort coke while buying a gun sighting my 2nd amendment rights override whatever non-legal binding interpretation of the law the ATF and DEA try to say... I say this as a way to point out the horrible legal landscape we're about to enter, whatever stupid law MI has on the books maybe about to get blown out of the water by what ever fucking stupidity the courts come up with.... but my original point still stands. We need better castle doctrine laws to protect people who have to engage in deadly force before someone comes through the door. Right now there is to much burden put on the home owner to prove self defense in what one would think is a critical and stressful situation. Though I would hope deadly force is never needed for anyone, no one should worry about prison if someones kicking their door at 2am and you have to decide then and there to put some rounds through the door before they get in.


Putting rounds through the door? Christ that is a dumb and dangerous thing to do. Rule number one of firing a gun - know your target. You can't do that through a closed door. And if they aren't in the house, but just kicking your door, your life isn't in danger unless the door doesn't hold.


I have ring cams. My whole.loint is out law is very ambiguous. If I see an armed person at my door and they are trying to get in under current MI law I would be better waiting for them to breach my house instead of engaging the threat. Someone knocking on my door at 2 am isn't a problem, it's if I have ID'd a threat and have to weigh my legal right first before defending myself ken family. I feel I had laid out a solid argument but you just go for a small snipitnof what I said. I'm very familiar with the rules.ofngun ownership, I'm also well versed in ROE.


ROE? Rules of engagement? You aren't in the military and you aren't in a war, Bud. If you shoot through a door, you should get arrested. And as a father and a gun owner, you better hope I'm not on your jury. What you propose is dangerous and stupid.


This guy clearly has some kind of stand your ground fantasy and is gagging to shoot someone


How many drinks have you had this evening? Your nonsensical ramblings and spelling errors read like the average drunk redditor, which is funny since you like the idea of the state being able to hand over purchase records of those who’ve bought legal weed to law enforcement in an effort to stop them from exercising their second amendment rights, all the while claiming an equivalent would be snorting coke while at the range and complaining that you don’t have legal protection for “putting rounds through a door”. What the fuck dude? Do you not see how absolutely fucking stupid you’re making yourself look right now? And before you get all up my ass about being anti-gun, check my post history for the past decade of involvement in the gun subs, including plenty of NFA stuff.


Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking this. Also if I had to choose one, I would rather see someone exit a gun shop and head for a cannabis shop over a liquor store.


I too would rather hit the dispo than the head shop but that's sadly not sometimes the world some folks live in. My wife was a hard no-gun person until the political climate changed while we where in TN and threats had been made because of our trans son. thankfully we're back here now and it's better but still the political climate is iffy.


Guns and safety are a tricky issue in this country… more guns geeeenerally makes me feel less safe, rather than more safe, but I also respect your commitment to protect your kid especially in this political climate. And I know that varies, in terms of some people feeling safer with guns around Seems to me that it’s far more likely that a friend of your son’s would be creeping around your house at 2am than an armed robber, though. Speaking from my experience with kids…


Using illegal drugs is statutory. It's somewhere under 18 USC 922. I suggest you read that before posting more ignorant shit that makes anti-gun people have an ever bigger desire to pass more convoluted laws that won't do a damn thing.


Do you have to go and register your handgun every year or is it just when you buy it?


I lost mine in a boating accident but you only have to register once.


Just when you buy it. Or transfer ownership. (The real problem isn't that we register handguns, it's that we DON'T register long guns. All of them should be registered, too)


If you don't have a carry license, a purchase permit is required for each firearm and the shop its bought from now has the responsibility to return one of the copies to the department which has all the info about your firearm on it.


You do the exact same thing now when you buy long guns person to person since March. You go to the sheriff and get a purchase permit unless you have a cpl, then if you do you send in the cpl transfer form. Seller now not buyer.


Chevron hasn't neutered anything, it just means agencies can no longer broadly interpret regs outside of their original scope, ie, if they have the power to regulate tire sizes, they can't apply it to everything that's round.


You fundamentally misunderstand Chevron deference and the recent ruling if that's what you think. 


One of us followed and read the case, and it wasn't you.


There is actually no law against cannibalism in this state. If we had one that would be the worst law because what is wrong with the world when you need to start passing laws like that.


Welp, twenty years ago I bought a curling iron that came with a diagram thing instructing one not to use it ( a 1" barrel curling iron) to curl my eyelashes. We're not far off, my friend.


There are laws against desecrating a corpse and stuff like that.


No fault insurance. No one respects people’s property.


If it's a Sunday and you want to sell your used car it's illegal in the state of Michigan.


That law only applies to dealers


Our restriction on same sex marriage in the Constitution and the fact we have sodomy laws that can be used against gay ppl if lawrence v texas falls.


the law that says that MDOT is allowed to widen highways as wide as they want and get funding for it and not spend a dime on alternatives and then is allowed lie about it


Having game and hooking up with girls is a felony as a man > Punishment—Any man who shall seduce and debauch any unmarried woman shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison not more than 5 years or by fine of not more than 2,500 dollars; but no prosecution shall be commenced under this section after 1 year from the time of committing the offense. https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=mcl-750-532#:~:text=Punishment%E2%80%94Any%20man%20who%20shall,time%20of%20committing%20the%20offense.


No fault


It is illegal for a married woman to get her hair cut without her husband's permission. 😯🤣


There’s a difference between inane and dumb. Any law that impedes the of citizens defined by the bill of rights is dumb.


Only the Bill of Rights, huh? Not all of the Amendments? Not the whole Constitution?


Huh. You got me! I’m for the rule of partial law! ( I’m also slightly senile, nearly died last week and bored in a hospital bed. I guess the drugs must have affected me.). How about this: the rights of the people as guaranteed by the constitution of the United States of America, including, but not limited to the Bill of Rights and all articles therewith included. Whew. I’m tired now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Mcl 750.543m It is illegal to sing the national anthem in a minor key.


[mcl 750.543 is not that](https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=MCL-750-543M)


about half of the state constitution is bullshit