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Sorry but that’s not pa and his baby girl




Maybe daughter and commander...


10/10 this is just some chick the commander is banging. I highly doubt their related by the way he’s holding her waist


Perhaps the Ghost of Kyiv is shagging the Whore of Lyiv?


That's depressing af


Israelis have been doing it for years


depressing? this is the most wholesome thing ive seen all day.


Dude get out of ur room


Nothing wholesome about a father having to share a battlefield with his young daughter. Sons have different responsibilities, but most fathers across all human history want their daughters as far away from the fight as possible. Do you know what would happen to her if she's captured? Although let's be honest this is probably just a photo-op/social media post and the girl isn't anywhere close to the front line.


Kids are supposed to bury their parents. In times of war parents bury their kids. Their family might have to bury both.


Boys can fight for their country but girls can't? Do pushups until your attitude improves.


Women shouldn't be in combat situations.


Say that to the brave Soviet women who fought the Nazis


You shouldn't be in combat situations. People with stupid attitudes like yours are a liability. I'm assuming you are a man.


You are driven by feminism and emotions but not common sense.


I'm driven by pragmatism. You can't just disregard half your population as viable fighters. Here in America the issue is even more acute being that so many of the youth are not physically fit enough to even attend basic training. We can't afford to not let able-bodied females fight if they want to fight. Ukraine is in the fight for it's very existence. Thankfully "tactical geniuses" like yourself don't run their army because it sounds like you'd let your country be destroyed before you let a girl pick up a rifle. I've spent long enough in the military to see that while there are certain gender limitations physically in some areas those areas don't limit all women from being able to fight and they certainly do not allow all men to fight. The issue is far too nuanced to make blanket statements that one gender shouldn't be allowed to defend their country. How do you feel about female cops, firefighters and paramedics? Also I'm a male btw.


I see you have no idea of what war is.


He’s supposed to watch her play a soccer game or act in a play. Instead of going into a fire fight with her


Yeh war is so cute


Please don't die.




Full bullshit btw


Are they holding Brens or Scar?


I think she a SCAR and he a Bren


Yeah they got a lot of them for free from a bunch of nato countries


Why tf she has so much makeup on ( imo that's a little too much for combat but whatever)


The photo's a bit potato but both pairs of boots look like they are brand new?


Regardless how new they are they’re the Ukrainian issued boots, weird stance to try and debunk a photo though.


Not sure how you get to that from me asking a question about boots? I went over a lot of other photos from the conflict and there doesn't seem to be standard? Some people were in sneakers, others in plain leather shoes. But they also looked pretty clean too. Has the weather been really dry there the last six months?


I’m talking from experience I’ve just trained Ukrainians for the last 3 months, their issued boot isn’t great but there is generally only two the boots the man has or the boots she has, one looks like a trainer with a mid ankle and the other is a fake Lowa Zephyr. Edit: but they’re rogue so most probably wear whatever they want, wasn’t trying to be argumentative just seemed like you was trying to claim it wasn’t a genuine, my apologies if this wasn’t the case.


No need to apologize, its reddit. I thank you for your service. There are just too many bullies getting away with murder these days and it people like you that are changing the world for the better. No apology is necessary, myself and my family are proud of you. You fought fear and hatred though education, that's a valiant effort.


It’s probably Ukrainian propaganda to make the west feel bad and to inspire more men to sign up for the fight.


Bc there is a big chance that this is just a staged picture that the woman wanted to take to seem cool. A lot slimmer chance that she is doing anything. She probably lives in a city that is close to the frontline


I’ve taught Ukrainian women going to the frontline and I’ve also had military interpreters trained just seems like a sexist assumption to me.


I know how this shit works. I didn't say it wasn't possible, I was saying there is a higher chance that it's just a "feel cool" picture. If you're training people, then you should know it's majority males, like every other war


Still had about 10 women come through and female military interpreters


Again, I didn't say it wasn't possible. Not sexist for pointing out what is probably going on. I mean, I'm sure a lot of guys would like for her to fight beside them. She's pretty hot




Gotta look good everyday, as every day might be the last. Godspeed


Step dad I got stuck in war can you help me out


Is that a sub-machine gun hanging by her thigh?


It's definitely a folder hanging off her shoulder...


Damn we sent the fuckers SCARS


With an Elcan. Our tax dollars hard at work smh


What makes you think it's American?


Because America is pretty much the only country that produces and is legally allowed to trade SCARs.


Typical american delusion. I'm pretty sure you could buy semi-auto SCARs in Ukrainian shops before the war.


My female CO looked like Captain James Onedin.


Why post this bullshit? These are Instagram models at best.


Yeah because no way a woman can look good and be in the military at the same time, in a country that has an active female military and is at war.


This is just a warning to potential suitors; "hurt her in anyway....it's orc season".


Glorifying conflict


There’s no way I could shoot her,id freeze because how fit she is then id be brown bread.