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The auto cruise is a game changer! I’ve never been able to do long haul so conveniently before.


It's sooooooo good


Its fun. https://preview.redd.it/3lmbynm914ad1.png?width=3438&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb99ee9e8f3a75537828dd7e97fc38f8c51b5d2d


PMDG managed to exceed my expectations for once, well done to them. The texturing is amazing and the wingflex isn't at 1 fps anymore


Yeah it's a great bird


Agreed, and I know the 737 had auto time compression too but I never really used it. I'd time compress manually. Now, the auto time compression is excellent. The way it dials down to adjust course and speed to get stable, then back up to 16x if you want it. We all know that in reality during cruise, there isn't anything to do really. This fixes that problem while still letting me fly a real "long haul" 14 hour flight. You can fly from Delhi to JFK as AAL292 in just a few hours max completely hands free in cruise (I haven't done it yet, its on my list!). I love it.


The elevated 3/4 angle is the perfect shot for airplanes.


Is it better than their P3D/FSX versions?


you and like a bazillion others. myself included. Seriously a game changer for long hauls, shame I haven't gotten to fly it more, truly enjoying the time I have gotten in it so far.


The only issue I came across was the (Rudders) were slightly too slow to turn (Left) (right). But other than that it’s a really enjoyable airliner to fly to your favourite destinations.


I am on the fence about this plane. My main reason is the flight management computer. Yes it’s fun to learn BUT can you pre-plan a route in the Home Screen and have it all preloaded in when you enter the plane or do you have to enter it all in the FMC no matter what?


There is a way to link your Simbrief account and it automatically uploads to your plane.


Thank you!


They need to fix the WASM freezes asap. Not flyable for me at the moment. Don‘t want to live with the risk of wasting a flight preparation.