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$1,100 for a studio with 7’-0” high ceilings, no window trim, cabinets too low and too close to what I assume is a stovetop, shower partially blocked by a sink, a sink not up to code, no smoke detectors and a bathroom that will be covered in black mold in a month because there is no ventilation. 0% chance this passed city code enforcement.


But according to u/OstrichCareful7715 they are "part of the solution" *they* lived in a 400 sf studio in NYC so obviously *they* are the defacto expert on living in a shed in the Florida heat/humidity🙄. Guy doesn't understand what "race to the bottom" means and that ADUs are a nasty side effect of late stage capitalism. Never seen someone with a rager so hard to become a small time slum lord.


This house wouldn't stand in a hurricane.


Are stovetops not required to have vent fans in homes?


Lmao, ya’ll are funny and obviously never been in an efficiency before. There are typically no stovetops. That’s a hot plate. My friend lived in one for a while, it wasn’t terrible but she was also paying like $350 a month so… you leave the bathroom open so it vents out. They banned them in dude county, mostly because they weren’t up to code. But they were a cheap option in an area where people didn’t have a lot of housing options. I know people are shitting on this. But when it’s between this and homelessness… obviously this price is outrageous


I’m not shitting on it, I just used to be a cook and the ventilation was a huge deal. Not only did it need to be on while cooking to reduce fires and lung damage, it needed to be cleaned regularly. You’re right I’ve never lived in an efficiency, closest to that I’ve lived in was barracks with no kitchenette


No, but they have to have a certain amount of overhead clearance. I'm going to assume putting a particleboard cabinet a few inches over heat isn't up to code.


A lot of places only if they are gas.


Or it did because the owners brother plays golf with the city inspector


And probably in someone’s backyard you have to deal with. No parking either btw. And no dogs so ya know, wither say alone in that she-shed


That’s not a house. That is a kids play house.


My kids treehouse is bigger than this


I guess you could rent that or sell it.


builder too lazy to flip the door on the only upper cabinet. omfg.


Holy shit, that would be awful


lol. i install cabinets so its stupid shit like that that bothers me. My point being is that you're loading dishes from your dish rack into the cabinet and there's a door right in your face instead of it against the wall.


That person should be named and shamed for trying to pedal this shack.


Being shameless seems to be a prerequisite for becoming a landlord


Bring back tar and feathering 


Peddle, not pedal. But yes, you are correct 👍


Thank you. Now, I'm one step closer to becoming a spelling bee world champion.


I’ll make sure to watch your Netflix documentary 😂


Burner with, what, a full foot of clearance from the cabinet?


It's all part of the flavor cycle. Your oil splashes up, sticks to the bottom of the cabinet, and in a couple of months, it falls back down into the new food you're cooking. Yum!


A full foot. What a luxury right!?


And then you don't get your liability payment back, even though it's the owner's fault for designing the place like shit


Did Florida do away with things like following the National Electrical Code and stuff? Im no expert but something about these dimensions seem like they wouldnt pass an inspection… 🧐


No need for inspections when you didn’t pull any permits 🤪


Florida doesn't operate with logic


No this person just built this without pulling anything. I can bet I'd someone calls any kind of code enforcement. They'd demolish this building for the amount of problems it has. Also you just dissed the biggest Democrat area in Florida as well.


If Texas and their "power grid" are anything to go by - following electrical code isn't something red states are seemingly good at


This looks like my 1st apartment. I paid $250/ month.


and that's about what this place is worth


My old one actually had a fridge though, not a mini.


Does this feel like feudalism to anyone else?


In some ways, it's worse.


I lived in west palm beach 10 years ago. My wife and I rented a duplex for $1,000 a month and it was 900sq feet. Has it actually gotten this bad? Idk if I can believe this is $1,100 lol


this place is worth $110, tops.


Yes, it has gotten really bad. This one is especially bad, but over season who knows. There are some places in not great areas for around this price that are less barebones, though.


I really don’t give a shit about granite countertops or stainless steel appliances. 


Stainless steel 3 foot fridge... lol


Stainless steel mini fridge lol


oh come on $1100 for a god dang shack. you gotta be shitting me here.


Am I supposed to be impressed?






Still better than living with roommates. 🤷‍♂️


It's better than living in a motel that's for sure. If you're single and trying to get on or back on your feet you'll be alright for a few months or a year.


That's $400 less than my 2br 1b with a detached garage, decent actual backyard, and driveway parking for 3 cars. In Long Beach, Ca. Like 10 minutes south of LA. Fucking crazy


This is an ADU, these are built in high density areas in people's backyards for additional income. This is not a house or an apartment. I don't expect an ADU to be anything more than it is, a roof over your head at night. This is why I will never leave the midwest again, fuck ADUs and NIMBY, just build affordable apartment complexes.


Letting people build things like ADUs/ granny flats is a part of creating more affordability.


They at least need to be to code then. This thing is a mold and fire trap.


People being forced to live in substandard shitholes in your backyard isn’t helping anyone but the home owner.


When there’s limited available housing, prices go up. When more housing is available prices go up less, stabilize or go down. ADUs are one way of many to increase supply. ADUs are generally opposed by NIMBYs, not embraced. And opposition to specific forms of housing like ADUs is a form of NIMBYism.


Except you are ignoring that no one wants to live in an ADU. You live in one when you literally have no other options. ADUs actually only increase the value of the property for the owner, no benefit is passed onto the person living in the ADU. Value goes up and down with supply AND demand. No one is demanding ADUs. What people really want is for more cities to be zoned for multifamily affordable housing instead of the tetanus infused band aids that are ADUs. You can't keep building a city outwards forever, eventually you have to build up to increase density. And you can increase density in a meaningful way that everyone can benefit from for decades to come by zoning for multifamily, or you can dig your heels in and watch the world burn by only voting for single family housing. ADUs were the last resort cases in SoCal and Florida. It was literally the only way to get NIMBYs on board with building new housing, by bribing them by making them all landlords.


If no one wants to live in an ADU, no one will live there. If people other than you want to live in ADUs, it’s one less person you are competing with you for housing. That’s how increasing supply works. Obviously actually you want to restrict supply. So own your NIMBYism but don’t be surprised when that bites you in your own ass. Building more housing means building more housing. Duplexes, multi-family, apartments, granny flats, legalized basement apartments. You may not want your live in every single one. That’s okay.


> If no one wants to live in an ADU, no one will live there. I don't think I've ever heard a statement that reeks of white privilege more than this. You seem to live in a fantasy world where no one has to do things they hate doing.


I lived in a 400 sf apartment for 6 years so I think you are living in a fantasy world. Denying the existence of housing because it doesn’t fit your perfect parameters is deeply deeply entitled.


No, you denying the construction of multifamily apartments so you can be a small-time landlord is deeply entitled. Don't know how many times I can say ADUs are a last resort to increasing density before you understand it.


I’m a YIMBY. I’m pro housing. Pro multi family, pro duplex, pro ADU. If the owner of this house is interested in tearing down his house and creating 10 apartments, I’m pro that. But if he doesn’t want that and wants to create 1 more dwelling on his property, that’s better than 0 extra. Which you apparently want if you can’t have 10.


Then the rent needs to be regulated. 1100 for that is entirely unreasonable.


Not really, ADUs are usually only allowed(as in allowed to pass as in the boomer landlords got what they wanted) after the town or city has rejected proposals for affordable housing to be built in their city. Hence why I mentioned the Not In My Backyard crowd. They shoot down affordable housing so that they can become small-time landlords with ADUs. All that does is contribute to overcrowding and a general lower standard of living for everyone involved. (Look up race to the bottom) Your city may be different but this is how it is in LA and SoCal in general.


ADUs being only allowed after affordable housing had been rejected is simply not a generalization that works nationwide


I'd say if it affects 14% of the entire population and just in one geographic area alone, it can. Again, maybe it's different in your city, but this is what it's like for 24 million Americans. I haven't heard anything about how ADUs are going in NYC but as far as SoCal and Florida, they do more harm then good.


I’d need to see a serious research paper that increasing the supply of housing has actually caused housing increases. Not just an anecdote. Because we know restricting supply, such as by restricting building, including market rate building, increases housing prices.


Dude, I don't know how to explain this any clearer than I already have. If you city can only increase housing supply by building sheds in people's backyards, it is because for decades, people(assholes) have been campaigning to keep their area zoned for a single family instead of multifamily. And nowhere did I say that ADUs cause housing to be more expensive. I just said that they are a last ditch effort to increase supply. Apartment buildings are the solution, not sheds. I don't see anyone in Paris or Shanghai living in sheds...


Dude, I don’t know how to explain to you, ADUs are part of the puzzle. If apartment buildings aren’t being created, then you need other types of housing even more. Creating some straw man of “it’s a choice between ADUs and apartments” is absurd. Obviously ADUs are low hanging fruit. Apartments are harder to build. It doesn’t mean that without apartments, ADUs should be banned too. These things aren’t mutually exclusive. And frankly this is why NIMBYism is such a big tent problem. “If I can’t have the exact type of extra housing, I want, I’ll have zero extra housing please” is no different than the neighbors opposing apartments in the first place.


I never said ADUs should be banned!!! Show me where I said that. What I did say, and many fucking times at this point, is that ADUs are a last ditch effort to increase density. And that if your city chooses to actively keep everything zoned for single family instead of rezoning for multifamily then you live in a city run by assholes that would rather be a landlord to a guy living in a shed in their backyard instead of building multifamily housing.


When you say fuck ADUs, you’re no different from a Boomer who wants status quo in his neighborhood. Neighborhoods change and grow. Incremental change is better than zero change. Incremental housing supply increases is better than zero housing supply increases. Lobbying in favor of apartments being built. Having a few more choices in the meantime isn’t stopping you. B


What about midwesterners? 


Our smallest houses are double wide permanent trailers, about 1500 sqft. They are not nearly as common as actual starter homes, though. We have plenty of land and very low population density. Our houses are extremely cheap when compared to the east/west coast (and now Texas/ AZ/CO bc of Californians leaving) My childhood home was built in 93'. It's 2700 sqft, has a finished basement and sits on a 1/3 acre. My parents paid 180k for it. Homes usually go for around 300k around here, and I live 30mins from Chicago. If you look at farm country you can easily get a house for around 200k and live in a town of 10k-20k people.


Oh okay. It sounded like midwesterners were flocking to Arizona 


They are. Bc of Intel. And snowbirds have always flocked to AZ.


What is Intel?




I could live there and be 100% happy if it wasn't in shit-hole Florida lol


It's in South florida ya know the Democrat stronghold. So keep calling Democrats that are trying to change florida shit.


WPB! not far from me.


What the actual fuck is this shack


The totally 90s ceiling as the icing on the shit cake. 😑


Why did she say stainless steel appliances. There’s only a fridge.


this is so fucking depressing


I better be able to buy that place outright for $1100 or you can shove the whole thing where the sun don't shine. I honestly think my **ROOM** in my parent's house is bigger than this whole thing.


This is sad. Making me kinda emotional at how things are these days 😞


If that were a part of a complex, that would fetch about $700 a month where I am. As is? It's a fucking shack


Looks like a campground outhouse .


Bender's closet was bigger than this.




….is this like an ADU or something? Tf is with the size of that place?


the finishes are much nicer and the bathroom is bigger, but tbh it looks exactly like my first apartment.


Looks like SoCal in 2006.


That's not granite, that is solid surface, cheaper than granite. but have same similar esthetic as granite


Why don't you move to somewhere like Mississippi? The houses are cheap! Also yeah, they'll also pay you a quarter of what they will pay you just about anywhere else but don't focus on that. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!


We don't need granite countertops! Veneer on cardboard is good enough! I just need affordable housing! I don't care if the fridge is white and stained yellow! I just want to afford something!


“Unfortunately there are no closets”. That place IS a closet.


These tiny places are lame


For that price I’d rather stay in the roach motel.


I mean, that looks like a $2100 unit if it were in Seattle


Yes, I live outside seattle and can vouch that is definitely the case. Lol


As someone who has lived in south florida I will say this is one of the nicer ones. I knew someone who lived in an “efficiency” (that’s what we call something like that) where it must have been 200 square feet, enough for a bed full size bed to fit, but had a “kitchen” and “bath” 🙃 im happy I moved out of south florida


ok but what does this have to do with being a millennial


I guess the fact that no one in our generation (an age group we are all reaching or have reached that previously used homeownership as a milestone) can afford houses because THIS is the standard for rentals absolutely has nothing to do with being a millennial


It’s just that we’re the last generation with parents who think it’s reasonable that we should own a house by now. Gen ME, Z, and some X know better and don’t say that to younger people 


My parents did the Florida move a while ago and have consistently tried to convince me (and now my wife) to move down there because "cheaper taxes). How are cheaper taxes going to help me when housing is 3x what I pay in Maryland? My mortgage for a 3 bedroom house is half of my sister 2 bedroom apartment rent down there and she's stuck in the rent trap


There is a closet! (It's the whole room)


That’s a shed 


This is a tomb




Mom? Dat you? Lol /s






sounds awful