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Right with you. My first dog as my own is now 17 and on the severe decline. I imagine it is a matter of months and I plan to put him down too early rather than too late because I believe in mercy and believe he has the right to not suffer because of my ego. Both of my parents died last year so I am a well trained griever now. At least, the dog won't be as difficult and I have new grieving tools that I didn't have before.


I'm sorry for your losses. Grief has personally been the most challenging and profound experiences in life, and I can't imagine your magnitude of grief


Thank you. It's been a journey for sure. I do take solace in the fact that things happened the way they were supposed to albeit a bit early. I do enjoy thinking about the last 17 years of my life through the eyes of the dog though. 


Hi friend. Just sharing that for us there was a local vet service who came to the home when it was time. It was beautiful and respectful. We found them online. Just wanted to share because someone told us about the home option, versus at the vet, as our beloved girl declined. It made an impossibly difficult time a little easier. Sending love to you and yours. 🐾


This. We just lost our little guy two weeks ago and used a “hospice vet” that came to our home. Lap of Love was what they are called and I think they have branches across the US. This dog was so special to me. He was a purebred, but I got him through a stranger on Craigslist (back when that was still a prominent thing). They had a child that was highly allergic, so I drove two hours to meet them. They handed me his papers, and lo and behold, he was born on my dad’s birthday…and my dad had just passed in an accident four months prior. I took that as a sign that he was meant to be my dog. ❤️ I’ll miss him forever, but I know my dad will take care of him until I can again.


🌈him and your dad finally can play together ❤️🥺 stay strong, friend. They were both well loved.




I've sadly used Lap of Love a few times, and at least my local one is a very special group of people. Even the schedulers speak gently and with compassion. My most recent experience, my dog took a quick decline. They didn't have any appointments that day. They called back and the Dr who wasn't even scheduled that day, on a Sunday, said she'd come that day to give her peace.


I had the same experience with them. The scheduler was so kind and empathetic, and the vet also came on a Sunday for us. It must be a calling for these kind souls. I’d be an absolute wreck, but I’m so grateful they exist.


My mom died two years ago and nothing prepared me for the grief and the ebbs and flows. But I'm much stronger than I thought I was... And my animal won't be as devastating in comparison...at least I hope not. My biggest worry after my mom died was I'd have to put my cat down the same year. He's always had health issues but he pulled through but I think this is the year. I assess him weekly to make sure he is ok.And technically, I ended my mother's misery so my car deserves the same.


I'm right there with you. Both my parents died in the last two years andy dog just passed away. I'm a pro griever.


I'm sorry honey, ur pup will still be difficult but you sound like you have ur marbles together. Either way still sucks, n I'm sorry about ur parents.


Wow 17 for a pup. That's a blessing in itself. Sorry for ur losses and any upcoming 😔


I’ll be 40 next month. Had to send my 15 year old husky over the rainbow bridge a couple weeks ago. I had pets growing up and had to deal with losing four of them, but he was the first one who was mine, who I raised and cared for. My loyal companion and protector through most of my adult life. It was an incredibly difficult decision, but his time had come. He has left a void that is impossible to describe. It hurts a little less every day, but damn, I miss him so fucking much.


I bet you wake up and look for him, thats whats been happening to me and it crushes your heart every time. Sending love and hugs. I abhor the 15 club.


Yeah, he was pretty high maintenance in his last few weeks, so sometimes I think “I haven’t seen him in a couple of hours, I should go check on him” and my heart breaks again every time I realize he’s not there anymore. I have an 8 year old husky as well, and I’m really starting to notice the things he picked up from the old man - little noises and mannerisms and habits. There is some comfort in seeing part of him is still with us in the younger dog. But sometimes there’s a certain way he snorts and stomps his feet that tricks my brain into thinking the old man is still around for a split second.


This was me with my old boy, who I said goodbye to 6 months ago. I still feel like I should be taking care of him and it hurts so much. I'm so sorry you had to join the club. ❤️


you're breaking my heart....I've been not able to sleep and I wake up and look for my Skippy, and then I remember and it hurts. I have a younger girl too she is 12, at least we have our other babies but it doesn't make up for the ones we lost. I am sending you many hugs. Your little boy sounds really cute, I'm sure it hurts a ton though.


He was the best… just a huge personality. I love my other boy to death, but I don’t think any dog will ever measure up.


My cat was out down about a month ago and I still look for her on the couch in the morning. She would have been 15 if she made it to March 3rd


I'm sorry my dear:( sending prayers your way.


Thanks. 🥲


I had one pass suddenly in September. I thought I was missing him less every day and then found really vivid memories come up and I would start crying pretty much immediately. Grief comes in waves


I have been breaking down in tears a lot at night, right as I’m going to bed. I have a video from a couple years ago of him barking at me (he was asking to go outside, but was being super dramatic and unhinged), and I keep watching it to hear his voice and see those piercing blue eyes.


Haha the challenges were also a gift, in hindsight. I feel you


Lost my husky girl January of 2023. I feel you 💛


Last weekend for me. It’s heartbreaking.


Two years ago my pet dog who was with me for 18 years died.  It was devastating to me.  My parents both died within the last few years as well.  Life isn’t the same without them.  My dog dying made me realize I will probably never have another friend like him.  I raised him from a six week old puppy when I was 14 to having to put him down when he was 18 and I was 32.  There is a dark void in my head now ever since.  


Oh I feel you so hard on this one. I had to put my 18.5 year old dog down in 2020. I got her at 16 on the promise I’d take her with me when I left home. I kept that promise and she went through all the life transitions with me from learning to drive, my first heartbreak, graduation, moving out, getting married, moving away from my home state, multiple interstate moves, having kids, buying our first and second homes, and welcoming many new pets and foster pets. Losing that last tie to your childhood is excruciating in a profound way. It’s like you’ve finally closed the book on that part of your life and there’s nothing left to tie you back to it.


That’s exactly what I’m feeling about it too.  The last remnant of my young life is gone and that connection is forever broken.  After that pet and I saw so much together.  Maybe in time when we’re ready, adopting a new pet could help with the burden, though it won’t be the same. 


We waited about a year and got another dog. She’s 2.5 now and I love her to bits but she’s definitely my husband’s dog. I had another dog I adopted at 19 so it was always me and my two girls. They came package deal with me. I had to put that dog down back in 2015 and was heartbroken.  I fostered various dogs for about a year before I foster failed my mastiff. He was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma last week, 2 weeks after we put our 12.5 year old bottle fed cat down and 2 months after we put our 16.5 year old cat down. We’ve been told the prognosis is 6 months and I’m crushed. He’s been my dream dog since we pulled him from animal control in 2016. After he’s gone we’ll have lost 3 pets this year and will be down to our 2 year old dog and 14 year old cat😭


My heart jolts every time a teenager I know gets a pet. That one who is with you through young adulthood hits different.


I have a 17yo cat and we are obsessed with one another. I find myself panicking about losing her


I'm sorry. It's hard. Now that he has passed I suddenly understand the looks I got whenever I'd tell people my cat's age past 16. On the one hand, it's good you recognize that time might be soon. On the other hand, my heart cat lived until he was 22, and the fact that I tried to "prepare myself" for 7 years didn't make it any easier. Just give her lots of love and attention, and be kind to yourself.


Well said. It's hard enough to stay present in general, a layer of potential loss doesn't help at all


I lost my cat in Nov 22, had her from my mid 20s to mid 30s.  I've had my new cat for over a year, I love her to death, and would do anything for her, but it's definitely not the same as my last cat. We had such a connection, I don't think I'll ever have a another cat like her. 


I’ve lost so much in my life. I’m turning 30 in a couple weeks. I’ve been in the hospital for 5 weeks due to pregnancy complications with my first babe. Being away from my soulmate pup for that long, made her go crazy and ran out in traffic and died. She was looking for me. She was only 5 years old. I don’t talk to my mom, my sister, my brothers, barely my dad. She was there when my ex abused me. She was there when I stopped drinking. She was there when I had nothing. Just got married 8 months ago. I’m so sad to lose my best friend. She was supposed to be my first borns child’s best friend as well. I don’t think I’ll ever have that connection again 😥


This is horrible, I am so sorry for your losses. I also congratulate you on overcoming abuse and alcohol. I'm glad you had a friend to help ❤️


Thanks. So sad to lose a dog so young. 💔 she had so much left


I'm so sorry for your loss of your soul pet.


I’ve owned 20 dogs in my life. I grew up with 4-5 dogs at a time. I have had dogs die in my arms, die of old age, die of cancer. I have never experienced a soul crushing experience like this. I don’t think I can ever get another dog again. My heart 💔


I feel this post. I have five: 3 cats, 2 dogs. The youngest is 8 years old (she still acts like a kitten so sometimes I forget). My older ones, well... age is definitely showing. Our eldest, a cat, has arthritis in his hindlegs and he's struggling to jump onto the bed and cat tree. I'm currently building ramps for him. Our eldest dog is my partner's companion and she is... failing. Labrador genetics. As he (my partner) is terminally ill, we have an inside joke that they're going to die within a month of each other. Whoever dies first, the other will die of a broken heart. Morbid, I know... but when impending death is a regular topic in one's household, you get a bit jaded. I love them all very much and while I'm not a stranger to a pet dying, it never gets any easier. Apart from accidents, my previous cats have all lived to be 18-22 so I hope these ones last just as long. Just give me 7-10 more years...


It's sweet of you to give your cat accessibility, they have struggles fighting the reality of their old bones. I also wish you 7-10 years. Strange how death creeps in as a normal conversation piece. I can relate, and it's strange how subtly it becomes normalized. A hard but necessary normalization


I agree. While I'm not a parent so I can't really suggest I know better, I do think people don't make kids aware of the realities of death enough. I lost my sister at a young age. And comparing my perception of "the end" to those I grew up with... I dunno. I don't feel like my innocence was lost, which I know is the concern for many, but I feel like I was more aware of the more finite nature of life than some others who were still being told stuff like... "they went to live on a farm" or similar. I just think we're doing kids a disservice by not being more real about the realities of a life they were unwittingly born into. In addition to not setting them up with more of an appreciation for the time they have with whom they have it with.


Beautifully said. I don't have children and the idea of guiding them through these things intimidates me


Just wanted to add—If it’s an option for you, [Solensia](https://www.zoetispetcare.com/products/solensia) is a great medication for cats with arthritis. I’ve been there with the ramps. Our cat liked when we wrapped the ramp in sisal so she could get a better grip.


Wah, seeing a lot of this recently, it makes sense. I lost my baby Friday, my sister lost her two babies last year, my bff lost her baby in the fall. They're like the 15 club, and its not a fun club. ​ Eta: sending love to everyone who is going thru hell, remember when you're going thru hell keep going, you can do it, and you gave ur babe the best you could (I'm betting.)


This is why I posted this. It's important for people to know they're not alone


Yea it is, and it does help. :)


PSA: It's important to know that in some areas, there are services who come to you/your pet at home when the time comes. In my recent experience, it's the better choice. My old college roommate and I (now neighbors) just experienced this with our girl (17 yo beloved cat, suddenly declining from very terminal jaw cancer) and I am so thankful to have been able to at least have a peaceful sendoff where she was comfy and safe and surrounded by love, versus a car ride and scary vet trip, us trying to drive home in hysterical tears, etc. I've had to make the call for other pets and been through it at the vet, it's a horrible experience I thought was generally unavoidable. The vet who comes walks you through the procedure, which like at the office is a series of injections. They talk you through every step and go at your pace. She was respectful and kind and so empathetic. My old roommate actually was able to hold kitty in her arms the entire time. The vet even brought a beautiful glass dish for a treat, a basket, and blanket to carry her away in, her brother (cat) got to see and say goodbye, and we later picked up the ashes and paw print at the vet, respectfully packaged. If it matters, cost was about the same as at the vet. Worth a Google if you find yourself on that path with your companion. Our girl declined so fast. It was time, but it is never enough time. Sending so much love to all, the loss runs so deep. 🌈🐾


This is a good PSA, and I'm glad the option is there. A personal story... I used to live in Rochester MN, now in the twin cities. I found an emergency vet who lived in the middle of nowhere near Rochester. He wore filthy suspenders and worked out of a cluttered trailer. He looked like he came straight out of the bayou. Very old with a beard to match his age. He barely spoke. He works 24/7 because he does all the local ranching work and, as he says, cows don't wait to give birth 9-5. I could go on about this man for much longer. He touches an animal and they immediately calm, I have never seen anything like it. I put a pup down in September. I called around for this service you mention and booked one. I dwelled throughout the day and decided it wasn't right. It was better to drive two hours to see this very magical man. Holy shit it was worth it. My partner drove and I was able to talk sweetly to my pup the whole drive. The man's compassion during the process was beyond my reckoning. I'm not religious, and I recognize that moment was of great significance and power.


I struggled to put to words in my posts here about it, but the vet who came to us had a vibe like the gentleman you described, she was just in scrubs. I think it takes a special kind of person, she was the co-owner of the service. Some people are just called to a purpose, and I'm so thankful these people exist for us all! Thank you for sharing your experience and spreading some love around a darker subject!


Oof, this hit me right in the gut. I got my Polly right before I got married in 2012. She passed away December 2023... still feels raw. I still pet her ashes all the time, hold her, sit her in her sun square. It was hard enough losing my best buddy. And now I'm finding out I'm getting divorced. When she died, I felt like my soul was out lost in the rain somewhere. But now that Polly AND my husband are both gone, I just... don't know. I'm a therapist; I'm supposed to have all the answers. But I just feel numb. I miss my Polly. I never loved an animal like I love Polly. When she went away, it felt like my life came to a screeching halt. I'm hopeful things will improve... but I hate this so much.


Oh my gosh...... One of my pups passed in September, and my partner of 15 years and I decided to split. Crazy parallels. My heart goes out to you for sure. I don't know about you, but I feel I've aged 10 years in the last 5 My own conclusion is there are some things that have no answers, not with this I ain't no therapist, but I have put in enough hours and money into therapy and psycho education to may as well have earned some kind of degree 😅


In the past 3 years I have seen 3 elderly dogs and 1 elderly cat pass. I questioned my sanity for getting them all around the same time. Dumbest thing I ever did...wouldn't trade it for the world. I miss all of them.


I feel you. I adopted 3 pups within 3 years of one another and one passed suddenly at 9 years old. I am dreading the passing of the other two, I am trying to shut that out and cherish the time I have with them


40’s folks too - my cat is turning 20.  I was 22 when I adopted him.


My puppy is going to be 10 this year 😭


Mine just turned 11 in November. I worry about him every day! We've been through a lot together! He's been with me for stuff that not even my husband was there for.


My lil chihuahua just turned 10 in December. Starting to see the white hairs on her face and nose. I don’t want to think about the bad stuff but it’s good to be aware of different services


Aww, same. The whites started showing up over the summer, he looks like quite the distinguished gentleman now. This is my 4 pup, it’s just tough for me when they get older, I really want to get another one, but my boy will definitely not be happy about that.


He's 14.5 and I don't know what I'll do without him....


If I can offer some unsolicited advice? Enjoy the time as best you can, but be honest with yourself when it's time. I held on for a little too long and it only lead to more pain. It's gonna hurt like hell, no sugarcoating it. So make the time you have left the best you can.


Feeling this as well - it's a bit of a different twist on "pets," but I have been fortunate enough to have space and support (especially during my college years) to keep horses since my teens. The two wonderful geldings I was blessed to have as friends, teachers, and working partners throughout my teens and 20s both have passed within the last couple of years, both of complications d/t their advancing ages. I was lucky enough to find a green youngster in my (limited) price range, and a mini in his prime years, so the barn isn't empty, and, barring tragedy (heaven forbid), it should be another couple of decades at least before revisiting that flavor of heartache - well-kept horses without chronic ailments can easily live deep into their 20s, even into 30's. My heart goes out to those who have lost close human loved ones. Thankfully still have my parents and in-laws, all still spry and in fair-to-good health, but have lost close grandparents. Grief is hard.


This hits. About 7 years ago I had to put down my little furball that had been with my family since he was 8 weeks. He took his last breath at 14 years old - cancer. Dumbest gray cat known to man but he loved everyone. When I moved and my mom sold the house I took him with me. I thought I wouldn't ever have a pet again but 6 months later I was adopting a 2 year old furball who had been a shelter return. She is completely different and there is a different love and connection there, but my wife and I still talk about the dumb one on occasion 


Dumb pets are special. My recent dumb dog had undying loyalty to me because that seemed to be the only thing he could focus on


Life long pet owner here and I've had to deal with the loss of multiple cats and dogs. I have a cat that will be 20 on April 1st but it's becoming clear that she might have months left


This really hits me in the feels. My poor dog is 15 and he is blind and partially deaf. He is really my everything and I can't imagine losing him. He was always there for me and I don't want to say goodbye.


It's hard knowing you have to. The grief will be worth the bond you have always had


Ugh I’m going through it right now. It sucks. I had to put dog that I got at 16 down in 2020. She was 18.5.  In January we had to put our 16.5 year old cat down. My husband and I got her the week we started dating. Almost exactly 6 weeks to the day after we put her down our 12.5 year old foster fail bottle fed kitty had to be put down. He was the kitty we foster failed when we bought our first house. We were 21 when we got our first kitty and he was the last kitty we got at 25.  Well last Monday our dog, my foster fail heart dog, got diagnosed with osteosarcoma and we are given 6 months with him. We got him when our son was 1.5 and he’s 9 now. I always joke he’s the best argument I’ve ever won because my husband did not want to keep him but I was too far head over heels with him to let him be put up for adoption. He’s a 117lb mastiff and is 9 now. He’s our kids’ childhood dog and my dream dog.  Needless to say I’m heartbroken and am doing everything I can to give him the best final months I can possibly give him and hopefully slow the progression of the disease down some so he can live as happily and with as good a quality of life as possible.  I honestly never anticipated we’d lose 3 pets in such a short amount of time. Our pets are our family and are so intensely loved. Once our dog is gone we’ll have our 2.5 year old dog left and our almost 14 year old cat that my husband and I got right after we got married at 24. I’ve told the cat he’s not allowed to go anywhere for a few more years cuz my heart can’t take losing another pet anytime soon😭😭😭 This all come off the heels of a year of the back and forth health decline of my husband’s grandfather who lost in early 2022 and then many health issues with his grandmother and a fight to get her to go live with my husband’s aunt and uncle in Tennessee. That was a big roller coaster and she finally went down there in November, then a few weeks later was our first cat. Needless to say I feel like we haven’t been able to catch a breathe before the next health crisis comes about😓


I’m not there yet, but it’s not far off either. I got my dog as a foster- failure (she chose me) 10 years ago. She was just turned two and I was her third and final hooman. She is now a queenly 10 years, spoiled rotten and you’d never know she was once so terrified of humans she pee herself. She was eventually recognized as an emotional support animal, not a service dog, and I know I will be a hot scrambled mess when I have to say good-bye to her.


That's a big deal, my dog also used to soil herself around strangers. It ain't easy to train them out of that, and I recognize how much work and love you must have given


Thank you for saying this to me. My first sight of her she was cowering in a kennel, visibly shaking and had wet herself. She had just been returned by a fed-up hooman. I felt so sad for her…so I sat near by, breaking up dog jerky treats into little bits and tossing them over into the kennel when she’d stop staring at me. Eventually she ate them….and now we are here. As much as she’s overcome; she picked me and I’m glad she did.


This makes me really happy ❤️


My older cat is 10. I got her when I was 22 and depressed and living in SoCal for job training. I dread the day I have to say good bye to her. She’s been with me through 3 moves in two different states and the job from literal hell.


Hopefully you have many years to come with your kitty ❤️


Thank you for the post, OP. We’re out here and I appreciate it.


Thank you, we're not alone in this. It's hard to remember ❤️


The cat that I had for 10 years had to be put down last fall. I hate how much I miss that little fucker, it’s ridiculous. It’s been a rough couple of years but his passing permanently turned off some kind of internal light.


I hate that feeling of that missing light. It's hard to put a positive spin on it


My 15 year old dog’s kidneys failed two weeks ago. He was an asshole from the day we brought him home to the day we took him to his last appointment 😭 He was the only source of unchanging dependability in my life. I even miss finding him sleeping in the clean laundry


I adopted an orphaned and feral kitten at 22 right before I moved states, and she was the first pet I really kept long-term as an adult. Her name was Hatchetface. She passed away in January of 2022 at the age of 16, and I may never have another cat again because they just won't be Hatchetface. My family just lost our beloved chihuahua (Bad, Bad) Leroy (Brown) in January of this year. My husband adopted him years before we met as a bedraggled young man missing an eye, some teeth, his tail, and a kneecap. I'm convinced that part of why my husband and I wound up together is because Leroy took to so few people, but seemed to love me on first sight. He lived to 16, and ruled our home with an iron fist. I miss them both so much. They were my 7-year-old's first buddies. Wishing peace and comfort to everyone else losing their long-time furry family.


I got an axolotl at the start of quarantine. They live fifteen-ish years, and when this gal dies when I'm roughly 43, it'll be hard to explain to other adults why a salamander was so important to me.


Got my first pup at 23 - I'm 38 now and she's 15. 6 months ago we were told she had days or weeks and she's still doing ok. We give her an IV every few days and now shes on only home-cooked dog food (wont touch even the refrigerated kind) It'll be tough to say goodbye soon. She's been with me longer than my wife and our son (6) really loves her. Ugh - not looking forward to that day


Stay strong, and give her the love she deserves. It's worth the grief


After a year of attempting and failing to manage my 7 year old Husky’s epilepsy I think it’s time to let him go. I have a consultation set up for Thursday that I hope will allow me to be at peace with the decision, but at the moment it feels impossible. I’m glad that it seems like most here got a lot of years with their animals. I thought I would have had more time with mine.


It's challenging when they pass so early.


My wife and I made the decision to adopt a senior dog as our first pet together. While in hindsight we should have seen how bad of a heartbreak we were setting up for, I don't regret a single minute with that sweet old boy. We only had him for 3 years before it was time for him to go, and he did not go well. That was about 3 years ago, and 2 years ago we adopted our second dog: a year-old shelter puppy from the same rescue we got the first. I'm sure if you look through my profile you'll find the copious number of photos I've posted. It's hard to let them go, but it's worth it to give them a good life.


There are few things as sobering as walking through a humane society and seeing the clearly defeated senior dogs. I'm thankful you adopted one


I'm watching my Catahoula slowly get older and realizing that there was a REASON the humane society kept saying "Catahoula are a mix of x breed AND GREAT DANES". My baby giraffe has turned into a bit of an old man in front of my eyes, but he'll always be a snotty, clumsy puppy to me. I genuinely started tearing up when the vet referred to him as "elderly" and I before I could even think, I said, "Please don't call him that. Not yet."


This made me tear up. The man who put my recent pup down compassionately put his hand under my dog's chin and just said "hey there old timer". Something that I will carry for the rest of my days


OMG yes. I lost my soul dog recently. I got him as a graduation gift to myself after college and he passed away last month at 17. I realized he was with me for almost half my life through all my adult milestones (including the fact he was in my wedding). I will always share my life with pets, but there will never be another one that made me feel so Lucky. [Lucky dog](https://imgur.com/gallery/xK3BZyy)


Haha another fellow dog-in-wedding millennial. What a sweet picture you posted ❤️


Lost my dog to Cancer at the end of 2020. Got her when I was 21. Still miss her every damn day.


Right in the feels. My husband and I eased his early 20’s dog into her next life this morning. It’s so hard and mine is the same age so I know it’s only a matter of time, though you couldn’t tell looking at her. I didn’t even think about it being that time for most of us millennials. Here’s to the furry friends who loved us despite cringe 20s


Many hugs to you, and I wish you well in your grief "Her next life". I don't know your personal beliefs, I found the loss of my pet really made me question my life-long approach of "we just rot in the ground"


Thank you for your kind words and empathy. As for my beliefs Quick disclaimer, my truth may not be the truth for others and I encourage each persons exploration and conclusions in their beliefs and all are valid I believe in reincarnation absolutely. In moments of anger and frustration with other people I like to believe they are me in another life.. though I only half believe that, it makes empathy and compassion a bit quicker. I firmly believe her spirit will walk this earth again at some point. Our spirits know each other and we may meet each other again in a different form


Thanks for sharing. Reincarnation is a new idea for me in that I've never considered it until recently. The idea has really opened up a knowledge that what my pets bring to me and others is carried on through shared experiences and ultimately helps propagate new life in some capacity. I buried my pup in a wildflower garden and I know it now has the nutrients to provide new life to the flowers, bees, birds, and so on. Circle of life and all that


Parents just put theirs down at 15 (I’m 37) and mine is 15 too. Our other dog we put down at 12… got him at the same time 15 years ago. It’s sucks but it is what it is! They live a great life!


Yes, the capacity of grief is only as large as the love


Yikes. This post is tragically poignant. Husband and I have 3 collective dogs we brought into the relationship (together 7 years, married for 3) we had our first big loss on the 8th of this month. The two remaining dogs are both 9 and large breed. It is fuckin rough.


Feels bad when your dog looks at you and basically tells you its time. Had to take her to put her down and then pick her cremation remains.The first 2 dogs i had I was much younger and my parents did everything. When I had to do the tough decisions it was much sadder


Yeah, that moment of an animal saying it's time is a horrible feeling


Almost five months ago now I had to put my 7 year old dog down due to throat cancer. It was so sudden and is continuously the hardest thing I’ve had to accept each new day. Nothing has been the same since we said goodbye in October and I don’t think it ever will be again. I have a new puppy now that brings me happiness, but he was something else and I miss him more each and every day. I’m sorry for everyone else here too. They were so special.


I grew up in a really tough/abusive family environment and estranged myself when I was 18. Perhaps a bit naively, I decided I wanted a dog by my side--with no family, I felt like having a pet would keep me grounded when my mental health got bad as I dealt with the rough transition into adulthood. So three months after I left my family I got my dog. At that time, my family was still sending me abusive messages via social media burner accounts, and told me the dog would die under my care/I'd give it up in a week because I couldn't take care of it. My little old man is 11 years old now and has never left my side once. I've moved states and even internationally since I got him. He's saved me from the darkest pits of sadness and prevented me from making bad, irreversible choices when things were at their worst. Now, my life is basically a dream--I'm working in my dream career, I'm living with the love of my life, I am very financially stable. Late last year, my dog was diagnosed with later stages of heart disease--basically he's got a grade 6 murmur and the Vet said he's at the "B2" stage of heart disease. The next "step" after this stage is basically heart failure. He's on Vetmedin which apparently does really well at helping dogs at this stage have prolonged life and prevent full on heart failure, but it's not a guarantee. His energy levels are still high, he's eating and playing, but he coughs and gags a lot, especially when he gets excited or is playing. It's pretty hard on me sometimes and I cry sometimes when I realize that it will be sooner rather than later that I lose my baby. It feels like a lifetime ago that I left my family and started on the path to my new and better life, but it feels like the time with my dog passed in the blink of the eye, even though both things happened at the same time. I of course accept that it's going to happen and I'm very lucky to be in a position where I can now afford to make him comfortable in his last moments whenever they come, but it breaks my heart that he can't spend another 10 years with me, enjoying the good life he helped me stay on track to build. I wish I could tell him in words he could understand how much he's done for me.


Dang, I'm proud of you for finding your dream life. And I'm glad you have had your pup to help ❤️


I'm so sorry. Thank you for giving him a comfortable ending. I totally empathize. You're losing the one who was there for you through it all. You will get through this. You're so strong. Wishing you peace in the coming months. Go ahead and tell him in words. He will understand. When I lost my heart pet I thanked him a lot. He knew.


When my cat that I'd adopted after I got my first post-college job at 21 passed away when I was 33, I grieved the loss of my early adulthood just as much as I grieved his loss. That was the first time I felt middle-aged. I still love you, Toby. 🩶


That's how I feel after my recent pet loss. It's nice to know I'm not alone, I feel dramatic saying it but I truly felt my young adulthood passed with him. It's been hard to reconcile


Oof this hit me. I’m 29 and have a 12 year old dog who has declined rapidly in the last few months. He’s paralyzed in all 4 legs, has a liver condition, and needs pretty much 24/7 care at this point. He’s had surgery and lots of medication, but I was told recently that nothing else can be done. I’d do (and have done) just about anything for this guy. He’s my best friend. I know I’ll have to make an impossible decision soon, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about losing him. He’s been with me through everything. How am I supposed to just move on without him? It’s unfair. I experienced loss as a kid, but this is the first pet I had as an adult. Until I have to say goodbye, he’s being treated like the king he is.


Gen X. It doesn’t get easier.


Man. Yeah. My first dog and best friend was my graduation gift to myself (masters). Died in ‘22. I keep his collar on my pull up bar. He’d want me to keep going forward. I doubt many will even read this but a few months after his death I had the most intensely vivid dream of seeing him and my wife get off a bus, I was catching up with them on a rainy day in Boston. I. Never. Dream. I woke up so happy and then immediately had my first, I guess it was a panic attack? I was hyperventilating and breathless because I thought it was actually real for a moment. I cried so hard but I’m still so thankful I got to feel his presence one last time. Annnd I’m crying again lmao.


I lost my dog in August after nearly 14 good years together. He was an amazing boy, and the grief was/is hard sometimes. Luckily I have a very supportive husband, and I started therapy to help me work through my emotions. We are thinking about adopting again in June, and I plan on spoiling him/her immensely. I’m also going to plan ahead and get pet insurance this time. The last two years of my former dog’s life were very expensive, but I don’t regret a cent.


I'm going through this right now. I'm 35 and my dog of 10+ years has cancer. I can't even afford to take myself to the doctor, let alone cancer treatments for a canine. I've been showering her with love and attention every chance I get. Weeknights and weekends are all about Maggie. Saturday and Sunday hikes, followed by "jamming out with the windows down" and pup cups. Morning cuddles before I start getting ready for work so she can start her day right. I'll think about the end and just randomly break down. I didn't even cry when my grandparents died. I'm not ready for this.


My heart goes out to you. It makes me happy that you are focusing so much on your pup. I gave mine such a fantastic last day, I threw him a BBQ and let him eat as much as he wanted. I only had a week between a sudden event and his passing. Give yours much love, and i wish you as much presence with these most precious of moments


We lost our boys in 2022 and 2023 and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. One of my dogs was my 20th birthday present from my now husband, and we got the other one six months later because he needed a friend. Those two saw me graduate college, move to a new city, live on my own for the first time, they were patient when I worked long hours at odd jobs just to get by, and we all loved being home together during COVID (honestly, best days of my life were the early days of 2020 where we just took lovely spring walks and didn’t have to do much else besides snuggle and hang out). I have a new puppy now, and even though I thought I could never love another dog even close to what I felt for those two dogs, I can feel my heart expanding to make room for my new guy.


I feel you on the COVID front. I feel lucky that I was able to work from home and give them love. I am also lucky enough to have continued working remotely and took my dogs out mountain biking at every chance I could. I am glad you have a new companion ❤️


Lost our first in 2022. Her little urn sits on my desk, so she's always close by while I'm working. Time eases the pain, but the loss will always be there.


I buried my late pup in my wildflower garden and kept his tag. It comes with me on every adventure and bike ride


I had to say goodbye to my 20 year old furry best friend in January. The grieving process has been tough. She was pure sunshine and unconditional love. If I could give up 20 years of my life to give her another 20, I would in a heart beat.


Oh thank you. Its not just me? My dumb orange cat is 13 and has been declining for a bit but more so the last 6 months. He was my first baby. Got him at 22 and now my kids love him so much. It will be rough for us all. Sympathy to all. We don't deserve animals.


I literally just finished napping with my (almost) 11 year old cat. I keep begging the universe for another 8 - 10 good years, but I'm thankful for every day with him. I will miss him SO much when he's gone. Hugs to those who've lost and/or are currently losing their beloved friends.


I lost my sweet kitty, Huey, a little over a year ago. I had him since he was just a little kitten. He passed when he was only 5. I was 25 when I got him. He had some genetic condition and had renal failure. I still have his picture as my phones background. I miss him so much! I have his sister from the same litter plus 2 other cats and a dog. I love them all very much, but there is a void. He was my shadow.


My oldest boy just turned 11 and it makes me so sad to think about. He's pretty spritly though!


I must be a glutton for punishment, as I have adopted older cats and ones with special needs. I lost one of my boys in 2021 and the other in 2022. They were the sweetest, friendliest cats and not a day goes by that I don't think about them. Life has not been the same without them. Since their deaths, I have adopted 2 cats. One of them is already going to be 10 this year.


I'm so sorry to everyone losing their pets. It never gets any easier. The past couple of years we've lost a cat each year. One was old, it was her time. It was hard to lose her, but I recognized that she was ready. But the other one was hard. We only had her for 6 years. But she developed cancer. I'm looking at my other cars and dreading the day we have to say good bye. We adopted a litter of cats, so they're all roughly around the same age. So I have a feeling they'll go around the same time. It will be hard saying goodbye. But they were so loved and will continue to be loved even if they're physical bodies are no longer with us❤️


You are a very kind soul ❤️


My dog is 10 so hopefully I still have some more years with her, but she now lives with my parents who are 2 hours away (long story but I moved back in with my parents from 2018-2022 and when I moved out to a new city, we decided it was best for her to stay in their home since she really loves living there and has a yard and my parents are home most of the time so it would be a better situation for her than moving back into an apartment with me where I’d be away at work 8 hours a day) so I often think about how I probably won’t be there when she passes. I visit as often as I can, usually 2x/month on weekends and when I have time off work, but realistically I probably won’t get to see her on her final day, and that just makes me so sad. I’ve had her since I was 22 and she helped me navigate living on my own for the first time post-college in a new state.


I’ve lost two dogs in matter of 3 years.


I got 3 cats in my early 20s. I turned 40 last year. I lost the oldest one in Jan 2020, that was hard. Then in March and April 2023 I lost the other two about a month apart. Words can’t describe how hard it’s been without my little tabby trio. ❤️‍🩹


Ugh I lost my little dog that I got when I was 22 (I'm 39 now) We had to have him put down this last December. It was awful 😔


My soul dog who got me through recovery from an abusive ex, multiple medical diagnoses, and the worst depression of my life was diagnosed with mass cell lymphoma in September. He’s only 11. We tried multiple types of chemo but were unsuccessful. He’s still active but I’m watching him slow down a little more each day and it breaks my heart that there’s nothing else I can do but make sure his last few months are the best they can be.


My cat turns 11 this year and I am not happy about it. It's gonna suck ass when he passes but learning to appreciate the years I have left.


I feel this. We got our first dog in October 2008 when I was 21. That was the month after we got married. We then got our second dog in June 2009. They both had to be put to sleep last year in June and September aged 14 and 15. It was completely devastating and I still cry about it.


Very late millennial here, I'm 27. My just turned 16 yesterday. I've had him since I was 12 (got him at 1 year old). That's almost half of my life and almost all of his. I think about his eventual passing every day and I dread it so much. He's seen me through so much and was the only reason I stayed alive at some points.


I completely understand, my pets have kept me alive as well. I'm glad they have supported you, and I wish you and your fuzzy one well


My cat of 14 years passed away the summer of 2019. Thinking back, I wonder if she chose that time to go to protect us from the pandemic bc I brought her to every vet in my area to help her. RIP.


My mom and I adopted a dog when I was in college, months before her cancer diagnosis.  That sweet old dog was my best friend for my very lonely 20s.  I would not be here if it wasn't for her.  She passed on October 1st. Going through the grieving process for her was almost just as bad as losing my mom.  It was like losing mom all over again in a way.


36 here. I got my cat at 22 and had to put her down in November of 2023. Also lost my grandfather in 2020, uncle in 2021 and grandmother in 2023. ​ Only remaining family is an aunt and a mom, and my dog who I got in 2022. I'm in a fresh relationship and starting to think that kids may not be in the cards for me..... so it is pretty grim realizing that in the next 10 years I'll probably be completely alone when my mom and dog pass.


This one hurts. My baby is 13 and slowing down drastically. We got him three days after college graduation and are now married with two kids. He was the only one home with me when I found out I was pregnant with our first. I sat on the floor with him and cried (happy tears). Every night my toddler climbs into his bed to give him a snuggle goodnight. Every afternoon he waits for my kindergartner’s bus with me. I work from home full time, and he follows me EVERYWHERE. Even our two year old knows that Pup will follow mama, no matter what. I am actively dreading the day we lose him. It’s going to completely crush me.


Lost two dogs in the past 7 months. One was my college graduation gift to myself, she lived for 15 1/2 amazing years. The other developed very rapid onset anal cancer. Luckily we have the means to do in home euthanasia and a pet cremation center nearby who picks up the remains and takes care of everything. It's horrible getting used to not hearing their toenails click around the house.


I had my dog of 12.5 years pass away back in 2021. He wasn’t as active the last few years and I was too busy with work and family to give him the same dedicated time like I used to in late 20s. However being at home 2020/2021 allowed us to stay with him until the end. I told myself back on NYD 2020 that this was going to be a rough decade. With family, friends, pets, and parents getting older I’m been mentally preparing myself for what’s to come so it won’t hurt as much when it happens.


I have an 11 yr old dog after losing my other at the early age of 9. I often bust out in tears just thinking of losing her


My dog is 13 and I’ve had him since I was 21. Aside from cataracts and losing some teeth I don’t want to jinx it and say he’s good but I spend so much time every day thinking what I’m going to do when he passes and already crying about it. I pray to god all the time that I have him for as long as possible. I’m not religious but it’s the only thing I can think to do. Hes the one constant I’ve had my entire adult life and I can’t imagine my life without him


We lost our porch cat last summer. She showed up right after we bought our house 11 years ago. It was the first pet I'd lost as an adult and it hurts. Our other cat is 19, we've had him since he was a kitten and he is my literal child. I know his time is coming and it kills me thinking about our lives without him.


My pup died this summer at 15. My other at 11, 5 years ago. Definitely rough. I'm 36 and am starting to lose several friends a year as well.


I'm 32 and a little over a year ago my beloved 19-year-old cat died. He was already 11 when I adopted him at 23, so I didn't have him in childhood, but my time with him was a beautiful part of my life I'll never forget. I was sad until I thought about how happy I was that he got to spend his last years with me and he was there with me through many struggles. I love you forever, Sass 🐈‍⬛


We just lost our dog last week. It was terrible and unexpected. We are absolutely heart broken.


My 16 year old cat died last October. Her adopted sister is now in kidney failure, she’s 16.5. And my dog, almost 12, has a chronic disease that is managed for now. It’s not easy. I was 23 when I got the cats and 27 when I got the dog.


If it makes you feel any better I lost all the pets I gained in that period young. My first ever pet, a cat, got a blocked urethra that we tried everything for including lots of dietary and lifestyle changes. He had to be freed from his misery at a little over 4, that was 6 years ago. Then in February my parents cat passed that moved herself in 8-9 years ago. I visited a good amount so we were very close. Congestive heart failure, poor thing was 12-13. A formerly outdoor cat we enjoyed endlessly trying to help with an itchy skin problem.


I have a 12yr old lab retriever, 14 yr old cat and a 15 yr old cat... I’m terrified they’re all going to go at the same time, you can tell they’re all slowing down significantly.


I lost my ESA right before the pandemic started. It was the worst year of my life but I’m glad he wasn’t around to be a target too. The cat I got after that died last year. Again some freak cancer shit that came out of nowhere… both were less than ten. Meanwhile the cat I inherited in 2020 is 14, barely bigger than a kitten, and in purrrrfect health despite a life of abuse. I’ve had cats my whole life (even had one make it to 21) but I think losing her is going to be the hardest. So far no cancer though so here’s hoping I don’t have to watch her suffer to death when it comes. I really can’t take that again.


My cat is 17 and every winter is a little scarier because she loses weight and I worry.... And here we are in spring and she's bounced back (again). It's so hard to keep thinking about her health ACTUALLY declining. My 1st cat passed at 14 when I was in my 20's. The fact that Honey is already 3 years older has me very happy but also very hyper focused on her sometimes. She's my baby and we've been through so much together. Edit- this comment thread 🥺 My heart goes out to everyone with senior fur babies or recently lost ones 💜💜


My almost-14-year-old cat died in December of 2022 and it was the hardest loss I’ve ever experienced. I got him when I was in college, at the end of 2009. He lived in three different states with me, was there though a marriage, the birth of my second daughter, and then a divorce. He was just….there. Always. And then he wasn’t. I moved last summer and while I was moving my stuff into my new place I realized it was the first place I’d live since 2009 that he would never be in. I have his ashes in a cat-shaped urn that was handmade and custom painted to look like him. It has a place of honor on the mantle, and I think about him every single day.


Just had to put my sweet old cat to rest this past week after a serious decline in health the last year. To say she helped me through some tough times would be an understatement. Cherish your pets y’all


Yeah my kitties eye is starting to cloud up again, and she has vertigo so I always have to make sure she doesn't hurt herself or go off balance. It her home stretch so I'm trying to make it as comfortable for her as possible.