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And not just the big elections like for President. There are so many elections for little things much closer to home that have a much bigger impact on your day to day life. If I get a ballot in the mail, I vote. Simple as that. Even if it’s for something as arbitrary as Deputy Dog Catcher - Vote.


I vote in practically all elections, even the off-year and local ones and even voted against people in my own party


As a Municipal Clerk, GREAT post. And dont just vote, GET INVOLVED with your community. If you have no clue, call the City Clerk in your town and ask them how do I get involved.


I'll second this. A lot of people don't know how to get involved or don't think they have the time, but being involved in municipal matters is pretty simple and might only require a few hours a month, especially in suburban and rural towns. If even a few reasonable people got involved, even at a token level, the cranks could be counterbalanced and even pushed out by genuinely decent, civil minded people that want to help their communities in a real way.


And run for office


My biggest struggle with the local elections is I have generally not heard of any of the candidates and can't find anything about them online, I generally still vote but it's often based on 0 info as I can't find out who the candidates are.  Is there some resource to find out who local candidates actually are that I am not familiar with? 


League of Women Voters does a great job (at least in every area I’ve lived) of educating voters on the candidates.


Yes this. League of Women Voters 🔼


I will look this group up, they sound awesome if they help people make a more informed vote. Thanks stranger. 


Engaging with your community. Attending the various meetings. You have to put effort into it and have the time to do it. It's why old people and local (successful) business owners mostly run those shows. Everyone else is too busy. System keeps you madly busy on purpose. They like it when people vote blindly or on minimal information.


download the activote app. very helpful for all types of elections. also of course, your local news.


>Deputy Dog Catcher Why did the benny hill theme immediately begin playing in my head as soon as I read that?


Yeah, local elections are going to impact your day to day way more than a presidential election.


Don't forget the elections for federal legislature. I get so sick of people only voting in presidential elections and getting pissed when their person is elected but can't do anything because the other party controls the legislature. Learns some civics, ffs. Also, I *will* say that Trump is looking to circumvent the Constitution in a multitude of ways if elected. This began with the Dubya administration, Gitmo, and the PNAC (Project For A New American Century). The Dubya administration tried to "flex" their Constitutional authority in multiple ways. Trump seeks to expand upon that.


Ya know, blaming all people of a certain age is lazy...plenty of my early boomer friends have been locally involved for decades. We have done the protesting & the sign making, we have marched (I marched for Roe v Wade...twice), we have canvassed & polled, and since 2016, some of us have lost business clients because we do not support the Florida man with 91 indictments and a rape charge. Everyone has the right to vote as they choose. Some choose common sense, decency and social equity, others (way too many, unfortunately) choose division, chaos and hate. We are not the same. I fear for the future of my children & grandchildren should the US continue on this path to dictatorship-my son & his family left 6 years ago and they will not return. Depending on the outcome of the upcoming Presidential election, my daughters and I are considering an exit as well. I do not want to spend the rest of the only life I have worrying, protesting and watching this county & state I have loved, go down in literal flames. I am encouraged by my 19 yr old grandson and his friends who are slowly but surely becoming politically active locally; they are the future, they understand what's at stake should one party continue its stronghold on this nation. Here in Texas, the lives of their sisters & girlfriends are at stake, they are realizing that healthcare is a scam, and they know they MUST vote to effect change. Vote in every single election-local, state and national-research the propositions and referendums, do a deep dive on school board candidates, go to a debate, get involved. Please don't let apathy and a ' my vote doesn't count' attitude stop you. Every single vote matters. We matter. Vote.


I married a boomer (I'm an Xer). She's been canvassing for federal, state, and local officials since the 70s. She canvassed for Carter.


Many of us have been doing the work for years. Sounds like you have a good one!


I can't the election is not until 2025 It should be obvious i am not American, when i said the election is not until 2025.


Fun fact: there are so many elections happening globally in 2024 that half the world's population will be able to vote this year.


rich unused rotten piquant roll memory frame bear hurry plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Perhaps you have local elections this year! It's natural for people to think of what situation they're in first, for sure. Hoping your presidential elections go well :) 👍🏾


I’ve voted in every election since I turned 18 I don’t plan on stopping this year


I vote in almost every election. Burns my biscuits when people assume anyone thinking things could improve doesn't vote


I missed one because of a depression spell in my mid twenties, but same, since 18 if there’s been something to be voted on I cast my vote. I wonder if there’s a correlation between members of our generation who get out and vote and those whose parents took them to the polls with them as kids. The church my folks voted at my whole childhood always had little voting booths set up next between the regular ones and the kids got ballots and had a special box to drop them in so I was always excited to be between my parents casting my vote too. I remember growing up asking allllll the political questions about both sides so I could learn where I wanted to be and I was always grateful for generally progressive parents who told the best and worst of both major parties so I could actually make my own choices.


Sounds like some gen X were great parents! I hope more raise their children the same way.


My parents did take me to the local polls and there was a little booth for kids to vote


Voting is a scam You are just perpetuating the corruption by giving away the only power you have to people who never follow through on their promises


Please people try to do some research and be informed. Not that get out and vote BS with the “it doesn’t even matter who you vote for”. Yes it does. Contrary to popular belief the local elections matter more than national ones in terms of how it affects you.


And if you don’t want to do the research we sadly have a two party system and one party was cool with trying to over throw democracy. I’m also not saying for those people not to vote. We all should vote. I like most left leaning people want everyone to vote because we would stop seeing the madness we see now. But long and behold that same party who doesn’t mind shitting on democracy has for decades tried to stop people from voting because they benefit from less turnout. And no I am not saying the democrats are saints. I’m not saying they aren’t beheld to corporate money and lobbyist as well. But sadly in 2024 we are talking about night and day differences. Like standing up for your country and selling it out for the highest bidder.


It's quite unbelievable that Americans think the Republicans are for the people.the rest of the world think you all are mad foe voting Trump.


I don't even think Americans think Republicans are for the people. It's that Republicans press on the hate and control over women and children. It somehow resonates with them. Huckabee passed a law to allow 15 year olds to work and got praise from the GOP.


Baseless fearmongering is an effective way to turn out the vote, it seems.


It helps that they're a hateful group.


I’m saying is people should look at the issues and make their own informed decision. If they want to vote blindly, vote third party maybe help get them in the debates. We need more choices.


YESSSSS! Being on a team hinders our ability to think about each issue critically.


How many people do you know just automatically agrees with whatever political talk show host they listen to?


Please vote in the primaries too!! Two party system sucks enough, not even choosing who is going to be one of the two on the ballot is worse


Look at all the choices we have on our primary. An 81 year old or that same 81 year old. Sure seems like a tough choice.


Remember the president is not the only thing on the ballot. Don’t let the fact that you aren’t excited about the people running for the top job keep you from voting for local officials and things like mil levys.


The election was last year, you're late.


Voting = earning your right to bitch about politics.


In undergrad philosophy class, Tuesday/Thursday nights, mid term election night: one of the vocal idealistic "dudes" was going on and on about how it's his right, his fucking RIGHT to not vote. Same "dude" who's always having very loud opinions about politics. Enough was enough and in a 200 person class I just stood up and yelled "if you don't vote, you can't bitch!" The class was silent, and the professor clapped for me. Been chasing that high for 20 years. Vote. Bitch. Vote again. Keep bitching. Hopefully we'll have less and less to bitch about each cycle. Someday.


There's only two ways to get political change: voting and armed rebellion. I'd prefer to do the easy one.




I've never had a candidate I've voted for ever win any election (not even a mayor or something), and have voted every time I legally could. Do I get to complain harder? 


Or just lie about voting and bitch about it. Or even better, just complain anyway. Will the cops get you otherwise?


yes, take an hour + out of your day to perform a statistically irrelevant action or you don't get an opinion




Pretty much, your political opinion is worth nothing unless you vote.




It's worth nothing even if I do when my party is outnumbered nearly 3 to 1. When you live in a single party state you might as well live in a parliamentary monarchy.


Damn, this sub needs a USA flair.


UK Millennial here. This advice holds true for us as well. Vote.


Why? The whole internet is American. /s




It needs a dumbass r/politics flair


Also mods need to enforce their no politics rule.


Too right. There's USA defaultism all over the place in this sub.






Check Twitter


Stan you need to understand the importance of voting…. For my guy.


I get what you’re saying but having a hard time following your post. The 2 candidates are both boomers. 3rd party candidates don’t work. Local elections are almost always more important and impactful on your life.


Actually neither one is a boomer, but rather Silent Gen.


Trump was born in '46. He's a boomer.


Thanks for pointing that out. Biden is Silent Gen. Trump is the Boomer.


And both should be in retirement, sipping mai tais, not making life decisions for the country.


Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR.


I wouldn't disagree, I'm planning on voting for him again. But two points: 1. We've never had a progressive president, so "most progressive" is still moderate, and 2. I still stand by what I said, he is too old, and he himself pointed that out when folks were trying to get him to run.


True but I would literally vote for a corpse before Trump so I don't really care.


Free spending and a porous border is NOT progressive.


The republicans spend and do not bring in enough tax revenue. The debt under Trump expanded 33 percent. The democrats spend but bring in more tax revenues. The debt has only expanded 8 percent under Biden. https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225 Republicans only care about immigration on election years, and Trump just torpedoed a congressional immigration deal because he didn’t want to hand Biden a win. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal/index.html


>I get what you’re saying but having a hard time following your post. The 2 candidates are both boomers. That doesn't stop them from representing your interests while in office. Vote. Call or write to your representatives. Make your voice heard. The age of the candidate is irrelevant. The policies they implement, otoh, are not.


Seems like it does stop them from representing your interests  Unless your interests are right wing


It's true, but I believe one of the reasons that the 2 candidates are boomers is because boomers are the ones who most move the needle. If we turn out and we show that we want to be more involved in the way things are decided, I think both parties will begin to care more about us and be more willing to nominate candidates that appeal to us.


Not Boomers, silent gen.


Yes agree. & not just us millennials, Gen Z is going to outnumber us in a few years so they will play a very very important role in elections as well.


I tried telling them the same thing... But they're even more averse to voting. I'm sure they'll grow out of it though. They're in that cynical part of life. Haha


I don't know....I hope you are right, but I think their apathy stems from them being the current most screwed generation and not seeing any path to a good future. I do hope they soon realize that that is \*why\* they should be voting and running for office.


What country?


NSW local council elections are this year, that's all I can guess.


As a boomer, I believe without a strong turnout from the younger voters we risk losing Democracy. Please vote, from city and school board elections on up to presidential ones. Please.




So sad reading on this thread that are not going to vote. Do they really understand what is at stake this year? Especially women of childbearing age. Do you understand what is happening?


People catastrophize every election. Biden won 2020 but in 2022 RvW still got overturned.


Democrats had many chances to codify and prevent this. They’re not going to save you either.


Vote. Definitely vote.


Fuck that. I'll tell you who to vote for. Vote for the one that will leave office at the end of his term and let us vote again in another election. Not the one that will end elections given the chance again. I don't have to tell you which is which.


Is it the one trying to remove the other one from ballots and trying to jail them during the elections?


Wouldn't be in that position if he wasn't guilty. That's the normal right wing logic when talking about drug dealers and minorities when confronted by the police right?


Maybe that one shouldn't commit crimes to be indicted for. As I've been told, this is a nation of laws where no rich people should get special treatment.


Did you forget your meds this morning? No one is doing that. Perhaps in your delirium you mistook the department of justice (who the president does not order around) for the current president?


Is there anyone in California who can help me get registered? I’m without an address, only have a PO Box and sometimes hotels. Would like to register to vote and get my CA license switched from TX already but it’s been challenging this time around.


I’m so happy with this post! I have been waiting for you guys to take over. I’m a boomer and I agree we’ve made a mess of things. I watch you and I think your straight forward thinking can clean up the present state of things. I sure hope more of you start running AND voting!


Gen Z and Millennials together make up about half of the voting age population now. We can make a difference together. Vote!!!


I’ll tell you to to vote for: Joe fucking Biden fucking obviously. Any millennial lived through Trump. No excuses for casting a vote that harmful


Read about project2025 and then vote


It's not just boomers now. The average age of members in the House of Representatives is now firmly Gen X. The Speaker of the House is Gen X. We've seen what they've accomplished in the last year -- the lowest number of bills passed in history.


Do you feel that Gen X members of the other persuasion show the same issue? I don't.


Yeah because of one particular party that happens to control it right now.


Exactly. They need to go. It does prove, though, that the problem is more party affiliation rather than generational. In 10 years, everyone will complain that all the ills of the world are the fault of Gen X without taking party into account.


I’m voting for Dolly Parton


Make me


LOL so, help pick the boomer you want to run the show for us? I mean, I know which one I'd prefer but it's hard to get enthusiastic about picking which side of a shit sandwich you want to eat for lunch.


I want the one who hasn't promised to put everyone from the opposing party in concentration camps.


As a Latino, it sickens me to think of all the ones that apparently think that's OK or that he's making a joke.


My best friend is a DACA recipient. One guy hasn't talked about her much, the other guy wants to throw my best friend in a camp then deport her. I am enthusiastically voting on the issue of keeping my best friend in the same community she's lived in since the age of one. I don't need to love Biden, I just need to love my BFF. This vote is for her.


Hell yes! Biden was not my first choice, but I can see no other alternative that wouldn't try to have my citizenship stripped and my brown ass deported, too.


Mine, too


Make sure to vote for your Boomer of choice!


I'll be voting for Joe Biden.


This should be removed for violating this sub's rules.


It will only get removed if it is an anti-Dem comment


What’s crazy is my comment got removed for commenting politics on a political post. Imagine that. Reddit is so weird sometimes.


Yea that's why I said it. My comment got auto-removed for saying the world that starts with R and ends with epulican because it was political.


That's a stupid saying though that's why. It starts with S and ends with tupid.


Me too!


Everyone commenting that down ballot races are just as important—if not more important—than the White House. Very true. But also keep in mind that when you vote for President it really isn’t vote for President and Vice President. It’s a vote for Supreme and lower court justices nominations. It’s a vote for Secretary of Education. It’s a vote for EPA Administrator. CIA Director. The National Labor Relations Board. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director. SEC. FCC. FDA. The list of alphabet soup goes on. But the point is—personnel is policy.


Living in a red state means my voice is heard about as much as someone booing in a Taylor Swift concert.


Local elections yea but I think the presidency with the electoral system is a crock. I mean should the results differ from the popular, as we’ve all seen in our life time…twice, it’s the electorally voted candidate who wins. So, whose vote really matters there? Again, I say this strictly regarding the presidency.


Being able to bring up this point again and again is huge, though, and you don't get to if people don't vote https://www.vote411.org/plan-your-vote


In the end, if we want the system of electing the president to change, we'll have to vote for it. Maybe we can get ranked-choice voting or some other, better alternative someday. But we gotta play within the rules until then.


Or just straight up will of the people through a popular vote. On all issues.


That's been called mob rule.


Yes, that’s called democracy and exactly why WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY! Our politicians should never be picked by mob rule.


Matters a lot if you’re in a swing state.


My point is it shouldn’t matter at all. Popular (the people), or nothing. On all elections and even issues.


Sure. Let’s not vote at all, that’ll fix it /s


I’ll pass. No option is good


I’m a pretty big fan of “less bad”.


Then vote in the primary so we can have better options.


Joe Biden should be impeached for genocide and don’t let anyone browbeat you into voting for him


Trump would be much better on the issue I'm sure lmao


I'm not from USA, but I'm really, really curious about this stance. You are right in this specific topic of course, but then, what would be the outcome besides Trump winning? You didn't vote for Biden, not compromising your morals, and that's a victory in that regard. But you'll end in a far worse situation. Everyone around the world know as much. So, what s the plan then?


Please vote for yourself and for those who cannot. I’m a new permanent resident in the U.S. from Canada and cannot.


Sounds like an utter waste of my time if I’m honest.


You are going to make a bigger difference in your day to day life than ANY politician is.


We need some younger candidates. Both parties are pushing the geriatric ticket.


I just got the notification from my state's voting commission confirming my voting status. Check your voter status!




I vote in all elections, but I haven't voted in person in like 6 years. Georgia makes it very easy to vote by mail. I know that's different by state, but if you have the option it's super easy to do and you can do it at your convenience in your pajamas.


Be sure to vote if you’re in one of the two states that matter*


For the love of god don’t elect Trump. If you Americans elect him and he pulls US out of nato we will se an escalation of the situation with Russia in Europe. Coming from a danish guy who never imagined I would be afraid of a big war in Europe in my lifetime


But many countries don't have elections this year...








Isn't that what they said last time? Remind me what party is removing the leading candidate from ballots?




What we really need is for some of us who have a good track record to get out and run for office and build up the rapport. We need some Obama level charisma mofos out here to get back in there but from our age group.


Vote 3rd party. Thats the only way real change will come.


Yes, third party is the progressive way.


You may never be able to vote again in your life if you vote 3rd party


Already applied for my mail in ballot for the primary...even though the only contested primary on my ballot is going to be for Commonwealth Attorney General.


We need rank choice voting if we ever want things to change from the 2 party system. Not saying you shouldn't vote but it's our only hope outta this cycle


I vote every election usually by absentee ballot. I drop off my ballot at the official drop off box and I'm done.


Is our slogan: "BURN CORPO BITCHES" ???


I guess ill be voting for the same person a third time in a row this year lol


I know there's not much choice in the presidential primaries this year, but please, please, please vote in them anyway. In the US, we don't have ranked choice or instant runoff voting, we have slow, manual runoff voting in the form of primaries. Getting good people to run and then voting for them in the primaries is the only way to not have to choose between the lesser of two evils in the general. I know it's hard to make that argument when we're doomed to repeat history this year, but there are down ballot primaries for Congress and local elected officials that can really make a difference.


I'll vote for sure. I am a single-issue voter, the economy, so I know where my vote is going to land. I used to be an ideological party-line voter, but now the only question I ask myself at the ballot box is if I am better off financially than I was 4 years ago. If the answer is yes, I will vote for the current guy (or his successor), if not I vote for the other guy. I was hoping we would see something different than 2020 version 2.0, but here we are....


And that's totally fine! At least you'll have your choice heard! If nothing else, like I say in the OP, I'm just tired of us not having enough of a say and letting our parents dictate everything...


I agree with you, and I have voted in almost every election since I've been 18. It drives me crazy when people complain, but don't bother to just go vote. Go vote and you can complain all you want lol


Heck yeah lets go RFK Jr or Trump


You have a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.


Why vote when it makes no difference to me who the president is?


Oh it will. Healthcare, climate change, gun violence. All issues that will directly affect you. Your ignorance will not insulate you from the consequences of elections. Especially considering we could lose democracy this year. Trump took away access to abortion for millions of women


Plus having the world run by China and Russia following the collapse of the democratic world order. Whether our allies can depend on us or not. Also the judges setting legal precedent for cases, how far appeals go, how the budget is spent, if the budget isn't held up in a shutdown to make the other side look bad, whether your water is safe to drink or if your bridge is safe to drive on.


Voting is a complete joke and waste of time at every level.


Nah. Shit’s rigged. I don’t believe anything will change until we’re storming DC. I’ve put so damn much energy into “getting involved” in politics, phone banking, door knocking, all of it and it don’t do shit. Maybe I’m too much like my GenX mom but I’ve grown pretty pessimistic/cynical these days.


I completely agree. Corporate / billionaire money has corrupted the system to its core.


I've voted in every elected since 18 except the presidential primaries for Trump/Clinton first run because I had no idea it was going on. It was a time when I was barely paying attention to the news. Now I religiously listen to NPR lol


I will be voting for Donald J. Trump


The rapist?


Same, brutha.


And involve your kids in the process if you have them. We've opened ballots together and talked about voting almost every year my kid can remember. As he grew, we talked about why I voted for this measure or that candidate. I talked about what issues are important to me with him, and how our vote affects change in our lives and the lives of others. I showed him how to use the voter's pamphlet last year, and how to learn more about issues he's interested in. My kid is registered and will be voting for the first time this year, and I'm so excited! It's been the most fun part of having an adult kid so far.


also run for local office like school board. you don’t think you’re qualified? probably over qualified compared to some school boards.


No kidding!!! Got laid off, groceries doubled, cost of living doubled. Vote them all out.


Vote in every election 🗳️


And if you have the time and opportunity, volunteer to work at your local election site. I'm not talking about campaigning for your party. I'm saying inside the site, registering people, etc. I have done it, and it was an awesome experience


Who are you voting for? ![gif](giphy|Caq9T2TvGj78c)


The other thing you can do is write Postcards to Voters: Postcardstovoters.org You can get together with friends and do them together or you can do them by yourself. You can also do texting to voters. When you vote, take two friends with you!


Vote in primaries!!!!


I am not missing an election for anything.


and please remember to vote down the entire ballot


Democracy does not exist without participation.


I have recently started working the elections and have really enjoyed it. Consider volunteering to do so if you are able.


Get involved in the political process. You don't have to run there are support positions. I am in a party committee that supports not using spray tan in office. I am the youngest at 59 Vote and please get involved in your local town or county.


Vot em out! Doesn't matter who, new in office! Hope there are some other choices for the head.


thanks for the reminder. il vote boomer!


Yes vote in federal and state and local elections


There is an election basically every year. Local government positions have a bigger impact than the big cheese election does. Plus you can usually actually meet and talk to them. At least on election days as they canvass outside of polling locations(which makes tons of sense on where they should be at that time)


Lotta passionate voters here but yet we still have a shitty bipartisan system and none of it is working for us… do I have to hop over to the Gen Z sub to see what better ideas they have to actually make some societal changes?


I’m asking my fellow millennials in California - guys we have to push to vote differently. What we’ve been doing isn’t working. I’m fearful that California going down a path that isn’t beneficial to anyone. Please keep this in mind with you local and state elections and pay attention to the propositions!


That’s kinda why I found Vivek to be interesting. He ran too much of a Trumplike platform, but as a right wing candidate that’s how you get elected now. Hopefully his views evolve as we get further from this era, but whether someone is left or right wing I think we can all agree that young candidates with new ideas that can push both parties forward towards a new direction is important. As the post states I’m tired of Boomers being elected. They had their time in the sun. Unless Haley pulls off a miracle we’re locked in with a boomer candidate and silent generation candidate which is wild in 2023.


I'm writing in Darth Vader this year


I'm writing in Darth Vader this year