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Yep. 42, work out 5 days a week, lost 40 lbs with wegovy, got lean and fit. Look better now than I looked at 25.


Ayee GLP1 crew rise up!


Seriously a miracle drug. I'm still taking it now because it has off-label benefits for me like solving my IBS issues. Here in the next month I'll be getting my bloodwork done so I'm hoping it also impacts my high cholesterol.


I'm on it and my bloodwork returned recently with everything in order, the first time in 5 years with nothing over or under the healthy normal.


Made changes to my diet and need to get on a better exercise regimen. But same.


I quit drinking and now my body feels like I’m a teenager again. Feels like new things are unlocking in my head again


I never drank or smoke, but I'm  still old and fat with horrible teeth. 


I’ve never been a big drinker. Very seldom and I can’t even think of the last time I had a drink. I’ve never smoked cigarettes either and I honestly pride myself on that. My skin always looks so healthy. Didn’t fit in with the cool kids then but I didn’t suffer the consequences.


Hell yes! I lost 80lbs about 6-7 years ago so I am happier with how I look now than I was all through my 20s, that was a miserable decade for me. I can’t wait for 40 in a couple of years though! I am digging the heck out of life.


No. I’m ready to make some changes tho. I could def be better about my diet, exercise and drinking. Been dealing with depression and it makes it much harder to be motivated to continue these changes.


This, I don't like mine fully. With trying to find time to workout on a work week and having ups and downs with depression/dealing with anxiety over the last decade staying motivated is tough to keep up a weekly routine of exercise People don't understand when I say anxiety wears your body down. Makes you feel like you've run a marathon and before you know it you're falling asleep or dragging around the rest of day.


Yes, but I lost a ton of weight. Over 40 pounds. I’m back to my college weight again and I love it. It’s the best I’ve felt maybe ever.


I hated my body teens through my 20s. At 30, I said no more. I made the choice to work on my weight so that I’ll be able to stay mobile at an older age. I started lifting. Within 3 months the weight of negativity lifted. I love my body. My headspace is totally different compared to 5 years ago.


Absolutely not, but I then never have. I've been overweight my whole life and morbidly obese my whole adult life, so being fat and ugly is baked into my sense of self. I almost want to call it body dysmorphia because of the intensity, but definitionally dysmorphia is when you perceive something that isn't true, but my perceptions are true enough - I might not be the size of the Hindenburg, but I'm at least Hindenburg-adjacent.


I've been BMI 40 and BMI 10 and always hated my body no matter if I was fat or thin.  I sometimes take senna and try to force myself to get diarrhea but it causes me to get a reaction when I donate plasma and that makes me even more useless since I need to donate plasma whenever I can 


I've never loved my body. I've always struggled with my weight, (nothing drastic, at my heaviest I was 170lbs, most of my life at 140)but that was never ever the issue. I developed very early and ended up with very large breasts (H cups) and they've never let me love myself a day in my life. Everything feels like a struggle with them. Clothes never fit, Men would harass me no matter what I wore, Was sent to the principal for 'distracting the boy's, Massive shoulder and back pain, Struggling to breathe. I hate them with every fiber of my being but a reduction seems impossible with my finances. If I could get rid of them entirely I would love my body regardless of what it looked like because it would feel functional. I've only ever wanted to feel comfortable for even a second and take a deep breath without feeling like there's 50lbs on my chest.


No, I got a very serious infection in my guts in my early thirties, and it has caused me ongoing chronic health issues that doctors have been very unwilling to offer help with. I’m in constant pain/discomfort, eating most foods makes me sick, not eating makes me more sick. And my weight will swing 10-15 lbs in a day as I deal with inflammation. Sucks.


yes because i know a lot of people who died from cancer between 35-40. i do what i can to stay at a healthy weight, but i have stretch marks, jigglyness, i don't care. i created a human, i'm healthy and pain-free, i'm happy to be alive


No. I'm fat lol


Yes, I love my body. At 31 started actually doing sports (road cycling), I was 80kg in 2 years went to 62kg, and I'm 38 now. I don't care about aesthetics though, I'm just skinny and I want that.


Hmmm no. 3 kids, and a total of 40 something weeks on bedrest really messed things up.


Eh, I should lose a bit more weight, but I do love good food more than I dislike the little love handles. Aside from that little "dad bod", everything's good. One shoulder acts up every now and then, and that's because of me not working out and having a desk job. Should throw a weight around bit more, I've been trying to build it into a habit that after work I do some weight lifting for the arm, but it keeps on slipping.


Probably not love but content, lmao. It's weird though that I was the fat one in ms even though I see now that I wasn't, just the majority of the other girls were really skinny. I'm 5'6 and hated how I looked when I had gained weight due to antidepressants and a bad diet...I think I had gone up to 156 lbs while before I was 130. I went cold turkey around 2016 and ate small portions and exercised every morning and went to down to 135. I went back on the fix my 🧠 pills late 2018 because now I get seasonal depression...yays...but I've been eating better these days and my weight hasn't gone pass 140. I'm the type of lady that feels the best with high waisted pants and loose tops and I wear my shorts to my knees or a little above them...cuz my thighs are my problem area. I'm thin up top but hate tight fitting clothing so loosey goosey is my jam. Just last year I wore my first 2 piece! I felt comfortable...thank goodness high waisted bottoms are a thing. 🙏


For the most part. I spent most of my teens and 20s self conscious about my weight, trying every diet under the sun and struggling with multiple eating disorders, and been everywhere from a size 4 to a size 20. Gained 40lbs during the pandemic, which I’ve finally lost, and I’m back at my base line which is a 14/16, but am feeling more confident in my appearance than I ever have. I think developing a personal style that works for personality and body type has really helped with that. I wear things that I feel good and confident in rather than things that are trendy. It could be the confidence, but I get tons of compliments on my style and also get hit on more now than ever before.


I love that it allows me to experience life. I see beautiful things, hear lovely music, taste incredible foods, smell my wife's hair... As far as the shape of my body goes, I probably have 10-15 pounds of fat to lose and a bit of muscle to gain, but I'm working on it.


As someone who has a tummy happening since I'm on pills, I need to look after it better. I don't know if I love it or not yknow.


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition in my 30s (but had been feeling the effects since my early 20s). Then I was hit by a car in my 20s. Looks wise, yea I would change a few things, I think that’s normal, but feeling wise? I don’t love my body, but I appreciate with everything it’s been through, that it is still supporting me. I can still walk, and that means the world to me.


I’ve been a class III obese person my whole life, always loved the body ody ody. I’m on ozempic now for weight loss and I’ve lost 96.5lbs. Can’t say I like my body more now than before.


I guess, idk, the LOVING your body thing always felt like... too much emotion to invest in something like that, I guess? I love myself as a whole person, body and mind fused together. As for my body itself, yeah, I like it. I always appreciated it from the inside, I never had that kind of toxic body hate thing, but I like it more since I lost a good amount of weight in college and got to a size/shape that feels like it looks like me on the outside too.


same here, I know I will get in serious trouble when I won't lose weight, but I am in my 40s now and I actually like my body.


I love my body enough to want to keep taking care of it. I spent years hating what my body looked like and I just won’t let it take up that much of my life again. Would I like to lose 10-15 pounds? Sure. Am I going to go back to tracking every morsel of food I eat and depriving myself of date nights with my husband or drinks with my friends? Never again. I’m healthy. I exercise 4-5 times a week. I make nutritious meals. My labs are all within healthy ranges. A flatter stomach would be nice, but I don’t lose sleep over it anymore.


It’s not that I love my body now, I’m just more comfortable with me now. I still wish I was way better looking but it is what it is.


Yes, but I plan to further improve it with workouts. I was so skinny (I was born this way, so I couldn't control it) that people who didn't know me at all accused my mother of neglect straight to her face. Now I'm more on the athletic side


I started loving my body when I stopped believing in IWL,so yes I do, and it wasn't easily won but it's incredibly rewarding.


Entering my 30’s my relationship changed drastically with my body. I’m not trying to maintain super skinny like my early 20’s and now focusing on muscle and having a healthy relationship with food.


Just bench pressed 225 yesterday for the first time in my life.


41 here. My body is…. What do the kids say…poppin’ I take extremely good care of it. Hard, sweaty workouts 5x/week which also does wonders for my headspace as well. I’m in better shape now than maybe at any point in my life. There are still jiggly bits and things aren’t quite as high as they used to be (I’m looking at you, boobs)… but I don’t care. I’m strong and fit and healthy. It’s FUN being this age without the insecurities. 💁🏼‍♀️


I was a high level soccer player growing up, always in shape, had Brad pit Abs through age 26, then I got a sit down job and have gained around 60 pounds. Compared to my peers I don’t look out of shape but have dad bod. I was unhappy with my body. I hit 40 and decided to see if I could get my abs back and for five months I dropped carbs mostly and worked out 6 days a week. I got my abs back and looked jacked. It was heavy work. I started to eat regular for my lifestyle and gained the weight back. Abs gone. I’m actually happy again with my dad bod. The reason is I know how much work it is to stay in shape, almost a full time job, and sometimes you have to accept reality. I know I can drop it and get into full health after I have more time when my kids become self sufficient.


No, I still need to lose a couple of stone to get to my goal weight.


I love my body. I love the things it allows me to do. I'm thankful for relative health. But I don't always love how it looks. I'm working on it. I don't love the nerve pain from shingles.


Yes and no. I'm about 30 lbs smaller than I was in high school, but it's mostly die to being chronically ill and not eating as much. In the beginning, I exercised more often, but now, I can't go up and down stairs without getting worn out. Sure, I like wearing smaller clothes, but I hate that I don't "fill them out" like I used to. Oh, well. Small victories, I guess.




No LOL Never did, never will Growing up in the early 2000s ranging at about 95-100 lbs was already annoying enough under typical high school scrutiny. Being an adult now at 110 lbs in a world where thick, curvy bodies are currently the trend I’ve only discovered that the constant scrutiny is not limited to high school bullies.


No. At 30 I suddenly and with a "pop" lost hearing in my right ear without apparent reason. I wear a hearing aid but it isn't like "glasses for your ears" in that you get your hearing back. My passion in life is music so this situation sucks and I hate by body for doing that. I've always been careful about noise and my left ear is normal. Oh well. Such is life.


I’m trying to love my body 🩵 I’m doing my best to get to a healthy weight and I finally decided I needed help to do it. I gained a lot on psychiatric medications so I have about 60 pounds to lose. I started taking zepbound on Saturday and finally feel free from the urge to eat everything in sight.


I look and feel like shit. It’s reflective of the state of my life in general. Plagued by chronic pain and illness to boot.


No I hate my body, Im in my 40s fat and ugly.