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How do you know you have low stomach acid?


Read my post.


Stress, and living in a sympathetic state depletes stomach acid.


Any tips for me, friend? I agree stress is what started all of this. I don’t feel stress anymore though.


Meditation can help a lot. And considering FMT.


Do you recommend a video or something where I can learn to meditate?


There are plenty all over the internet, in places like Youtube. Dr Joe Dispenza is probably one of the best meditation gurus, he recovered from a severe spine injury by doing it.


Lemon juice before meals. Don't drink water before eating (45 minutes) and also don't drink water while eating. Wait an hour after eating to drink water. Water will lower stomach acid. Do you also take lots of antacids? Have you tried taking magnesium supplement everyday?


Already tried and still do the water thing. Don’t know if lemon juice is a good idea because stomach in compromised. I had the same issues before taking antacids. The burning stopped when taking antacids obviously but I stopped them because they started to malfunction my gallbladder. Now I’m left where I started.


If you have burning in your stomach that would indicate an ulcer. You should be taking zinc L carnosine to repair a stomach ulcer. If you have a poor functioning gallbladder then TUDCA would be your best friend. You should be taking a magnesium supplement if you are having constant heartburn. Magnesium helps relax your lower esophageal sphincter so it stays closed instead of tensed and opened. Also make sure to chew chew chew when you are eating, it helps break down your food to digest. It should be almost liquid when you swallow. Also Flora makes a stomach tea which is really good at healing your stomach. Look online and find it.


No ulcer in stomach just a little bit of inflammation. I was already taking that zinc for months on end. Already been taking TUDCA for 4months. PPI caused my gallbladder to malfunction. Been taking magnesium religiously for many months also. I’ll have a look at that stomach tea, cheers.


could be your age. It happens as you get older


I’m only 30 so it’s not an age thing


Look into high dose vitamin b1 Also for ur case zinc lcarnosine could help


I’ve been taken b complex for ages. I was also taking zinc carnosine for ages. I’ve been through a few bottles of each


Hmmm have u ever tried any biofilm disruptors?


Nope? Do you think this would help? I’m not really clued up on them, would love some more info


Look into candida/SIBO/SIFO elimination using biofilm disruptors


I’ve done a lactulose sibo test that was negative. I’ll have a look though cheers


Test for h pylori. It can be tackled naturally or with antibiotics.


I’ve tested negative 5 times


Do you take NSAIDs on a regular basis ?


No I never ever take them


I also suffer from this and use Biogest before meals. It’s the only thing that works for me without other crazy side effects.


Where can I buy this? Thanks for the response!


It’s by Thorne… if you Google search there are a bunch of places that sell it. Awesome stuff for stimulating acid production. Greatly reduces my symptoms


This contains betaine Hcl, right? I’ve already tried that and it did help me a lot but it’s hurt my stomach even more 😞


Your low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) is likely caused by your mild non-H. pylori gastritis. Gastritis, or inflammation of the stomach lining, can impair the production of stomach acid by the parietal cells. The low acid levels may contribute to your constant heartburn. Undigested food can ferment and produce gas that rises into the esophagus, causing acid reflux symptoms. While large meals and beer temporarily relieve heartburn by increasing acid production, the fact that HCl supplements initially helped but later caused discomfort suggests an underlying issue like gastritis needs to be addressed. Consult a gastroenterologist for proper testing and diagnosis. They can determine the root cause, whether it's gastritis, age, stress, medications, or previous surgery, and provide an appropriate treatment plan.


Thanks for the reply. I’ve been to the GI for all testing, they never said what caused my gastritis. It was probably stress that caused it. I barely get any stomach pain anymore but I still have the heartburn.


What’s your diet like? Can you give some examples of what you eat during the week and how often you do cheat meals like restaurants, fast food, soda, beer, anything that comes in a package and is heated up, etc.? Do you eat any fermented foods? Any antibiotic use in the last 5 years?


I went on a really strict diet for 3/4 months. It consisted of low acid foods, it was a whole food diet also. That didn’t work so I’m away to start carnivore for a while. I done 7days of carnivore a week ago but that’s no where near long enough. So I’m going to try again. No I don’t take any NSAIDS I also don’t eat any fermented foods?




I’ve talked to many people and there problems were fixed from carnivore so I’m going to give it a shot I think. Yeah I was doing kefir every morning for months also. Never tried sauerkraut but I did do 1 month on cabbage juice and that basically stopped all stomach pain.


My advice and protocol would be this don’t take anything that makes the stomach more acidic because you now have gastritis or H pylori Cut the foods that make you feel worse or eat them less You have to focus on gastritis/hPylori Take zinc carnosine (75mg in the morning and T night) drink ginger tea or chamomile tea (mix both if u want as well) Eat cabbage or drink it from juicing it and eat broccoli as well Drink rather then eating as drinking can be digested easier So if u wanna eat bananas instead blend them to drink it Drink banana blended juice with milk if you want banana has potassium and vitamin c which will help with low stomach acid Drink vitamin c (ascorbic acid) or take it as a capsule this will help increase your stomach acid as well If you drink coffee or tea but experience bad things from it then add milk to it to lower the acidity of it If you have stress go outside in the sun more often and take ashwangdha if you want as well Do this for around a month or so try to be as consistent as possible and then start adding back the acid things like Betaine HCL To fix your low stomach acid drink apple cider vinegar before a meal (this is after you’ve healed from the gastritis/Hpylori) I’ve personally seen so much benefits from drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal but unfortunately wasn’t consistent and got gastritis later on cuz of my low stomach acid so yeah Hope this helps you bro


Hey OP, did you find a solution for this?


Not really, I’ve got to try and heal my stomach fully before I re acidify my stomach. What’s your symptoms ?


Same as yours, only i dont have heartburn. Mostly the feeling that food is laying in my stomach for hours