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This is hands down one of the greatest cartoons ever made. This and the Batman Animated Series should set the bar for quality of how cartoons for older kids should be done!!


Completely agree. Both series were quite dark but works of art.


I recently rewatched some of it. One thing I noticed that I didn't pick up on as a child was how the show explained the Illuminati.


Keith David is a national treasure. On another note, this show introduced me to a level of narrative and drama that I hadn't seen in a cartoon before (Batman the animated series notwithstanding). I also really enjoyed how they worked in elements of Shakespeare into the lore of the Gargoyles universe. Super cool show and it's next on the list to watch with my kids.


Top five for sure! Wow it's been a long time since I've watched this... The struggles, the drama, the high flying action, you just can't go wrong. There was always some rich evil super villain to fight if I remember right. It was this, tailspin, darkwing duck and the gummy bears filling my Saturday mornings growing up.


Friends for life through thick and thin, on another Tail Spin, SING IT!


i loved loved loved Tail Spin


I remember thinking it was awesome when I watched it in the 90s.


I need it more in my life tbh. This show has you thinking and putting pieces together. Really made it stand out and they cut it short! Should've lasted a good while


The trips to Avalon were my favorite part


One time I was Goliath for Halloween when I was like 9, and it’s still the best costume I ever wore


I rewatched the entire series about a decade ago and it was SO good. I can't wait for my kids to get big enough to understand and follow nuanced plotlines because I am going to rewatch it with them for sure.


omg, Disney do Gargoyles ‘97!


Great show for older kids for sure


I completely forgot about this show! I loved it


It's cool to go back to it and realize how much of the voice cast came from star trek the next generation.


Wait what!??? 🤩🤩


So good, ending felt abrupt and rushed .


This was the first animated series that I realized different companies animated every other episodes. The quality of animation dropped off drastically that 11 year old me noticed.


There were a lot pf fans and fan fiction with this show


I had a figure of the big purple one and you could squeeze his legs and his wings would flap. Little me liked the dark/Gothic look so much.


I had that one too!! One of my favorites.


I had that same Goliath figure also! I also had and loved Demona.


I had the VHS movie that was the chopped up first 3 or 4 episodes *and* the included VHS board game. I had all the main character toys including two different Goliaths, one with standard plastic wings, and one with cloth wings that sprang out with unclasped. I love that show almost as much as I love TMNT.


Did this show have an ending? Or did it end prematurely


It ended after season 2 after it was cancelled by Disney 🤬 and then was later picked up by ABC but it was called Gargoyles the Goliath Chronicles. And I remember someone described the Goliath Chronicles felt like it was a fan fiction. There is a noticeable difference in the chronicles and I believe the original creator was not involved. I can’t remember how the second seasons ends it’s been so long. I plan to rewatch the first two seasons and then the Gargoyle Chronicles also. I only remember bits and pieces.


As a kid watching, I remember recognizing a lot of Star Trek actor voices.


I recently re-watched the show on Disney Plus. To me (and much of fandom), the final season largely doesn't count because the original creator of the show left, and the storyline turned mediocre. He later did a comic book that took the story in the direction he intended. Anyway, I also like the new action figures from Neca.


This used to be one of my favorites!


I loved it as a kid.


Looked forward to this every time it was on. This and Beast Wars.


I used to wake up extra early before school to catch episodes on TNT before Charmed came on. Legendary show


I remember getting an offer to mail away for the vhs. I insisted on doing it though my mom thought it was a scam. I got my damn cassette 6 weeks later and had an absolute blast! One of Disney's most inspired properties.


holy fuck flashback


Still one of my favourites. Love that show.


I totally forgot I used to watch this show as a kid 😂 completely forgot until seeing this picture what a weird feeling. What network was it on?


I absolutely loved this show. One of the best shows growing up. Even now as a 39 year old I’d enjoying rewatching them. I know what I’m going to watch with my teenagers when it’s my turn to pick for movie night.


One of the best animated shows ever. So underrated. So amazing.


Still holds up


I miss this show!!!!


Youve unlocked a memory of show I miss yet cant remember.


I still have a copy of the vhs with the game set you could play.