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hope you're right!


He has inside sources, he usually is


Let me say this Lou Esposito is absolutely crushing it for this cycle. Our defensive line haul in this class is going to be insane think we end up pulling 5-6 top 200 type players. It’s crazy how good he’s been since he got here


Can we get him on WRs and RBs too plz


Running back is good wide receiver is scary not gonna lie


Cody knows.


Last time you said this it was really good--excited to see what happens this time!


Let’s fuckin goooooooo


We need to restock the cupboards. What an entertaining few years it has been. Loving every minute of it!


Those who stay.


All hail pizzapussy84 ✊ Not all hero’s wear capes!


Thank you friend appreciate you.


It better. OSU's class keeps getting stronger and we need to bring in something to start the reload.


I don’t believe that because we’ve clearly had their number despite the disparity in blue chip talent. We’ve always done less with more. But it’s awesome to see us going more big game hunting of late I think it’s going to pay off. We’ve got some absolute killers on the trail.


OSU has done less with more UM has done more with less


Yup just reread what I wrote and you’re correct that’s my bad lol


I knew what you meant. But the statement is so true.


From 21-23, but it’s been an exception to the rule. The only team with a lower blue chip ratio than Michigan to win a natty in the last 20 years is 2016 Clemson.


Blue chip ratio? I trust UM’s system/program more than some nerds at recruiting sites who make up categories like this. Good news though, I just made up a new stat. osu has a high crybaby bitch ratio of 8/10 while UM is only at a 1/10. There ya go.


Are you one of those idiots that pretends recruiting rankings dont matter? Michigan had a 54% blue chip ratio last year, meaning 54% of their players were either 4 or 5 stars. Michigan recruits all the same players Ohio State, Georgia, Alabama, LSU, and Clemson recruit. They have given out more offers than any of the top contenders. Michigan's given out nearly double the offers Ohio State has. Recruiting matters. It's just not the be-all, end-all.


Yup osu recruits well, they always have. Always will. I just don’t understand the logic of sitting around year after year crying about it. UM will never recruit at their level for several reasons. One major reason is the talent coming out of Ohio is far superior than Michigan. Another is admissions. They also don’t always recruit the same type of player. Maybe a genius tool like the blue chip ratio covers things like that, maybe it doesn’t. Harbaugh recognized he needed to change after trying to be like Alabama, lsu, osu, etc. He couldn’t recruit like them. He changed up. He realized he could recruit high end 3 stars and low end 4 stars and develop them into stars with the right staff and system. You can also then use the portal to plug positions where you need more talent/depth. Now if you want to panic every offseason, have at it. I just don’t see the point in investing that much time and energy into high schoolers. So much changes from season to season, especially with the portal. But hey if that makes me a moron, oh well. I think UM has found a way that works for them. I keep hearing every offseason “well that’s about to change”. Okay. 👌


Admissions? You mean transfer credits? Michigan uses the bare minimum admission standards for athletes. You can play as a sophomore with a 1.9 GPA. Just like at Bama, Ohio State, and Georgia. Some schools like Northwestern actually do have higher admission standards, but Michigan is not one of them. And I’m just saying Michigan needs to recruit better bc what worked in 2023 isn’t sustainable. Especially with >10 departures on the coaching staff and losing a ton of senior players. Clemson was able to win a natty with a 52% blue chip ratio, but even then they had DeShaun Watson. Recruiting matters. Michigan’s greatest team ever still came down to the last play against Kyle McCord and needed OT to beat a down (by their standards) Bama. Those teams recruit well.


Did you just say you can play as a “sophomore”with a 1.9gpa? Do high school recruits get admitted as sophomores or? I’m confused what that statement has to do with Michigan admissions to kids coming from high school? Ahhhh you’re an OSU fan hanging out in Michigans sub. It all makes sense now LMAO


Yeah I did bc it’s a fact. You can get into Michigan as a football player with the absolute bottom requirements set by the NCAA, and once you’re in you just need to maintain a 1.9 GPA by your 3rd semester to play. I thought that was obvious. Bc you don’t have any grades your first semester, so they can’t hold that against you.


Do you understand what the word “admissions” means? lol “once you’re in you can have a 1.9gpa” without mentioning a word about what it takes to get in, in the first place. Again an ohio fan hanging out in Michigan subs is all I need to know here. Enjoy your day kid LOL


You’re way oversimplifying this…. Ohio States defense was garbage in 2021 so they made the necessary adjustments. Ohio States offense was mid in 2023 and it appears they made the necessary adjustment. If they remain elite defensively, and they make better use of the offensive talent as they did every year before 2023 then recruiting will absolutely matter.


This is de ja vu every damn year. Yet people never learn. Osu is the recruiting champion. Who cares. I care about the program UM has built, and how they develop what players they bring in. Both are much more important than this crap. Don’t forget, most of osu’s class transfers after a season when they aren’t starting. As a UM fan I have to ask, are UM fans actually ever happy? I’m seeing the same thing with Lions fans. Seems like most of the fans of both would rather focus on finding negative than enjoying the positive. It just surprises me.


We're rolling, but we also need to be in a constant improvement mode. We need to realize that our JJ led recruiting class was special and we need to get back to recruiting at that level again to sustain success. Yes, our culture and player development are superior to OSU, but they're working to address their issues. Just look at the improvement in their defense from 2021 to 2023. We've got to elevate our recruiting and there's absolutely no reason why we cannot sustain this level of success going forward.




Fingers crossed


ever since the first make out session ever in my life, without any doubt in my mind college football taught me i love michigan. the day nothing happened elsewhere on television except my manhood growing the size of the Alamo.. to be exact.. David Bowie.. all t-shirt cannon were blasted to Bed Bath and the Beyond. Thursday onto September minus any Fleetwood Mac. my Golden State Warrior held long and fast. and all throughout the Upper Peninsula my love canoe lead the way purposefully. it was sexy. it was fairly brief. and convincing enough to be the final day in someone elses life.. satisfactorily. I quote the great artist Bevis "on this day, we become men" who also taught many about embracing PE showers. most of all. about the same as beating off to the movie Porkys. go blue.


Drugs may seem fun at first. Just be careful


Lets hope. Lot of OVs came in and more are still coming. Also heard from various outlets we are ramping up NIL to be more competative, not being top bidder but in the market range for certain guys if they are truly interested in coming to michigan. Also have heard we are starting to move into the territory of guaranteeing money to incoming guys based off of recent events.


And where did you see this about guaranteeing money to incoming recruits? Everything I’ve read says they’re still taking the “transformational over transactional” approach and won’t do pay for play.


Michigan has reportedly wanted to do a baseline salary model for a while, with the latest ruling from the NCAA there is clearance for that to actually proceed. If Warde will get off his ass and get that in motion is yet to be seen. On the other hand, survey of top high school recruits (top 100 range) is indicating that average P4P/P2S deal is between 200-600k. Michigan isn't playing in that realm so you can likely rule out signing top 100 guys that doesn't already have ties to UM in some way.


Keep winning and churning out NFL-draft caliber talent, and the good ones will come to UM regardless of the money


You will get culture fits, you won't get culture fits that are also top 50 recruits. Like it or not, those guys matter. We don't win the title last year without Will Johnson.


True. If you just look at the Natty game and the impact that JJ, Edwards, and Will Johnson had. Or the impact that Dax Hill had over his career. Michigan needs top 100 impact players. We've got to start dropping bags of cash for the right guys and maybe link it to performance in some way. Guarantee year 1 of NIL and then from there it depends on performance. The NCAA cleared the way to do this legally. Revenue share is legal. Football drives the most revenue. Michigan makes massive sums of money. NIL is legal. Share the revenue . Invest in NIL. Continue to crush our rivals. It's not hard, and there no longer legal concerns or question marks.


If we can get the base salary set up and above most people's and then have competitive NIL for guys that prove themselves we should be okay.


It sure worked out well for Texas AM. Just hand out loads of money. Who cares anymore


And we got Will Johnson so I’m confused by your point.


Will signed pre-NIL


He didn’t start playing for Michigan before NIL. There was nothing that would’ve prevented him from leaving at any point.


He signed his NLI of intent before NIL was formalized. Was literally in the last class before it became official. Also he is a legacy, which is exactly what I said about high end recruits needing to have previous ties to UM to consider us.


NIL started in July of the year he committed (before the season started). He had signed in February. He could’ve left at any point after that.


You can’t speak for everyone. And I’m sick of people like you acting like they know everything. UM has proven that building a program and using NIL to keep players works pretty well too. Let’s pay for people who’ve actually produced for the program or elsewhere at this level. It also helps the locker room. But hey I know a group of fans like you need to find something everyday to complain about. The sky must be falling or else.


You are right, I can't speak for everyone. Lets take a look at the last recruiting classes since NIL has been in place... they speak for themselves. > It also helps the locker room. This sure sounds like you speaking for people, the irony is hilarious. I'm not complaining, I'm stating what is actually happening as reported by multiple people that are in the recruiting industry. I'm not sorry facts hurt your feelings.


Lets hope we already missed out on Jackson for a RB so...


We were never getting Jackson. Marquise Davis was the miss.