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>Mathijs Kok said Always take what he said with a grain of salt. Especially if he talking about the future. With that said, they still announced and showcased something, just not in the expo. I dont think I need to emphasis what that is. :D


Global Flight Ops, which is in development for the last four decades. Soon ™


2 weeks to 2 months


They didn't participate this year. Only sponsor


No, Michaelangelo later came out and said they announce things when they're ready, not on anyone else's schedule. Which is weird because they're the ones who put the idea of announcing something out there in the first place.


Ok... Maybe they wanted to announce a 787 and got jumped by Bluebird and now they are a bit huffy. We will never know I guess.


I highly doubt PMDG would let another (unproven as of right now, mind you) developer stop them from making an aircraft they want to make. That said, as others have pointed out PMDG did finally say they would not be making it to FSExpo, as we now see due to the fact the 777 is coming out soon. Man, reddits hate boner for PMDG is so *weird.* The 777 is finally coming out guys, you can stop hating on PMDG and go enjoy your shiny new widebody now, I certainly know I will be.


The reason PMDG chose not to attend the expo was because of the closeness to the impending release of the 777 presumably. It had nothing to do with the announcement. They might announce it in the future, they might not. Who really knows with them. Temper your expectations, nothing is really set in stone with PMDG until it actually happens. People were complaining about awkward positioning of the EFB and their response was obviously deny deny deny. And then now the plane is about to be released and all of a sudden, boom, we have more EFB mount options. Don’t try to predict


Found the Forum post: https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/general-discussion-news-and-announcements/283505-come-and-meet-us-at-fsweekend#post284680


PMDG did attend that event.


That's FS Weekend in the Netherlands. Not FS Expo in Vegas.


"We decided to move the demo of our not-yet-announced project to the FlightSimExpo 2024 in Vegas, where we will also have a stand."


Ah missed that. I can only assume things changed in the interim 3 months as the 777 was delayed out.


He later was Kok Blocked by RSR


underrated joke I feel