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dude gets out and gives you the 'mom said its my turn on the xbox' pose


This is a “Get back in your car old man” moment for sure lol.




Seagull got that mad emoji game son.


It clearly says they are Not a Seagull


Long jump Fox got that sweet emoji game.


I'm an old man, and this guy made even me laugh. Christ buddy, you couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper sack.


Looks like a New York plate. "Hey, I'm driving here! You wanna go? Yeah you wanna go? Come on then!" And nobody ever goes.


We had a guy from New York start a job with a construction company I worked for a long time ago. He started that "You wanna go" shit with a guy, and was instantly knocked out. This was in Iowa LOL! If you don't "wanna go" in the Midwest, then STFU.


I love it! He found out.




Just another entitled Boomer doing Boomer things.


If every generation acts entitled equally, do we really need to assign it?


Right? I see way more young people in these kinds of videos than old people, and it seems like most are pretty entitled these days


He said 🧍🏼‍♂️


It's the confused NPC stance. Programming didn't anticipate this scenario


Spot on




The old man is clearly in the wrong. Drivers going straight have right of way. Simple as that honestly. Just because you put your blinker on doesn’t obligate me to move.


The sensible thing is to slow down when someone has a their blinkers on. The older man in this video clearly just jerked into the lane, which doesn't surprise me considering this is New York. The person going straight isn't at fault here.


No it's not the sensible thing to do. Braking everytime some idiot wants to merge at a too slow speed just fucks up the flow of traffic and causes congestion. When that happens all of the gaps shrink and then it becomes even harder for everyone to merge. What needs to happen is the people merging need to learn to do it at the correct speed so that they don't force cars in the lane they're merging into to slow down for them.


Then fucking BRAKED. Like 6 times. If you’re going to cut someone off at least do it smoothly. 


The blinker isn’t immediately visible. Failure not be an asshole doesn’t mean I need to be passive


I didn’t realize this. I thought that when a vehicle puts on their turn signal you are obligated to slow down and allow them to make their maneuver. The logic being that they may need to make a maneuver to avoid a hazard and to prevent the merging car from being a hazard to the traffic behind them. I always yield and let others pass as I have been thinking it was the law this whole time. Interesting.


That’s just a defensive driving tactic and a good habit to keep. But the rules don’t obligate the driver going straight to yield.


You're supposed to put your blinker on BEFORE you move. Not *as* your moving or *after* you move. Give people a chance to fucking see it.


It might not be the law, but it still is nice to do. So keep doing it.


That may be the right thing to do but it’s still on the car changing lanes to ensure they can in fact do so safely.


It seems like the guy going straight sped up a bit in an attempt to block the guy from merging. It does seem like he would rather be in an accident than let the guy go in front


It's on the car changing lanes to make sure they can do it safely. If I don't see enough distance on my rear mirror or blind spot then I don't change lanes and I wait like a champ or continue even if it means missing my turn


People will defend this douchebag! Get in the correct lane instead of trying to hit people! Blinkers don't entitle you to shit!


Lots of people drive exactly like this in my town. I sure could use a vacation from this stupid shit…


\**instantly flicks blinker and turns*\* "BUT I HAD MY SIGNAL ON!!!" Idiots.


That works but you need to make an actual effort to merge. People just expect everyone around them to come to a complete stop so they can merge at their comfort level. If you can’t merge with the flow of traffic, don’t. Wait until you have a large enough opening for you, if that is too much for you to handle. STAY THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD!


In California you are required to have your turn signal on a minimum number of feet while driving forward before making the lane change. AND you are advised to accelerate into the lane so that you don’t obstruct traffic and cause issues. Real shame that despite passing these driver tests, everyone still drives like a fucking moron in the bay area…


Silly shit?


don't worry some say the end is near


You think we may have an Armageddon soon?


Oh, I certainly hope we will


I heard mom's coming around soon. You know, to put it back......


the way it ought to be


Learn to swim, learn to swim




I certainly hope we do.


Silly shit, stupid shit…


I sure could use a vacation from this bull\*\*\*\* three-ring circus, sideshow of freaks!


Found the tool fan.


Exactly. I hate when people do this kind of shit. Then you look in your rear view mirror to see absolutely NO ONE BEHIND YOU!


Claims examiner here, I always have to take statements of people that say “I put my signal on but he still hit me.” Then I have to explain to the idiot that simply turning your signal on doesn’t entitle you to the lane and that I’m putting your ass at fault for the accident.


If you go to the driving sub lots of people there will rage at you for telling them they need to yield when merging.


Definitely the same people who yell at me on a daily basis when they receive my liability denial or at fault letter.


My wife told me mergers had right of way. I shut that shit down so fast. “So you can just sideswipe random fucking cars and hit em with the “dur dur, im muurgin””


No offense but ur wife is fuckin trippin epically & I really hope u got her to change her mind bout thinking that the merger had right of way lmfao


Lmfao notice the ones that tried to tell others the merger was right havnt tried to respond to you at all


My guy this is clearly an American video given the vehicles and plates. The guy works in insurance adjustment I'm sure he's acquainted with checking license plates for proper tags in videos of accidents This thread is full of "well actually" from people who don't take a couple seconds to fucking think God damn


People like that is why I will always have job security lol


Yeah I've seen videos similar to this and top comment will be someone defending the guy trying to cut in. It's nuts so many think the dash cam car MUST yeild.


Existing traffic always has the right of way


Even if he did have them on he started the merge before the car could see it.


There was a huge post recently with someone doing exactly this but everyone was on the mergers side and said the dude should have just let him in to avoid any problems. Turns out the guy had Ted Cruz on his radio so everyone automatically turned on the guy in the right, just because he was, well...on the right.


This one has kpop... So that's why we are siding with him?


Cuz we boppin and vibin rn.


IVE is on tour in the US right now. Oakland last night, on their way to Fort Worth for the 20th and heading east. Get on board! (Just between you, me, and the bots/ai, capitalism isn’t ruthless enough to use bad driving subreddits for guerrilla marketing, is it? IS IT!?)


I just assume all the bad driving subs were started by dash cam manufacturers. Certainly worked on me 🤷


Hey man we're weeaboos, not weeabitches.


IVE “I AM” so f*ck yeah


Half of the people [in this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/m6yjt5/he_screamed_that_it_was_my_fault/) think that putting on your turn signal lets you force other people out of the way. The guy tried to cut off the cammer and force him to come to a no warning, sudden, complete stop to let him in and half of the people in there think that it's the correct way to drive.


That one wasn't exactly like this. The consensus was that the dude shouldn't have forced the merge, but then the op made everything worse by speeding up and actively attempting to stop the guy from merging.


You can be  “in the right” and still intentionally doing shit that will likely result in a wreck. It’s about being defensive. It’s not about the pride of “I have the right of way”. As soon as you intentionally get in a wreck becuase of being petty and ur ego, your partially at fault ethically in my eyes, you could have avoided it, be better, even if others are worse.


Yup. Partial fault exists. Fault is not entirely on 1 person every accident. You have a duty to take all reasonable measures to avoid accidents. Failure to do so will often cause you to be at partial fault even if the other driver was performing an illegal maneuver. ​ Over the top example: Just because someone is making an illegal turn doesn't give you the right to intentionally ram them to "teach them a lesson". ​ If an accident can be avoided by hitting your brakes and a reasonable person would have had time to hit their brakes then you have a duty to hit your breaks.




I live in Texas. I feel a good 40% of the American population just doesn’t have a fully developed prefrontal cortex.


Victim complex remains undefeated


Both people can be shit at driving and that wouldn't mean you're automatically on the side of the worst offender. In this case. The blue car. Good driving is about reducing risk. Not making a point because you have "right of way" People need to get over themselves. Idiots are going to be idiots, make events a non issue and get on with your day by being a better driver.


I was just about to wonder if people will swoop in to defend this merger like they did with the last video where something like this happened. It was crazy, people being loudly wrong


All written by people who are proooobably likely to make this brilliant move on the road as well.




There is no merge in this video. I think most aren't seeing what is actually going on in this video (I didn't at first). Someone is double parked. The "merger" is just switching lanes because hes an idiot. If this was an actual merge. He would be in the right. The person behind him needs to slow down and allow him to zipper merge.


I don’t even think he stopped to look in his mirrors before changing lanes. Just swerved cos he didn’t want to stop behind that car and assumed he had room.


How is this not a merge? The dude changed lanes and merged into existing traffic.


I mean dude shouldn't have merged for sure but they continued to pull up after the guy was already in the lane, pulled up, braked then pulled up some more. what did the driver think was going to happen, at best it leaves both of them without enough room to move forward & causes traffic behind them, this exact situation is covered in any basic driver improvement course & tbh I think both drivers need one.


Guy replying to you is out of his mind lol. Anyone with an actual brain knows that POV was just as at fault as the old man. Defend "your lane" all you want... I'm sure the insurance adjustors will understand. If you can't check your ego when you buckle up, you can't drive.


I died when they mentioned "the comprehensive skills I've displayed" 💀


Blue car was 100% at fault and cammer was only 90% at fault.


Any basic driving course would tell the old man that putting his blinker on is the indication that he WANTS to move into that lane, as a driver YOU are responcible for using your blinker to indicate, THEN look over your shoulder and check your mirror/ blinds pots that the lane is free and you are safe to merge. Old man didn't keep proper distance between him and white car in front of him, so when he tried to move into the other lane without giving proper blinker and shoulder check time to make sure it was safe he juat went. Likely he made a unsafe, not acceptable by any driver test standard lane change because his path forward was cut off by white car and old man couldn't be bothered to just stop and wait for the light to go green and traffic to move No driver instructor in the US is going to be in the car with that old man and not rip his ass for that lane change Now driver of the dash cam Braked when guy started to come into lane Then old guy brakes also Dash cam goes well you braked this is my lane and your barely over the line so still my lane and my right of way (which legally speaking is the truth according to road laws) so he crept forward again. Old guy who clearly is inpatient and can't be bothered to participate in society like a normal person.decides nah fuck that my lane I'm already a quarter of a wheel into it! So he continues forward gain causing the accident I'm glad I could clear up for you the atrocity that is your drivers course knowledge and comprehension


I get both sides, but how hard would it have been to just let off the gas for five seconds?


It's not that big of a deal and we don't know from this clip if the guy had been there or not along the side the whole time. At any rate, if that were me driving there wouldn't have been an accident, because I'm an adult and don't get emotional over merging.


Had it been me, i just wouldn’t have crashed him. Some of you need to realize being a safe driver and being right are sometimes not the same. Just give the idiot pass, mild inconvenience and frustration will save you a major inconvenience and frustration energy if you’re right. OP is a bad driver for not stopping even if the other person is a worse driver for that merge. A good driver is aware of the bad drivers around them, and OP clearly wasn’t


Exactly. This collision is mild but I've seen too many people risk a SERIOUS crash just to hold some moral high ground. Save yourself insurance bullshit, hospital bills, and maybe even death. Just let idiots do their idiot things and complain about them later.


Cemeteries are full of drivers who had the right of way.


So many idiots making excuses for the old man who failed to yield.


Cuz they do the same shxt themselves and are trying to convince us it’s okay


This is the answer.


He’s not in a crosswalk, he also is jaywalking, er standing.


It is the legal responsibility of the merging party to make sure that they can safely merge, period.


The Subaru cuts far too quickly and is clearly trying to get around the Tesla who has the right away here. The old man in the Subaru 100% causes this wreck as he did not have adequate space or time to merge yet forced it anyway.


For your reference: it’s “right of way” not “right away.”


Merging right away when you don’t have the right of way.


Good, good, you understand the words! :)


Maybe he’s in a hurry


I don’t think there was a wreck


Love tap, if you will


Did they even touch?


Looks like traffic continued in that lane right after the altercation.


Fucking wish everyone with a license needs to retake a written test and road test before being allowed to renew their license. Get these morons out of the road.


Nah, the guy merging reacted badly when he found the car in front of him stopped. I find for the defendant and assess the merger 10,000 shame points and 37 stupid points.


HE wasn't merging, he was switching lanes. its on the person who is changing lanes to make sure it's safe to switch.


I love German law in such situations, who ever changes lanes have to make sure they do not hinder anyone or cause dangerous situations, so if there is an accident when someone changes lanes it's quite obvious who's fault it is. Only exception is when one or multiple lanes are closing, then you let one car merge at the very end of the closing line, but that's it any other time when you merge it's your seponsibility to merge safety,without forcing anyone to let you through.


Sounds logical I like it


Sure, but Germans also care about following the law for the sake of it. Not to avoid tickets or other drivers anger. They genuinely believe the traffic laws are worth following to make driving safer and easier. So making such a law actually means something, even when police are not present or there isn’t an accident.


Every German I’ve talked to believes this. But I’ve driven in Germany and I have seen that is very often untrue.


That's the American rule too half's these people just can't comprehend it


That's the law in America, too but nobody follows it except insurance companies


I’m pretty it’s that way everywhere. The merger is 100% at fault


Me when I cause an accident on a live intersection and proceed to step out of my car in the middle of the lane instead of pulling over. This is a post worthy of r/regularlybaddrivers


Just look at the way that dude is yanking the steering wheel lmao


Having your blinker on does not give you the right to change lanes right then and there smfh




Former insurance adjuster here. For the few people I saw saying the guy recording was responsible too, that is only true if they didn't take reasonable action to avoid the accident when they could. In this circumstance, they did stop when the other guy came over. Before that, they had control of the lane and the right of way, the other person attempting to speed up and pass them was wrong, and just because he turned on his turn signal it didn't automatically give him the right to change lanes.


Cheers for this. Can I also query the assessment that this is an "accident"! For me it's a "collision" and hardly an accidental collision, that driver could be accused of deliberately causing the collision. At best he's driving without due care and attention in an unsafe manner likely to cause a collision. It probably meets the threshold of criminal behaviour.


Gotta love middle aged dudes and their right of way😤 Was probably in his subie raging over traffic that he's in after leaving an hour late now it's someone else's problem. Just because you used your turn signal, you do not have right of way🙃


Look how dude is dressed, he doesn't have anywhere important to be.


Old men dress like that whether they’re going to lunch or a fancy dinner


Work in a retirement home Old people sleep like this lmfao


What is a campaigning driver?


Most cases are solved by answering this one question: Who has more than 50% control of the lane? The person who’s in the lane, always has the right of way. This person is clearly entering your lane, you had 100% control of the lane. It’s 100% their fault for entering yours


If you were stupid enough to get in the right lane and that lane comes to a stop, it doesn't mean you have a right to just merge into my lane by cutting me off. Too many drivers think it does! My guess is the driver in the blue car is going to learn this lesson the hard way when he finds out the driver had a dash cam.


Blud is like 90 why is he getting out of the car 💀


lol that stance he hits is wild hopped out and the controller disconnected type beat


Get back in your car you above ankle sock wearing...


Apart from the idiotic merging, you can see he is a bad driver from his erratic braking and speeding up.






Ight I do speed up to merge like dat but I SPEED UP! If I ever get in front of anyone on the road I ensure that they won’t have to slow down or even tap their brakes otherwise I’m not changing lanes. If they’re going fast enough for it to even be a concern then I wait for them to pass and follow Mr.Speedy Gonzalez the rest of the way 🤣


Cam driver* iPhones autocorrect continues to be the bane of my existence 😢


I find it amusing that in the time it took for that to happen, the stopped car that caused him to have to move over in the first place ended up moving on.. hahaha




I would have slapped him silly milly.


Old man has a death wish


Driving a rental from a conference to the Memphis airport, the boss was cursing at the drivers who wouldn’t get out of the way, shouting, “These fucking idiots don’t understand they need to yield so I can merge!” That was also his biz management style.


Wisdom doesnt come w age, especially when it comes to driving.


I don't know about anywhere else, but where I live as soon as that guy got out of his car, it became 'road rage' and he could have been ticketed for it.


Yall dorks like talking about “boomers”. It’s just piss poor drivers thinking everyone should yield to them. I bet there’s TONS in the comments


This is what happens when a driver tries to not actively tailgate. Some idiot sees the space and says: Mine!!


One of my biggest pet peeves. I leave space and some idiot cuts in only to force me to tailgate them and then I try to leave enough space again and it happens again. I don’t leave enough space leave myself at risk of an unexpected brake from the car in front causing me to rear end them due to less reaction time. It’s worse when on the major highways and we are going over 100 km/h and the cut so close to my car.


This sub is amazingly bad at driving, entitled people who think they're king of the road. Enjoy sitting in the traffic your bad driving creates lol. It only sucks because of you.


You should see the driving sub. The commenters there are even more entitled and will stalk you


“B-b-b you should have let him merge. Op is at fault” - this sub in about 10 minutes Edit: called it.


Can't believe so many people say the cam car is idiot, at or partial fault etc. I think the title description of Merger has gotten everyones brains out of wack. That was not a merge but a lane change by a very inconsiderate, selfish and impatient driver who thinks having the turn signal on gives them immediate right of way. Now imagine watching the video again and imagine if there was no Tesla stopped in front or no other cars stopped in front and that bad driver wanted to change lanes and did exactly what we saw in this dash cam video would the people who thought negativly of the dash cam driver before change their mind.


If you cannot merge safely, don't merge. You may have to go alll the way back around to get in the correct lane. People be acting like this at yield signs too.


what its like hitting an npc in a video game lol


Looks like a San Francisco driver.


How true is the saying that quarterpannel=their fault bumper=your fault?


So, guy cuts in and blames the person behind him for his aggressive driving? Magic turn signals are abundant. "I put my signal on, which means I'm safe to come over." Mhm, sure bud... Try that in front of a semi truck next time.




Fuck that overly aggressive lane changer. What a dick.


BENNY's can't drive


For the oxygen hogs who need their DL revoked: The blinker isn't to *make* your car turn. It's to **tell other drivers that you want to change lanes/turn BEFORE you make the move** .


Guy is a douchebag in blue car but better to let them go and avoid the drama tbh


Never understand why you would try to box them out instead of just yield. Is it really worth letting them run into you?


In racing, you are required to give space to the vehicle when they are able to keep their front tires around your rear tires. If we followed this rule on the roads everyone would be so much safer.


Ah yes. To yield to an unforseen obstacle. Maybe we should drive with crystal balls too


Now he gets to find out how much he can piss off the ten people behind the person he cut off.


Both drivers are stupid. The merger is more stupid but both of these people suck big time 


I see more and more traffic outrage videos where both drivers just suck.


If someone tries to get a car length in front of you : smash 'em !!


The old man shoulda had patience the Tesla moved in less that 30 secs….on top of that yeah I I know the road rules but I always could it kinda stupid how an inconvenienced person won’t waste any time spreading their influence to you but gets mad when the attempt is negated Ik I can press the brake and it’s not “a big deal” but tell that to the old man


People have such a hard on about merging for no reason. Also that old bastard was driving like a fucking moron


They don’t need to merge at all. The Tesla stopped because someone is reversing into a parking spot, the car that got hit is simply impatient.


Boomers going boom


Yea nah I would’ve kept going and told insurance I didn’t realize what was going to happen until I scratched his shit a little bit.


Why does he get out of his car like he could do anything?


“Ok, but I’m going to start doing this, and if you get hit it’s your own fault”


All cause boohoo his lane was stoped and he wanted to be in the still moving lane. I drive uber and see it all the time. At stop lights people have,HAVE to be in the empty lane or shortest lane. Risking accidents all the Time


Why would you get out of your car if you can’t fight


I'm giving the camera driver a pass here. The blue car looks like he was going to yield by stopping then goes again. Blue car driver is expecting all the cars to yield to him and is not even looking to see where the cars on his left are. Blue car is at fault but if I was in this situation, I'm going to have to yield to the idiot once he's out of space.




Obviously he saw you because he debated to go you see he turned his wheel back then back again so obviously he’s stupid


He really said🧍🏻


Boomer Subaru things


Where i live if the mergers front bumper is in front of yours, its your fault... makes sense right?/s


Nice, an Ive track


People need to look up the doctrine of “last clear chance.” In most places, you have a duty to avoid a collision if you’re able to, even if you have the right of way. You can’t just cruise into the side of a car in front of you just because they shouldn’t be there. A lot of you are going to be in for a very rude awakening some day if you drive the way you comment.


That's why you always assume everyone is gonna do something stupid on the road and pay attention.








Obviously merger was a dick, but for insurance purposes, I'd say it's pretty much 50/50. Made zero effort to avoid a collision and actively accelerated into him.


Boomers gotta boom


And the white Tesla that started it all just drove on. Guess it didn't really need to stop in the middle of the road after all 🙃


A blinker is an indication of your INTENT to get over. It doesn't mean someone will make space for you to get over, it just helps increase those odds. Also, never expect someone to see your blinker when you are not fully in front of them, or behind them. These things are pointed straight forward and backwards, not sideways.


When I replayed it, I found it was the music that was the best part.


I’d hit him harder


Cammer had the last chance to avoid the accident. They are actually at fault. Having the right of way doesn’t entitle you to hit someone.


New York driver. In NYC there is a lot of last minute lane changing and moving in and out. Most nyc drivers anticipate those types of moves. Problem is when those same drivers think folks are gonna let them in the same way when they are not in NYC.