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The “good” toilet paper lol


Charmin ultra soft. No substitute.


I’m this way with both toilet paper and paper towels. I refuse to use garbage, and it’s all expensive regardless, why not get the good stuff?


Gotta go triple ply in my household. My wife will suffer nothing else nowadays.


lol same! I can't stand the super thin stuff that just dissolves when wet


I know! You might as well be wiping with your bare hands 🤮. I like the giant pack of Kirkland toilet paper from Costco. A lot of toilet paper for a decent price.


Scotts life forever


Yeah Charmin leaves pieces behind....eww. I'll take sand paper over soft little disgusting pieces left on my body. They had a whole ad campaign claiming that they don't leave pieces behind and yet they are the only brand that I know that does.




Oh yes this is a Charmin double ply household, I will not be wiping my ass with Scott’s sand paper.


Get a bidet.


Bidet + good toilet paper = swell life


Tailoring my clothes. I’m a 5’4” man. Nothing fits off the rack. The comfort and confidence I get from wearing clothes that actually fit is worth the money


God, tailored clothes are the best. I’ve got some incredibly nice pieces of clothing that I knew did not fit when I purchased it but could have it addressed by a tailor. Got a $8,000 Yves Saint Laurent pea coat for about $200 because the owner/friend lost so much weight and couldn’t be bothered to get it tailored. I happily did and 12 years later I still rock that bad-boy when the weather is right.


Pants should always be tailored. Very rarely does anything fit properly on anyone off the rack. I definitely approve of your splurge.


I also have to tailor tons of stuff as a petite girl! in the same vein - high quality clothing made of natural materials. my first cashmere sweater was a game changer.


I should try that. I'm 5'4" too.


Have you heard of Under 5’10?


Yup, and Ash & Erie, and Peter Manning 👍🏽


I’m also on the shorter side but it’s usually just pants I have an issue with.


As a 6’4”, athletic 230lbs, me too. Shit is made for people with big mid sections and not fit bodies


I need to try this as 5’5”.


Travel. After my father (who was a massive workaholic) died unexpectedly at the age of 55 I realized how stupid it was to wait until retirement to really do the things you want to do because there's no guarantee you'll even live that long. Also, touring Broadway shows. Can't get enough of those.


I have been to many travel destinations as a solo traveler that most people would consider “couples” destinations: Fiji, Bali, Maldives. I had no hesitation about any of them. Why wait to be coupled up to go somewhere when it might not be there when you’re ready? Tahiti and Bora Bora will get checked off at some point.




Add Mo'orea to your list. Tahiti is the main island and is mostly city. Bora Bora is incredibly beautiful, but we actually liked Mo'orea a little more. There's more to do on the island, like ATV tours (or just rent if you wanna go solo) and visiting the juice factory/distillery.


Will do. When I say “Tahiti” I really mean “French Polynesia” as a whole. Mo’orea was one of the islands I looked at in 2021 before deciding on Maldives.


I kind of assumed that's what you meant, but figured I'd throw it out there just in case. Lots of people only know of Bora Bora, which is a shame.


Yeah, while it was a mismanaged mistake in many ways, I do not regret using part of a smallish inheritance on traveling for a month and a half straight while in between jobs (planned). Travel and enjoy life while you can!


Same. Mom died at 52. YOLO. Time ain’t promised lol


This. I will never regret the money spent on travel while I’m young. Even for those who live well into their retirement years, they often don’t have the health or stamina to travel.


Any recommendations for credit card rewards from your personal experiences? My father passed rather suddenly and unexpectedly in January and I don’t think he ever left the country. I’m inheriting enough for a modest retirement now but I’d rather keep working for at least a few more years and would like to travel more, now that I have the means. I’m looking pretty hard at the Schwab AmEx Platinum at the moment but also have the Chase Sapphire cards in mind. Also, what’s been your favorite destination so far?


I have both the Chase Sapphire and one of the United cards, but I travel a LOT for work. If you have a preferred airline, then going that route can be nice if airfare is a priority for you. Otherwise having a points agnostic card like the Sapphire is great— we’ve used it extensively for both airfare and hotels, and it comes in very handy for those trips where prices just refuse to come down.


I once flew to Orlando FL from Wisconsin JUST to see the last performance of the first US Tour of Spring Awakening. Worth it. 10/10, would do again.


I agree. I unexpectedly lost my dad last fall at 62. He, too, was a workaholic and I see myself turning into that. The brakes slammed on when he passed and told my husband that I will do all the traveling I desire and take time with our kids. My daughter and I love traveling Broadway shows and catch them as often as we can in our town.


Fitness. It's always been something I'm more willing to invest in because health is wealth. I'm not the best at working out alone, and fitness classes have always been worth it to me. I'd rather spend money and be active than not spend money and end up being much less active. I know there's plenty of more affordable options but I am not motivated to do them on my own.


I’m all about this. I ran in college and learned that nice clothing and gear makes it so much more enjoyable which encourages you to keep doing it. Proper shoes can be expensive though also make a world of difference and prevent injury. I’ve used the same mindset as a reason for being comfortable with spending more on other health-related hobbies like cycling. My wife has gotten into orange theory and loves it but feels guilty about the cost of membership. But I see it as an investment in health because medical appointments also cost plenty of money in the long run


I meet a personal fitness goal -> I reward myself with a nice piece of workout gear, like new leggings or cycling cleats or a fitness watch -> I feel better about working out -> I keep going to my workout classes -> see step 1 It's been very effective 😂


Books. I buy them, hoard them, tsundoku them, never get around to reading them


The best take I saw on this is creating a library is like building a wine cellar. You don't pressure yourself to drink every bottle of wine you purchase on the spot, and you don't feel shame or laziness or anything else about having a collection so you have the right wine for the right occasion. When you buy a book, you are buying the ability to enjoy it at its exact right moment, and it makes more sense to have a library full of unread opportunities and options than exclusively a graveyard to what's already been consumed.


Omg this comment wins!!!! This is so beautifully stated and could not be more true!


Wow thank you for helping me justify my growing collection of books


Ha!! Just passing along the perspective shift that totally helped me to do the same. It was a TikTok by this cute old man reader and it resonated for me so hard. I'd feel weird about how many unread books I had and like I was some kind of poser (loool) despite how much I really do read. Now I collect with no shame and circle back to it when the mood so strikes (:


This is so lovely. I've been feeling guilty lately for the piles of books I have that I've not yet read but knowing I will read them when they are meant to be read makes so much sense!


This such a great/guiltless way to think of it! my TBR pile no longer makes me feel bad, thank you!!


I love this. I'm using this to assuage my guilt from now on over my TBR pile!


I grew up checking out dozens of books from the library every month and loved it, but always said that someday when I had enough disposable income, I’d buy books to support all these authors (and have a large home library since I love to reread books). Living the dream now!


Me, too!! I spent my summers with stacks of library books. And yes it’s always good to have something you read ages ago somewhere on hand at home so you can re-read or just dig up a passage :)


Yes! Or maybe they go out of print and you can’t easily access them again.


Buying books and reading books are two different hobbies


I buy them because I want to read them. What ends up happening is I’ll read a chapter or two, get distracted by another book, read the acknowledgments of that book, get distracted again, and on and on and on. They will all eventually be read or I wouldn’t have bought them. For fiction, I usually buy and binge-read in a sitting. If I don’t read them it’s because I’m not yet ready for the emotional commitment to binge lol


As someone who has purchased 10 books in the last 5 weeks, same.


are you my wife? it confused me at first. now i find it charming having unread books all over the place. she does read them eventually. i hope she has space to have a mini library sometime :)


Lol ditto! I was bored the other day & was like, I need some more books as I glanced at a stack of 5 books I haven't read yet.. lol


Shoes. Not for fashion but for quality. The difference between newer, quality shoes and old or cheap shoes makes a huge difference.


YES. I am currently wearing a pair of Frye boots that are over 10 years old and were not cheap when I bought them. But I get em shined and resoled every other year, and these things will last forever (hopefully). I also have three pairs of full price Rothy's. They also hold up well, and are proving to be a solid investment!


Omg, yes. For me it’s my work shoes. I have exactly one brand of shoes that I will buy and wear for an eight hour shift. I work on my feet. I don’t have time to be miserable.


Yup. What’s your brand?


SAS freetime. I usually buy mine on eBay in gently used condition, as my budget is still $20. They would be worth every penny even if I had paid full price. $180 is the normal price.


New Balance 547 Classic changed my life


Shoes for sure, but I'm a 13 4e. New balance is the only sneaker that fits me. Work boots have more options but still get the good quality ones.


I’ve gone full through from cheapest, to mostly unknown/obscure brands, to top dollar Nikes and Adidas, to super comfy New Balance and Allen Edmonds, to high end Dolce & Gabbanas, Guccis, McQueens, and some Suicokes, to stuff sold in gas stations or Walmart. You’ve really got to know what you are buying and if the materials/build quality is garbage. I have picked up different pairs of *all* designers/brands to discover some are incredibly well made and others that are impractical and look like they won’t last or be comfortable. Now that said, my expensive shoes are no doubt the most uncomfortable but also the best looking. It’s some of the midrange brands that you go with but buy their more premium models. Speaking of which, every brand/designer pretty much will make economy, mid-tier/standard, premium, and ultra-premium/flagship. Never buy the economy models of any expensive luxury brand. No matter the price/deal/sale - they are almost always garbage quality. Paying just a little more than the average shoe cost can go a long way.


Yeah and bad shoes can fuck up your feet which is way more expensive


Travel for me. I'm generally a solo traveler, but I have the income of a DINK household. I have disposable income, and I like to treat myself. Depending on the length of a flight and the departure time of the flight, I have become more willing to pay to sit up front. Red eye flights? Night time flights? I'm either going to sit in the middle (premium economy) or up front (business class - lay flat bed) for the comfort and increased ability to rest.


100% agreed, when I travel I'll spend more for a comfortable ride, arriving to a destination fresh and ready to go is so key.


This is my first year with the ability to do this. My wife and I are going to Italy. I’m really excited


I spent an obscene amount on my fully integrated bidet toilet. Rationalized it by the fact I use it every day. It's my most prized possession now.


After 3 weeks of traveling through Asia back in May, one of my must haves in my next home is a toilet with a built-in bidet and heated seat. GAME CHANGER. I will get a bidet seat add-on for my home toilets at some point, possibly later this year.


Kohler Eir. Highly recommended. Heated seat. Deodorizer. Heated water (adjustable). Adjustable spray pressure, locations, patterns. Auto open/auto close/auto flush. Built in dryer. I haven't used toilet paper at home since October 2023. At some point I will break even on the toilet paper cost lol


just googled it. It's $6k! I think the highest I'd go is like $2,500


There are some really good options at $2500 also.


I'll be honest I've never reeally looked into bidets other than the toilet attachments they sell at Costco? Would you recommend dabbling in those retrofit kits before taking the plunge to a full blown bidget?


I'm a research and jump in deep end kind of guy. It's a toxic trait. The attachments are a cleanliness improvement but the child water and lack of adjustment on some of them feel like a garden hose back there. The fully integrated ones are just so much more comfort with the heated seat, drying, heated water, etc. You can get good ones for 1k even. But keep in mind they need a dedicated 20amp circuit for the good ones. So it's best to upgrade to these during a bathroom renovation when the walls are already open.


Alright. Thanks for the response. I will start doing some research and see if it's worth getting one for my family.


Check out bio bidet, it's the best. Costs about $200, and is super easy to install. Just screw it into the base, connect a t valve to the water line and tank, and plug the seat into the wall. You could even get some cable tracks if you want it to look super professional. You can do it if you've got even a basic understanding of plumbing, and if you don't just watch their videos. It's got a remote, heated seat, adjustable flow pressure, location, and temperature, eco mode, night light, dryer (the hottest setting is really too hot), and even fucking memory settings for 2 people on the one I have. It's also got a child mode which I haven't had a use for, but I'm assuming it just makes the flow more gentle, idk. Take it from me, this thing will clean the worst of messes, and you won't be disappointed. I have become a bidet evangelist after purchasing the product. Also it's a must have for hemerrhoids. Apologies for any TMI, but it's just that good of a product.


the bidet heist is being planned right now.


Visit Thailand. Experience the butt gun. It will change you.


i lived in SEA for several years.. i hated the butt gun. it never got even remotely close to clean, and then would make toilet paper useless because of the water and would fall apart. i never used it unless it was the only option (no tp)




Means it's all built into the toilet. No wires or pipes or nozzles sticking out. Looks like a sleek regular toilet. A lot of countries have a separate bidet next to the regular toilet. These are all in one.




Once I bought my TOTO Neorest I knew my life was changed forever. It really was like the toilet episode of South Park.


Honestly more so than the amazing cleaning qualities of the bidet, a heated toilet seat was GAME CHANGING for me. Had my first one in Japan, had to get one at home. I’d buy a toilet seat with no bidet if it was simply heated, but having a heated bidet is LUX. Never have to sit on a freezing cold toilet at home again.


My house cleaner. Having a house cleaner who can do a better job than me in 2 hours on a Tuesday versus 7 hours on a Saturday for me has made me a better wife and mom. Husband and I never fight about household chores or cleaning and I get to spend that extra time with my family. Worth every penny


Yes! My business mentor says successful people leverage their time and calculate ROI. I do this too.


I am a business owner so that’s EXACTLY how I justify it. Buying back my time has immense value


Same! Now if I could just find a laundry and dish fairy 🤣


I take my laundry to Fluff and Fold service. It costs me about $60-90/month but it’s worth it, especially as a single disabled person who lives alone. I used to do my own laundry at that same laundromat, and was spending about $30-$60/month, but I’d have to give up my entire day a few days a month. With the Fluff & Fold service, I’m taking it to that same location, but I drop it off and it’s done the next day, and folded nicer and neater than I ever could. I’ve decided that if I ever become able-bodied again, I’m still going to use the Fluff & Fold. It only costs me a little bit more money, but it saves me a *TON* of time.


This is interesting! So do they wash it or just fold it?


Yep! They wash, dry, and fold your laundry (or hang it, if that’s what you request). It’s been a complete game changer for me and has saved so much time and frustration, especially since I got hurt. I *highly* recommend it for anyone who is able to budget just a little more money for it each month. It’s completely worth it, in my opinion.


I’m going to look into it. Thanks!


You’re welcome! I hope you’re able to enjoy the free time it buys back for you. Life is short, and definitely too short to be spending our free time waiting around at the laundry mat all weekend.


Agreed 100%. I really appreciate not having to clean my toilets.


I don’t even own anything to clean my toilets anymore. I would quite literally die for my cleaning person she does such a great job.


I'm almost at this point in my career earnings, all I need is laundry folded and dishes done and a goddamn worlds of weight would be taken off my mind.


I cannot wait to splurge (back) on this.


good coffee


Also, a good grinder and maker. $60 and $180 (pre covid) was worth it!


Care to share your gear? Those prices don't make me recoil in horror as many of those pieces do. I think my grinder is fine, but I'm intrigued by the fancy makers, which could open up doors my French press does not.


I had multiple heart attacks and had to stop drinking coffee but when I did I never cheaped out. For me now it's good peanut butter. Skippy or nothing. I'll buy almost everything else store brand, but store brand peanut butter tastes like wet cardboard to me.


I came here to say quality tea 🫖


Bingo 🫵😉


My dog


My dog gets top notch treats while I buy Dollar Tree snacks for myself.


Same 🐶🥰 Side note: I strongly recommend pet insurance if it’s available to you. I got it for my older dog right before he required emergency surgery and it reimbursed me 90%!


I don’t have health insurance but my 12 year old dog does 😝 priorities lol


We just got it this year ! Woohoo. lol and that’s good hope your pup is doing good after surgery


He is, thank you very much 🩵


Same! I don’t want kids, so I love spoiling my dog, she deserves it! She is currently obsessed with Dunkin Donuts doggy treats!


Weed and edibles from the dispensary.


Yes sir!


Obligatory "grow it bro" :) It's way easier then folks make it out to be.




I love berries as well. They are much cheaper on Amazon Fresh right now and tasty!


Air conditioning. I live in the Mojave Desert and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna keep my house at 78-80. 70 for sleep, 74 daytime. Sweating balls in my own house is unacceptable.




Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


* A good mattress. The older I get, the more trouble I have sleeping. It's important to get good sleep for health, mood, and job performance, so I'm willing to splurge a bit on a mattress. * A comfortable ergonomic setup. This includes a standing desk/platform and a top-quality chair. I've had back pain since I was 30, so I try to minimize it. * Eating out. We eat out more than we probably should, but sometimes there's just not time/energy to cook after work.


My wife. When you put it in quotations like that it makes it so much dirtier. Still, my wife.


Home repairs. I'm a frugal bastard in many areas. But when it's time to drop that money on repairs I'm willing to spend the money to get the look or quality or functionality I want in an upgrade. Cannabis. I don't even smoke weed anymore but now that it's legal in my state I love having nice quality "mature" looking supplies and stocked jars of this and that. Books. I have a decent sized library of books and I love reading. All non-fiction for knowledge and betterment. I have a rule, no book goes on the bookshelf until I've read it completely. Men's fashion. Especially shoes. It just makes me feel so snazzy. Double monk straps here, woven summer loafers there. Or nice chunky wool overcoats for colder months. I love it all.


Oh damn! Wanna get married?


I'm with you on the home repair. I'll gladly pay a premium for the best contractor in town


Top shelf kush


Five guys. Like once a year.


Sounds like a lot of work.


Had it recently, and I wasn't nearly as impressed as previous. I think for the $20 I can get a better, local burger, but then I'll need a drink, so $30. I hope it's a while before I go back there.


Organic pasture raised eggs lol


Sushi. Obviously, inexpensive sushi doesn't necessarily mean it'll kill you, but if you want quality stuff, I splurge, but only for special occasions. Also Indian food, but it's worth the expense and time it takes to cook: in most restaurants, you get a whole lot of (very delicious and very filling) food. Best bang for your buck. I guess at this point, eating out at a restaurant is a splurge...which is pretty sad.


Delivery. Like, I have a finite amount of energy and I don’t want to put additional wear on my body, heck yeah I’m gonna pay someone to deliver things I’m otherwise totally capable of going and getting.


I never really splurged much on myself, I'm a simple kinda guy. But now I have a daughter, and I could see myself splurging on her.


I'm the same way. I have a 3 year old and I don't mind splurging on him whatsoever. In the past year I've probably only spent like $200 on myself.


PC parts, I am chronically online and game a lot. I know getting a good GPU now can keep me "current" for a long time.


My DIY PCs usually last me around 5ish years. For a $2k-ish investment, a $400 per year cost is a few less cups of coffee per year.




This, my wife has a hard time with buying things so I gift her things she wants to do.


Early 2020 we had planned to go to Spain.  Well, we all know how that turned out.  Ever since then I’m more comfortable budgeting for some small trips even if saving would be more responsible.  You just never know!


High quality food


Gifts for friends and family. I send everyone I love flowers on their birthday. It just makes it special.


I don't make much money. In fact, recently took a pay cut to 80k for a career change. I also just spent 2k on a fancy coffee machine. Which sounds bananas. But if it cuts out 2-3 coffees from a coffee shop each week it pays for itself in like 2 years.


Does 80k equate to not much money nowadays?


Depends on where you live. Bigger cities with high COL? Add that to any other loans or payments, and 80k isn’t a lot. Especially, since it’s probably 80k before taxes and deductions.


Unfortunately. After taxes their bring home is probably 60ish.


Yeah I make 85k and my take-home after taxes, 401(k), and insurance is like 55k.


I stopped buying coffee when out except for very specific instances, like going out for coffee and catching up with a friend or while traveling where I don’t have the option of making my own. But one of the splurges I made after college was for a nice coffee machine. Not the most expensive one, but it’s not a $30 Mr. Coffee from Walmart. Still use it 6.5 years later. And I have an espresso pot that I’ve been using a lot lately that I love.


I would use my companies really nice espresso bar and brew my own espresso every morning during covid when no one was in office. After experimenting and playing around with it for a year, I really learned to enjoy the whole coffee making process now. I buy different beans and brew better coffee at home than any shop now and it's super calming/therapeutic making it every morning. Definitely would recommend.


Shampoo and conditioner


Settle down


Travel: My children are at the age where they remember trips. Not only do I get to show them different things but we also enjoy nice places that I never thought was possible as a kid. Honey: I hate store honey. I will splurge for good honey from the local berry stand or farmers market.


Live music


For real! Live music has been 🔥 since the pandemic ended.


It’s always worth the memories that I make and the friends made.


I was about to comment "the better seats", it's such a difference. I'll still enjoy a show no matter where I am but if it's available just get the pit ticket.


Better quality ice cream. Once you have good quality ice cream the cheap heavily processed stuff just tastes like candy coated garbage.




Honestly, I don't mind splurging on hobbies or things I really enjoy. Life is way too short to just be hoarding money constantly when you could be gone tomorrow. Not saying I'm stupid with my finances, but I'll splurge on something I really enjoy or something that makes me happy.


Books and ice cream.


Books and tattoos




On earphones. Occasionally on groceries, basically that's all




Skincare and travel


Hands down no questions asked, WEED!


My addiction, Dr Pepper Zero 


Date night meals with my wife. Get all dressed up and leave the kids at home. Spend $300 at a nice steak house or restaurant are fun 2-3 times a year.




Therapy lol


High quality food. I’m def that person who pays $8 for the “good” eggs😂






Everything my cat likes.


Hookers and blow


Your mum's face


A good mattress. Mine was like $4k without a box spring and it's the most comfortable bed ever. My boyfriend looks forward to staying over more for the bed than me (almost).


Going to the movies. My husband and I love going to the movies and we usually spend $60+ dollars. Icees, popcorn, food. We just started investing in the reusable buckets and cups.


- Milk (local dairy, comes in glass bottles)..  - Quality dog food. - Amsoil.  - Genuine Filter Queen cones   I don’t really cheap out on anything. I might *do* without on occasion, but I don’t want the headache or the waste of dealing with crap down the road.


Food- groceries and takeout. Convenience- I used to get my gas delivered but they stopped offering it where I live. I’ll pay for any convenience though. I’ll pay for delivery. I pay for someone to do my grocery shopping. I pay for someone to wash my car at my house. I’ll pay for pre cut fruit. Anything that will save me time is worth money to me. Books- without a question, I’m spending money on any book I want. I also pay for kindle unlimited.


Nice parmesan and balsamic vinegar. And tattoos


Hello Fresh. I don’t mind cooking, but I HATE meal planning and shopping for ingredients.


Frappes, Iced coffees, i used to get Starbucks or go to a coffee stand almost every day but I’ve recently cut it in half and tried making my own


Shoes/boots, guns, and experiences.


My housekeeper. Twice weekly whole house cleaning, laundry and meal prep (chopping, seasoning, dividing and storing ingredients). It gives me time back to invest in myself and my family. Worth every single penny.


They come 2x a week? And do all that? I can definitely see the value in that!


Health supplements


Food. I recently realized that I’m a bit of a food snob and never realized it I guess. Dinner, every night, needs to a big deal. I didn’t realize most people aren’t spending 90 mins every evening cooking elaborate meals 😅 I enjoy it though


Dinning out.


Nicotine. Vapes, zyns, cigarettes, cigars, chew. Doesn’t matter have it all. Always buying more. Terrified I will run out 


Pusheen plushies…heh heh everyone has their vice. Occasionally cocktails too!


Criterion Collection Blu-Rays. If I could somehow justify the absurdity, I would own 35mm film prints. Man, I miss being a projectionist. It was the best.


Energy drinks and video games i grew up playing video games and i have no plans to ever stop enjoying them as for Energy drinks i got adhd and can't properly function without them


Shampoo and conditioner


Toilet paper


My organic foods, pasture raised meats. I refuse to save money at the cost of my long term health.


Good tools, investment for life.


Healthy food. I've learned I need to eat healthy. But it's so expensive to eat that way.


Good Whiskey 🥃