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Political discussions are to be held in the stickied monthly thread. No discussion of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This is not the subreddit for that topic.


I honestly don't know. The kind of person who I think might actually be a good president is probably someone I haven't heard of yet. Meaning they have their head down doing their work on behalf of their constituents, without preening around trying to garner views or pricey corporate endorsements. I want a real worker, not a showperson. Preferably someone younger who doesn't come from an ivory tower upbringing, who can understand and empathize with the average American.


>"It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." -Douglas Adamas


How do you recommend we find the right person? May be we talk amongst our peers and vote on the right person? If you're not educating yourself and/or getting involved how would you be the most suited.


This doesn't work for the president, per se, but I've always been fond of [sortition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition) for the legislature. Long story short, if you select a large enough number of people at random, you end up with a statistically representative segment of the population. If you do this for Congress *and then* elect the president out of that body as in a parliamentary system, you could do a pretty good job of keeping the system from invariably distilling power down to the most ruthless social climbers.


A relatively moderate candidate with a left of center bend who a) isn't a war hawk b) is young-ish, let's say 50's c) tries to unite instead of divide. ...also known as someone who would get murdered in primaries


Anyone who wasn’t alive/full grown adult when JFK had a head


Or at least when JFK had a head without a convertible roof.


I asked for a recommendation, this doesn't help me much


Let's go with not a convicted felon.


That's not a recommendation you're just taking away from the discussion.


Based on the down votes, I guess people would rather slam Trump than add to the conversation by answering your question.


lol all they said was not a convicted felon, which is a requirement for any other important job. You’re the one bringing up Trump.


Idk but I’m getting reeeeaaaalll tired of my options being either a douch or a turd sandwich.


Those will always be the options…..


Unfortunately 😭


There's a significant difference between the two candidates. Putting them on the same level is a gross mischaracterization.


I never said there weren’t any differences, pls read more carefully. And btw they are on the same level, different yes, but ultimately both greed driven, senile old farts who aren’t even capable of changing their own depends let alone run an entire country lmao So yeah our choice is between a douche and a turd.


You know there is a lot you could say about Biden but I’ve never read or heard something about him and said “that guy only wants money”.


You should see his houses then re-evaluate. These fuckers all do it for the grey money. They are all power hungry, yes, but they really want those checks to clear.


Because he had a big house he is greedy? I guess I am greedy too since I want my paycheck to clear every pay period


All the compound interest in the world doesn’t explain their net worth. These fuckers are all corrupt as fuck. All of them. Treat them like your favorite sports ball team if you wish to.


"I never said there aren't any differences, but btw they are on the same level" lmao okay buddy, have a great day


Sure will thanks


Obviously you haven’t watched South Park lol


I blame South Park for people thinking both-sides cynicism is clever. It’s not, it’s actually very simplistic and stupid thinking.


Over this last decade I've come to appreciate a president who does not get upset by, or give response to, detractors. If you are intelligent, and are capable of turning the other cheek, you have my attention.


My ideal candidate would be called socialist or worse and never get elected, so I have resigned myself to voting for the lesser of two evils. Side note, not technically too late until they are nominated at their respective conventions.


Are we talking FDR-level socialist, or Debs-level?


We really need another FDR. Imagine having a president everyone loves.


Japanese Americans weren't huge fans of him


I hate that response, probably every part of it. But I know that we feel the same way.


Someone who is a good diplomat for our country. Is not a raging mouthpiece that stomps around and throws temper tantrums. Someone I would not be embarrassed to introduce to my son as a mentor. A person who behaves respectably, loves our country, isn't disconnected from people, able to handle the level of stress and intelligence, knows when to retire, and becomes a mentor rather than a leader. Do we have one of these as a canidiate?


RFK Jr. ?


No antivaxers


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW|downsized)


Somehow you are the only one with a technical recommendation so far. Everyone else just said something stupid. Lol


Jon Stewart.


Came here to say this!! I'm still on the Stewart/Colbert train.


Stewart sucks. He is just like the rest of the media that tries to treat both sides as equal.


The idea that we apparently can’t find ONE much less two people to run under fucking 70 goddamn years old is embarrassing.


We can “Find” one they just won’t get past the primaries because let’s face it people over 60 are the majority of the voters. They want things to stay the same or move backwards and who better to do that than someone in their age group who wants the same thing. Also we know they don’t like to relinquish power so they will hold on to it until the bitter end


Millennials are a larger group of potential voters than baby boomers or silent generation, there’s just the perpetual issue of convincing younger people to actually go vote.


People over 60 are the majority of people *who show up to vote*. They are not the majority of people who are eligible to vote. We have more than enough power to get better candidates on the ballot, we just choose not to exercise it.


I understand what you're saying, but the last 3 presidents before these two were 47, 54, and 46 when elected. So it doesn't really hold.


One that isn’t bought and paid for by rich elite assholes


Doesn’t matter. America’s death machine keeps on rolling forward no matter who is the one in charge. America needs a a whole new system that brings democracy to the workplace.


After just reading all of your perspectives on Reddit I don't believe in democracy anymore. This is the saddest post I've ever seen.


Democracy isn’t the issue, liberal democracy is the issue. In a liberal democracy, the capitalists choose the candidates, thus the workers votes are minimized before we ever go into the voting booth. We need a workers democracy.


In 2020, I fully supported Julián Castro and Elizabeth Warren. I want to support candidates with platforms and values that are people-focused and are trying to be the rising tide that lifts all boats.


I like both of them … but I also REALLY like Buttigieg. I’d be proud as hell to support him (and he’s a Millennial!)


I liked him back in 2020 also, but Castro and Warren were more closely aligned with my values, and after a while, Buttigeig started sounding like an empty suit.


Idealy? A poor person who’s grounded and in touch with the reality. Someone who doesn’t govern based on his/her magic man beliefs. Someone who understands the people and the problems the country has. Someone who answers questions and fixes problems. Someone who isn’t from the days of segregation. Or the second World War 🙄


I don't have a name in mind. I'd just like it to be someone younger (as in maybe 60 needs to be the cut off) and I'd like options. The two party system blows.


I vote AI of Mr Roger's. 😂 atleast he'll be honest.


Let’s start with age. We should have candidates with skin in the game for at least 25+ years of life expectancy beyond their role as President. There should be an expectation that they will have to inhabit a world that they’ve influenced for a significant amount of time. These folks in their late 70’s have no idea how the generations that came after them function, know they won’t have to deal with any bad decisions they make, and therefore are unfit to govern them.


Can download a pdf and reupload it to dropbox or print it out or something. That is my litmus test now. I want a tech literate president.


I'd place the bar a little higher than that. Elon Musk can do that, but I wouldn't want him as my president given how corrupt he's been lately in running Tesla.


Are we *sure* Musk can do that?


Elon Musk can’t be president anyway.


Thank Christ for that




JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois. I desperately wanted him to be the nominee if Biden dropped out 


Pete Buttigieg, Raphael Warnock, Gretchen Whitmer, and JB Pritzker all come to mind as phenomenal Presidential candidates for 2028. Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris are also solid choices as well. With the current state of the GOP at the federal level, I can’t think of a single Republican I’d consider supporting for so much as half a second.


If you said pick some one right now that you would vote for? Pete Buttigieg. Young. Smart. Can think on his feet. Seems rational. Great talker. I know his track record as mayor had some flaws but he is young enough to learn.


Buttigieg doesn't have the experience. He was mayor of a college town in Indiana and is now the secretary of transportation where he hasn't done anything noteworthy


I think he definitely could eventually be a good candidate. I like him, but he needs about 10 more years experience under his belt.




Just because you don’t know what he’s doing doesn’t mean he isn’t doing anything noteworthy. Business Insider had an article a couple years ago that Buttigieg was one of the most powerful and significant secretaries of transportation in American history, in large part due to the bipartisan infrastructure bill. You should look into it. His recent interview with Hank Green was also great.


He's following in the footsteps of other great transportation secretaries like...I honestly couldn't name anyone else who has held that office. Even the infrastructure bill isn't enough to give him the experience he needs. He needs to be a governor or in congress before I'll consider him as a serious candidate


I think that’s fair. But presidents don’t necessarily need to hold public office. Hoover was secretary of commerce and Eisenhower was in the military before becoming president. I think there’s something to be said for experience, but Buttigieg has done local government and is doing federal government now. Would seem like a sideways step to congress or governorship now.


You're using examples from 70 years ago and Hoover was a disaster. Local government experience doesn't mean anything. No one cares how well you ran the fifth largest town in Indiana. Being a senator would be a big step up from a minor cabinet position


Personally, I value local government more than being a senator. I actually think local politicians do more hands on governing than the US congress, especially lately. And he’s doing more hands on governing with the DOT than he would be as a senator. I see congress more full of politicking than actual governing. Hoover and Eisenhower were just examples that it’s been done. I mean I guess we could also put Washington and Trump in that category, so overall a mixed bag. I just don’t think it’s necessary. I think if given the opportunity, Buttigieg could do good things for the country. 🤷‍♂️


That’s the thing you can always discredit someone’s credentials and there is always some one “more qualified” but that’s not necessarily how it works right? So for a hypothetical of “pick someone you know right now” I still think he is a great candidate. I agree resume matters but sadly a lot of the country doesn’t think that (see Mr failed business, reality TV star)


Out of all of the posts I've read you are the only one who actually gives a suggestion. Well done, one person on this subreddit is better than nothing I suppose.


Who hurt you?


Most of my millennial peers. Seeing how uneducated we are makes me sad for the future.


I was all in on Buttigieg in 2020 and I would be absolutely delighted to vote for him again.


I'm fully satisfied with Biden as the president. Biden and Trump are fundamentally different. Biden works to protect the rights of minority groups, whereas Trump aims to persecute them. This distinction is critical. A Trump win combined with Project 2025 could lead to the establishment of concentration camps. In light of this, Biden is undeniably the ideal choice for president.


I wouldn’t say that Biden is ideal, but he is the pragmatic candidate. He is the safe and established choice, not a revolutionary or particularly visionary one.


Persecute who?


Trump has said that he will go after his political opponents.


Well they are corrupt treasonous criminals, soooo.... I'm ok with it


Got dang you are drinking the Kool-aid. I don't think you can name 3 bills Biden wrote in his 92 years in politics. The point is Biden and Trump both suck. Who is the greatest candidate we can find, everyone with a quarter of a brain knows this country has declined the last few years and Biden is not the guy.


Pete Buttigieg


Someone, anyone, who actually cares about seeing the country prosper. Not the shareholders or the lobbyists or the CEO’s; we the people making up the majority. Republican, Democrat, fucking Vermin Supreme, I don’t give a shit as long as they do give a shit.


I'd vote for Vermin Supreme in a heartbeat. He promised me a pony. He also said he'd take my guns and give me better ones. What more could one want in a president?


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I’ve decided it’s not possible. A genuine person either doesn’t last in politics or isn’t voted for. Look at Jimmy Carter. He was the last genuine person to be president and he didn’t get a second term. They just don’t last. And it sucks.


I'm liking Hakeem Jefferies. He took over Democratic leadership from Pelosi in the House. He will very likely become Speaker if they take majority. My most ideal right now is Newsome because he will go hard against gun violence and push for strict gun control including a new constitutional amendment that will restrict gun ownership.


Let's get a Millenial in office, the minimum age limit is 35, let's stop electing 80 year olds.


AOC, Rashida Talib, Stacey Abrams


Are you being serious?


AOC would be my choice. I love how smart she is and how she is always trying to hold others accountable. I feel like she would make a great president. AOC 2028!


Honestly, I'd vote for Fozzy Bear at this point. Everyone else has been trash *


Please just piss off with your Seppo politics.


Peter Dinklage


Pete Buttigieg was pretty close. He's incredibly intelligent and articulate, kind, talented, and assertive without being rude.


I am so here for this.


Yeah, having a cabinet level position was really good for him, I think.


What do you mean by legitimate?


The definitions that involve being what most people would consider "good".


Oh, that's fairly easy. Claudia De la Cruz.


my cat


I hate you and I hope you and your cat fall off a bridge but I actually want your cat to be okay.


Not a 77 year old felon or an 81 year old committing a genocide. That's for sure.


Biden isn’t committing genocide. You are engaging in hyperbole.


Jon Stewart! I am seriously waiting for him to run….we need someone from the outside of the political system but also someone who has been a longtime observer and researcher and critic of public policy to be inject some new perspective and accountability in our federal government.


King Charles the third


Myself, I’ll be very upfront about all the gifts and bribes I receive, but I’ll still make decisions based on however I planned anyway.


What's your name? Is that the only platform that you're going to stand on?


I’ll demand the discontinuation of proprietary cables, push for a rework of the drivers licensing standards, start an investigation on planned obsolescence, and make a national law that limits the amount of single family homes a company can own.


It's not the worst. I think that you're a little too late. Everything is on USBC now, except for older iPhones. Not the things I'm worried about but hey better than our current candidates. At least these issues won't divide the country like the current options.


There’s power cables for tvs, consoles, battery operated appliances. So much more




I didn't ask for you to bitch and moan I asked for a recommendation, I will add you on Pokemon go right now and take out your whole squad with 1 Pokemon.


Patriotic, compitant, brave.


Katherine Haywood Robert Downey Jr. Dave Chapelle Can't think of a black woman with enough power and whistleblower like mentality that exists right now, maybe Timnit Gebru So you get like 5-10 of these whistleblower-like personalitites and you reform the executive office so it works like a committee. Keep the term limits the same, allow them to impeach each other maybe, but otherwise it should be common for them to run for their 2nd term as a group. -Can't have held a high level state or federal office before unless it was their first term. -Anything they learn from intelligence agenices that indicates why we shouldn't do something for national / worldwide security and prosperity they can equalize each other so they don't get assassinated for basically no reason, because everyone overall wants to stay alive, but also do what they can to make smart decisions. -Still gives the opportunity to make some real changes due to profound solidarity of power. -Can't be bullied after serving their terms due to amassed fortunes. This should snowball after enough committees have been elected. -Has to include at least 20% of members from foreign sources of power from random countries so they're not too pre-groomed for serving one of the other branches or corporate interests too much. Only countries that have similar government structures can participate. -No conventions or party affiliations. A list of at least 100 people is composed for each election year. -Only fill in voting. All votes are listed on a website so people can independently see their vote or do their own checking on voter fraud. -There's probably a few other things I'm missing here, but I think that would probably improve the situation by like 100 for the people, and give the people in the other departments and branches enough of a headache for them to rethink their approach.


I am not American, but any Democrat under 60 would be acceptable, although someone actually left of centre would be nice.




I’ve met him. Nice guy. But he’d get ground into dust under the reality of the job.




Just to stir the pot, get Taylor Swift to run. Technically I think she could run this season, as she'd apparently be 35 before the inauguration. The reactions should be quite entertaining. Alternately, [Joseph Kucan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_D._Kucan), the actor who plays Command and Conquer's Kane. (On a serious note, both of them would be reasonably qualified if they're able to find good advisors)


Peace through power. Yeah I’d vote for Kane 😂


Maybe not ideal but RFK Jr.? Kind of surprised he hasn’t gotten more attention. I think better option than the Trump v Biden rematch.


RFK jr had a brain eating worm that actually starved to death. That might explain all of hos controversial opinions. I prefer a president that actually believes in science. His antivaxer agenda is scary.


RFK Jr is straight up nuts. We don't need an antivaxer in the white house


I didn’t say he was perfect. I agree I don’t like the antivax stance. But personally would prefer him over convicted felon and Father Time options.


Kennedy will be 71 on inauguration day


Not young, but not 82 like Biden will be either. Any candidate you prefer that’s younger? Haven’t researched Chase Oliver yet.


I'm supporting Biden out of terror over another Trump presidency. I'm not throwing away my vote on someone who has no chance of getting more than 0.1% of the vote


Rfk Jr has some good economic ideas and good ideas on the housing crisis but he kind of loses me when he goes off the anti vaxx deep end and calls himself libertarian while Supporting an "assault weapons" ban


I agree about the antivaxx stuff. But no one is going to be perfect either


We could've had a qualified female president last election with Jo Jorgensen... but nope we got the senile old guy who wants to start ww3 and the other senile old guy who helped establish terrible modern police overreach, contributed heavily to the crash of 08, and helped the student loan crisis come to fruition. Lol


Jorgensen has no political experience outside of several failed campaigns. How is she qualified?


These types of posts are always risky to respond to, but I'll give it a go anyways. On the Republican side, I'm fairly sure Dana White is prepping to be Trump's replacement. Republicans absolutely love the guy and he would be a beast of a candidate. On the Democrat side, I would argue their best bet would be with Tim Kaine. He's super qualified, he would be a strong counter to current circus politics and honestly, we could use another strong Governor in the White House, they always make the best presidents.


Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's one of the very few people who can garner respect from both the left and the right. A centrist president much needed in current divided America Edit: yes I know he's not eligible


He cannot legally be president.


Yes I know. Change that law. Martin van Buren also wasn't born in the US Edit: he was


Van Buren was born in Kinderhook, New York. He was the first president that was born a U.S. citizen as presidents prior to him where born prior to the U.S. being established.


You're right, I remembered it incorrectly. Van Buren was the only president whose first language wasn't English (but Dutch).


Rand Paul. He isn't perfect, but he hates Fauci and leans libertarian. That's good enough for me.


I am not sure that OP is even American. Their grammar and syntax are off. It makes me feel like they are posting in bad faith.


As a politically moderate Democrat, I’m a big Buttigieg fan. He’s a great communicator and has done good things with the dept of transportation. After this election, I can see a Harris-Buttigieg ticket as the next likely establishment choice for the DNC. But depending on what politics look like then, I can see the base wanting more progressive candidates.


That would be a very weak ticket


Weaker tickets have won 🤷‍♂️


I’m a big Buttigieg fan. I’m also a Californian who voted for Kamala. But she’s a drag on that ticket.