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This was.. 6 months ago already? Feels like yesterday


Rewatched the game last week. Even knowing the outcome my stress levels were high but it was all made worth it watching us stuff Jaden Milroe in overtime. Going to rewatch the Natty today just for gigs. Far less engaging but still just as sweet.


Hope you rewatch Harbough leaving too


I see you’re from Alabama. How interesting of you to skulk around r/MichiganWolverines stirring up crap. Just remember, Nick Saban retired after losing to Michigan. Also, learn to spell. Sophomore* Chick-Fil-A* Budweiser* HARBAUGH* Go Blue.


You also can't spell obviously, because it's JALEN Milroe and which is it fiancé or fiancée because you've called your spouse both? And ones meaning is for a man 👀


Isn’t it usually spelled “sister” or “cousin” down there?


From my experience it's actually "your mother"


Hey man. What I do with my wife/husband is MY business.


Wow, I must've struck a nerve. I wasn't "skulking" the post was on my feed, and I made a comment. And i don't know what's more sophomoric though, going through someones history and pointing out grammar corrections on the internet or believing that Saban left because of one loss in OT. I mean at least Saban stuck around after winning his title. Oh excuse me his 6 titles at Alabama. How's Denard Robinson doing these days too? And that Championship really brought in a top recruiting class, must've beat the Tide in that too? Roll Tide and good luck this coming season, live it up while you can!


Brother (or sister 🤷🏻‍♂️) you stirred shit up and got hit back. Good job using a thesaurus, but I didn’t correct your grammar, I corrected your spelling. Michigans recruiting classes have never been full of blue chip prospects. Didn’t stop them from leveling Jalen Milroe for an entire game. I’ll enjoy it while I can, that’s for sure. Nick Saban was a hell of a coach and I hope he enjoys retirement. It’s all in good fun, though. One of my best friends is a lifelong Bama fan and got to watch them utterly suck, then be the best dynasty in CFB history. You never know what’ll happen next year. I actually spend a tremendous amount of time in North Alabama for work and for once in my life I got to hold my head high. For what it’s worth, I think Saban retired because he’s already sick of money dictating the game, not program accomplishments. Just very convenient he retired after losing to Michigan. 😏


He was also 72 and been coaching for 50 years and I do agree about the money thing. I went to UA and grew up during those Shula years and remember them well. It wasnt fun losing to Auburn and Sylvester Croom. I know and hope it's mostly in good fun, but usually when people start attacking grammar, spelling, punctuation it's because they got nothing else and everyone spells things wrong. So I'm glad you spelled Jalen right this time.


What's your favorite play? Mine I think is the strip on Milton. Felt like a movie script with the timing heh.


The Roman Wilson catch


That was NUTS! Also, our punt return fumble recovery on the one yard line at the end of the game with the back up return man. 😳


Thinking about that still makes me feel sick. So fucking close to blowing the game, on a ball that should never be touched.


To lose the first round of playoffs a 3rd year in a row on that kind of play, man the embarrassment would be off the charts. Especially with a beatable team waiting in the NC game. Would never get over it.. crazy how close to reality that was.


It would have been worse than Trouble with the Snap. It would have been everyone saying Michigan got exactly the ending they deserved. That's part of what's cool about Harbaugh's ending at Michigan. Winning streak against OSU, MSU. Got the last one against Notre Dame. Flipped Trouble with the Snap on its head.


I don't think favorite is the right word there.


Haha true, both plays have that “OMG” feeling, but Roman’s catch was unreal.


The slow motion view from the end zone really highlights how amazing that catch was, and the run after. What a way to cap a tremendous season by Roman, the guy was unreal.


Great catch but more impressed with his first step after the catch. As the announcers pointed it out, great heads up play to anticipate the defender and make that first cut


I have a picture of that as one of my computer wallpapers at work. I work with a lot of ohio fans, so they don't appreciate it as much as I do of course.


Corum evading all of the Bama defenders to score the game winning TD. I watch it all the time and his agility is amazing every time.


The look on his face after he scored. I felt like we could give it to him 100 more times if we had to and he'd score every time


He was so determined to score that he was still "in the zone" for several seconds after the score.


I love both runs for Corum in overtime. An 8 yard run on first down against Alabama in overtime is pretty awesome too.


Hands down, Donovan overthrows McCarthy, JJ one hands it with Dallas Turner beating down on him, and throws a dime to Roman. Also, QB draw up the middle.


Favorite is either Blake’s OT run or the stuffing Milroe on 4th down. Those both hit like crack, two of my favorite Michigan plays ever. My underrated play is Mason Graham’s TFL in OT. Dude shot like a rocket through that line and absolutely smothered their back. Pushing them back 5 yards and making it basically 3rd and 14 was huge.


My wife and I were at the game, and - due to a mix up on my part - were in the Alabama section, close to the N on the Michigan end zone. Both of those plays happened about seventy five feet from us and we had perfect views of both. I will never forget either of them. That stadium was absolutely ELECTRIC.


OT Corum TD It’s one of the greatest runs of all time , emphasized by the close up camera shot of the greatest Michigan running back of all time , snarling and flexing Its just so good


That one sack on milroe. No not that one. Not that one either. Or that one. The other one


This final play. Josiah Stewart blowing up the line and forcing Milroe to run into his 0-lineman was clutch. Game was on the line and the boys in blue made the big play when they had to.


I was waiting all game for that fumble to happen, I knew it would once. And then I thought we were going to go down and get a TD after and ride that momentum. When we didn’t get points off it I started having doubt roll in.


Not my favorite but you could argue the most important was the 4th down play. My favorite is Corum's TD. He was spinning through Michigan history.


Not from this game but my favorite play of the season was Sainristil’s hit on Treveyon Henderson.


4th and 2


Honestly, the recovery of the muff by the endzone. If it wasn’t recovered, it would’ve been remembered like TWTS but way worse


The last play of the game. I always hoped we could win, but I always hope the team I cheer for can win. I'm usually a pessimist but at that moment I knew we were going to be national champions.


I watched the highlights again last week. They made me smile all over again. I would love to watch the full thing again if it’s available somewhere.


[here's one version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F__N9ncj5lg)


[This site has it](https://nfl-video.com/cfb/big_ten_football/michigan_wolverines_football/36)


Man, I watched the entire 4th quarter and OT on my feet. I just kept thinking, "Oh god no. Please not for a third season in a row." And then holyshit Blake-Motherfucking-Corum. I live in San Antonio. You can bet your ass that me, my dad, and my brother had our asses in seats in Houston. I will never forget that night (or this one) for as long as I live. Thank you 2023 Michigan Wolverines football. Extra special shoutout to Sherrone Moore. I FUCKIN LOVE YOU, MAN!!!!


And now I'm reminiscing while [watching the full highlights! ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO38tZoA0l8)


I.....think I'll join you!


When you're done with that one, [watch this one!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBdREJkch8g)


Pls stop! I have to get to work 🥸🥸🥸


Yeah, me too! Meanwhile, I'm over here thinking about how close Mikey Sainristl came to getting a 90-yard pick-six in the Natty!!


Legendary game but the highlights are a great way to get a blood pressure rise out of me! I don't know how I made it through all this live.


Like a cold glass of water on a steaming hot day.


My wife watched it with me, which she doesn’t usually do, but we went to OSU-UM this year and she legitimately thought I was going to puke the entire second half/OT. My Apple Watch I’ve had for three years recorded my highest heart rate ever at like 181 BPM or something like that.


Another Michigan fan in SATX!!


Hell yeah! We should start a watch party group or something! There’s a lady who lives by Künstler Brewery I just met the other day who had UM cornhole boards outside of her house. I yelled Go Blue! at her and ended up talking to her for a bit. She invited me to The Game 2024, lol.


YEAH! I’m so down for that. I was solo watching all the games at home so being around more fans would be awesome!


Typically every game at least my brother and I are watching. My buddy Tim comes over frequently as well. I’ve got a huge TV so I host most of the games. You’re welcome to join us!


God I need to rewatch this again




In case anyone wants to inject the highlights straight into their veins again, it's worth it. That first quarter though, oof. Lots of great plays, but a lot of mistakes on both sides. Thankfully Bama did most of the mistakes when it mattered. [Rose Bowl: Alabama Crimson Tide vs. Michigan Wolverines | Full Game Highlights | CFB Semifinal - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO38tZoA0l8)


This game was the emotional zenith for many Michigan fans, I think. Yes, the title - I get it, and Im over the moon. But this was the moment we’d all been waiting for. I hate to say it but this was set up to be a CLASSIC Michigan heartbreaker - outplay or go toe to toe w an elite team in the biggest stage, but they get to have the magical comeback or the special moment. Not this time. We got to have the magic. The eternal win. Blake corums OT run is, in my opinion, the greatest run in UM football history because it blew the doors down on all the pain, all the doubt, all the close painful losses… after he made that run, the defense was always going to close it out. 2023? Don’t think we’ll ever have a year that special again.


You get it. I've seen so many other programs get their magical moment and it never materializing for us. It was pretty clear it could happen throughout the game but I didn't believe it would happen until we stopped them on fourth down. Watching the Texas v. Washington game after was the best I've ever felt as a sports fan.


Yup. Exactly. And when we stopped Milroe, all the pain; rich Rod, hoke, the stupid msu losses and the OSU suffering and TCU and Ronnie bells PSU drop and on and on…. It was all gone, just like that. I never thought those games would stop hurting, and they still do in a sense ? But not really, not anymore. This was *the* win that delivered us.


I know I care too much but I've spent the past six months just processing what it's meant to be a fan. I'm not even a Michigan Hockey fan but I delighted in breaking MSU's heart. It's been a long time since we've taken something from them. When it was happening I put on Trouble with the Snap and made myself watch the whole play. I cried but then made peace with it. Like you said the win delivered us. It made all the pain worth it.


It did. And no such thing as caring too much. Be as big a fan as you want and as happy or sad as you want. Thankfully this year it was all happiness


I became a Michigan fan in 2009 when I was accepted to grad school. All I heard was how good Michigan used to be, the shit-talking from other schools, all the baggage of being a fan of a blue-blood without the success to back it up. When Harbaugh was hired, it was almost worse. A lot of negative events happened in my life, and it felt like Michigan football was emblematic for that: every time it seemed something good could happen, it wouldn't. Every time it seemed like there was something that was close, 50/50, or almost guaranteed (2015 MSU for example)...it would go wrong in the worst way. I almost quit watching after 2020, because I didn't need yet another thing in my life that caused hurt without bringing much joy. But against my better judgment, I kept watching. Then 2021 happened. Penn State happened, where Michigan held on and won in a close game they should have lost. Those were the first glimmers. I cried when, in the last 2021 MGoBlog Opponent Watch, the prediction about Ohio State playing Michigan was just, "Michigan is going to win." And they did. And Haskins and Hutchinson embodied a decade-plus of Michigan suffering. Sure, they lost in the CFP, but...we beat Ohio State. Then we did again in 2022, even with that frustrating loss to TCU. There was hope, but it felt like there was a ceiling. And things got better for me. That Rose Bowl game was incredible because it just showed that...things were better for me. That hope could, and would, be rewarded. That no matter how bad things got, it was okay to just hold on to the idea - without proof - that things would be better. That what I hoped would happen, could. The Roman Wilson catch and run. The game-winning Corum run. LOW SNAP, MILROE'S STOPPED. All of those moments will stand out, because they were statements that, no, we WILL prevail. Nothing in my sports fandom will ever be better than that game. Nothing will ever top how I felt after that game - which I was fortunate enough to attend - because nothing will be worse than how I felt before it. Like you said, that game fixed the hurt. Trouble with the snap, the 2016 Game, the 2018 + 19 eviscerations, the 2020 season, the 2021 MSU game...none of those matter anymore. They hurt, but they don't *matter* anymore, because that Rose Bowl and the NCG that followed are all that do.


Dude, you really hit the nail on the head. This is exactly the emotional journey that so many of us took. Thanks so much for sharing. Great post. Really I couldn’t agree with everything you said more. 2020 almost broke me… and then we beat wisconsin on the road? When they got that stupid TD right before half i went ‘here we go again’ And then…. We blew them out. And then that kept happening - the ‘here we go again’ moments stopped, culminating in the 4th quarter rose bowl drive - in years past, that drive fails on like a dropped fourth down conversion or something brutal. One step at a time they changed the path. We couldn’t even believe it was real as it happened, until the rose bowl. Until the one shining moment that showed it was all real, that all the waiting had been worth it - that we lived thru the pain not to suffer needlessly, but for the payoff at the end of the journey. Great post manS


It was my senior year at UM. Hollywood couldn't have written a better ending.


My wife and I decided we'd go to either the national championship or the Rose Bowl. NC was the bigger game, but the Rose Bowl was the Rose Bowl. We chose the Rose Bowl. Knowing what happened in both games, I'd still choose the Rose Bowl over again.


What a great call!


I picked a hell of a first bowl game to go to!


Same! Could not have written it any better


Really helped a bounce back from my last orange bowl


I was there in Pasadena with my parents and brother I asked my 60 something Dad (who went to Michigan in the 70s and 80s) if this was worth all of the losses in Pasadena prior. He had to think about it a bit. “It’s close” The next day we met up with other Michigan alumni on our way back to the airport. Dad went into frenzy with the other alumni over the Charles White Phantom Touchdown Good times


Defense wins championships. 💛💙🏈


Great game for Michigan, but 2006 USC v Texas was the greatest Rose Bowl ever played.


2018 Georgia-Oklahoma double OT was definitely spectacular as well.


Lord thank god Jake thaw held on


Thank god like 40 different individual things happened that game where luck seemingly was in our favor. Insane. Bet.


Best feeling I’ve ever had in my life as a Michigan fan. Even more than when we won the NC a week later. That venue, that opponent, the way we came back, Blake’s TD run in OT and then the stop to win it. What a feeling.


My memory is murky at the moment Milroe was denied in overtime… but I do remember balling my eyes out knowing we essentially won the national title. To me, this rose bowl WAS the national title


As a biased michigan fan, I can say it was the best rose bowl. As an objective college football fan, not even close.


It's not the best Rose Bowl ever, but I don't think it's not even close. It's definitely one of the best. 


greatest live event i will ever witness


In the last game of Nick Saban’s legendary coaching career too!


The highlights were great and all… but if you want true bliss, go watch the prediction videos


Remember after the selection show when everyone said the Michigan players gasped out of fear due to being scheduled to play Bama?


Sir, Texas-USC is on the line.


I truly believe Michigan Alabama will be the last true great college football game


I can’t wait to watch these highlights at the big house next year


Haven't had the most amazing year overall, but thinking back to this incredible game always manages to improve my mood. Go blue forever!


Trivia. Who won the first Rose Bowl Game? (Hint they also won the last)


Perhaps the last truly great Rose Bowl.


Best ever... a bit dramatic


Yea it’s tough to say best ever objectively, in my lifetime the 2006 Rose Bowl sticks out as obviously better. But best ever for a Michigan fan… almost definitely.


Texas-USC might be the best game of all time.


As a Michigan fan this was the best ever. As a CFB fan I’d still say UGA-Oklahoma was better


This game was my peak as a sports fan….at the time


Can't believe it was half a year ago.


The final drive of regulation , followed by the OT corum TD is straight up pornography to me


Dream Game Saban's last game and last loss.


It was so beautiful. I wept.


Second best day of my life


Technically USC vs Texas is the greatest Rose Bowl ever played but this is definitely number 2


I missed the part where UGA OU 2018 never existed


Can’t wait for the 7 month 6 day and 45 mins ago anniversary


Half a year is a bit more significant point


Not as important as the 3 year 4 month and 24th day anniversary


Why are you getting downvoted for a joke 😭

