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My question is how did a post relating to Beetle in the potential DLC lead to a conversation about race or ethnicity of other heroes?


When you're racist, you just find a way.


Sounds about right




Isn't the new beetle a black woman? Where the og was a white male?


That’s right. The new Beetle is Janice Lincoln, the daughter of Tombstone. That’s probably how the conversation started.


That'll do it


Racists cannot shut the fuck up


Damn so he's also sexist that's fucking wild


Yikes.. he’s rlly wrong in the head.


He’s definitely racist. That’s an undeniable fact.


If Laura Kinney is Logans clone doesn't that make her white as well?


Yes, but it's been shown that Sarah Kinney was either Latina or Asian.


If Laura is a clone of Logan, Sarahs ethnicity doesnt matter. Now I've heard theres a retcon that Sarah is her biological mom and not just a surrogate, in that case it would make a difference.


Isnt that because she had a scientist egg donor in some takes?


Nope. She was the incubator. That was her punishment for altering the XY chromosomes.


Also possible this guy only knows her from Logan where she’s Mexican


If you mean me, I actually know her from X-Men Evolution and her early comics where she was...not having a good time.


I mean the person in the post


Oh, myb. And probably, like, it doesn't really matter. Laura's amazing. Her ethnicity doesn't really play a role in why the character is great. Especially because she was a blank slate when she finally got her freedom. Who cares about her race or ethnicity?


Imagine someone crying about the race of characters known to have multiversal variants being racists ? Never , no way .


Look we get it. He's racist and doesn't like characters that don't match the comic book versions. It makes him exactly the same as every fourth redditor on most super hero subreddits. You don't need to post a transcript of every conversation you have with the guy. It makes you seem obsessed with him. Just ignore the guy. Calling out redditors repeatedly for racist comments is about as productive as complaining about water being too wet


Is it really that hard to block people or scroll? Like what’s the point in wasting your time saying this shit. Like pls stfu.


bro you’re *delusional* if you can’t hear how ironic you sound




Is it really that hard ***for you*** to block people or scroll? Like what’s the point in wasting your time saying this shit? Like pls stfu? How does giving them even more attention help? you’re giving them exactly what they want


I just wanted to spread information. I have the right to do so.


what information? that racist trolls exist? is this your first time on the internet? People like them suck, just report, block, and move on.


Omfg i’m so done with ppl..


if you’re feeling annoyed, just stop making stupid posts like this. You’re quite literally inviting the discussion, why are you upset people are discussing? What did you want? To feel like you’re better than others? To get upvotes? Awards? You’re not a vigilante, you’re a kid throwing a weird tantrum. Please just do what everyone else does when they see inappropriate comments report, block, move on.


“throwing a weird tantrum.” While throwing a weird tantrums because someone exposed a racist💀definitely “FuckingBollox” behind his second account😂


I been stopped wtf. I made like four posts and ur acting like I made entire essays. Gtfoh..


Right back at you. What's the point of posting this shit? Just block the guy. No one cares


YOU don’t care. Stop speaking for everyone saying “no one cares”. You don’t know that. People can like beef about spider-man, and they can know that there is a random racist in the Miles Morales subreddit. Now respectfully stfu, I’m done talking to you.


They’re right. You can see that people here don’t care, and you get butthurt about it for some reason. It seems like you *want* them to care, to give you some kind of moral high-ground.


Nobody is butthurt. I just don’t see why the people who DON’T like it are wasting their time by telling me. Like what makes yall think I gaf about what ya’ll think? Leave me tf alone and just block me or scroll.


You post something in a public subreddit, and the only opinions you like are those that agree with what you want to achieve. The problem isn’t with us, it’s with you. This is a sub about Miles Morales, and the poster didn’t even mention him in his comment.


I’m done talking to you sir.


The more messages you send, the more my point gets proven. Have fun farming karma.


I don’t need karma you weirdo. Anyways, bye. Enjoy arguing with random people for no reason on the internet.


It’s in a Spider-Man subreddit, which is with Miles’ category. And you’re the one butthurt if you’re scared of scrolling. I don’t see the reason of trying to start arguments, when again, Idgaf about what you think. You’re wasting my time, goodbye.


In the same way we can scroll past, so can you. You called-out the user for being a racist, we called you out for doing needless things. We know you are just impression-farming.


??? This person specifically was being an asshole, the to character which literally most people talk about. This subreddit is specifically FOR ILES MORALES, so of course someone would want to say something to that prick. And you’re saying that you guys are calling me out for doing worthless things when you’re doing the EXACT same.


Also, wtf do you mean every transcript? I posted four fucking posts. You’re acting like I posted 18 fucking harry potter summaries chill.


Damn. I only saw two. You made four separate posts copy pasting conversations with this guy in less than 12 hours? That's straight up creepy. He may be a racist but you're straight up stalking this guys profile at this point. He should report you


??? Dude. Three are from the SAME convo. One if from a different one. How tf does exposing someone make them creepy? So if a detective or a police officer studies someone for a case, is that creepy? You sound dumb.


Of course i assumed they were different conversations. Why would you split screenshots from the same conversation into multiple separate posts? Were you not getting the response you wanted from the first three? Just report the guy for racism, let the mods handle it and move on.


You sound.. I’m so done dude.


Damn there’s a war in the comments, didn’t know the whole sub is full of clowns lol good to know to avoid, OP don’t listen to nobody just leave it alone you good


As a Wally west fan we don’t claim him


Pretty sure if Terry McGinnis the son of Bruce Wayne was born black his parents would be divorced


Objection, relevance?


Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's not trying to be racist. Maybe he meant their skin tone would mean nobody could tell the original from the new guy at a first glance. As much as I like to think that's the case, it's probably not.


But Wally West was/is black there’s white Wally and black Wallace “Ace” West


Stop posting random people's comments for no reason. This is a Miles Morales subreddit, expose racists somewhere else


The comment he made is from a spider-man subreddit.


And there’s no need to be an asshole. Just ignore what’s going on. You literally have the power to scroll.


And there's no need to clog up the feed with this shit. No one actually gives a fuck.






OR JUST SCROLL IF IT REALLY BOTHERS YOU- okay. The sub is free to post wtv you want, so this argument is retarded.


Nah, it bothers me when people like you post shit like this on Reddit. You're part of the problem and I'm calling you out on it. No one actually gives a fuck. What are you trying to achieve?


I’m trying to achieve at calling a racist out. A racist who doesn’t like Miles. What nobody gives a fuck about, is YOU people saying it. If it bothers you then just block the OG poster and FUCKING scroll. You’re literally wasting your time telling me that what I’m doing is dumb. If it bothers you again, fucking scroll and move on.


And what do you think that's going to do? 'Change his ways'? Sounds like you're the dumb one here. All you're doing is drawing attention to these cunts, which is what they want. But you're too naiive to see that. Instead just report them or whatever, I don't give a fuck. I just don't want to see post upon post of you calling out random people on the internet. No one gives a fuck.


There is notj8ng wrong, drawing attention to racists.


All you’re saying is that YOU don’t give a fuck. NOBODY CARES IF YOU DONT LIKE SOMETHING. I never asked for you to like this post, like wtf.


And you say “no one gives a fuck” when you and that other mf are the only ones saying this shit. If nobody gives af then are most people upvoting my stuff? You sound hella dumb dude.


Me? What shit have I said?


THIS. Saying I shouldn’t be posting this shit, like you sound hella stupid, just scroll or block me.


I mean... I give a fuck...


Miles is literally mentioned in this post.


Yeah. It’s a Miles Morales subreddit.. a spider-man subreddit.. literally anything spider-man related is allowed. Tf r you on.


How is you calling out some random guy related to Spiderman?


Oh shit nvm, Wally West is DC


What he is talking about is related to spider-man. He’s in the spider-man subreddit.


When it comes to more specific character, it accidentally turns the thread into "Harass the jackass" or "We must mount a defense against these guys". It's more meaningful when the names involved actually carry some weight.


bro is




Does the guy acknowledge there are two versions of wally now or....?


Terry isn’t even white. He’s half Japanese.


“Might be” 👁️👄👁️


Terry also isn’t all white since his mom is Asian therefore terry is biracial. Also weird for him to bring up race for Laura too as she’s white too right? Like she is literally a female clone of wolverine isn’t she?


Imagine crying about someone crying about race 🤣☠️


Let him cook


Cook what???


Funny shit