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"Trump’s weekend rally in Greensboro was protested by Common Defense, a progressive organization founded in 2016 to engage veterans as more than just “political props.” The group said Trump’s “alarming disregard for the core tenets of democracy” goes against their oaths."


Trump's unvarnished contempt for servicemembers is putting Republicans in a bad light. Off the top of my head: 1. Trump invites Russia to "do whatever the hell they want" to NATO members. 2. Whining that Nikki Haley's husband isn't on the campaign trail as if he couldn't be bothered (he is deployed in Africa). 3. Denigrating John McCain for being a POW. 4. Denigrating gold star families. 5. Struggling to understand servicemembers sacrifice while visiting Arlington National Cemetary. 6. Suggesting General Mark Milley be put to death for not going along with Trumps election lies. 7. Trump refused to visit a military cemetery while he was in Europe, because it was “filled with losers.” 8. Repeatedly trying to get federal servicemembers to crack down on civilian protests. I don't know if it is his general narcissism or if he had a bad experience in his military boarding school, but it is pretty clear he hates the military.


This [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/7JzBPMsahA) is 3 years out of date, but is a very good summary with citations.


> "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" Trump said to Gen. John Kelly about dead veterans, while visiting Kelly's son's grave at Arlington This one in particular made my blood boil.


Wait, what? WHAT? He. Said. What? Kelly was a stooge for Trump, but holy shit. His son stood on a fucking landmine. How Kelly restrained himself from throat punching Trump at that exact moment is kinda impressive. How many living vets are there in the US? In a just world, not one of them would vote for Trump. Edit: in 2022, there were 16.2 million veterans. I'm sure many prefer Trump's policies to Biden's, but Dems have to reach out to every single one in those battleground states.


Further proof that any veteran that supports Trump is a fucking 🤡. I knew Trump was a douchebag towards our military but that list is significantly longer than I thought. If only there was an audio version of those events so the Marines could hear it, that long read might be challenging for them.


He already lost the USMC when he turned on Mattis. Also, I’ll take shit from the navy and Air Force about being retarded, but I’ve seen your average window-licker in the army and you guys really don’t have much room to talk.


Lost the Navy when he degraded John McCain.


based off polls, never had the Navy either. Was largely just Army (enlisted) and Marines (both enlisted and officers) where he had majority support.


Army enlisted fucking love this guy. I don't get. Im in a NG unit that is in an area with ton of immigration and a lot of these guys joined for the citizenship fast track and they still love this dude. Even the Muslim soldiers. It is weird.


> Even the Muslim soldiers. It is weird. What state is this in?


Downstate NY. Not quite the city. Let me be clear. People have the right to be into whatever the fuck hey want. I just don't UNDERSTAND it. I do not talk politics at drill, but if someone does that their choice. We have enough Muslim guys for a separate Halal line for chow and a lot of them love Trump. Not all of course. Just a surprising amount. It is a good example that no group is a monolith. My theory is the strongman persona. People love to fall for that charade and just ignore everything else.


I didn't realize the New York National Guard has so many Muslims. Are they mostly immigrants/sons of immigrants or are they most African American converts? Either way I think I know why they support Trump. They think of themselves as Americans and don't think Trump is referring to them when he talks about immigrants and Muslims. The thing that they don't realize though is that other Americans, including many Trump supporters and people in the National Guard, don't think of them as Americans and will turn on them in a second.


I was army but my basic platoon was full of intel people and I went to DLI and became a linguist so I was generally surrounded by fairly intelligent people. Then I went to the NCO Academy and realized that the army was full of morons.


You'll take shit from us window lickers and like it!


It blows my mind how deep in the kool-aid some active duty and veterans are with how against the military he is.


They’re drowning in the kool-aid at this point. Not explicitly Trump related, but I know a soldier who defended Republicans blocking the PACT Act because “democrats probably tried to sneak something in the bill to ban guns. They’ve tried it before”


Granted, I have spent my entire career in Marine or Army Infantry units, but he's very popular there. I theorize that his simplistic way of talking coupled with his very belligerent and chauvinistic personality resonates with them. I never bought it. The guy has pretty consistently voiced that he thinks the troops are dumb losers whose sole redeeming quality is that as president they have to obey his orders and will conduct violence on his behalf. Ashamed to say, too many of my fellow grunts are pretty dead set on proving him correct.


You don’t understand. Trump loves the military. He said so, I think. Or Fox did. It doesn’t matter, really. I’m pretty sure he does, and that’s enough.


“He hugged the flag at an event, he must love the military!” Oof


Pretty sure he was just wiping Fillet-o-Fish grease off his fingers.


Don't be fucking with my Fillet-o-Fish, that's been my favorite for the last fifty years.


[Jesus Christ on a motorbike](https://media1.tenor.com/m/iiYRYVpZMj4AAAAC/jesus-christ.gif). Is there no relief in sight for Poe's Law? I mean it's basically mush at this point and people are still beating it.


I could never shake that dumb fucks hand


Bone spurs the draft dodger can keep on moving too, I got nothing but contempt for that cocksucker.


Don't forget, when planning his big russian/chinese/north korean style military parade (that ended up never happening) he refused to allow wounded veterans to participate because he thought they were losers. Quote "people don't want to see losers, they want to see winners." Trump has repeatedly voiced contempt and disrespect towards wounded or dead servicemembers on numerous occaisions. Its not just an isolated slip up that got blown out of proportion by the media. He has pretty consistently voiced this viewpoint.


Is there anything substantial that he did against vets and servicemen besides being an asshole?


I don't get why some support the guy after hearing some of the garbage he talks about vets. One of my colleagues said it was because he hadn't heard it specifically from trump, so it's hearsay, minus the John McCain insults. Like what ethical dilemma are vet Trump supporters facing? X: Trump shits on vets and then lies about supporting them. Y: If I don't vote for him, this will happen..... What is a "Y" that makes people ignore "X"?


I mean, check the voting record of your local Republican representative in regard to Veteran care. Money says they usually vote against anything to help us.


Had a veteran teacher in Tech school, fairly conservative guy but lost all respect for the president after he bitched about Mccain... you know, a war hero...


Hero? I prefer people that don't get captured.


Dude gets tortured by godless communists and your first inclination is to call him a coward even though he stood by his country even in the worst of times. Piss off.


Pretty sure the guy above was being sarcastic, he just forgot to put the s/ at the end


Yeah, I was being sarcastic and quoting Trump, but I find it to be more fun without the s/.


Oh, fair enough lol


Sorry for the confusion, I guess I like a little chaos on reddit. But as far as McCain is concerned I have nothing but respect for the man. I still think about how he corrected the woman at the town hall about Obama's religious affiliation. And then I think about how far the Republicans have fallen from that respectful place that was McCain. (Although he kinda started the craziness with Sarah Palin)


He was quoting trump. That's literally what he said about McCain.


Pretty sure the guy above was being sarcastic, he just forgot to put the s/ at the end


Not sarcasm, that’s a literal Trump quote


I know. Just the guy above didn’t seem to get it, and got upset


Yep. I live in a military town, it's fucking baffling to me how so many vets support him and he's done nothing but shit all over veteran's and our military.


I can’t speak for the other branches, but USMC vets should be disgusted that he fired and talked shit about Papa Mattis. I mean, don’t get me wrong… I’ve hated the man with a passion since 2016 but I’d have to think that him turning on Mattis would have convinced everyone else. And that’s on top of the whole incompetent rapist traitor thing he had going on for his entire presidency.


>talked shit about Papa Mattis. and General John Kelly.


Why would he respect generals when he never even put on a uniform and yet still knows more than the generals?


I think part of it is some of the policies Gen. Mattis was thinking about enacting would be considered “liberal” or “woke”, so that turned a lot of people, and a lot of Marines off


Usually something about gay people, trans people, black or brown people, immigrants, or women.


Hate. It’s all just hate.


I love to hate. I was taught to punch up tho, not down.


…and Muslim.


I was including that with the brown people part, but you're right that it needs to be included separately.


The Muslim thing is big, and often overlooked.


I just had a dude on his Facebook page worry about Palestinians infiltrating the US through the southern border and mount attacks.


Sounds about right. Many vets on fb especially are anti Muslim. I kinda understand, we just spent the last 20 years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we may still end up back in the Middle East. But yeah, Muslims are the big boogie man, and even though the political right has more and more ideologies that aline with them, they’re are against Islam in any form and want us to be a “Christian nation”.


There are many reasons to hate Islam just like there are many reasons to hate Christianity, Judaism or any other religion. I have friends from all of these religions and while I like the people, I hate the way their religions blind them from making logical decisions and the division and hate they create in our society.


How is it overlooked? He actually wanted to ban all of us.


I think a lot of it is because Trump is running has a Republican. A lot of people in the military and vets, are conservative/right wing, so long as you have a R next to your name, you have their vote. I’ve known a lot of vets who are conservative that will vote red no matter what, even when it goes against their own interests they will still vote republican. And when the republicans do do something that they don’t like and even hate, it’s “both sides!” Both sides are equally bad, and when you point out that the left was doing this or that, or tried to do this or that that would benefit them, they can’t hear you, it didn’t happen. You can’t be a real American or a real patriot if you’re on the left.


> I’ve known a lot of vets who are conservative that will vote red no matter what, even when it goes against their own interests they will still vote republican.   As much as I hate Trump, can we please acknowledge how skull-crushingly arrogant it is to claim someone else is “voting against their own interests,” as if you’re their parent or something? Say they’re wrong, sure, or that their policy preferences suck, but what do you know about their interests?


No. Because I knew for a FACT that some of those people were voting against their own interests. How? Because they’d tell me how they want this bill or that bill to pass, that would greatly benefit them, and would vote for a guy who opposes that bill because they’re a republican. Or woman vets who were pro choice, but continued to vote red even when the people they were voting for said they would make abortion illegal


Nothing in this post is a “FACT.”  Just a string of your own opinions.  It’s a pretty common misconception on Reddit, TBH.


You mean like what you’re saying is just a “string of your own opinions”?


Pride and admitting they were wrong


The cheeto has and always will be anti military. Dude dodged the draft and talked shit about not only decorated war vets, but the entire military. Biden is the choice, there is no alternate. Ol Brandon's team has done a great job with Ukraine when not getting actively kneecapped by actual traitors.


His family have been cowards for generations, his grandfather ran away from Bavaria for not serving his required time in the army.


I personally won't shit on someone running from being forced in the military. It's not for everyone and we don't WANT everyone. BUT, you can't both do that and act all tough and pro-military/ pro-war afterwards. You gotta pick one


A ton of vets and active duty members are under this delusion that the Republican party now is the one of old, Ronald Reagan and Dwight D. Eisenhower would be called commie socialist by this current right-leaning establishment.


Fucking woke Eisenhower sending the 101st to bring liberal diversity to Southern schools! /s obviously, imagine a modern Republican having stones like ol' Dwight.


Any modern politician


I mean he's said enough bad things about veterans to have an arsenal of things to use. Best they could do though is make and pass pro veteran bills, then promote it.


No bills are being passed right now with the Congress we have.


Specifically the anti-governance party that controls the House.


Can we get a 3rd and 4th option? I'm open to vote for anyone not past retirement age. Why the national committees pick the worst candidates just about every time. You don't see any other company out there with a CEO 80 years old.


I get your point and I agree, but then there's Warren Buffett still being CEO of Berkshire @ 93.


You know how you get better options? You get involved. By the time a politician makes it to the national stage, they'll usually have spent long years working through state level politics. Ever knocked doors for a local candidate? Have you gotten involved in your county level party structure? We're all vets, we're used to hard work. Generally, your local party leadership is going to be senior citizens or college kids. One of us showing up to do some work tends to be a huge shot in the arm. TLDR, politicians are like fruit trees, they take time. Don't be mad that it's dropping plums, if you didn't do the work at the beginning to plant an apple sapling.


While i agree with the sentiment of getting involved. A simpler answer is to enact legislation which mandates elected officials cannot take office over the age of early social security retirement benefits or maintain position over that age. 63 years old. People are not actively engaging in local / national politicking because they have been disillusioned by the offerings of a 2 party system for well over 3 decades.


Look at the Orange Chickenhawk 😆 


How anyone, let alone a veteran, can support MAGA trumpublicans is beyond me. He's disparaged his own military constantly, doesn't respect POWs or KIA soldiers, draft dodger, etc. I couldn't think of a worse commander-in-chief


Itd be great if they had a good candidate and didn’t just run on “not trump” but unfortunately that’s the best option we have right now lol


And when all the absentee ballots from the military come in, and are counted late, and are overwhelmingly for Biden......get ready for "Stolen election" crap again.


Only thing republicans love more than rape and fraud is treason. Doesn't sound like much of a choice to me.


Fuck off Canada


Go back to Russia, clownie


You think I like Trump? I'm a Conservative with no political home. You've no right to talk shit about our country when yours encourages combat vets to kill themselves.


I don't care much for "allied" countries telling Russia to go ahead and invade.


Didn't "allied" country Canada gave a WWII nazi a standing ovation?


I don't care for how canada treats you guys.


I'm an American, born and bred. The only thing republicans love more than rape and fraud is treason. Come at me


Yeah ok sure you're allowed to have an opinion, even if it's wrong.


I don't see that many left wingers in politics getting caught in sex scandals and/or advocating for installing someone who lost an election as their leader through potentially violent means. As for fraud, that's just a politics thing, par for the course no matter where you are


Dude you don’t even need to make plays for me to not follow this treasonous orange bone spurs sack of flesh.


I'm not voting for Trump, regardless of what the Democrats do.


The Democratic Party could come out tomorrow and say "We are literally Satan", and even then Trump would STILL never get my vote.


I'm a Slayer fan. That might be ok, lol.


I can't fathom why ANY American would vote for Trump, much less a GI or a veteran...with his absence of leadership, stated and demonstrated contempt for democracy, and disrespect towards veterans and fallen heroes.


Downvotes incoming! The fact that people think politicians care about the military in general is crazy. Either side can give two shits once election season is over.


What has either party done for the average veteran in the last 50 years that wasn't just a decision written in blood of young men and women? A comedian with a cable show did more for burnpit victims than anyone paid by their party's convention.


>A comedian with a cable show did more for burnpit victims than anyone paid by their party's convention. While this is true, only one party actively went out of their way to block that bill, while the other party largely supported it.


Because Schumer used it as a football to get his way with the IRA too. He wanted the “Republicans hate Veterans” headline even though it was well within his position to detach the bill from any other considerations, which is exactly the excuse McConnell gave too. Presupposing all of this: both parties are responsible for the wars and general disfunction in OIF/OEF that caused the PACT Act to be necessary in the first place.


The IRA was detached from the PACT act. What are you on?


Both parties use the popularity of appearing to help veterans as a football to get their own shit though. The Democrats did it and the Republicans were [stupid enough](https://www.vox.com/2022/7/30/23284976/senate-republicans-pact-act-veterans) to fall for it. And this is besides the fact that Democrats did the [exact same thing](https://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/255643-senate-democrats-block-va-funding-bill/) 10 years ago. Almost as if both parties are far less concerned with actually getting shit done for Vets and rather use them to get easy headlines when convenient.


I mean, you've certainly chosen to die on this, "both parties," hill, that much is very clear. Is this just your way of reconciling to yourself that your party would be a laughing stock if totalitarianism were funny? Can't make an honest self-assessment so you're trying this, "Both sides!!!" crap to feel good about where your vote goes? The 2015 situation you're citing is not the same. The IRA had already passed. The move on the PACT act had no political value.


The PACT act was left on its own. Stop lying to move the goalposts. If only people could put aside their egotistical need to feel superior in being a “centrist”, grow up, and acknowledge actual facts instead of making shit up based on their fragile emotions.


Did you ignore all the quotes from both articles I linked? Is it centrist to reiterate exactly what Butler, Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower said almost 80 years ago? Is it ego to choose not to pick a party like it’s a baseball game and acknowledge means and systems that *actually* have a chance of supporting veterans and preventing young men and women from dying needlessly?


Keep making excuses for your bullshit.


Keep acting like it’s an excuse and not legitimate criticism. Keep acting like voting is the only thing we can do to support each other and continuing acting like voting for the “correct” choice matters rather than focusing on things YOU can ACTUALLY do to support your peers, neighbors, and fellow veterans. Keep acting like the mirror image of the people you’ve convinced yourself are inherently evil despite the fact they probably don’t even live in a swing state either.


Why did you lie about the PACT act having other legislation included in it?




And why did it take so long to get there in the first place? Why were Dems using the PACT Act as a cudgel for the Inflation Reduction Act at the same time? Why is a bill dedicated to the obvious subject to be used as a football at all? Schumer is just as responsible for McConnell, which is exactly my point: neither party actually cares and is happy to activate the patriotism button whenever convenient than have no follow through.




Mooove them goalposts!


Jon Stewart is a national treasure but - He was working with Jon Tester (D, MT) to make that happen.


You can’t “both sides are bad” this. One side is actively subverting the military and veterans benefits, the other is trying to do something. Probably not enough, but one side is objectively worse than the other.


Yeah the difference between "not good enough" and "actively goes out if its way to harm you and fights against everything you swore to defend" is pretty enormous.


>You can’t “both sides are bad” this Watch me. I joined the military under one admin, left under another, and contracted again under the third and saw what I needed to see about neither being an effectively different despite what they say in press releases. No significant differences in policy toward intervention. No significant difference in addressing the material issues AD personnel face or veteran care. No significant difference in the operational day to day of the MIC. Veterans are much better suited leaving the MIC all together and working on ways to facilitate care within their own communities than being useful idiots for either side of the same dumb coin. Educational exposure to people being recruited, veterans needing support, and the underlying aspects of the for-profit MIC matter more to me than which side says mean things about famous officers who themselves don't care about us. Third spaces for veterans like Team Rubicon and the Legion deserve our time and attention much more than two senile dorks who happily sent dozens, hundreds, even thousands of young Americans do their demise for pretty much nothing.


Cool. I served under 3 administrations too and I can tell you I saw a direct difference in quality of life and asinine missions and policies which directly impacted my unit. It’s a big DOD so YMMV. It is also very clear which party has a significant interest in slashing VA finding and benefits and who is *at worst* ambivalent on the issue and would maintain the status who. One of these is very clearly worse than the other and it’s not even a debate.


I think the "both sides bad" vets are operating off the sunk cost fallacy. And they need to get it through their heads that the old Republicans are dead and gone.


I think it’s more a sign that someone is poorly informed and/or hasn’t thought out their positions very well. I can understand someone supporting one or the other, but to say both are the same is just unreal.


I think it’s more a sign that someone is poorly informed and/or hasn’t thought out their positions very well. I can understand someone supporting one or the other, but to say both are the same is just unreal.


I think it’s more a sign that someone is poorly informed and/or hasn’t thought out their positions very well. I can understand someone supporting one or the other, but to say both are the same is just unreal.


Hilarious you think i don’t have contempt for the “old guard” of either party. You’d have to go back to one of the Roosevelt to find one I’d care for.


The one that got us into WW2 or the one who arguably started American imperialism to begin with?


The one that got us into WW2 to actually fight fascism, the guy whom General Butler was nearly contracted by fascist corporate interests to depose because of what he did for the majority of Americans rather than a select few. The guy who tried his best to reign in the profiteering functions of the military after the Nye Committee. The guy who knew, along with General Butler, that there was a balance needed between anti-fascist military support and corporate profits off of warfare.


Both parties have blood on their hands from direct policy decisions they made, including the last two administrations. Both parties were active in Congress under both previous administrations when a non-vet had to go to Congress with guys from the 2003 invasion who had cancer from burnpits to fight a war both parties act like never even happened. Both parties suck off the Big 4 while acting like they love veteran care when all we’ve ever effectively received other than the PACT act were inflation adjustments and additional means testing for sleep apnea. Take all that care you have about what happened to your unit and look at the dozens of Americans killed by incompetent flight parts, mission planning, and clandestine ops that have the direct fingerprints of both presidents and 4 congressional sessions all over them. Maybe then you can consider how much better off we are treating the entirety of our government as complacent in our mistreatment rather than a team sport.


Biden wanted to pull out of Afghanistan all the way back in 2011.


The entirety of the PACT Act getting passed by Biden's admin just shits all over your question. This act firmly acknowledges past and future medical conditions vets are suffering, and they got it done despite the Rs trying to vote against it. Fuck turtle Mitch.


Obama's admin passed the choice program, Trump just takes credit for it. The burn pit legislation was almost entirely blocked by Republicans when it came time to vote for it. Democrats are far from perfect, but acting like they're equally as bad as Republicans is just silly. I really don't understand what's so difficult about seeing degrees of severity. If a Republican was caught driving 100 mph over the speed limit, some of y'all would find a Dem that got ticketed for 10 mph over and yell about how both sides are bad with no mention of the differences.


didnt Biden just sign the largest pay raise in 20 + years for service members last year ?


The one that was explicitly adjusted for inflation?


Either one, and you're going to die for corporate and foreign nation interests in Eurasia. Either one, and you'll still get terrible pay, housing, and mess hall food.


It’d be nice if we had other options than two dudes knocking on deaths door.


r/military: Home of the liberal agenda


No one cares about your feelings. You guys voted in the most incompetent, anti-veteran President in history.


Says the guy that got mad at my comment. Also never said I voted for him. That liberal education system you went through is really showing.


Ok little guy. Anyways, the adults are talking.


Lmfao LIBERAL ALERT ⚠️ Good chance I'm older than you. Sorry your feelings got hurt (not really) I always know I'm having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent when they turn to personal attacks rather than use any semblance of rational thinking. Clearly the adults that are taking here don't have a brain cell between them. I asked reddit to send you the crisis number. I believe it's what Liberals refer to as a "safe space".


I’m 40 years old with a masters degree. Also (unlike yourself) I actually used my military service to select an MOS where I could actually place myself in danger while defending my country. But hey, I’m sure the guys down at the VFW love hearing your “war stories” right? I get it… you’re embarrassed. I don’t blame you. I would be too if I had placed my support over the last eight years of my life behind the worst president America has ever had. The truly pathetic thing though, the one thing that makes you particularly unlikable, is that you’re too fucking stupid to just admit you were wrong. I feel pretty confident in assuming you’ve already caused considerable damage to many of your personal relationships, be it family or friends. Is there anything else I can do for you? Honestly, at this point I consider anyone with your particular political views to be nothing short of a traitor to the country, so I generally don’t like engaging in these mind numbingly stupid debates you people seem so accustomed to.


So... without reading your whole comment (cause I'm not going to waste my time) I find it hilarious that you're so fragile that you have to point out how much you've "done" in life so therefore you must be right. As if a peice of paper and a MOS that you held for 3 years 20 years ago mean anything. You're not part of the system, you got out as what, an E3? E4? Thanks REMF Corporal, now sit downand be quiet. No one cares what you think. And lastly, what would I have to be wrong about? Here we are, the liberal screaming about how anyone that doesn't agree with them is completely wrong, and me pointing out that the liberals come out full force screaming about how anyone that doesn't agree with them is wrong? Seems to me that you're proving my point. Must be putting that degree in liberal arts to good use. There is a reddit crisis line that you can call for help, I'll send you the number. They can provide a safe space for your hurt feelings.


Lmao thanks for validating my belief that you’re an obese ranting lonely guy. That wall of text just stinks of “I made it through high school”. How embarrassing.


Yup. We wanna make abortions mandatory and turn all your guns trans.


lol they are rubbing each other off here.


Yeah they are 🤣 most can't decide if they want to upvote or downvote their own stupidity. I wish you could see who downvotes so I can send get reddit to send them that crisis number. Have you noticed how ANYTHING that threatens their concept of reality must be stomped on immediately? It's mind boggling.


"Trump is an odorous bag of shit" is unfortunately not enough to get many to vote for Biden. I'd rather not vote than be forced to pick between 2 dumpster fires, neither of which have my interests in mind.


Zero new wars, fully funded military. I’m sure the LARPers in this sub can’t relate to war beyond their feels and the media.


He surrendered Afghanistan and nearly started a war with Iran...


You are high


As a kite /s But yea, he surrendered Afghanistan in feburary 2020 and nearly started a war with Iran.


I would be willing to bet my paycheck that I’ve seen far more combat than you, and I also am able to see that Trump is a fucking incompetent piece of shit traitor. Anyone who is planning on voting for him this third time around is so far gone that I barely consider them people at this point.


Eh, let’s not do the dehumanizing thing. I know the people you are talking about, some are my family members and I love them.


Your family members are not my concern.


No they’re not, but dehumanizing any group of people should be a concern.


Listen little guy, you comment pretty extensively in r/conservative and r/christianity. I want my country back, and the ones that are standing in the way of a return to sanity are people like yourself and your family. For the last time… I don’t care about you or your family member’s feelings. You’re not going to get some “come to Jesus” moment out of me, because I don’t respect anything that you’re going to attempt to say. Is there a different way of phrasing that or does it make my feelings on the matter pretty clear?




Some "very fine people on both sides" have ignored veterans and veteran care for generations, and picking the one that would hurt us less is a terrible choice.