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Get it done there. They have done thousands and are efficient. Meanwhile, being overprepared is something that can draw attention to you. The one thing you never want to do at basic is get noticed. Your goal is that your Cadre never learn your name.


That's true -- stay under the radar.


And make friends with the scribe!


I shaved my head before basic and they will still make you sit down in the chair and cut your already bald head. Might as well get the real experience.


This is the way.


That. ALWAYS stay under the radar. Platoon, company, schools, PT tests. Never fail, never excel.


I went in as an E-2 because I helped recruit some classmates. When I started basic they didn't pay me as an E-2 so I didn't wear the stripe. I didn't say a word until AIT where I submitted paperwork to get it fixed and get back pay. I knew better than to bring attention to myself in basic.


Just out of curiosity, why shouldn't one excel? I managed a 97% in my knowledge test and a 99% on the English one, back when applying for our country's ROTC program. The psychologists did not like it too much, but did not become overly concerned with it as well.


If you excel all the cadre will be paying more attention to you. They notice the times you fuck up more.


Excelling in basic training doesn’t help it is after all just ‘basic’. Excelling AIT or tech school or in your actual career can be beneficial of course. For example, in the first week they might ask who did well in the ASVAB. You raise your hand, all of a sudden you’re now in charge of the whole group’s academic progress. You always finish the laps first or do the most pushups? You’re now in charge of making sure no one fails the pt test. If anyone fails their testing, now the cadre is yelling at you for letting it happen.


So true, keep your ears open and your mouth shut.


Damn right. Don't be the best, and don't be the worst. Average keeps you off the radar.


Why wouldnt you want to be the best? Im doing basic soon and want to get into CSOF once in my career so logically i would need to get myself seen at the best no?


Basic isn't the real Army. No one cares what you did in basic. You want to get a "go" on everything and move on.


Pretty much just do the bare minimum in boot camp. It’s all make believe, nobody remembers the guy who was the best boot.




My favorite day in basic was raising a hand for a detail, getting carted off across post to sit in an air conditioned room and watch movies while we waited to test some equipment they never even got running. Got to eat the whole MRE even, skittles and all.


They say that, but you're going to get a job anyway. There's nothing wrong with volunteering. If you're put into a leadership position, expect to be fired. It's part of the gig. Be a leader anyway, but for the opportunity to learn and grow, not to "be in charge".


>if you’re put into a leadership position, expect to be fired In today’s zero defect environment, this is damned good advice. In and out of TRADOC.


Trust me, that is going to do more harm than good. Volunteer for anything that comes up. What happens is after a while they will either start putting you in charge of the details, or they will tell you to sit it out and let the other dead beats who aren't doing anything do some work. People will tell you to keep your head down and not get noticed. The people saying that a lot of times are the ones who screwed up and got noticed. Be known for what you can do, not for screwing up. You're going to screw up anyway so at least have something positive going for you.


>People will tell you to keep your head down and not get noticed. The people saying that a lot of times are the ones who screwed up and got noticed. Nope, I was so anonymous my Drill kept forgetting my name. It's basic - you do the tricks to get the "go" at every station so you can move to the real military. Nothing that happens there matters the minute you graduate.


I volunteered for everything right from the start. By about halfway through boot camp they wouldn't let me do anything anymore. By the end they had forgotten I existed.


Shut up nasty girl


So were you one of the guys that screwed up and got noticed?


Volunteering put a 240B in my hands three days into my actual company. YMMV, but its not always bad.


Whats wrong with volunteering cant be scared of the spotlight just do whats needed dont gotta hide away thats pussy


Your ass wouldn’t say that if you were in my unit.😂


I wouldnt id be busy volunteering


Yeah you say that but no you would get tired of being the only one all the time and doing all the load so I know that’s not so.


Neva know, seems better than being the regular all the time


No good accountability and the same damn people always disappear


I guess but trust me you would hate it and would want to be transferred to another unit that’s how much it sucked and the higher ups didn’t care


Just gotta see ima go into the air force in about 2-3 months ill come back to this post to let you know 😂😂🤝


Oh hell you’ll be fine than. I thought you were going Army.😂🤣🫡


Oh man, this is why we get made fun of.


Learned that shit the hard way. Never again.😥🥲😂🤣🫡


You literally just volunteered.


Holy hell so true. I went thru at 26 and knew they had an act to put on. I just shut up and did whatever it was they said and it was a breeze. Treat it like a mini work out retreat cuz their main goal is to get you in shape. Period. Hardest part is keeping your fucking mouth shut with all other recruits. They even let my gf call me when wives were allowed to call their husbands. Got a bunch of shit from the SGM but i told him there wasn't much I could stop her from doing if I wasn't able to talk to her




They let you gf call??




No shit there I was. BCT graduation. I didn’t excel or struggle. Drill Sergeant handed me my coin at the bonfire.. looks me dead in the eye and says: “Who the fuck are you?..” I just said: PVT ThatGuy Drill Sergeant! He just snickered and walked away. Mission accomplished.


I walked into the head to take a piss during PT, the chief in charge of my division thought I wasn’t even in his division.


Worked as cadre for a few years. This person is 100% right. Don’t bother cutting it, they’ll literally shave your bald head again and charge you for the haircut. A private walked up to a DS on family day. The PVT told one of the platoon’s senior drills, “I want you to know, you changed my life drill sergeant.” It’s quiet for 5 seconds, and the DS says, “Who the fuck are you, private? Get the fuck away from me.” That’s the interaction level you want to have. If they know who you are, it’s because you’re fucking up.


Week 10 of OSUT "Whose platoon are you in?" "Your's drill s'arnt" "Who the fuck are you?" One of my proudest moments.


I went in with that same mentality, and somehow was the first person chosen for a leadership role. They called my name and told me to meet them in the office. I thought I was so fucked, then it turns out I got a job haha


Getting a leadership job in basic is being so fucked, though.


True. It fucking blew chunks haha


Also, they'll do it anyway. I pre-shaved, and they did it anyway. It was faster since i didn't have hair but he cut me since he was just bullshiting


Most will have shaved heads. “Under the radar” is bs.


Lol i wish I could go unnoticed, but the Coast Guard is small, and my Dad served 20 years, and he is friends with the company commanders, and we share the same name.. I’m gonna have fun :)


Nobody knew I existed until I started getting mail


Synonymous with anonymous.


I fucked up big time then, because my drill called me by my first name


Believe me, boy, you don't want that kinda heat on you...


>Your goal is that your Cadre never learn your name. Try having stuff named after your family at benning and bragg.


Don't cut it, enjoy time with your people, basic sucks sometimes but there's also fun to be had if you have the right mindset. Good luck!


Sure will. Only thing I'm worried about is rank, having a hard time remembering the symbols. Don't matter in the beginning tho, have to salute everyone anyways.


Well officer only though,


*cries in german lower enlisted*


The rules for boot are fairly simple: If it moves, salute it. If it doesn't move, polish it.


No you don’t. Unless you’re not US.


Don't get a haircut before you ship. Don't wear a t-shirt implying that you're already in. Don't already have a tattoo of your service.


Don’t marry a stripper as soon as you get to your duty station.


Yeah wait at least 3 months to marry the stripper. Be sure to go to that used car lot off base and get that charger too.


You have to wait until you get the RS Camaro then marry the stripper.


Charger has more room to haul her kids around.


Wait until you can promise her your re-enlistment bonus.


And put her in as 100% on your life insurance before you deploy to the Stan, But make sure you’re in a combat mos.


Don’t cut your hair before you go, you’ll definitely get fucked up for it


Got it.


They will charge you no matter what


Fine by me, rather just have someone I know cut my hair now. I heard the basic barbers aren't to nice with it.


They’re going to sit you in the chair and buzz you anyways. And when your hair grows during basic it will get cut anyways. We got our head buzzed like every 3 weeks.


If you do it before, they'll give you so much shit for it. Just let it happen naturally.




This x 2!!!


This x 3!!!!


Damn, I have male pattern baldness, and I shave my head every 2-3 days. Can we shave our heads on our own time?


I knew a guy in basic who loved the bald look- never was bald his whole life but I guess accepted it in Basic. He shaved his head with a razor every other day. You won’t get clippers or anything, but you can use shaving razors if you want.


Awesome. That works for me. Thanks for that answer👍🏼


3 weeks? Shit we got ours once a week.


You’re either getting your hair buzzed, or you’re getting your bald scalp buzzed. Either way you’re sitting in the chair so you may as well keep some hair up there. Yes, they will miss spots, no, you won’t see them until someone else points it out 3 days later. You’ll get used to it


My guy… it’s a military buzz cut… it’s not like he’s going to pull a razor and line you up.


bro, your hair is getting cut exactly like everyone else.


If you got a mole or something on your head that can get caught in the buzzer I’d shave it myself rather than have them scab it


Real answer, there is no “bonding” between privates having their hair cut during the first week. The bonding comes after weeks of shared suffering, being broken down, and rebuilt into the military version of yourselves. That being said, if you want to get your hair cut before by someone you know, do it. You will not have the opportunity to do things that you want to do for a while, so if it makes you happy, fuck it. I would recommend it if your hair is long, because the guy with the clippers is not likely going to be gentle when he buzzes your hair off. Don’t go down to the skin, just a buzz cut down to a 3-4 guard will be fine. Like everyone else said, they are going to cut your hair anyway.


I never got a haircut in basic training and I never got charged for one.


I buzzed my hair before basic and they still sat my ass in that chair and ran clippers over my scalp. Just wait. Good luck.


And they still charged you for it I bet


Of course.


How much is it?


Rite of passage...let them do it


this is the comment I was looking for. It's totally a rite of passage. once everyone gets cllipped, you're part of the team. everyone rubbing their newly bald heads :)


No one forgets that 1st buzz 🤣


It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Whatever time you were going to spend doing that, use the time to obtain a blowjob or something


Do it with the rest of the boots. Boot bonding


Depends on how crazy your hair is now. I wouldn't show up with dreads or a mohawk or something, but if you have a normal cut, just let them do it. Decades ago when I went through basic I showed up with a buzzed head. It didn't cause me any trouble. They actually let me skip the line at the barber and go ahead with my in-processing. This ended up being a slight negative though, because the kids waiting for the haircuts got to sit down, and of course you can relax for a second in the chair. The barbers were nice and no one was yelling at the kids for the few minutes they were in there. So I missed out on a couple of chill minutes on the longest day of my life. Good luck dude!


Bro… let them cut it. It’s part of the experience. I let mine grow for about 3 weeks before I went to osut. All I did was shave. But your time in will fly by, get every experience you can.


If you don't already shave your head don't do it before you get there you'll just look goofy. I was already shaving my head before I joined the army. I walked in they looked at me and passed me along. Honestly I would disregard what a lot of people are saying about not volunteering if they want you to do a detail you're going to do it anyway. Volunteer for everything make a good impression. I was in the Chemical Corps and it's a tiny little piece of the army I saw several of my Drill Sergeants later in my career. If you bust your ass in basic training it can go a long way towards maybe going to Airborne or Air Assault school. Go there with a positive attitude and good things will happen. PS don't drink don't have sex will anyone who's drunk and don't drink and drive.


They're shaving it for basic no matter what it looks like when you show up.


I helped my little brother shave his head before he went to basic. They still made him pay for a haircut day 1. Aafes dude ran clips on his bald head and said that's 12 bucks.


You're going to pay for it regardless. At least give them something to do since it's your money.


Like others have said, let them do it. Even if you did cut your hair prior, they'd still charge you. At least they did when I went through basic 15+ years ago. Best of luck in your new life, and welcome to the best brotherhood in the whole world!


Definitely now. Do it now. Like this fucking second. Hurry up.


You my good sir, sound like someone laying a trap when compared to everyone elses response.


Absolutely not. As a former NCO, I ALWAYS want to look out for Joe's. Especially IET soldiers. Please, shave your head before you go. Your Drill Sgts will applaud your foresight and initiative.




Make a video of it show us!


They'll run the clippers over your bald head anyway, and still charge you for it.


Don't they do it anyways, regardless if your already buzz cut? In the CAF, we all go to the same base for basic (with some exceptions). I remember the guys, regardless of hair length when that was part of the regs, all had to pay like 15 to get a hair cut. What a fucking racket. And then some of the barbers would still ask for a tip. Like...every week they went in to get snipped and all had to pay 15 for a 2 second shitty hair cut. Makes me angry thinking of it actually.


Was joining the air force and cut my hair a day before I was shipping to basic, discovered a rash on the back of my head at meps and got dq’d. The airforce gave up on me and never tried to help me get a waiver. Had I just waited I could have just got medication at basic and stayed in the Airforce. Anyways that’s how I ended up in the army. TL;DR: Wait


You'll take away from the experience if you cut it now lol, and they will probably make fun of you for being "high speed" and dog on you for it.


Let them do it. It’s part of the experience, and coming in already looking like a recruit will probably draw unwanted attention.


never pack one of those 128oz liquid laundry soap containers.


Somewhere in the first week you're there they are going to take you to the barber shop. You could have shaved your head clean that morning and they will still run the clippers over your scalp and charge you $20 for the service. Let them do it.


Part of the bonding is everyone at reception rubbing their newly shorn head in amazement. Don’t waste the experience or you’ll regret it years later.


Show up with your hair gone, you go into the chair anyway. Why spend money when you don't have to? Also, consider, showing up with a reg (or close to reg) haircut will have you standing out to your RDCs. Your goal in boot should be to have the RDCs still not knowing your name when you graduate.


lol ... this is great. Because even if you're bald: they'll still shave your head, because it's the start of being part of the group and being in unison/uniform. ....Just be prepare to get buck naked when told to do so. They're going to make you box up all your stuff, and ship it home.


Do it there. Getting it buzzed is something the DI or DS will duck with you for. Plus they’ll do it there anyway.


Don’t do that. You’ll look like a try-hard. Just go through the experience just like everyone else.




Doesn’t matter your getting a haircut either way!


Save your money, they are going to cut it anyway. I mean, why pay for 2 haircuts?


They're efficient and "free". If you're worried about embarrassment I went there with a Mohawk and recieved no comments from any instructors.


You're good, just have fun the next few days


We had people get hollered at for having too long of hair when they showed up with like skater hair. So at least don’t show up looking like a bag of dicks. Just make sure it looks respectable.


If you have super long hair at least get a three or something If you already have short hair just wait


Do what this guy did. https://www.military.com/undertheradar/2018/05/25/mullet-wearing-marine-recruit-showed-boot-camp-ready-party.html


Don’t wear anything that says Air Force on it either or you will become the object of your MTI’s undivided attention.


“I got Goddamn Ozzy Osborne here!” This was more than 35 years ago and still remember it to this day. Drill sgt yelling it as the barber was having me sit in the chair. I had pretty long hair. If It was me today? I would be bald going in. Barbers do a number to your head. They are not gentle.


Make sure you walk on 1SG’s grass. He loves that shit


You’re going to go to the barber regardless so you may as well wait and have it done by then. Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss out on that boot camp experience. Take the time you would have spent going to a civilian barber and do something nice for your loved ones before you depart.


Dye your hair, orange or pink. That's what a buddy of mine did when I went to basic.


I don’t know, if you have longer hair I’d get it cut down. I had medium long hair when I went in and I was made chow runner. Do not recommend.


It’s free there. Although it would say if you have some shoulder length hair it could make sense to do it at home. At Paris island they would make some kids heads bleed from taking it to pound town


Take gold clubs mate


Let them cut it.


Have fun! It’s gone too quick.


Either way you’ll pay $10. Difference is yours won’t be bloody/patchy. Mind you I went through at Benning so I’m not sure if it’s different at other bases


Just enjoy it while it lasts. Won’t be able to grow it back for awhile.


If I could do it all over again I would have grown out my hair and worn a tie-dyed shirt.


Let them do it. They might even cut your hair into something stupid and make fun of it. That’s pretty funny in its own right and adds to the experience. Take it all in; this is your first experience with the green weenie, after all.


I grew my hair out as much as I could before I went. My feeling was "fuck you, YOU cut my damn hair." Honestly though, it doesn't matter. Had a guy come in with me who was "Mr. Clean" bald. Never grew a lick of hair in the two months of boot. The barbers proceeded to go over his head with the clippers like he had 80's Hasselhoff locks.


If you buzz it, they'll do it again anyway, and either way, it'll be rushed, forceful, and usually painful, just let them do it. And good luck


Don't pre-cut your hair. The barbers will take more off. The guys that came in "pre-buzzed" ended up near bald.


They will shave your head with or without hair


I showed up to OCS with hair almost down to my shoulders. I knew I was going there for about 9 months, and from that point forward a haircut just didn't seem like a worthwhile investment. They'll put it where they want it. Why spend you money before then, unless you're trying to maintain a specific look?


Who cares


Let them do it. I showed up in ‘09 and ‘19 with fresh buzzes and they still sat my ass in the barbers chair to pay about $8 for a buzz cut.


Damn, you've been in the military since 09'?


Had a break in service from 2011-2019.


Depends on what hair you have. Don't get a buzz right before you go in. That makes you a target. If you want to get a simple normal haircut, you can. Some people if they have long hair like to save it when they get it cut. If you're one of those types then do that on the outside. Other than that, you can let them cut it.


they are gonna charge you to do it anyway. We had a guy a million years ago when i was at reception try to argue that he already shaved his head....they made him get in the chair and pay anyway.




Let them, even if you shave it, they are going to “cut” it anyway.


If you cut your hair yourself, they will still make you sit down in that chair to charge you for the service you don’t need.


Do it when you get there, enjoy it as an experience you all have to go through. "God can you remember when we all had to get our haircuts in basic?!" "Nah I had mine done before I got there"..... Worst than can happen is you end up doing push ups while waiting for everyone else


Wait till basic that way if you got a mole hiding up there they'll just take it out with all the hair too


Let them do it.


I waited. It was hilarious


If you show up with a buzzcut they're gonna make you pay for another one anyway.


Also, remember that Basic is basically a game. Do good and take it seriously because it is important training, but it's not the actual Army and at times the DSs will create no-win scenarios just to make sure they have an opportunity to fuck you up.


I didn’t cut mine beforehand. I was, however, a bit surprised when I had to pay for the privilege of a freshly itchy head.


Ya I've figured out and been told that you really are charged, or have to buy for yourself, everything you will need or get in the army.


Hey, at least they don’t charge for ammo.


I remember stupidly admitting to my drill sergeant in basic that I took a few years in choir in high school. He then decided I would be the one to teach the army song to everyone. And I had a week to do it. Well I was very timid and had a hard time getting anyone to listen to me, so it never happened. And sure as shit a week later he came in and called out that fateful "THE ARMY SONG" and of fucking course nobody knew it. He paused for a moment and then screamed out where is my choir boy... and henceforth I was known as the choir boy. Thought he was gonna kill me. 15 years later I look back on it fondly now haha.


Fly under the radar and have them cut it. I always kept my hair pretty short and had a military cut my whole life. The whole month before I left I let my hair grow out and get shaggy so I could just blend that much better


I went with freshly cut hair and they made me get it cut again away.




You’re gonna get scalped either way.


Get it done there, stay under the radar and follow instructions.


Let them do it. Regardless if you cut your hair before getting there, they are going to make you sit in the chair at the barbers and pay for a haircut.


Don’t bother, save yourself the money.


If you have some long hair I’d get a short cut, but don’t go in with a high and tight or buzzed to not draw unwanted attention. Those barbers are cutting hundreds of heads in one day, it’s not the nicest haircut you’ll ever have so shorter hair. Less pain imo


I shaved mine before boot in 97. Still sat in barber chair. Guy said good job and moved me along, I always had a shaved head in high school


I heard stories of kids going to basic with a shaved head. If you do that, they will basically take a razor to your head to make your scalp bleed. Just to make the point that you are not in control.